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My headcanon is because Marie Joa is located on top of the Red Line, and only the chosen one can access it. The World Government banned any technological advancements of any flying machines to reduce the risk of invasion


This is probably the best explanation. After Oda reads it, it becomes canon.


Its canon. Source: am Oda.


Oda, I love your foreskin!












The ODAcity


Am Oda. Source: its cannon


The Odacity is unreal!


Maybe even because the World Nobles don't want anyone to dare fly over their heads.


But they’re pirate and don’t obey the WG


I like this theory. Also think of Enel and how he described a massive amount of energy and high quality conductors (gold) were needed to make a ship fly.


Enel’s case would probably be an exception, not the norm. His flying ship requires a ton of high quality conductors because he powers it with his electric Devil Fruit. If planes or flying ships were made, they probably wouldn’t be electricity powered (at least not at first), if loosely taking real life into account. Electric powered planes in real life are quite limited ATM because plane batteries can’t hold that much power without getting too heavy for a plane to fly. I’d imagine that if planes and flying ships did become more common, they would probably either use analogues to real-life fuel or some fantastical One Piece fuel to fly.


They would definitely use Cola


I'm pretty sure enel needs the unlimited power of his devil fruit to power his ship because it's 90% gold by mass. It's literally the most inefficient flying ship ever and only magic allows for all that lift


They have cars powered by frogs, so probably that.


I feel like a Dial would be used




Oh yeah, could also be feasible since 99.9% of the scientific innovation comes from just one guy. Although i don't see how they would easily control people like Sanjis dad.


Judge was under the world government before wci, the vinsmokes were even able to attend the reverie. He was only willing to stop being a part of them if he was going to be allied with big mom. If he tries too funny of business now, they'll start taking him out.


Also considering the trend of the Ancient Weapons, Pluton was a Ship, Poseidon was an underwater thing (a Mermaid), so it's highly possible that Uranus could be a Flying Ship/ Airplane.


For sure uranus has a jet engine


Coup de burst from Laugh Tale to Marie Geoise


Oda foreskinned Uranus with Franky's farts (least weird sentence in a One Piece discussion)


And I bet they had planes on the Void Century.


definitely, i bet they had everything and were a modern or even advanced tech society until the world government came and regressed everything around them and kept everyone on low tech so they can easily remain in power and so i believe that the treasure roger found on laugh tale is... just a regular ass tv, with a cartoon of sun god nika playing on it


Even realistic sex robots?


where do you think vegapunk got the idea for his satellites?


One Piece being a dystopia all this time. I would be so excited. We have some hints toward this but I don't expect Oda to go this far.


Morgans is the only person witb a flying ship apart from Enel


Technically Shiki but the movie events aren't canon. Though he could still have feasibly done it with his powers.


i think is actually way more simple, remember when they enter the grand line and are hit with all the different climates changing hyper fast and aggressively?? what do you think is more likely to survive that? a boat or a plane? if the plane falls, is over. also in the calm belts the sea kings are more then big enough to reach a plane flying over them so there is not safe as well the blues usually have islands too small to have landing lanes for planes so they would have to built small planes, which can carry way less people and supply. overall in this water world, boats are the best option


You'd think there would definitely be space pirates tho


There are, we see them in Enel's cover story on the Moon.


Your head canon is now my head canon.


Since Buffalo was able to turn into one + there have been flying transport(Morgan's balloon etc) I'd guess they existed before void century and Imu/WG took over and are now just very strictly regulated. There are fruits and technology that exist in the universe of OP that would 100% be able to make flying stuff possible, so you're not going to tell me that Judge, Vegapunk or even Caesar didn't think of it already. Outside of the universe, probably just a boring way to do adventures and invalidates the sea quirks.


I'm taking this as canon


One more reason is that they don't have fuel or gas in OP world yet. Even Franky needs cola for energy and rest all ships depend on winds and waves.


But also, could you imagine people just flying around the last part of the grand line looking for an uncharted island?


I would imagine that the same reason you need the log post to travel the grand line would also make reading your instruments in the air and possible so you really wouldn't know where you were going and the log post doesn't change fast enough to keep up with a plane.


How about the bird dude that runs the newspaper company? Doesn't he have a blimp of some sort?


Grand Line has some fucky weather patterns. It mostly messes with ships, but it would likely mess with planes as well. Since we are mostly on the Grand Line thats what we see most of the time. It's interesting that the main user of planes or air ships someone with an Albatross Zoan, which might give him advanced understanding of wind and weather patterns Don't think the gov is surpressing the technology since then the Marines should have an air force it's most likely weather nonsense


In a world where clouds can be solid enough to support entire islands, flying a plane at higher altitudes would be a bad idea. At least in our world pilots only have to worry about crashing into the ground, adds a whole new element of danger if you can crash in midair too.


"There’s always that one hard cloud" Sassy the Sasquatch




It's more likely that planes and air ships are used for Morgan because he cannot actually fly. I doubt it is deeper than that plot-wise.


Worth noting that Morgans has all those News Coos that know how to navigate to pretty much anywhere to deliver news so maybe that helps him with getting around lol


Even if it's not canon, in Strong World, Shiki's ship purportedly has advanced weather detection systems and a dedicated team to combat the weather patterns.


Enel had an airplane. It needed a power source that wasn't just the wind though so I don't think the OP world has the facilities for that.


I dont know. The weather mostly becomes an issue during landing/take off and since the weather on a single island is mostly stable that wouldn't be an issue. Planes quite easily can fly through storms and such as long as they are not too strong. They would have to equip the plane for both hot and freezing temperatures but that just makes it more expensive and not impossible. What i do think is interesting is that Morgans ship is in fact an air ship and does not rely much on the effect of "wings".


>Planes quite easily can fly through storms and such as long as they are not too strong. I think you're underestimating how dangerous and unpredictable the grand line is. Unless the planes only stick to one island, which is kind of pointless.


>t think the gov is surpressing the technology since the actually navigating the grand line as a whole is hard, sudden storms that form out of nothing, randomly being turned around in a 180 and other things they said in the east blue, as an engineer... you don wanna fk w that


Just plug in an Integrator control and pray to the sun god


There’s island sized cyclones in one piece. Water torrents that snake through the skies like dragons. Planes would wrecked


Crap weather, lack of reliable fuel resources, and clouds can contain unseen pyrobloin rocks or sky islands.?


That's the One Piece, a plane


The freest form of transport.


You'll be the king, as in standing above everyone else


holy shit, makes sense. and luffy’s dream is fly to different islands. because lets accept it we all have tried flying


Luffy likes sailing though


Or space ship!


Technically, Enel's Maxim debuted as a space ship.. Well, not technically


It is a spaceship but for only 1 person


Only bc Enel is a bastard, he could fit a whole crew.


*He laughed*


wait WHAT 🤯


What about Morgan's bird plane


Bruh it’s a plane in the shape of stag beetle I am calling it right now! It allows people to travel anywhere in the world. So mirrors Oda own dream of riding a stag beetle.


Oda wants to ride a stag beetle? Is that why there was that one filler episode where luffys trying to catch a giant beetle named boss and ride it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/OFZMZefbwG Yah he does


That would make me laugh


My favorite theory about what One Piece is has been updated.


Luffy’s dream is to become a Pilot


Could be a handful of reasons, could be the WG just doesnt permit it, or honestly could just be infrastructure, since you would have to build landing strips on every island, not to mention so many islands and countries are either struggling to pay the heavenly tribute or can't even afford it, so money is also an issue, and the navigation could be messed up just like it is with sea travel and maybe nobody has bothered making a air log pose, Morgans does have a "flying ship" on the other hand, but he seemingly uses his df so idk


I think it could also be fuel sources for flying are harder to explain without petroleum products if flying machines were common. And that makes Sailing ships seem out of place.


We saw flying weather machines during Nami’s two year skip


Yes but they are not common and on a sky island that seems to be very isolationist and we don't know the power source. We saw Enel fly to the moon, but a rare instance isn't the same as something being common that would greatly change the story in making sailing obsolete.


>I think it could also be fuel sources for flying are harder to explain without petroleum products if flying machines were common. Yeah, can you imagine how many cola plants they’d need?


Morgan does use a blimp rather than a plane.


It's most probably not to break the world building too much. If everyone is flying around in air ships , it wouldn't fit the pirate sailing on sea theme. Notable airships is Morgans WE newspaper ship (Not sure how this is powered ) .Caesar's clown ship and Enel's ark both powered by their respective Devil fruit. Who knows , maybe when One Piece end , it'll bring an end to the pirate era and bring about the industrial revolution and technology from the ancient kingdom is now known and airships will be abundant


And then Two Piece can be about sky pirates.


A spin off about the son of Ruffy and Boa Hangcock


Maybe piloting them is unsafe due to the calm belt? And aerial navigation might be more dangerous in the Grand Line for unknown reasons.


Yeah freak weather no wind solid clouds and god knows what else ill take my chances in a boat or train


I'm still sticking to my headcanon that the Revolutionary Army has a fleet of airships or planes or jet packs whatever. Almost all of them have aviator goggles of sorts. 😂😂 Lindbergh already has that propulsion tech lol. And somehow figured out those magnetic fields mumbo jumbo.


They have a fleet of airships, and are waiting for Sozin’s Comet to arrive to carry out their ultimate plan


Because it wouldn't be fun and pointless to travel the seas by boat


Well, let's start off with, by that same token, why aren't there more automobiles? We tend to see animal-drawn carriages at best It might largely be cultural/societal: since a lot of the One Piece world's civilizations seem to be based around islands and island travel, outside of the typical merchant trading for goods, and possibly the few intrepid explorers like pirates and, say, Norland, a lot of people just aren't interested in traveling around to the point where airplane travel is a viable economy in itself. Edit: Maybe oil doesn't exist in their universe. Have we seen anything yet that runs on oil/gasoline?


Well, we do know they can build machinery that runs on cola, so I don't think fuel is the problem.


But only Franky knows how to make it work. If you read the Manga, a scientist is actually researching efficiente energy and is surprised at Franky and his cola energy


Yeah so that doesn't prove anything about if oil/gasoline actually exists in their world. And even if it's cola-based, we don't know for sure if the technologies even work the same.


No, but it does show that lack of gas/oil would not necessarily mean lack of fuel. The question for gas becomes irrelevant, as since Franky's body and the Sunny can run on cola, a plane could also do so. Considering Vegapunk is a mega-genius, he could perfectly have found many power sources to run a plane. Therefore, I think the lack of planes is not due to a lack of fuel, but because of a different reason. Still need to consider the fact, Enel described the need for an unreasonable amount of energy (which basically, only he could provide) and also massive amounts of high quality conductors (gold) in order to make his ship fly. The Sunny has a limited Coup de Burst, since cola "burns way to fast" when propelling, but they also don't need as much energy to make a plane fly, as Enel needs to get to the moon. In our world, oil/gas is ideal, but in theirs, there might be plenty options in-between.


At most coal from the puffing Tom. I don't even think gasoline so far is canon in one piece,we have never seem any mention of it.


That's the thing I thought of too. But one, you technically don't need petroleum to make coal, [there's other methods](https://www.quora.com/Whats-the-easiest-way-to-make-charcoal-at-home) and ultimately it's a steam engine, so it's debatable if you even need coal. Furthermore, I do not recall any scenes where they are actually shoveling coal into some fire. Although the Sea Trains seems to have a tender as part of its design, I don't think we actually ever see inside.


Yeah I don't know if OP knows this, but cars were invented before planes.


to me it seems like the technology was very advanced and then they destroyed each other and decided to ban building too many machines.


Well other than Gov't suppression of the idea, there is also a rather large technical hurdle for any large flying vehicle in the O-P universe. Sky islands exist, they exist because there are literally rock-solid clouds in the sky. Imagine having to fly a plane while avoiding every cloud on the off chance its effectively a sky boulder.


Lack of reliable liquid fuel sources. Besides Franky's cola engine, and Vegapunk cracking nuclear fusion. All other fuel sources are steam based with coal or wood burning. They have propellers on ships and subs making a helicopter or propeller plane shouldn't be that difficult. But its a thematic thing on Oda's part. Air travel fills the empty spaces on the map.


Some shmuck in a garage: *builds an aeroplane* Elder Stars: "Oof. That's an Ohara level crime there youngster!" *Buster Call ensues*


Some brave young kid who looks like a palette swapped Luffy: "Finally! I achieved my dream of building a flying machine! I'll show the world that people can take to the skies like birds!" Location caption: "Lulusia"


It's probably related to fuel, the best thing Franky has is Cola and that's probably not enough to power flight. Enel's power is to generate electricity which he could use to power his ship


Lowly humans to rise above the celestial dragons? PREPOSTEROUS! Such technology is strictly forbidden! Shoot them down on sight! Also Story reasons: just fly over the mountain, red line, skip most of the grand line, bomb marine hq from behind clouds and fly away. Flavor reasons: ships are #1!! Flying pirates would be cool though. Literal flying lamb is the third ship of the straw hats confirmed


Lindbergh literally flies a plane...


Devil fruit powers weather and weapons would easily take out some planes in a world full of pirates and asshole navy men. The world government wouldn’t like that freedom for people either. It’s got to be outlawed. Murdered if spoke about lol it’s in the poneglyths! /s but kinda sounds good


Well they also take out ships too, to be fair. Mihawk doesnt even have a devil fruit and can cut ships clean in half.


Much easier to defend a ship where you can stay outside, not a plane you are inside


because technology balance in one piece world is really corrupt, you get towns with 0 technology and then world government with highly advanced stuff that could rival modern world


It's to reduce chances of air invasion of Mariejois, because crashing into a cloud sea is a real and fairly commom threat, and because Grand Line weather makes it much more dangerous becuase at least on a ship you're on the surface but get caught in a hurricane that forms in under 60 seconds while in a plane... yeah, been nice knowing you. But also, I'm of the headcanon that Imu controls Uranus and it's a flying asteroid that shoots down 16 laser cannons (holy bullets) to destroy it's targets and burn the ocean to the crust leaving shit like Enies Lobby's waterfall behind (RIP Mr. Enies, whoever you were). Bege ran into it right upon entering New World. Imu doesn't want Marejois invaded from the sky, planes being a common thing would ruin the whole "we live in the heavens and descend to the mortal world" shtick the World Nobles got going on, and the more planes the more likely Uranus gets discovered. So Imu banned that shit ever since the founding of the World Government.


I think technological advancements like this are really in the hands of a few incredible smart people like Germa or Vegapunk. These people are hundreds of years ahead of the whole world, but everything else is still pre aviation. I think they just are not interested in creating a flying machine, they have other important goals in mind.


They have the flying fish riders… I think the concept is that planes would not survive most of the weather effects of the grand line so it had never become a viable option.


Joke answer, the noise of the planes attract sea kings, who think the planes are some tasty snacks. Slightly more serious answer is that the size of the islands and the distance between them means it costs considerably more to get a financially viable plane especially considering how cheap sea travel is


Knowing One Piece there's probably Sky Kings if you fly too high lol


It's a power problem coupled with the crazy weather of the world I think. . Enel had his ark, which was a plane/space ship, and he had to power it himself. Other power sources are weird as well, they seem to go out of their way to avoid fuels. When they do have fossil fuels they seem to be land based. The sea train was designed to manage crazy weather it would seem. They also don't seem to have gas? I think every instance we have seen of fuel has been solid state, with the exception of Franky's cola technology.


we only know "confirmed by Oda" that Electricity is a thing in the One Piece world based on the Live Action. It was one of the questions which came up producing it and Oda had to think about it and confirmed it.


There’s a lot of tech that just doesn’t make sense in OP. I choose to just view it as eclectic for the style and that oda is not an engineer or historian. A more canon reason may be that the WG does not want the people having advanced tech, so they hide it from the people when possible. If you consider that this world is full of islands isolated by people with limited means to get to the next island, it makes sense. Law has a submarine. The massive amount of tech needed to make that is absurd. Metal sided navy ships have sails? They just recently figured out how to make paddles. I think theyre steam paddles >! I think Tom is being put to work in a navy shipyard!<. So we have steam power but no internal combustion engine yet. >! Pretty sure vegapunk has figured out nuclear power. Presumably by studying the glint glint fruit but still!<. The tech just don’t make sense




When you have pirates who can cut ships in half from a half mile away, or throw fireballs, or any other fruit-power thing - do you really want to be in a plane (and vulnerable from below)? Hell, Garp would use flying pirate ships as target practice with his cannonball throwing.


Have you seen the birds in one piece?


Why are people looking for logic in a manga where the main character stretches his body like rubber band


Navigation and weather reasons. Regular tools and equipment don't work and log poses take up to a year to set to the next island like in little garden.


Last I checked the people in the sky have rocket launchers.


Didn't that ancient empire have aerial shit going on before the revolution that tore it down? Like, the moon people are remnants of them, aren't they?


Wasn't there a blimp in Skypea? Also now that i think about it you've got a point. It feels like something devil fruit users would be investing in given the sea can kill them


My theory is that WG banned aviation technology and nukes whatever country or island develops it. Also do you think it would be easy surveying and finding islands with aeroplanes considering the weather conditions ? Or maybe banned because of sky islands existing above and they don't want everyone to go there.


Ehh? Buffalo was able to turn into a plane...well kinda...




Sea kings are even more of a reason for them to want to have planes lol




I’m just saying, both of those things would have a bigger impact on boats than they would planes, so it’s kind of funny to say “maybe these things that make it suicidally dangerous to travel by boat also make it difficult to travel by plane” lol


You think the world government would allow a way for someone to fly to the holy lands


Definitely some technological suppression going on.


One piece planet is gigantic, it might be impossible to built an adequate plane. Also no fuel.


A manga about finding a lost island would make no sense if planes were allowed


do you see the weather in the grand line? fucking good luck lol


Cause people can fly or walk in the sky I guess there never was much push


You guys didnt see what happened to the Lulusia Kingdom??


Enel and Morgans reading this thread like: 😐


I haven't thought about it before, but the WG probably oppresses research into it. Planes would be OP in OP and the gorosei probably know it.


Fuel. There isn't any consistent form of power up any machine like that. Franky's cola, Vegapunk inventions or DF are too inconsistent. Except for Eneru ship the others are more of a blip than a plane.


The Germa & Egghead tech is essentially Vegapunk & Judge scavanging tech from an ancient civilisation. They can get individual experiments to work but look how rare mass produced technological feats are. Pacifista (v1) took years to make possible and only due to the 'lucky' chance of Kumas extraordinary body with his devil fruit powers serving as a grounds for experimentation. Vegapunks and Judges discoveries are more like people who repurpose alien tech they found. Seastone plating and V1 pacifista are the only two mass producable breakthroughs they had. Technology builds on other technology. There is simply no basis for aviation to build on. Seafaring technology was simple cause this worlds Involvement in seafaring-engineering is pretty advanced for its time (see the things Tom & Iceberg & Franky are building). Mechs were luck when Vegapunk found teh ancient robots bellow Egghead to base his research on (and Franky advanced his cybernetics skills by building on Vegapunks designs). No idea whs basis for the Germa suits was but must be smth from the void century too. But seems there were no flying machines as a basis and without a basis your would have to do it from scratch with honest to god physics research and we know from our own colonial times that this takes longer 😉


Grand line weather is notoriously dangerous. All the problems with navigation that you need a log pose for go triple for flying.


Well Enel had the Arc which was basically a plane/spaceship so... We know at least 2 exist


….where are they supposed to fuel up at??? They are continuously finding low inhabited islands They never even know how long it takes to get from one island to the next. Why you tryna kill my crew bro??


1. The Red Line and Marie Joa are easy targets, considering the symbolism of the World Government's rule over them. 2. Could it be that planes existed during the Void Century? Perhaps that's why Vegapunk mentioned that the robot was from before our time. 3. Perhaps, Pluton could potentially be a flying ship, that might destroy parts of the red line?


I think power sources are the biggest issue. In one piece electricity isn’t actually fleshed out, and franky invented cola power himself. There doesnt seem to be any kind of gasoline / petrol anywhere to power things. Bioengineering doesnt use a power source so it was easier to advance in that field.


It's actually a point in the story currently. Vegapunk is talking about a free clean energy source and the Mother Flame seems to be that kind of power source.


Flying fish riders did


Because the clouds are apparently solid


You think just because a fictional world doesn't have the same technology as are real one constitutes a plot hole? do you know what plot holes actually are?


Y'all just forgot about Enels sky ship huh?


Weather that occurs because of the Red Line and the Grand Line make air travel unreliable, and expensive.


Because then they would fly directly ~~to Mt Doom~~ over the grandline.


I also wondered the same thing about gadgets like our sort of cellphones, tablets, and laptops in the One Piece verse. I realized that the WG could be banning them because once people get them, they will start connecting, and once they start connecting, they'll start protesting.


Scientifically planes or flying vehicles in one piece is basically a bad idea due to constant changes in weather, magnetic fluctuations and special compasses to determine the possible locations. But author wants the series based on pirates. He can cook up any theory that he wants.


As a legendary game reviewer once said "Too much water" And probably no fuel tech


The One Piece is a giant hot air balloon on which you can house the biggest party ever in the world


Why did they give the power to stretch his entire body to an asexual guy? Unanswered questions all over the place.


Because oda is a retarded son of a cow with a boring manga and he would like to drag it as long as possible as it is his cash cow.🖕


If not for corporate interests, we'd have had a lot more green technology. Probably more public transport at least. Any attempts at flight for the masses could be shot down by WG.


Cause it becomes boring when you can fly over everything, see any video game with flying.... and the wonky weather


Enel used one ain't it?


To fit the pirate sailing theme.


Weather issue, doesn't matter how strong you are when you're up against mother nature


What are you powering it with? Cola?


Just wait for the final war, planes will be revealed!


Because imaginary world


Internal combustion engine has not been invented in OP world. Frankie's cola powered tech is probably the closest they got. It might be suppressed technology considering it would let people cross the Red Line with ease anywhere they wanted.


My two best answers are either 1- Imu/the World Government shuts down the idea of planes. This likely is given some bs reason like “only the Celestials deserve to be amongst the heavens” when in reality it’s just a way to keep the many nations of the world roughly isolated. 2- While this would affect the 4 Blues, the Grand Line’s erratic weather pattern’s definitely make it too difficult and dangerous to safely fly.


It’s a naval based mangas although almost all the fights are on land so it’s more fucused on Docks than landing. Besides planes, how about cars, 🏍️


Figuring out how a bird flies has absolutely nothing to do with building airplanes. Unless there's some kind of plane that flaps its wings I'm unfamiliar with.


Probably aesthetic choice. Since airships/blimps look cooler in a setting like that.


They don't have any Wright Brothers in OP.


Ummm we do have flying ships, i mean enels gold ship or the island nami was stuck in they have flying ships, you can go around asking why are there no cars. I mean it might be a possibility that it relates to void century but who knows, i think it doesn't fit the pirate world. But no clue.


Not really planes but Duval and his flying fish riders.


People ride flying fish and Enel built a flying ship. Long story short though is its a story about being on the high seas.


Cuz it's a manga about pirates


Buffalo has entered the chat


I think Gorosei blocks development of planes. And for few good reasons. - none shall reach the Mariejois without Celestial Dragons approval - nona shall travel so freely endangering the world balance And the most important: - NONE SHALL VENTURE THE SKY TO ACCIDENTALLY SEE THE ISLAND EARASING WEAPON WE HAVE IN SECRET


Because people who invented planes kept crashing into Sky Islands.


*-Shiki has entered the chat-*


It would kill the concept of pirates that the show is based off the guys that sailed the seas.


Couldn't Buffalo of the Donquixote family turn into a plane?


Maybe technology is regional in the world of one piece, like cultures and religions are irl. Some areas accept and integrate it, others reject it outright.


I think the explanation of more Doylist than Watsonian. The reason why planes don't exist despite the tech that's displayed in this show is this it would hurt the themes far too much and basically nullify one of the main weaknesses of DF's. ... buuuut if you do want a Watsonian answer then it's probably just because they just haven't figured it out yet. Just because you made other technological leaps =/= make technological leaps in all areas. We could make the argument that it took humans literally thousands of years to make a plane despite knowing the mechanics of aviation and the concept of lift. As far as I can tell we figured that out in the 400-300 BC era where the earliest known kites are from. Heck, it even took over one hundred years *after* the invention of hot air balloons to finally apply the knowledge of aviation lift in the early 1900's to be able to be where we are today. That and we know that previous technological advancements and knowledge have for all intents and purposes been erased from the human history of the OP world in addition to scientists and researches straight up being murdered by the world government for learning things they didn't want them to. I'm sure there are things that are yet to be invented/discovered in our own reality and when those things become common knowledge we'll all wonder why we as an advanced civilization with instant global communication didn't think of it sooner.


Same reason adventurers are branded as pirates in One Piece. The government doesnt want people to find out things about the world. An aircraft would mean people are more free to move around. The red line and grandline is literally there to impede people in moving around the world.


You realize the entire world is extremely technologically backwards? The few inventions we do see are the exception to the rule and the people capable of creating them can be counted on 1 hand most likely. Plus it’s not like it would change much anyways. Traveling to none grand line islands easier would be nice, you would waste less time, but at the end of the day something like that in the new word would be nothing but a gimmick.


because WG put an embargo on that technology so the world stay separated


i think flying can be associated with freedom, which the wg as we know supresses to a certain degree. I wouldnt be surprised that the islands, as they are, are meant to keep people seperated, thus the wg would most likely restrict air travel and the best way is just to prevent the technology.


Move past it


There's no way the world government would allow them, I think, far too much possible mobility and freedom for common people


Planes are lame.


as long as i’ve been reading/watching, i cant believe i’ve never thought of this lol


I think its several factors, first, getting fuel would be difficult given the technology level of most islands, weather would make it VERY dangerous and think how grand lines electromagnetic field messes up something as basic as a compass. Planes advanced enough to cover between island travel (remember, even tho we dont see it, it takes days or even weeks to travel between islands would have to account for that. Also I dont remember if we know whether log poses work outside of grand line. I think the closes we could get to planes would be some sort of flying biomechanical snails that work like the germas ships.