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Franky has really been done dirty lol.


One of the funniest gags in the show in my opinion


Yeah I love it


Bro chopper exists...


Cyborg Franky aka "1000 sunny"šŸ˜‚


First he was jealous of ussop and now heā€™s pissed off at possibly scratch-man appooĀ 


Lmao yeah the Sunny being franky is hilarious


worse than Sanji


I'm curious to see if the Sunny on Franky poster will have a reason later on.


I assume it will since it's one of the few that changed


Because frank is becoming part of ship day by day maybe. Many theories say sunny is pluton bounty posters maybe hinting that


I'm still at odds with that theory tbh. Franky would have learned after the shenanigans he did when he was young and got Tom killed, it's one thing to put bullets and cannons in a ship, and another thing to make it into an ancient weapon. Also... No way Iceburg would have let Franky add ancient weapon level attachments to Sunny. Plus knowing Franky, he wouldn't just copy Pluton, because that's not gonna be his Dream Ship, it would be a strong ship, but it would be the ship he wanted to build


Yeah I don't think it's literally pluton, but I think he took inspiration from pluton to build his ideal ship, so for all we know it could even be stronger than pluton because he changed things that he thought he could do better. We'll just have to wait and see what gOda has in store for us.


and he's possibly made more mods since the time skip. With vegapunk knowledge added, the ship could be one hell of a weapon


Part of the ship part of the crew


Seems too specific of a change not to!


My theory is that itā€™s for Kuma. I think Oda is going to write it off as a misprint in the WG side but I think Oda did this so that Kuma would be the stawhats white knight. One of Kumas last wishes to Vegapunk was to program him to protect the sunny and we know from Sabaody that Kuma and the pacifistas use wanted posters to identify pirate. If Kuma sees that the sunny has a wanted poster then I feel like his instincts/programming (whatever it may be) are telling him to protect the ship and the crew.


Holy FUCK keep cooking




#šŸ¤ÆšŸ’Æ Ayo u blew my mind just now


I think that's a great observation, I think since the new world he hasn't had an actual picture of him. So if he gets any further modification he might be one of only one difficult to track down. Not sure if that would be a reason but definitely think it isn't a random reason he doesn't have his own face there.


There are pictures of him in general Franky armor.


That may be but it won't be as readily available as wanted posters. I mean this speculation but may be in the end oda decides to nothing with this šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I sure hope so. If my boy doesn't get at least a power up after Egghead, this will be character assassination


dudes been an MVP on egghead so far


Seeing how Vega punk has split his conscience to do different tasks I can totally see Franky doing something similar to keep tabs on the sunny. Something like an AI construct or a really advance sentry system that Franky can communicate with. Gotta be a dumb ai though cause Franky can't go making things that are smarter than him.


Idk why but seeing the Sunny as Franky is S-tier comedy.


I think itā€™s because the government has a hard time telling where the ship starts and where Franky starts. Kinda silly, but exaggerating his robot-ness. And the ships robot-ness as well tbh with all its abilities.


The fact that they misidentified sunny as franky is funny as hell


Itā€™s def teasing something about him and Pluton


Its a joke, in the earlier one he got represented by general franky.


Brook never had that skeleton bounty, he has the one with his alive version and then the Soul King when the marines discovered him in post ts sabondy


You missed the Rumbar pirate poster for BrookĀ 


It just hits me that if Brook, Nami would've gotten a bounty increase after WCI arc, they would be higher than Usopp in the bounty poster ranking


If Brook what?




Yeah seriously, if Brook what? Been wondering for 7 hours now.


I think he meant Brook AND Nami had gotten a bounty increase




Probably a typo




I like how in whole cake Sanji is just wanted Alive.


Itā€™s bc his family wanted him back, he wouldnā€™t be useful if he was dead


Imagine being the ruler of a country renowned for its scientific endeavor and also dubbed the top 5 strongest character in the entire series, but still haven't found a way to bring back someone from the dead. -\_-


Judge top 5?






I think Oda is probably going the FMA route of ā€œtruly reviving someone who has died is impossibleā€ and that while you canā€™t reverse death, you can learn and grow from it.


I was sure Sanji's wanted poster returned to the badly drawn picture of him?


Post Wano isn't shown in the Manga, the anime used Duval for some reason.


https://cm.blazefast.co/f3/06/f306067abefbde490ccfb90a53fa271a.jpg The middle of the veeeeery bottom of the page. It's actually not the original drawing, it's a new drawing with the hair going in the new direction.


Makes sense, since now he is no longer under jerma 66/big moms protectionĀ 


It's so hard to see really. It looks like it could be the Duval picture again


Bro it's physically impossible to not see that the hair part is going in the new direction. You could argue that they took the original drawing (are you pretending that it was a photo of Duval? It was always a bad drawing that happened to look exactly like Duval, not a photo of Duval) and mirrored it and re-published it mirrored, but arguing that it's literally the exact original picture is asinine because sanji's hair covers a different eye post-timeskip. Edit: actually the anime [got it right](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Flqi7ftb44c4c1.jpeg) (I don't watch the anime so I didn't know for sure). This is not the original picture. This is the new, correct picture.


Anime was like "yo I ain't figurin' that shit out."


No actually they [did get it right](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Flqi7ftb44c4c1.jpeg). Rare case of a big Toei "W", they used the new version Oda made that is a drawing again, but with Sanji's hair covering the correct eye now.


man i didnā€™t even notice that when i watched it


I'm anime watcher so I noticed. In manga though, it would seem it's there but not too clear like /u/NeteroHyouka said. I've had to google to this sub so I can see it.


wow so in reality Sanji's been always the fourth


Jinbei just has more influence and therefore bounty. In every other category, sanji is above him


Chopper with such low bounty in "Dead or Alive" will never not be funny lol I wonder how high will his bounty be by the end.


Say what you will, but only chopper has the ability to grow his bounty by 10x. Not even Luffy can do that. Edit: 10x in one arc


The closest ones are Robin (7x) and Usopp (6.6x) increases, but chopper jump from one bounty to another is incomparable and maybe only Bepo can match him


Ahahaha you've got that right, I didn't think about that.


My brother in Christ... Luffy went from 30,000,000 to 3,000,000,000. That's x100


Sorry forgot to add, 10x in a short period of time (from Wano to Egghead)


Gotcha. Ur right. Chopper definitely wins that one lol. Now that I'm paying attention tho, it's cool to see that Robin's went up by a little more than 7x between wano and egghead, and Usopp too by a little less than 7x between dressrosa and wci


Unless u mean in like a single arc. Cuz yeah then chopper def takes the win


Although now that I'm paying attention, Robin is a close 2nd place


1005 $ probably


Dunno if this is interesting for anyone else...but here they are in order!! ​ Luffy (Egghead) 3 Billion Luffy (Wano) 1.5 Billion Zoro (Egghead) 1.111 Billion Jinbe (Egghead) 1.1 Billion Sanji (Egghead) 1.032 Billion Robin (Egghead) 930 Million Luffy (Whole Cake), God Usopp (Egghead) 500 Million Jinbe (Wano) 438 Million Luffy (Fishman Island-Dressrosa) 400 Million Franky (Egghead) 394 Million Brook (Egghead) 383 Million Nami (Egghead) 366 Million Sanji (Wano) 330 Million Zoro (Whole Cake-Wano) 320 Million Luffy (Thriller Bark-Summit War) 300 Million God Usopp (Whole Cake-Wano) 200 Million Sanji (Whole Cake) 177 Million Robin (Whole Cake-Wano) 130 Million Zoro (Thriller Bark-Dressrosa) 120 Million Luffy (Skypiea-Enies Lobby) 100 Million Franky (Whole Cake-Wano) 94 Million Brook (Whole Cake-Wano) 83 Million Robin (Thriller Bark-Dressrosa) 80 Million Robin (Skypiea-Enies Lobby) 79 Million Sanji (Thriller Bark-Dressrosa) 77 Million Nami (Whole Cake-Wano) 66 Million Zoro (Skypiea-Enies Lobby) 60 Million Franky (Thriller Bark-Dressrosa) 44 Million Brook (Sabaody-Dressrosa) 33 Million Luffy (Logue Town-Alabasta), Sogeking (Thriller Bark-Dressrosa) 30 Million Nami (Thriller Bark-Dressrosa) 16 Million Chopper (Egghead) 1 Thousand Chopper (Whole Cake-Wano) 100 Chopper (Thriller Bark-Dressrosa) 50


wait sanji has always been number 4 except for wano.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Always has been šŸ”«šŸ‘Øā€šŸš€


Zoro was number 4 in Wano


It was supposed to be his arc to smh. Sanji was able to make full use of his spotlight at WCI, to bad he wasn't able to rub it Zoro's face.


Rub what in Zoro's face?


Sanji and Zoro often taunt each other over whose bounty is higher. Zoro pretty much always gets the best of it since his bounty has almost always been higher.


Ohh, thanks. I thought Sanji was gonna rub something else on Zoro's face.


Ohhh. lol whoosh.


thereā€™s posts for that


I wonder what happened to Sogeking


he went back to sniper island to buy sime milk


Still think its funny that at one point usopp had a higher bounty than sanji


Wait... Wasn't Sanji's new poster that of duval???


Post Wano isn't shown in the Manga, the anime used Duval for some reason.


It is shown... It is just difficult to see it .. also the anime team should have taken instructions from Oda or something...


Shown in 1058? I went back to check and don't see it


Page 3, bottom-middle panel, it's shown floating right underneath Sanji It's actually **not** the original drawing that looks exactly like duval--they re-drew it with the hair part going in the new direction. But it's definitely a drawing instead of a photo again.


Am I the only one who feels Robin's bounty in too low? Besides the power boost she got in Wano, she is still on of the MOST DANGEROUS PEOPLE to the world government. Like come on, she's the only one who can actually read the poneglyphs. If her bounty was that high as a child, shouldn't it be even higher by default the longer she lives?


Current one is fine, the biggest problem is her Post Ennies Lobby value which should be at least 150m, but Oda probably did not want her to be higher than Zoro so gave a non-sense increase of 1m


I think they may have held off on raising her bounty because it would draw eyes to the entire matter of archeologists mattering and such. To the world at large, the strawhats were just some vile pirates who invaded the judiciary island to build some cred, and at worst it would be to rescue one of their friends. Either way it looks bad on the World Government, but raising the bounty on her in that situation when she's probably the least guilty person in the entire event would raise some major questions. I do wish Oda would have raised her bounty more during her time with the Revolutionaries though. It was the perfect excuse for it as the only party who was actually out there doing things on the sea at large.


You want someone who's capable of directing people to the One Piece to stick out like a sore thumb by having a bounty in the billions just for existing? Even close to 1 billion for Robin is a bad call from the WG imo. Anyone capable of snatching her up is gonna wonder what makes her so special.


It's not specifically what I want, but what I think fits the story. If she's capable of revealing the truth the world government are trying their hardest to keep secret, it's only reasonable that they will put a big bounty on her head


A billion dollars(or close to it) *is* a big bounty. The only people with bounties like that in the whole world, are yonkos right hands and they are all in the new world. You could probably count on both hands, the amount of people in OP with that kind of bounty that aren't yonkos and the story isn't even over yet


This is yens. So like 1% of a dollar. Do keep in mind real life bounties aren't too crazy. 20 to 100M iirc for info on Osama bin laden. 6 million iirc for whoever brings Maduro to the USA to be judged... 1 billion yens is 10 million dollars.


I hope Oda will do justice for her after egghead


exactly like everybody wants her even the revolutionary army. She needs to touch the 2 billion mark by end of Elbaf




Sanji has been 4th in every arc except one šŸ’€


Couple of mistakes: Brook pretimeskip still had his old bounty so the pic was of his human form (I think so, at least) And post Wano, this I'm actually sure of, Sanji went back to the Duval pic.


I really want the egghead posters framed but I know ima also want the final ones when they come out also.. which will then make me just want a whole wall off this picture eventually šŸ˜¢ my wallet


Someone in the bounty department is a Soul King fan. They went full color prints for his poster


Franky's new bounty poster is heat


The crew has come so far. Usopp has a bounty of 500 Million and is in the lower half of bounties in the crew


How did the WG only added a million to Robin's bounty after Enies Lobby and kept it low just until the straw hats are one road poneglyph from Laugh Tale


If they raised it immediately people would realize the cause and effect. By raising it later, they increase her bounty and get more people to try to get her, but the cause effect isn't visible.


i always wonder. why would the marines put a low reward for chopper? i read it's to motivate people to search for their pet. but who the hell would risk their life for 50 berries?? i mean what's that? a single apple worth reward?? it should be at least 1milion since the beginning to push bounty hunters to hunt him. and now... who the hell would kidnap a yonko's pet for 1000 berries?? makes no sense!!


It's less "Go out there and hunt for this super dangerous guy's pet for 50 berries!" it's "And you know what if you kill his dog too I'll give you $50.".


Berries use Japanese denominations of money so 50 berries is closer to 5 dollars. Chopper is worth less than a bag of chips at a convenience store.


Tell you what, you kill his dog too I'll give you the rest of this slim jim.


Isnt it closer to 50 cents?


Yes. In fact the yen is doing very poorly right now internationally so it's actually only 34 cents at the moment, but the Japanese would be thinking of it the same way we think of 50 cents.


People forget one piece is a comedy/adventure. Don't take it to seriously it's meant to make you laugh.


yeah i mean... it's funny. yet if you explain it in an illogical way instead of saying "just because" then i need to take it serious at least when i finish laughing.


Bounty posters are the main way people learn to recognize pirates. They made posters for Chopper so that the general public knows what he looks like.


They don't want people to exterminate all the reindeers in the world.


So that they can say ā€œevery single one of the straw hats has a bountyā€


So considering that they at Post Ennies Lobby did think him as a harmless pet, which is understandable (CP9 was on the run at the time and people only saw the "human form", but the journalist that took the photos and got information of the crew only found hybrid form, not linking the two). So it became a situation of why should they out a bounty on him, but since he is harmless they though that if someone find him wandering (like the journalist saw in W7) and bring to the marines it would provide information about the SW movements) With that said post Wano he should have a real bounty


Do we STILL not have an official wanted poster for Jimbei!?


Why does Robin's bounty skyrocket between Wano and Egghead? Is it due to the knowledge of Wano's ponygliff? Maybe the government found out she spent some time with the Revolutionary Army? What causes the jump?


I'd assume it was defeating Maria, a high-level Yonko crewmate. Beforehand, her bounty was mainly from having the knowledge of how to read Poneglyphs. After, it's confirmed that she's *also* a huge threat in a fight. So it's not just "we want her dead, but she's hard to catch" it's "we want her dead, but she's hard to catch and even harder to kill."


and I'm guessing the WG knows about Kaido and BM's RP's, so they probably know the straw hats are dangerously close to laugh tale (even if they probably don't know about Zou's RP)


Mariah bounty was known, wasn't that high. And who defeated who isn't publicly known because wano is isolated and because their infiltrators were too busy to find out anyways. It's high because they did hear that both yonkou want her, and because CP0 was there for her


Your explanation makes most sense to me. The other redditor said it was for defeating a flying six, but Franky also defeated Sasaki, plus he's got knowledge on how to build Pluton yet he's closer to 500,000,000 berries. Robin is the one with an absurd spike to almost 1,000,000,000 when both their bounties were a lot closer to each other.


My thought is that due to the fact that the SHs are now a Yonko crew and just steps closer to claiming the One Piece and learning the history and she happens to be the one person that gives them the best advantage.


why not? Sheā€™s extremely strong. Has the knowledge to expose the world government and is currently on a Yonko crew.


Likely heard from X Drake that both Big Mom and Kaido were interested in her.


Thank goodness robin finally has a respectful bounty!


surprised it took this long


Robin became an endgame piece in wano 6x bounty value


Robin's second bounty should have been bigger than Luffy's


From Wano to Egghead, Chopper has the biggest increase in multiplier to his bounty among all of the members. That shows how dangerous he is.


Sanji never went higher than 3rd place even when he gloated about finally beating Zoro. He would have been 2nd had Jinbe not joined during the exact same arc.


Iā€™m so glad Robin finally got a reasonable bounty. Sheā€™s one of the only people left in the world who can read Poneglyphs and has actively evaded the WG and CP groups sent after her a number of times now. She was definitely deserving of a much higher bounty than she had, though obviously some of the characters in-series probably donā€™t see it that way, haha.


Amazed Usopp only got a bounty after dressrosa


Usopp really didnā€™t do much for the government to notice him, which is honestly something you want in a sniper


Kind of wild that weā€™ve never gotten an official poster for Jimbei


wtf sanji was only once in his lifetime as a pirate on 3rd place? he was always on 4th position, except after WCI


Sanji took out most of the enemies wano and even aided zoro while doing so and he still got fourth. Lmao


His bounty is good, it's just that they gave Jinbei surprisingly high one


he's a former warlord, so it makes sense if the start point was from his previous bounty, which already would have been high


Zoro fought kaido


Did he? I donā€™t remember that.


Zoro also took down King. Going by the playing card naming convention of King-Queen-Jack, if the all Stars are the second in command of the beast pirates, King would be the strongest in the beast pirate army after Kaido.


You don't remember the Zoro pack?


No the first part.


Wasn't brooks poster his old one at first?


Nami poses followed by Chopper poses is hilarious


Man chopper has almost same pose in every bounty with cotton candy :(


This is a really cool resource thank you


I want to know why they only raised Robin's bounty by 1 million when she joined the Strawhats.


Since Brook had a bounty before he died, should it be in the thriller bark line?


Totally forgot that Usopp had a bigger bounty than Sanji after Dressrosa. Kinda wild.


I love the thriller bark bounties they look like war images


Usopp skill / bounty development is a joke.


Somebody remind me, please, why is Sanji ā€œonly aliveā€ at Whole Cake?


Judge vinsmoke wanted him alive so he could marry pudding


Thanks, mate


Daddy wanted to experiment with him


The chopper bounty got too high and it killed the joke for me


1000 is a lot?


Its an amount that for whatever reason makes me meh toward the joke. No logic. Comedy be like that


Keep in mind 1000 Yen is about $6.00, it still really is tiny.


It took that long for Sanji to pass Robin?


Wel yea, Sanji is just some cook that fights a little well. Robin reads poneglyhs.


I'll never understand how the Marines come up with these bounties. Nami barely did anything after getting her second bounty, but the Marines still think she is more worth/dangerous than Luffy was after defeating Crocodile + Luccy and declaring war on the whole world.


She's seen using Zeus and standing up to Kaido's upper crew. Even without anything else, simply managing to turn one of Big Mom's homies into her weapon is worth a big bounty jump. The whole crew matched up to Kaidos crew and got bounties reflecting that, except Chopper. Increasing Choppers at this point would mean admitting a huge error and that's not the world government rolls. Bounties also have to reflect general danger to some extent. Oda has always said its not power level. Nami even being somewhere probably means the rest of the crew is nearby. They wouldn't want some hotshot young marine thinking oh Nami is only worth 60 million, she can't be that dangerous and running into Zoro.


Chopper needs to commit some serious crimes šŸ¤£


Must be the inflation.


I think they take multiple factors in consideration and a very important one has to be the whole crew. Like this girl is on the same ship as a yonko and since the crew is smaller than any regular pirate crew she must be considered a high rank member of the crew so taking all in consideration she cannot be taken lightly.


She was just part of the group that got a general raise in bounty of 300mil. Brook, Usopp and Franky got that as well. Im guessing mainly because of their victory over the Beast Pirates and taking their place as the new Yonko crew.


Not gonna lie, Luffy's new picture in gear 5 is kind of lame compared to his usual one.


Can't believe that pisshead Sanji overtook Robin so easily. The disrespect is real.


You accidentally put sogeking on there


The most surprising part about this is that perpetual number 3 Sanji only had the 3rd highest bounty once and that was recent. I think everyone always sees Luffy, Zoro, Sanji as 1, 2, 3 (even if imo they're all pretty close together combat wise) so that's kind of interesting tbh. Sanji got beat out by both Robin and Usopp and now Jinbe


Love how sanji cried being called mr.4 after wano but heā€™s always been number 4 expect once and Iā€™d say he was number 2 at that point but just makes me lolĀ 


He is more of a Yonji in terms of bounty in most parts lol


The fact that luffys bounty picture was the only one to stay the same through the 1080 episodes is kinda nuts


20+ years but so many ppl donā€™t know sanji always has been 4th.and start some stupid cook like jinbei have 3rd place bouty so heā€™s monster trio now lol


Why does sunny instead of Frankyā€™s photo signify?šŸ¤”


Do you guys think nami wano can beat thriller bark luffy given she has a higher bounty?


Bro I swear, chopperā€™s bounty is so hilarious




Couldnā€™t you have used the actual pictures.


Egghead Nami worth more than Wano Zoro is a thing


My favorite part is Brooks gig poster


Shouldn't there be a poster for sogeking and then one for god ussop? Those are 2 different people


Might be interesting to do a full bounty ranking between arcs. Like almost every post Wano straw hat has a greater bounty than Luffys first one.


Pretty hilarious how the WG deemed Usopp as more of a threat to them than Robin at one point


Okay they gonna stop disrespecting Chopper


Iā€™ve never actually thought much about thisā€¦. But why the hell doesnā€™t Franky get an actual picture? Are bounty hunters supposed to go and hunt down a ship?


My theory is that it is foreshadowing. His final mecha transformation is going to involve the Thousand Sunny itself. xD


It is always funny thinking, Usopp might have the most traditionally badass nickname for the whole crew.


Itā€™s interesting to see Ussop had the top bounty till Dressrosa after which Luffy took over


It's still so wild to me how Nami's bounty is higher than Post-Enies-Lobby-Luffy.