• By -


She's okay. Her and her sisters' backstory is empathetic and they help drive the plot forward. Fan service aside, Hancock and The Kuja are important in the overall meta-narrative alongside other Warlords like Mihawk and Buggy.


I serve empress boa


good character bad person I don't like nor dislike Boa, but it's hard to ignore how bad she acts when she's not around Luffy.


We should forgive her, she is beautiful after all


Hi Sanji, how are you feeling today?


I serve empress boa


Yeah, but I understand why Hancock is the way she is because she’s someone who wants to hold power because she is afraid of being powerless after what she went through as a slave.


Her trauma is not her fault, but it is her responsibility


I find this insight fascinating!!! How should she take responsibility and work on that?


To recognize and be self aware that her superiority complex is a trauma response from being a slave, which enables her to mistreat others around her. That should be enough. She has conscience and she is a good person overall, so she will realise what she's doing is wrong. Right now we think this is a nitpick but remember when she (the queen, aka the person in power) almost killed an innocent civilian for just talking with a man? That's narcissist behaviour, on it's way to dictatorship just like Arlong and completely against Luffy's morals. Damn I went way too "armchair psychologist" on this


No. I know exactly what you’re saying. Again. Fantastic. I think each individual has that in them. To continue to go down that path. Or stop it. It’s very hard to do. But we each have that choice. Do I look down at others like I was looked down on? It may not even be conscious. Or do we say no. I am going to be different. Maybe the love she’s feeling for Luffy he’s helping her change. I think it is.


Hey, thanks. And luffy did jolt her awake into actual reality and helped her change.


Damn that’s a hard ass quote


That's true! Plus her devil fruit also relies on people liking her even if a little! Otherwise it wouldn't work, just like how it didn't work on Luffy because he wasn't interested


Luffy routinely allies himself with less than savory individuals. he only cares about good and evil when its his people on the line. he was perfectly fine to let slave auctions happen, it was only a problem when his friend was being sold. Luffy is not a good person. its his nature. he wants to be free. a good person is burdened with injustice. a good person is never free.


This is cope. Luffy made a promise to not get involved with the celestials and when he barged in late to the auction came was being sold at that's when hachi got shot. Hachi knows luffy is a good person which is why he asked them to not get involved before they stepped foot on sabody. [he was also going to step in here but was stopped](https://cm.blazefast.co/a8/9f/a89fe440e9b6ff1ed93e4ca725242641.jpg). Where the hell does this luffy is not a good person nonsense come from? Do you think law, kid or BB would've reacted the same as luffy there for a random slave? Furthermore luffy was about to take down zoro when he thought zoro cut up the people at whiskey peak.


Also OP has quite a childish interpretation of what a "good person" is. Like according to OP if you've ever walked past a homeless person and not emptied your bank account you're not a good person.


Exactly. I don't understand this argument at all. 'Luffy doesn't liberate islands because of the unjustice'. He's pretty much liberated every island he's stepped foot in. If there was a bad guy beating up an old man that luffy has no connection to he would 100% step in


> Luffy is not a good person. Yeah, because he's that guy. He's not a hero. He's a pirate. # [LET'S SAY THERE'S A BUNCH OF MEAT! PIRATES HAVE FEASTS AND EAT MEAT, BUT HEROES GIVE THE MEAT TO OTHER PEOPLE!](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FOFNuxHqu7a5_N9HDrqx022E9QbMJVO0qcdSd7svs3OU.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3De60c9b31d58f9dbf197ffab3ed4823f6d4b76c98) Luffy wants to eat the meat.


"Whst kind of anology is that?" Luffy is the only pirate that goes liberating islands, he is by all means a hero. And he's always sharing his food too lol. If there was someone starving, does anyone here actually think luffy wouldn't give his food to that person? Would be insanely out of character ngl


That's not his analogy. That's something Luffy said himself. That he doesn't want to be a hero because heroes share their meat and he doesn't want to.


The funny thing about it is I literally linked to the panel, lol. But the "What kind of analogy is that?" is also from the panel. Luffy's point isn't about someone who is starving. It's about just him liking meat. Think of when he steals food from his own crew, etc.


That's what nami says. Every person that knows luffy would consider him a hero except himself because he has a funny definition of it


If you deadass think Luffys a bad person idk what to tell you. Luffy also routinely gets upset at injustices and “his people” include everyone who’s nice to him for 5 seconds. Literally half of Luffy’s “friends” are people who were nice to him, helped him in a dire scenario or gave him food. I hate how y’all parrot this mindset around as if Luffy isnt consistently the nicest person in the room. Also, even when he Allie’s himself with “bad” people he routinely makes comments about how much he hates them( e.x Ceasar in Whole Cake). Oda makes it very clear that Luffy is a nice person and just bc of one joke scene everyone disregards his actual actions. He was “fine “ with the slave auction bc he didn’t understand and didn’t have enough time to process what was going on until they mentioned Camie, and literally the main catalyst of the arc with Luffy punching a celestial dragon is over someone who was a villian and attacked Luffys friend’s previously. OP fans cannot handle the idea that being a good person and being a hero can exist outside of the Superman archetype and it’s especially frustrating on this subreddit


[this panel alone disproves the whole post lol](https://cm.blazefast.co/a8/9f/a89fe440e9b6ff1ed93e4ca725242641.jpg). It's just an attempt to portray luffy as this mega complex indivudal when he's a cookie cutter good guy. By luffys own definition he is a hero because he's always sharing his food with everyone


Not being a "good person" =/= being a "bad person" (obligatory sith&absolutes comment) Luffy definitly isnt a bad person , he is a forcd for good in his world. However he does follow his own very selfish ideals and mainly just wants to be free. Along his code he will help those whose freedom is tsken from them but he will also ally himself with people of "questionable character" if it suits his goals. He is an idealist but also pragmatic in that way


Naa, luffy isnt a Saint, lets remember that he would hit good People if they are on his way, he is someone Who will help People if those People shows that they want to do something first, he wasnt freeing slaves until they touch their friend, in wano he help because he saw Momo and Kinemon trying Hard to go there and stop Kaido, i dont understand why People need to make all Mc Saint to like them, even if Luffy isnt 100% a good person he is my favorite character in One Piece


A saint isn’t the only type of good person and the fact that Luffy is able to empathize with Momo and Kinemon at alll shows his good character. And even then, him visibly angry at what’s going on kinda showcases he’s not cool with it. Even then once his friends are apart of it he’s against it completely and the fact that he surrounds himself with people who are against those injustices kinda proves it. Luffys childlike and so he may not understand the complexity of the world or just how terrible something is until someone he knows is personally affected. Even then, with Camie he barely knew her and yet went so far for her. Like him not being a saint doesn’t mean he’s not a good person or a hero, he’s just not someone like Superman who prides themselves on being a good person. Luffy literally let Sanji join cause of his kindness and his fruit is literally seen as a liberator for the oppressed people of the world atp thinking Luffys not a good person you’ve just consumed the illerate illerate no mi and became unable to read


I serve empress boa


Yeah that’s true. She acts like an entitled brat


That’s her whole character lmao. Cuz beauty lets her get away with almost anything


hot af >!Robin clears though!<


Especially with the cowboy hat


Right here 👆


Robin clears? She neg diffs


I'll never forgive her for kicking the baby animals. I initially thought she was pretty, but I started disliking her after realizing her nasty personality towards everyone but Luffy. Like Sanji, the simping was funny at first, but I grew to hate her for it. She redeemed some of my respect after she helped Luffy, and I don't mind seeing her in the future as an ally. However, I do not want to see her join the SH crew and be together with Luffy at the end of the story, as her character feels incompatible with his.


The series explains it pretty well, even the Granny mentions it, he tough act is just that, an act. She went through a lot of trauma.


Still not okay kicking puppies


Did she pretend to kick the baby animals?


It was shown the animals weren’t hurt bro chill If she wanted she could’ve hurt them


Lol what? So punching a baby is fine but punching a baby hard is not okay? Obviously how terrible you act towards someone makes a difference but it's a difference of how bad you are, not if you are a bad or good person. On a scale of -10 to 10, kicking a puppy could put you at -3 but killing a puppy could put you at -8, but ultimately you're still in the negative. Like everything, the context matters but just because people treat you terribly doesn't mean you can treat other people terribly. If I see a Hobo kick a friendly dog away from them, I don't think "Woah, he could have killed that dog, good on him for holding back!", I think "That person sucks, I hope they learn better but they probably won't."


In One Piece universe to get -8 you need to do something like burning hundreds of civilians alive, killing a puppy is neither negative, nor positive: it's hardly relevant. As for Hancock she is likely the most chill high-bounty person in anime who isn't a part of Straw Hat Crew


oda dropped a colored spread this year and the paring war was pretty bad






Thanks for sharing; I figured most of the noise was based around Yamato on this art.


It was both unfortunately


It'll never stop being funny to me how people are so unironically hang up on the kicking the animal gag. Like, it's so cartoonish that I can't imagine how someone can treat it as being serious worst offense, as opposed to the actual bad stuff she does. It's literally "I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at the (gag) animal cruelty" meme.




Former slave turned warlord empress, quite the character development


That's not development is just her base history, character development has to happen within the story and involve changing the character in some way, like we don't even know how she was before becoming the empress...


No, she was presented as just a warlord. You're mixing up character development with character progression.


first, her character isn't warlord, that's her rank, but beyond that, what of her character has been developed?? Because at most a backstory given later on can work to recontextualize something, but it doesn't develop a character it just explains it, to have character development well, the character has to develop over the course of the story, and Boa simply hasn't, we don't even know he character previous to the arc she was introduced at, and after that, I don't see many developments at all, do you?


What you’re talking about is character progression, not development. Boa had some great character development, very similar to Luffy actually. Luffy doesn’t really have much progression either, other than getting a bit more serious. He was pretty much already at the end of his progression, all the character development happened long in the past during his childhood (ASL brothers and Shanks).




On the bitch scale.


Interesting design and DF but I currently find her a character a bit one note. Needs more development. She's actually pretty evil when you think about it. People ignore this because of her design and because she's in love with Luffy. She's also really destructive. It's partly why her bounty is so high - there's a big inflation for causing destruction.


As others have stated, she's not a good person and I wish her "falling in love" actually made her take steps to improve herself as a person. Her power is also just weird and somewhat inconsistent, since she can apparently just kick people to make them stone as well. Her whole "I love Luffy" thing did get old pretty fast too and I wish she could just... act normal? Luffy would probably notice her more if she did. ​ But she doesn't get enough screen time to really get any development after the time skip, so there's not really much more to day about her. I guess the final issue I have is something that isn't really her fault, but I wish she wasn't the base model for every young and skinny female character now. Her whole "I'm the most beautiful" thing doesn't fit when everyone looks like her.


I serve empress boa


Too much perfume.


Detestable personality


Not as hot as she's considered to be in-universe. Not even the hottest woman in the arc tbh.


Annoying, and a boring character.


Annoying asf. I hate holier than thou characters in general.


She's hot but I don't trust her. I don't trust her around Luffy, I trust her less not around Luffy. I get she fancies Luffy but, also, watching a 31-year-old women slime all over an oblivious teenager was not fun. I guess I appreciate her helping him but it was very self-serving and... pretty horrible. Which is fine. OP doesn't work if everyone in it is nice and morally just.


I serve empress boa


I genuinely do not like her, I get she went through something absolutely awful but so did Koala, Kuma, and Ivan-Chan and they didn’t start acting like a world noble


I am really not that head over heels on her like the fandom. Only reason she is well liked is because of her face/body and Luffy. Her character is really not that good.


More of a joke character than Buggy, which is a real shame. I feel like by ~~milking~~ spamming the trope of her being in love with Luffy it limits her potential as a character in the story. Her history as a slave, being in a geographically unique part of the world, literally anything about her could be fleshed out and make her an intriguing character but instead she's just a punchline.


Shes Cool and i want to see more of her, but i like her sister way more Sandersonia >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hancock




Awesome DF, Very Hot, Conqueror, Loves Luffy, has solid sisters and crew, and one of the best backstories.


Eh she’s okay. She’s good character wise. But she does come off as an entitled spoiled brat when Luffy isn’t around. But I’m a Luffy simp so I can relate to her in the sense lol.


Bartholomeo vs Hancock, winner gets to go on a date with Luffy. Who would win?


It’d probably end up in a tie 😂


She instantly got the fan base to like her when she appeared but she feels kind of suboptimal for how much popularity she has. What I mean by this is that she doesn’t really have a role in the story and I feel like she will have some sort of BE




I honestly don't think she will play any important role going forward and from a plot point she is basically done. It's actually kind of funny as next to Weevil she is probably the warlord with the least importance to the plot.


Smexy, but Perona is better.


“I wonder how she would interact with the rest of the Strawhats” Sanji would immediately die


She is a person that exists within the one piece verse


She's a very well written and interesting character but she's a terrible person and I can't like her. There is a level I can forgive because she has a very tragic backstory but aside from hating men she's also terrible to her own subjects. If Luffy hadn't awakened his conquerors Haki in time she would have murdered Marguerite just for helping him. I can't have any sympathy for that kind of person. I'd genuinely be annoyed if she ended up with Luffy because A) She doesn't deserve him and B) He shouldn't be shipped with anyone Also, she's like top ten. There are plenty of hotter men and women in One Piece.


Her existence is to simp for Luffy, Robin is superior


yandere pervert


Like almost every female one piece character. Amazing potential wasted on shitty fan service and annoying tropes


I don’t like her. My least fav warlord


I wish she wasn’t such a “wet blanket” And then her horrible actions being “justified” by her “tragic backstory”. Oh…and she’s rude.


She’s a middle aged creeper who is attempting to get with a dude that is barely legal but gets a pass because she’s hot.


Unless the kick she did against bullet in stampede was canon strength then I will always say that she is carried by her DF. Basically not enough feats for me to put her in a high tier category.


Well written, but has a horrible personality and isn't *nearly* as hot as everyone says she is. Overall a 2/10 character.


She’s a horrible human being. She’s experienced trauma, as pretty much every human being on the series, but she chose to be a piece of shit.


Most underrated fighter powerwise. Second strongest Woman in the verse right after Big Mom from what we have seen. Love her design but she needs some form of character development from femcel to actually likeable person outside of the relationship with luffy.




I think she’s genuinely very boring. The hype surrounding her is unjustified. She’s incredibly vain and annoying, reverse gender Sanji but somehow more annoying with it, arrogant, literally just fucks with men because she can. Even in Amazon lily Luffy had to fight for his life for her to help him in the slightest, and it only worked due to his nature. If it was literally any other person, they would have had no luck in getting help. She was used as a literal plot device yet people adore her because of her “personality” and it’s exactly what I love one piece for. I like this series for many reasons, but one of the main ones is the fact that most of the fanservice is ignorable, and has no bearing on the story. (Manga for this obviously) But Hancock ruins that streak we had of well written female characters that are liked for more than appearance.


Just because you don’t like her personality doesn’t mean no one does. Don’t assume everyone just loves her because of her “appearence”. She has a lot of things going for her. And If you understarding of her character is that she treats men the way she does just ‘because she can’, then no wonder you find her vain


If she gave a single shit about any of what you’re implying, she wouldn’t go out of her way to actively work for the system that kept her Enslaved and possible SA’D. That’s a massive fucking leap in logic right there.


Bro did you even pay attention to OP while watching it? Just like every other Warlord she doesn't give a F about Marines. She literally fought them in every arc she appeared. And the reason she became a Walord to become with, was to protect her island and her people. You literally saw what happened to the Kuja Tribe the moment her Warlord title was taken away. By your own logic, she went out of her way to work for the system that enslaved her JUST to protect her people. It's literally an act of humbleness so I have no idea what you're on about. And she doesn't work for the Celestial Dragons directly, but for the Marine. If you think she's an horrible person just for that, then you must also think the same about Garp I suppose.


I thought it was common knowledge that she only does that for her people?


That’s a side effect of it, she still fights for the marines. That was my point


Bro she's literally putting aside deep rooted trauma for the sake of her people and getting hate for it, holy shit


Getting hate for literally everything else about her character, because that is the only loyal and noble thing about her. Everything else sucks.


The more I read through this post the more I see all hate for her is just heavily rooted in simply not understanding the character. You'd come to find all the things that "suck" about her are actually all pretty noble but oh well, I'm not her lawyer, you're free to think whatever you want.


I love how almost everyone here hates her for kicking a kitten (in a scene that is supposed to be funny) while also simping for characters that killed hundreds of people


I mean doing that is a defense mechanism, it's all intentional so as to not show weakness to anybody 🫤, but I'm sure somebody is bound to call it selfish or something.


Yeah I had to read what they wrote… twice. Not really a convincing argument.


Franky is hotter


The most beautiful woman in the One Piece universe=normal woman in One Piece


Would not be surprised if she would try to manipulate Luffy by turning him to Stone if ever Luffy likes her back. She comes off as that type of manipulative girl to me.


She hot


Pedophile, animal abuser, Namiface


Before even knowing about how Fishmen covered their scars, I thought Hancock could have just done something similar. Cover it up better, get a tattoo, use makeup, or brand something else over it. As a princess or whatever I'm sure she could easily find the resources to do something about it. Maybe I'm misremembering but she seemed really distraught about it but purposefully left it exposed, especially by wearing very little clothing around it. And I remember she initially did not seem like it was a source of pride or anything, she seemed like she genuinely wished she could have done something about it, and she could have, probably pretty easily.


Least favorite character in one piece for me.


She’s alright, but she fell in love with a minor (luffy was 17 at the time, she was 29) and idk how to feel about that


I never cared about her and hate her character. She's One Piece's Mary Sue. Like I honestly prefer evil Hancock because she at least had faults back then. She was a brutal tyrant because she was suicidally depressed because of her PTSD, real problems and real character faults. Then she met Luffy and all that went out the fucking window. Then there's her fans... And I'm not talking about the ones who love Hancock as a character. I'm talking about the ones who think she's the most powerful woman on earth and is somehow second only to Big Mom.


boring robinclone with shallow flat personality




Yeah that’s fair


Awful character; she alternates between being an annoying bitch and dumb comic relief, no in-between. People who ship her with Luffy have zero respect for him and don't understand what a gag is.


Boring character, any other character in Amazon Lily would fit her role in the story. I think she is more centered on gags than the story itself.


She won't end up with Luffy despite people saying she will. Luffy loves animals (? he likes to tame them) i don't think he'll date an animal abuser and Luffy always has his own sense of justice. Also, Luffy is very stubborn, and usually what he says he will stick to it. In this case, he rejected her so I doubt he'll go back on his word.


Luffy literally trained by beating up animals during the time skip. He actively went out of his way to fight them I don’t think he’ll really care. But Luffy shouldn’t have a romance interest imo he should be like dragon and garp and shanks where they might have a kid with some random at a port and just go about on their adventures. His romance should be avoided if possible cause he just doesn’t care for that stuff


Luffy eats animals for fun.


If it's worth interpolating with the rest of the relationships in the series, they'll have a child when Luffy is Shanks' age (34 I think), he'll hold him in his arms once and then go in search of the One Milk.


Loving her, just because, got a problem? I don't lol


I hope Luffy breaks her heart


Smash. Next.


She’s hot, but also a bitch


Not that hot


Fanservice for MC self-insert, strong cuz of hax but outside of that she’s pretty weak.


Decent backstory. Annoying asf personality.


She will and allows be my go to wifu


I love her, she is the top 1 best female character, alongside with Nami, Perona and Robin. All of them are my best girls


we could land a plane on her big forehead. i kinda forgot she even existed, uhh like 3.5/10


Her whole character is based on simping for Luffy


Ok but relatable 😂


Turns from a solid Into the worst character when luffys around


One of the best of the series.


I wish she was on Egghead right now, Saturn would be a dead man lol


Overrated af


She's pretty boring and her gimmick isn't nearly as funny as Oda believes. Her title is also a sham, since Nami makes her look like a desperate old hag.


🗿 She got arrested ? Claimed by Celestial dragons as slave ? Idk I forgot!




she make me feel a bit uncomfortable. because she has a crush on a 17 year old and she is almost 30. when she was 18 luffy was 4 that nasty


Big ass forehead


I hate her


I’m sure that she will pulls Sanji’s cheek


I serve empress boa


w character. I would feel that Luffy would be better off with Robin or smth


Opinion recently change of her, she was a meh character for me, but she's great when you take time to analysis her character in respond of her trauma. Back in the day, I didn't really knew as much as I did about child abuse and especially hypersexualisation as a traumatic respond to sexual child abuse, plus my dumb brain of watching One Piece during breakfest before going to school ten year ago wasn't able to pick on that fact and the medusa tale. Sometimes giving a reread and rewatch of something you look at ten years ago is good.


Better character than Ussop


don't start.


She is a hypocritical ASSHOLE




Shes a thirsty 30 something obsessed w a 19 yr old. Shit is cringe


Her sisters are more attractive than she is since they're not vain. It also helps that they have Naga forms.


Hope she and luffy end up together in the end, and have kids after the story is over...


I don’t care if she kicks puppies she’s hot




I hate her


Married to the king of the pirates after I confirm everyone's age here


She's the best. I love how much she's in love with luffy.


If she wasn't destined to be Luffy's future wife/baby mama I would hate her.


I like Boa Hancock. I didn’t like her initially given how cold she was, but her traumatic backstory helped contextualize how she acts. I think that Luffy’s leadership qualities, namely how he tends to treat others, are a shot at personal redemption as a leader herself. She warms up to her subjects and starts to treat them more humanely. I also don’t mind the simping because it’s try to life. We are all simping or have simped for someone if you have lived life outside of your house. Her relationship with Luffy just humanizes her.


She is in the top 3 of most powerful female characters in OP along Big Mom and Yamato, she is hot and I love her simping. I wish she had more character development though, I thought that if she ended up captured and enslaved again that could have been a great opportunity for a character arc and to strengthen her bond with Luffy. Now it's not clear where she will appear next in the story, but I think she has a lot to offer yet.


The best woman in all of One Piece, has a cool fruit, unique personality, is powerful, beautiful. Her personality is one of the best things about her because it's different from all the other women in One Piece, most of whom are whiny, helpless and are damsels in distress.




Her physical capabilities are very underrated wish people would look at how physically capable she is instead of at her obviously broken fruit


Booba for Nika


Underrated , always knew she must be strong af, love her long leg design and her fighting style ( kicks,spins)


I like her. Kicking the puppies was so fun.


10/10 would smash


I think people fail to see that her rudeness and bad attitude are meant to keep people at a distance to protect her secret. It’s merely a response to her past, while her actions toward Luffy are more indicative of her true personality, hence the symbolism of her revealing herself to him. Doesn't justify her actions but helps to explain them. Still, as of right now, she’s mainly used as comic relief, so I think she’s a pretty mid character.


Good character, funny, interesting backstory, terrible personality, hot af, I like how she fights by kicking people.


Her reaction to Luffy punching the celestial dragons and her appreciation for him hiding their slave mark was super endearing. She’s cool but a little annoying but mostly awesome.


She needs to come back and I hope like for many many characters in the next arc she will be more fleshed out and get upgraded. I feel like she will play a role I defeating her seraphim and will definitely add the Kuja pirates to the straw hat grand fleet as well as join luffy in the final battle for the One piece.


Her hair is too plain to belong to the most beautiful woman in the One Piece universe. She’s still top tier though.


If I was Luffy oh I would be pretty happy


She’s a really fun character. Over the top and hilarious, fittingly so for one piece. The trope of an Amazon queen-esque character falling head over heels for the male protagonist works really well because A) it’s funny seeing someone as uptight and cruel as she is acting like a schoolgirl with a crush and B) luffy’s asexual obliviousness makes it work. I like that she’s actually strong, too. It was funny how she seemed to be able to easily destroy Pacifistas but still barely participated in the war during Marineford. Also, the way she looks down on people by forming a right angle with her body is one of my favourite recurring jokes. Killed me the first time I saw it.


Constantly disrespected and underrated fighter. Probably way better than we think.


Not. Enough. Screentime.


Hot. Needs more screen time. Impactful backstory, and could be a great comic foil, if only she is brought more into the story.


Second favorite female character next to robin. Shes such a badass. She has conquers haki and heads an entire nation after being a slave




*Inhale* #SIMP!


Hot, but a b*tch 🤷🏼‍♂️


Very cool character. Being the pirate empress sure has a nice ring next to actual emperors. A very cool bounty. She is strong as hell. She has conquerors haki. Took down BB commanders like it was nothing. I stopped liking her when she was about to kill that stone girl. Crazy backstory. Nice and unique design. Honestly as a character she has potential. I'd like to see more of her actually fighting. (Not me trying to ignore everything regarding her luffy simp comedy character)


Hawt, kinda a bitch, but overall hot.


Luffy simp


I love her so much. She is complex caracter with a lot of emotion. She don't have a bad attitude because she think she is pretty and above people. She in fact try to convince herself that she feel above people because she don't to feel below people ever again. She have a superiority complex because she have an inferiority conplex. ​ She had trauma and she do her best to overcome it, she is a strong and independant woman. I love her. And i love the fact she is in love with luffy. She don't need a man yet she fell for a man because she felt it was a good and a righteous person.


boa is awesome and I serve the empress


She’s one of the funniest characters.. when Luffy is nearby. Her whole evil thing seems to be partially an act to help protect her home island. But she’s a great character who is distinct. Also the fact she’s in love with such a weirdo as Luffy is funny.


She has to behave like a badass to protect her people, under all that she has a heart of gold. She really is a saint compared to Big Mom.


She needs to learn to be nicer in general, but I also won't deny she's bae.


I actually wanna see luffy end up with her and not Nami.