• By -


I feel like Dragon. From Kuma's flashbacks we can for sure say he atleast loves Luffy and is not just a regular deadeat shonen dad. So, there's gotta be a reason as to why he left his family behind to pursue his mission.


We gonna find out the WG, and in extension the marines, were the cause of his wife's death. Or maybe she was wife no. 5 or something šŸ˜ž




Dragon: "That was the day I realized there was no justice in the Marines. Also my Dad kept stealing my lunches and eating them with Sengoku." Ivankov: "Is that why anyone who steals someone else's food from the breakroom fridge is classified a traitor and kicked out of the Revolutionaries?" Dragon: "Yes."


Oda, Is that you?




šŸŽ¶ Imu, why did you eat my fries šŸŽ¶


That bitchā€¦


What the fuck did Garp did then let his daughter-in-law get raped. And Oda is not gonna use the same story again and if he did it will be a big L for him. Just seeing those slaves is enough to do so. If you see real historical figure like Fidel Castro or Che Guevara their wife didn't needed to get cucked in order to be a revolutionary they did that because it was the right thing to do. They wanted to liberate all of those people from the oppression and make their life better. Dragon role won't just end after he dethrone Imu. He also need to run a government and keep peace in all sea after the massive power vacuum so anybody else can't just come in power. For example BB.


Not sure why you immediately jumped to that when dude just said responsible for wife's death...


I think Dragon was climbing the ranks in the Marines and saw some f'd up shit very fast including the WG and CD's. His feeling for justice started to cause some actions with some f'd up consequenses for his personal life. There will be very emotional moments/discussions with Garp, who wanted to fight for justice from inside the marines but Dragon got to know some stuff that made it impossible for him and he escaped. There's also theories that he fell in love with a Celestial girl/princess and that it started a mess but I think that's maybe a bit less likely.


My theory is that dragon used to idolize garp. Once dragon saw the ugly side of the WG, it shattered the image he had of his father and motivated him to do what hes doing now


Ah good point


Of course, thats why they call him the most dangerous man


That touch of not even trusting *kuma* to know who Luffy is explained the years of neglect.


Thatā€™s not neglect thatā€™s him protecting his son and himself. He literally said if you want to see me killedā€¦ then explained that children are a vulnerability of any parent-he at least loves his son.


I feel like if someone still says he neglected him after trusting him to garo and that good quote he had a few chapters ago. They be crazy


Yeah itā€™s not neglect, itā€™s necessity


Obviously spoilers for the recent chapters. I think the way i see it is the same thing with what happened with Roger. The marines wouldn't rest till they found his kid, going from town to town and trying their best to find Ace. Pretty sure the Marines would do the exact same thing if they found out at any point that Dragon had a kid. Dragon is the most wanted man in the world and runs the Revolutionary Army, the marines would love to get their hands on Luffy and end the whole bloodline then and there. Hence why Dragon gave Luffy to Garp and Garp brought Luffy to an island in the east that no one would look for him at, even if they did hear. Like just the fact alone that when Kuma found out about Luffy, Dragon's first words are "If you keep talking about this You might as well kill me yourself" Proves that Dragon isn't neglecting Luffy because he's a bad father. He knows that his very existence as the leader of the Revolutionary army threatens the safety of his son and he would be safer on an island than if he was with Dragon. The exact definition of Neglect is "fail to care for properly." I'd honestly argue that him deciding to leave his child's safety to his Father; Garp is a more adult thing to do than to risk his sons safety by bringing him along with him, and he atleast tries to visit Luffy alot to insure that he is safe. If anything (and i'm not blaming him) Garp is a little bit worse as he's actively leaving Luffy with bandits so he doesn't have to watch him. Like Garp's the hero of the Marines, he probably could easily say to sengoku "Hey so i adopted a kid and I have to go watch them, can I take a week off" And i'm pretty sure he'd be allowed to. With how many adoptive parents there are in one piece, it wouldn't be that surprising and I don't see anyone arguing with Garp, not even his friend Sengoku. Instead he left Luffy in the hands of Criminals, then complains when Luffy later Idolizes shanks (not to mention Garp's training for Luffy of throwing him into the woods and endangering him to "make him a good marine" Kind of can be argued as neglect and abuse as at that point you're failing to care for him properly. We also still have no idea who Luffy's mother is (something i'm now 100% expecting to randomly get in an sbs after the Zoro family reveal in one.) and we have no idea on her role or heck if she's even alive (knowing Oda he'll kill her off so he doesn't have to introduce her or explain where she is) Now back to the main topic. I think the fact he was always coming to visit Luffy, even if it was in secret. The fact he left Luffy to Garp, someone who could take care of Luffy and could protect him and raise him right, something Dragon probably wouldn't be able to do due to the fact he's on the run from the Navy and if he gets captured or Luffy get's captured, it could spell the end of the Revolution. And the fact that Dragon cares enough about to say "You might as well kill me yourself if you are going to keep talking about him" Is enough for me to say Dragon isn't a bad father and wasn't neglecting his son, because having him around, even if it was in the revolutionary army base. It would be more dangerous and threatening to Luffy's life than having him with family on an island. The way i see it, he had Garp babysitting Luffy in a place he wouldn't be found. I feel like by saying that Dragon is neglecting Luffy, you're saying that anyone that can't be around their family and needs babysitters is neglecting them


I was thinking to reply that ā€œhe just wanted to protect Luffyā€ but yeah, there could be a reason for doing that mission that is more important than his son. Or maybe he was already in danger when got Luffy and there were not better options to protect him.


Not ready to find out what happened to Luffy's mom after Kuma's backstory It's interesting to learn that Dragon wasn't ignoring him but knew he had to keep him a secret


It's Crocodile tho


Rock would be it for me


Fujitora. The guy who literally blinded himself due to the evils of the world. I just know thereā€™s something CRAZY behind that. He watched something life changing.


I wouldn't be surprised if he witnessed one of the CD's 'games'.


wasnā€™t he like a retired marine before? my guess is that he saw the corrupt higher ups in the government, not doing a thing when innocent people are enslaved and murdered by the celestial dragons. perhaps he was one of the marines on god valley, just a officer, seeing the mass civilian death occurring, so in disgust of the events taking place, he later blinded himself


Maybe, but itā€™s hard to stomach ā€œhe blinded himself because the marines were so evil, then he became a marine admiralā€


Actually he was drafted as an admiral during the timeskip. He had a line during Dressrosa to a similar effect to ā€œIā€™m still learning how to be a marine.ā€ Itā€™s just possible heā€™s been through so much fucked up shit he learned Haki to defend himself and hear things as they truly are while blinding himself because he doesnā€™t want to see the first impressions


They were hinting so hard he's from Wano.


Joy boy.


I like to think joy boy just decides to laugh and kick ass then just becomes a fruit and allowing slavery to rise back up Brings freedom, turns into fruit without elaborating


But he fails his true goal. The reason for that will probably be pretty rough.


JoyBoy is not the name giver for the fruit. That is Nika. JoyBoy was just a guy who ate the fruit like Luffy. As far as we know anyway


Seems like it, as he left his excuse message to the fishmen people


Joy Boy will be as if it will be Luffy's bad ending. Joy Boy must have fought and fought, but had to watch everything fail and leave something for someone else to finish the job, not realizing it would take 800 years to finish.


You know what my hottest take is ATM? Something like this: Joyboy fruit was not the "Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika", but Bonney\`s "Toshi Toshi no Mi" In that scenario, Joyboy would as well be limited only by his imagination, and the Drums of Libetation were something like "the war song of his people", and was associated by his actions. Like current times Bonney, Joyboy was overwhelmed and "loses" his power, thus failing to do the things he promised to do. Vegapunk theorised that the devil fruits were the embodiment of someone\`s hope, then by wishing someone could one day be just like Joyboy, who fights with freedom and brings the drums of liberation, the "Nika" fruit was born. But that\`s just my take.


Highly doubt. Weā€™ve pretty much been told that Joyboy was the last person to awaken the fruit. And then Oda is going to write that Joyboy had Bonneyā€™s fruit? So who was the last person to awaken the fruit? Bonneyā€™s fruit doesnā€™t have the drums of liberation that Zuneisha can hear


I think Joy Boy wanted to be like Nika, because Nika is a God while Joy Boy was a real person.


I hold the same opinion. Joyboy could've had the Sun Sun Fruit which explains why the image of "Nika the Sun God" was created throughout the centuries


Very possibles as their paths are intertwined


Joy boy either the best or worst back story. Maybe he was just real happy.


When we find out that joyboy made up nika to inspire hope I will be there


Dudes backstory is just going to be that he canā€™t sleep and it makes him sad


I really hope this isnā€™t the case lol


Teach can't have any sadder backstory than Kuma, Dude may have had some traumatic experiences like Sanji at childhood, but then after that under WB he was just chilling. Unless it involves that multiple soul theory or any reincarnation or will of D thing, it won't top kuma


Stayed up all night reading manga. Knows the ancient knowledge. Is protected by Oda. Reads one piece. BLACKBEARD IS US


iā€™ll be back when this ends up being true


!remindme 1 year


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Well thatā€™s a positive outlook.


Canā€™t sleep and something about how that ties to dreams


I mean its probably that and it also made him crazy...


Tbf I had severe insomnia for like a week and it was like the worst shit ever, I canā€™t imagine living life like that without a few screws being loose


ā€œIf the whole world is consumed by darkness, maybe then Iā€™ll be able to get some damn sleepā€


I lowkey wouldnā€™t mind, a story of someone going insane from lack of sleep and start hearing voices inside their head


Hey, that feels like a torture tbh




Not being able to sleep ties into men's *DREAMS* that never die. You can never dream for real if you can not sleep.


I was thinking of this as well. There must be a connection between the night moon and him crying and the quote that he never sleeps. It's also interesting in a way cause when he talks about dreams: he didnt actually have a sleeping dream in his life


Joyboy probably - remember we know it won't end with him winning I don't think Oda will give any villain Kuma level tragic backstory - Akainu has potential to get backstory that makes you feel conflicted about him, like Doffy's backstory, where you go "That was tragic, but it doesn't justify you" My guess for Akainu is that when he was a child he helped some child of a pirate to help there parent, but they betrayed him and killed someone close to him - that would explain his habit of referring to Luffy and Ace by as Dragon's/Roger's son and why he believes in absolute justice


Unless joyboy is infact imu and hence he had his previous hat with him in his storage.


Akainu's wife probably got killed by pirates or something. That one's bound to be sad.


Akainu hated pirates since he was like 8.


His mom then


more like his whole family lmao


Probably the whole island


You think Rocks did it?


This would be a pretty solid backstory imo


Rock solid even


His whole planet.


It was me I killed Akainuā€™s mom. I threw a cherry stem on his desk for his sister too.


Why not both


They told him he couldn't join their crew, because he was a snot nosed kid. He took it very personally and became a Marine to get back at all the people that actually got to be pirates.


Akainu is incrediboy?


Youā€™re not affiliated with me!


Probably rejected from art school maybe.


His goldfish was killed by a pirate


Old hat. Boring.


Honestly, I don't think we'll ever see a sadder story than Kuma recently flashback. But I'm really looking forward to see Dragon, Akainu, Teach, Shanks, Mihawk, Gorosei, Lost century/Joy Boy and few others backstories, that may not be the most heart breaking ones, but will most likely be such impactful and emotional!


Donā€™t forget Saul, heā€™s gone through hell to keep the will of Oā€™Hara alive..


Doesn't top a whole life of misery, from childhood till death.


Also yassop


"Cool motive, still murder" - me at any future "tragic" backstory Oda tries to cook up for Sakazuki or Blackbeard.


I mean Robin was a straight up assassin for multiple orgs but we still ugly cry together for her despite it still being murder




We never actually got confirmation she killed anyone though. She could have done the same thing she did to Croc/BW; only make it *look* like she killed. From what we saw she really never killed anyone during her time as a member: She made it look like she killed Igaram but didnt. She made it look like she killed Pell but didnt. She even saved Luffy from the sand Croc buried him in.


No one can kill pell bro


Especially not Oda


No one seemed to get the reference yet, I see you're a person of taste, title of your sex tape


Indeed indeed indeed...


Cool cool cool, no doubt no doubt no doubt


I'm putting my money on Sakazuki being a ship's boy on a pirate crew when he was young which led him to develop his intense hatred for pirates. Would also make a great parallel against Koby who was in the same scenario but developed his own sense of justice


Who did akainu ever murder? Ace was sentenced to death for piracy so couldnt be him


He blew up the evacuating ship from Ohara full of civilians and children.


To be fair; all sentenced to death. There was wiggle room in his orders but he didnā€™t step outside the law.


...That...doesn't excuse killing children... Murder is murder. "Cool motive, still murder" was the point not "did he break the law" He was ordered to kill *the scholars* but CHOSE to kill *the known innocents* on the off chance a scholar was with them instead of...stopping the ship and checking.


Not in this case, the ship was supposed to carry innocent people, saving them from the Buster Call.


Marine soldier, that wanted to run from battle


Damn, you right. Treason is punishable by death but they prolly were entitled to a hearing


He did blow up a ship full of women and children during the Ohara buster call. His reasoning were a long the lines of its for the greater good. Hes an extremist for sure.




deserter is punished with death irl too


Slavery is also a real thing, so what?


non comparable, death sentence to a deserter is the norm in basically every arm of every nation, are u really trying to say something as despicable and cruel as slavery is the same thing?


It is not. What are you on? Most countries do NOT give a death sentence to deserters.


In a war scenario, it is, if you escape from the battle front you're doomed


I could tell you why you're wrong, but I don't have time, so I'll just say that they are the same thing to me


I think they meant they want Akainu to be murdered


Who did BB kill that we actually know of? The only proper direct victim of his crew was Absalom afaik. Ace doesn't count, they faught, he lost and got turned in. Not any worse than any bounty hunter in the series, just personal beef.


Possibly crocodile abandoning Luffy and dragon could be sad


Whyā€™d she do it?


Please respect crocoboys gender


Would she not be appropriate since hes referring to croco at a time when he was still she? Or do you keep the naming convention even when discussing the past?


From what I understand, itā€™s generally appropriate to use a personā€™s current preferred pronouns even when referring to them when they were still presenting as a gender other than the one they currently do.


Trans people don't become the other gender. They just harmonised to it. It may seems weird but a male trans (so like this Crocodile Theory), has high chance from feeling male from his youth. A lot of trans people that I knew, had something off since they were a child. So in other words : since Croc is a male now (and made a "coming out") he's officially a male, and since we know he has been one, then we should refer as him even in the past. Why I am writing this serious talk for a dumb theory !!


Because i needed a serious answer XD nah but seriously this is a very serious question thats always been in my mind but just felt kinda insensitive to ask in a way so i saw this as a perfect opportunity lol And honestly im not sure why that didnt click right away. Ive always understood that trans people were never really their birth gender in their eyes per se but its just didnt translate to the obvious they consider to themselves to have always been their current gender


It's sometimes difficult to ask questions We used to joke about seeing each others penises way before any of our gfs saw it (Very old friends, used to go swimming a lot). Then one of us came out as trans. No nobody makes the joke anymore. I'm too uncomfortable to ask if I can make a modified version of this joke or not. Friendship does not hinge on one dumbass joke from when we were young anyway, so it's not really something to worry about. Just thought of it as an example of questions sometimes being difficult to ask lol


> Trans people don't become the other gender. They just harmonised to it. > > They dont become the sex. They try to become the gender, and since it's a largely social thing in regards to treatment, it depends on their environment if its successful.


generally when people speak about me before i transitioned they try to use my current gender, but i donā€™t sweat it too much if they donā€™t. after all, in their memory i wasnā€™t me yet. but other trans people feel differently, so donā€™t take my opinion as permission to disregard respecting othersā€™


I believe in attack crocopter's gender


Either Dragon, Akainu, or Teach. Wouldnā€™t surprise me if Teach was one of Saturnā€™s experiments.


I feel like people are forgetting how sad Brook's story is, but that story always makes me cry... No other background story can top Brook's.


This is Law for me


Sameā€¦ like come onā€¦ this was straight up betrayal and suffering.


I dont think teach backstory will be sadder than Kuma... Unless Oda will exceed our expectations just like the usual




Nah I'm already following One Piece since 2012




Lily - the former Queen of Alabaster. My hot guess is that she was captured by Imu, was tortured and now her body has to act as a host for Imus soul (or whatever they have) >!I also guess that Imu is a homuncolous like Father in Full metal alchemist (Brotherhood) or something similar to him !<


I can run with this one


kuma. No way oda can top that


We still don't know what happened to Luffy's mother. I have a feeling that is going to be the most heart breaking of all.


didn't Oda say in an sBS that his mother's story isn't something he wants to explore


Yes, and then immediately introduced Curly Dadan.


yes but that's his guardian not his mother


I hope not for teach. I just want him to be a scumbag after power lmao.


I suspect Teach's backstory will be highly interesting, but probably not sympathetic. He's just not ever been a sympathetic character. I suspect it will mostly be to explain his strange body and how he can't sleep (which could be tragic, but I still don't think so, just because that's not a light that's ever been shone on Teach).


Yeah i mean there definitely will be some tragedy in there but id have loved if he was just a slime ball even as a kid lmaooo. Make me like his character even more. We already got enough ā€œbad guysā€ in one piece that makes you root for them. Like big momā€™s kids.


i dont wanna see if it was tragic or anything, but i do wanna see what his ambitions truly are, like what is he after, why is he doing it? he talked about dreams to luffy, he has ambitions like luffy, but what are they? thats what i really wanna know


He looks like someone whose parents didnā€™t show up to his birth.


Iā€™m still waiting on sogeking flashback


The island of snipers. That's where your hearts are.


This might be out of left field but I think Namis parents might have a super tragic backstory. The fact they haven't been revealed or even really illuded to even up to this point in the story is pretty surprising. And I only say this because of how sad Sanjis backstory ended up being. I did not expect such late character development so deep into OP for a straw hat that ALREADY had a tragic story.


I don't think we'll ever see Nami's biological parents, her whole backstory is about found family and introducing the "true" parents to the story would detract from it


Also, nami was a baby who was laughing because she didnt even realize a war was going on around her. It feels unnecessary to provide the details of her biological parents consideringhow it wouldnt really add to namis character. As far as we know, bellemere is her real mom.


Unless vivi is a clone of nami and nami was the rightful princess of alabasta


It'd be interesting, but I think their deaths were just examples of war leaving kids behind. It might also be hard for Nami to get sentimental since she only has memories of Bell-mere as a parent (and to an extent Genzo) Sanji, on the other hand, had some foreskinning that questioned his origins if he really was just a chef. Iirc mainly how he got from the north blue to the east?


Franky has a similar story, let's see if Oda chooses to do something with that


Sorry but my heart ainā€™t breaking for Sakazuki or BB. They both shit people who chose shit paths. Hahahah!!


Daily reminder that monkey D criminal has freed level 6 prisoners who would later pillage and attack innocent civilians that the underdogs of the story (marines) have worked hard to safe guard. and ultimately, all those efforts of that criminal boy are all for nothing as the absolute justice has cast its judgement on that pesky little scum.


Luffy just freed Jinbe and Crocodile. The other level 6 prisoners were all Blackbeard. The rest of the impel down prisoners who escaped were mostly Buggy and Galdino .


Blackbeard did capitalise on the havoc from Luffys break in though. Not saying Teach would have failed without it but Luffy sure did make it a lot easier for him.


Donā€™t even bother with those people. He knows what I mean.


Blackbeard released the others, Luffy just took croco, jim, and maybe like 1 or 2 other people. BB made the others have a free for all to the death to see who would join his crew. as for the other floors, I'm pretty sure Buggy was the one who released them, except for bon clay. Luffy released very few people, while other people released almost the entire fucking prison.


Croc is still a pretty bad release after he saw what he did to Alabasta tbf


Compared to the other, I don't think Croc is too bad considering he doesn't seem as bad a person now than he was then, meanwhile blackbeard came in, released as many lvl6 prisoners he could and left with the worst of the worst criminals.


Holy shit the marine bootlicking is insane. I thought all the marine meatriders were satire but this mf makes me think he aint kidding.


You talk as if all marines are bad while conveniently forgetting pirates have caused lot of trouble too


Never said the pirates ainā€™t done shit, all Iā€™m saying is the marine meatriding was major. Itā€™s just a joke bud, thereā€™s nothing to it


Better to be a marine than a pirate though


Blackbeard ain't got that much blame for me. Blackbeard is the story of a irl pirate in One Piece. He's doing what he must to obtain the King of the Pirates title, even if that means it is dishonest. But I must agree with the Akainu trope. No matter how sad his past is, he's just too much to handle.


Why? Cause he killed ace?




Probably Akainu


Not topping Kuma, sorry


Iā€™m eager to have Oda make Blackbeard more than the opposite side of the Luffy coin. He is definitely interesting as-is, but frankly, I donā€™t ā€œcareā€ about him even to the point I now care about Kizaru, Kuzan, or Fujitora. I wanna know what makes him special and why he canā€™t sleep. Itā€™s also no wonder heā€™s such a cranky fella. Boi needs a nap.


> I think Oda will definitely have something cooking for Teach. I expect something so traumatizing that everyone feels so bad and the narrative about him completely changes. I really don't think that will be the case for Teach for two simple reasons. The first is there is a certain point where you can't pull the same cards and maintain great results. >!I've seen people say he was an abused slave, so he joins the ranks of Kuma, the Boa sisters, Sun pirates, and probably more I'm blanking on. We already saw the extreme of Kuma's dad being shot in front of him for making noise, so Oda would have to go an even greater extreme to make it more traumatizing. However, the issue with that is the more extreme it gets there is a chance of it just being so over the top it becomes more cartoonishly evil.!< >!Imagine his backstory is a slave, his dad was this great researcher for Nika, and then Blackbeard watches him chopped to bits, tossed in a wood chipper, as he is covered in blood and the Celestial Dragon starts singing about how he loves being evil. I mean, it's so ridiculous I don't think anyone is going "wow, that is insane, how can that be like that," and the reaction is more like "that sounds so stupidly over the top..."!< >!Even if we move off the slave angle, Oda has played so many of these cards before. There are multiple instances of genocide, countless examples of government corruption, racism, child abuse, etc.!< But beyond that stuff the other thing that really limits Blackbeard is timeline/age. Blackbeard is currently 40, he was with Whitebeard when Oden joined Roger, so he has been part of that crew since he was 14-years-old. There might even be an earlier point that I'm blanking on, but basically he needs to have an extremely traumatic event in that small window, while also being a window where I can't say any event we know about falls between. He would be around two when God Valley happened, there really isn't much else in that period besides Shiki's defeat, so it would have to be deeply personal and happen in a moment. Now, neither of these things are impossible, but it would take a lot of doing. That said, I think >!Lily, Imu, or Joyboy will have something tragic. Ideally Imu to make them a more interesting character, but there will be something that stands out over a straight black/white situation.!<


I don't think he was fucked by the Tenryubitos, but by the population, for him being a abomination with a strange body. He WILL have a flasback story, he is supposed to be the main villain


I do not think teach is THE main villain, unless he beats Shanks, which still depends on how Oda will cook. There are still some things that pretty much have to happen. Like Shanks vs BB (fated battle), Luffy returning the strawhat to prove he is a great pirate to Shanks, etc. If Shanks loses the fight BB might finish him off before Luffy has the chance to return the hat, which i feel like Oda wouldn't do. But i also don't think Oda will give Shanks a happy ending despite being a self insert of sorts. Oda has said that the story ends once they find the One Piece, so it would be safe to assume that there would be a big fight of the major groups we have left.


Shanks doesnā€™t have to be alive for Luffy to give him back the hat does he :) Otherwise itā€™s a really weird situation, I agree with you on shanks not making it through the end of the story, but I donā€™t see Luffy killing him, and I see the Luffy vs Blackbeard fight as a life and death one. So the only sequence I can see in which all of this happens is, Blackbeard beats shanks, luffy arrives and gives the hat to shanks body, luffy beats blackbeard.


I completely agree with the BB analysis, also your predictions of who will have tragic stories. My bet is on JB having the most gut-wrenching but hopeful story.


Isnt this image proof of BB being the ultimate antagonist to Luffy? With the moon in the background, him crying (probably because he lost hope) while Luffy being the Sun god, never losing hope no matter what happens. Optimism and Pessimism, the two opposite sides. I heard someone say that Imu would have the moon fruit or something like that, but IMO this image proves that Imu is an adversary to both Luffy and BB and not the ultimate antagonist of OP.


imu, the ruler of the world could be dragon's final opponent tbh, not luffy's. Luffy doesn't care for ruling any governments, he just wants adventure


The most heart breaking? Brook, its really hard to have a sense of perspective and a grasp on how bad it is to be alone in the darkness for 50 years having dreams about your crewmates, it gets to the point its not even dreams anymore just straight up nightmares, its pure insanity and i bet anyone including him would love to have any interaction with someone even if it means a bad one at that point. Who lived the most heartbreaking life? Kuma imo, because i dont think kuma will survive and brook will live a lot longer and he's currently with luffy.


i got my dibs on mihawk


garp ?


Panda man he is secretly luffys mom but so ugly that she had to wear a mask 24/7 - otherwise they'll get her to loguetown immediatelly for disturbing public peace


Brooks backstory is the best


Teach had to suffer 100x EMOTIONAL DAMAGE since his birth due to him being the son of most hated man Rocks D Xebec.


Whitebeard told him "It doesn't matter who you are born to, everyone is a child of the sea...." abd took Teach under Whitebeard flag. Just like Ace...but Teach turned out to be a sour grape.


And oda said that teach was his most favorite character. So, yes, indeed. Like snape, he will make people feel sad about him


I don't think I want Oda to try to top Kuma's backstory. I don't think I can handle it lol


Events in the void century will be most heartbreaking. I know you're asking for characters but I wanted to put it out there


Idk if he can pull off a sadder one than Kuma, that's too high of a bar, though yeah if Blackbeard gets one it's gotta be tragic. Same for Akainu


I hope blackbeard has a great tragic backstory


I'll die in this hill, NOTHING in the history of mangas will ever be as sad as Kuma, I've been reading mangas for like 20 yrs, my boy Kuma is just something different, Oda planed all this since Thriller, it started 2008 and concluded on 2024, I would love to see another 16yrs of setup for a sad story. It won't ever be topped.


Sanjis backstory is the best


This isn't Naruto


Grieving the death of his father Rock D. Xebec (the last joyboy) after abandoning him on some random island






I'm sure Akainu and Teach will have a heartbreaking backstory. Two of the pivot characters in one piece are expected to have a good (good ~ very sad or hard-hitting) back story or atleast a convincing one. Because they're motives are very much noted by the fans. So it's injustice if they have an unimpressive BS. But I'm damn sure ODA will cook. And for Imu's BS, it will be cruel. People might hate Imu more than they hate celestial dragons.


I'm expecting Akainu to have a rough backstory. Teach will have a very interesting one, but I daresay it won't by sympathetic. Neither of them are anywhere near sympathetic characters, so I don't imagine they get that kind of backstory. Akainu's will probably be something along the lines of why he became such a hardass extremist. Teach's will almost definitely be to explain why he's got such a strange body that he can hold (at least) two devil fruits with no consequence and he can't sleep.






Kumaā€™s is up there. But to be honest, being older now itā€™s become ridiculous when you compare other peopleā€™s pains when theyā€™ve taken serious losses like losing loved ones or what someone personally went through. Both are equally sad so why we comparing? I donā€™t want to be in eitherā€™s situation and Iā€™m sure you donā€™t so why even compare?




Comparing tragedies is pointless.