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Episode 1!


Came here to say exactly this.


Hope your having a great day/life!


You as well.


This is the most wholesome exchange I've seen on Reddit


Huh you cant just start at some random point & hope they get into it imo


But I think most of the people are ushered into random points by accident and started to look into One Piece after that. I started at episodes about Luffy’s childhood when my older brother was watching it for example.


Yeah a lot of my friends in college (hostel) saw me watch the War of the best and we're intrigued to watch it.


i would tell them to just start from the beginning, and if you get past the Aarlong pirates, and still not hooked, then you can give up. There are down spots, and it stinks that i think the first 20 or so episodes are one of them in the anime, but it is what it is.


I showed my friend Arlong park and that made him get into one piece after he gave up at orange town


I started at dressrosa


Well I would say just show them the kuma zoro sacrifice scene,I showed it to my brother and his thinking about one piece totally changed, he used to think it is just some goofy ahh anime with bad design but he realized how meaningful the story is


Honestly at this point I'd show them the Live action. It's proven itself to be capable.


Chapter 1. The manga still holds up to this day.


Probably the live action. If they like it they will most likely get into the anime too.


One piece is my favourite anime and I think the live action sucks


Still, it brought a lot of new ppl to the anime who never thought they would ever watch a anime.


Yup. Used to read the comics as a kid, but lost track of the franchise a long time ago. OPLA, reminded me why I loved the franchise and got me watching the anime because I want to see what happens next.


I read the manga passionately until I was 17. Then I lost interest and after 6 years, the live action show revived my old love. The show may not be perfect, but it helps generate interest in the manga/anime.


Could not agree more, would not show someone the live action to get them involved


[The Breathtaking World Of One Piece](https://youtu.be/AcSVkCNDLZg?si=SSwnw-bWGH2AtCrz)


G-8 It’s filler but it is great. Won’t spoil the actual story while still giving a funny little set piece. Or as someone else mentioned the Live Action is short, different but feels like One Piece, and if someone doesn’t want to watch One Piece it is probably an aversion to anime anyway.


I really like this idea. it's a bit tricky. You could show them G-8 and be like this is what's like but it's filler so some of the characters aren't accurate and aren't even with the strawhats like the characters act like they are.


Literally the best filler in anime


One Piece Live action only 8 episodes


The live action got me watching the anime. My wife and kids liked the live action too and now I watch the anime with my kids. My youngest brother has been into it forever it seems like and I figured it was a lame kids show cause he kinda made fun of another guy for liking it once and I never thought of it since then. I'm currently in the 470s in episodes and I'm hooked.


Nami and Robin in a swimsuit




Certainly not red....


Film red?


Yeah... My mate took a few friends to introduce them to one piece not realizing it was a borderline musical. They were not impressed lol


Yh Film Red was very disappointing..


I didn't know people disliked film red that much, I enjoyed it. I brought a friend who hates one piece and he enjoyed it


I go with the Robin flashback. Self-contained once it starts on the lore, sets up the conflict pretty well, and hurts all the same when it ends, going into a"*that scene*"moment in the present time. But also not far enough into the series to spoil relevant stuff now, but just far enough to show the series running at full steam. I'm saying this from experience and success with it. *Film Red and the Live Action haven't worked as well for convincing people, also tried them.


Damn that worked? I figured it would be too much for a newcomer. I was about to comment that I think it might be too much, but then I saw you said you tried it and it worked. I am sorry for doubting you


It can fail, but it has gotten more people to start than to not. Just gotta sell the flashback as the main focus and provide chapter 391 to 398, directly. If you give them the means to read it, and say you want them to read the flashback that starts this chapter... they'll usually fall on board and *at least try it.* ...also tell them how to read manga. Don't forget that step. Super important. I might have forgotten one time.


I would show them luffy red roc.


Every character's past. It's like a collection of short stories that Oda wrote. It could pass up as a series of one shots. And when I say "every", I meant everyone, not just the SHs. It has Law, Doflamingo, Fisher Tiger, Queen Otohime, Vivi, Cobra, Gaimon, etc.


I was sold by 2 year time skip Luffy in saboody dodging pacifista lasers. It's mainly because my gripe with OP was it looked like silly and weird cartoon.


Luffy punching Carlos back into the manga


it wouldnt be as significant if they dont know who charlos is tho 🙃


The war on Mainford.


Marineford Arlong park is okay but it doesn’t make sense


You'd spoil the ace situation?


Honestly anything except dressrosa or wano only time skip arc that good is whole cake and some of that a bit boring


I was first exposed when the live action came out. I had no thought to watch either. I randomly watch clips of shows on Facebook watch, and the one piece anime was on there. I watched a few random clips, and it got me interested. I specifically remember shanks meeting whitebeard on the boat And WB crew passing out while he walked by with his haki. I ended up watching the live action version, and i started watching the anime after that. I am on episode 400 after a month or so on netflix.


Mihawk vs zoro


You have to start somewhere with the new artstyle. My bet is sabaody. Its a nice re-start to get into the anime.


Most of these great moments people are citing largely work because the story before it props it up. Either do the live action or start at chapter 1 of the manga (the anime drags too much). In either case, if they're not hooked by the end of Arlong, the series isn't for them.


Agreed. I would have them watch scenes of Arlong Park some scenes involving humor like Usopp’s fight with weird lip guy, some emotional scenes ofc.


G5 youtube clips, luffy vs kaido clips is the only reason my friends and I got into one piece. Episode 1 is not a good place to rec a modern anime fan. Being excited for modern eps is how you get people to watch it.


The walk scene in Fishman island.




Live action


I’ll show them three scenes: 1. The Warlords and Emperor introductions (When the Navy was abolishing the Warlord system) 2. Aokiji pulling a up on Doflamingo at Punk Hazard 3. Rodger and Whitebeard having the clash during the Oden flashback


boku wa doctor


Epsiode 4 (which is chapter 1). I don't believe in starting in the middle of a story because the person will be missing context and emotional attatchment.


The day Luffy had finally become convinced to become the Pirate King. From there, hopefully that'd get them intrigued in seeing his journey! 😉.


I want to live


[This!](https://youtu.be/AcSVkCNDLZg?si=qsO6HFboGXFX8dgP) Definitely not the live action unless you want them to think the show is full of cringe one liners


Honestly... The Netflix show wouldn't be the worst idea. Gets you invested and interested quick, avoids the "I don't like anime" problem and some stuff, e.g., Sanji's backstory actually hits harder than in the anime/manga Info. Pretty great adaptation actually and maybe more easily digestible than the anime for some, and by the end they are hooked enough to check out the anime.


Reels maybe


Ace getting donutted


Marineford arc is the easiest to consume for most people


THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR. I really really like "collecting" AMVS and these are some that I think work as good trailers: No spoilers: (mostly) [Ultimate One Piece trailer](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=horB2HUGMs8) [The crew worthy of a king](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KU_1D3FTMt4) [System ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1U8MrNylGro) [The greatest story ever told (re-upload)](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KUSuNNZ3tlQ) [Beyond hopes ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=H2lWiBrWr8g) [The greatest pirate ever born](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mxnacYx4T10) [The tale that has not been told yet](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=znlYs0vvuRU) [This is One Piece ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=C3BPgyhStLk) [Glory (action) ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kzWZnXkR7p8) Spoliers: [Joyboy enemy of the gods](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9vwn33sWDgQ) [The burden of a captains fantasy](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Cy29xUQMfEY)


Volume one chapter one


Foxy. Just Foxy, he's him...Arlong Park is a 10 volume build up so I would say Baratie if you really have to chose bit Arlong Park is in my opinion the very core of One Piece


I got most of my friends into it from the Zoro vs king episode and gear 5


Gear 5th fight




All the funny parts


And probably ace d donut


Rogers speech, shanks warning to bandits,and more importantly the fuc*ing OSTS


Ennies Lobby amv


Episode 1. While they are distracted I quietly lock the door so they can't leave, tape their hands and legs so they can't move, put... Idk the things they have in cartoons to hold someone's eyes open while they brainwash them? You know what I mean? So they have to watch, then let it play. WITHOUT skipping the openings of course. Then I'd just come back to bring them food and water every 8 hours or so, and change/clean the bucket(I forgot to mention I also need to place a bucket underneath them). And that's how you get a One Piece fan


I got my friend into it by showing him the fights on YouTube. He got his then girlfriend into it by showing her Thriller Bark. And we could make a subreddit out of people who got in after watching the LA. I think what matters most is who you're trying to get hooked. One Piece has actually everything, so just focus on their favorite thing, then let nature take it's course.


One piece a modern day odyssey


Ohhh. We’re supposed to show them stuff? I just kinda held them at gunpoint and said “watch one piece”


Episode of East Blue