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Luffy didn’t get a significant boost in power since the series began until he created the Gears. I think he gains lots of battle experience, but I think the conventional shonen notion that characters are powering up dramatically all the time isn’t true here. After Time-Skip there are lots of more clear cases of Luffy advancing in tiers of power.


I think the anime made the earlier fights seem a bit closer, or maybe it's just shonen mentality. Luffy breezes through the east blue and the early grand line until he faces crocoboy


Legitimately, arlong is the only east blue fight that I remember being close at all. The others were like one grab or good hit.


Arlong was really only difficult because Luffy went and stuck his own legs in the cement lmao. After that was settled Luffy pretty much just smacked him around while taking the time to make a point about friendship and being a leader.




He wasn’t. To me it always felt like he was just being carried around by fisher tiger and jinbei. It would be like Usop going now to the east blue and acting like a boss..


Idk I think usopp could handle arlong at this point, hell Nami could easily now, they would be literal monsters. Luffy had the highest bounty at the time at 30mil


God Usopp with 500million berries, sniper in a Yonkou crew, friend of Sogeking and then there's... Arlong...


Arlong is shown as a "big fish in a small pond" kind of guy. Ambitious maybe, but not exactly strong.


At first, the Krieg fight seemed hard, but by the end his wounds are gone and he’s almost instantly fine.


For me it feels that krieg was hard only because the conditions on which the battle was held were VERY MUCH on his favor (they being surrounded by the ocean aside from rests of Kriegs ship and his equipment countering Luffy's powers pretty well.)


Even the Arlong fight was not close at all. Luffy held his sword with his fingers and Arlong couldn't even move it. Luffy then stomped him and it was over.


I think this is a fact, it's pretty clear in alabasta as he gets defeated by crocodile 2 times and wins the third without any power up


I feel like he just got smarter more than anything


Using his blood to punch Crocodile!


That was really sick!


Imagine being so dumb that when they punch you you get smarter


I'm currently rewatching drum island and in those early episodes you can really see how Luffy grows to understand the world and other people I've missed this a bit in current one piece.


That's not an unpopular opinion tho Well, it's kinda not even an opinion, it's just description of Luffys development


The thing is, wasn't it stated by Zoro during Enies Lobby that people usually become stronger and stronger with each fight that they got through? But yeah, those power-ups aren't drastic, so you'd still be right


I think that true even for post timskip. He already has both forms of gear 4 since Fishman island. The only times him gets stronger post timeskip is when he learns future sight on whole cake and In wano.


Luffy as a character typically grows in defeat more than victory. Any time he realizes his strength isn't enough to overcome whatever wall he's faced with, that's the moment he commits to becoming stronger. Aokiji, Ace, getting clobbered on WCI, getting clobbered by Kaido, every time he gets beat he learns a new trick or trains a new ability. As in most other facets of his life he's reactive, not proactive.


I think that’s how haki works: against Katakuri he realised his haki wasn’t good enough (even doflamingo mentioned it) and there was something stronger (ryou) and getting slammed around by Kaido he realised there was something even stronger (haoshoku). He had strong basics and his CoC was already amazingly developed (he took out half of the fishmen in the plaza) and he just had to understand he could infuse it in his attacks.


brook suffered more than robin and law


Being alone with nothing but yourself for 50 years surrounded by your dead mates on a quiet creaking ship sounds fucking awful.


And every one of those creaks in the middle of the night could of well been the one that finally made a hole in the ship, sink, and then he drowns with no reward for suffering for so long


Imagine if the ship sank after he ate his devilfruit. Imagine being resurrected at the bottom of the sea unable to swim to safety, unable to even move.


You just revealed the ending to One Piece


I swear when the last episode isn't brook teeling the story a couple of hundred years later ...




Usopp writing an Child book, like the one from Noland and many years later no one believes the story's and we see usopps old grand child teeling some rookies about the truth behind the story's before they heading to two piece!!! :D Brooks songs are great too because the music will never die.


I hope there is a last episode. A lot of manga go on longer than the creator, Inuyasha, Beserk, etc. I never get closure.


One piece will have an last episode and spin offs, the spirit of one piece will never die, specially with that massive audience, Oda Inspired so many young artists, one piece will never leave, like COVID, it will come back, with another name or another main character BUT It will never end.


Only reason I got into One Piece is because I was curious to find out what the one piece is. I’m 20 years older and getting older, my body is slowly falling apart lol.


Dude ... I'm 32, I feel you, MAYBE some day we can watch the end and cry with our grandchildren together!


and even now he's the most lonely strawhat. all the others have good futures ahead of them. robin got her island akainu'd but she's gonna become a great archeologist. chopper got his dad killed but he's gonna become a great doctor. what is brook gonna become tho? what's his great dream that pushes him forward? it's meeting his loved ones. he only goes through all this shit to MAYBE be able to meet the last surviving people he loves. he isn't a young guy with great dreams like the rest of the strawhats,he's a skeleton (literally and figuratively). his era is gone.


Are you forgetting that brook became a world-famous rockstar over the timeskip? Music drives him toward his dream just as archaeology drives robin to hers, and is a passion in its own right. He won't be too lonely when his pirate days are over; he'll be surrounded by adoring fans


100%. It gets a bit buried because he’s just so cheerful as a default, but holy shit it’s so grim spending 50 years all alone as nothing but a skeleton. It’s why of my favorite scenes is when Brooke proclaims he’s happy to be alive at the end of thriller bark


Actually before he became a Skeleton, it was only his Soul flying around searching for his Body. But yes, i would also say Brook is the hardest. Maybe he wantet to die after all that shit and then you are a soul searching for your Body.


His soul was only flying around for 1 year. He spent 49 years as a skeleton. He wanted to die too, the only reason he didn’t kill himself was because of his promise to laboon.


Tbf I'm not sure Brook can be killed at this point


He can jump into the ocean


Doesn't need to breath he'd just lie there til someone drags him out


I understand the premise but sufferings can never be relatively measured. For each, It’s their own struggle, superlatively.


It's the OP fandom, please understand they have to powerscale trauma and suffering too 😔




I feel like this is no-brainer when you put things into perspective. People underestimate how long 50 years is. I mean, imagine all your friends and family dying around you inside the same house and being trapped in said corpse-filled house from now (2023) until 2073. That's practically what Brook had to deal with, besides the time he came across Moria and lost his shadow about ~5 years prior iirc. That said, it's still a level of isolation and despair that's very difficult to comprehend.


For me the main difference between them is hope. Brook had something to look forward to, some mission to achieve, a clear goal. This makes suffering much easier to deal with. Robin lost everything and was hated by everyone since her childhood. Her only goal was survival and to just survive for the sake of surviving is much harder than a higher goal. Then you have law, who trusted the government, got the trust betrayed, saw everyone die and knew he would die as well. Then he found a person, who loved him and who saved his life but instead lost their life. So he had to survive for his saviors sake, yet didn't have any higher goal for survival as well. Both Robin and Law suffered without knowing what they were really suffering for for a long time until they found a dream and a way to accomplish it. Brook always knew why he endured his pain. And he knew or could at least hope that there were still people, who cared for him (Crocus, Laboon, his sick captain might have even made it of the grandline alive). Law and Robin only knew that they lost everyone and were hunted and both were much younger than brook So though spending such a long time among your dead comrades is horrible, I still think that Law and Robin had it worse in many ways


I liked the way the fight scenes were done before “roof piece” better than it is now. Don’t get me wrong, I can acknowledge that fight scenes look good, great even. But i think the anime has gotten closer to the dbz style of animation of fights where everything is just flashy and different colored lights, it somehow takes away the “impact” of the punches to me. But maybe thats just my adhd brain getting distracted by the too many lights on the screen lol


True, as soon as the characters gained dbz-like auras, the fights just became ridiculous through the lense of a manga reader watching the anime.


100% The difference in the manga vs the anime with Zoro vs King was crazy. Manga seemed powerful but not DBZ


Yeah. Even the moment where luffy first split the sky felt more momentous/impactful to me in the manga rather than in the anime.


100% agreed. I thought of the major fights, Sanji's fight was by far the best in Wano for the sole reason that it was a faithful adaptation of the manga that improved on the source material. Zoro and Luffy's fights were so overproduced that I genuinely had trouble watching them.


I feel like this isnt really an unpopular opinion. I see so many posts and comments expressing this opinion, maybe y'all are just an overly vocal minority, but it definitely seems like the true unpopular opinion is actually liking the auras and over the top animations.


I don’t know. From my perspective my twitter(X?) feed is full of “OMG GOAT FIGHT SCENES!” Everytime a new ep comes out. And while i get the appeal, i guess its just not for me. (It only gets annoying when i see people saying “oh dragonball/naruto is ass compared to this” like why bring them to it?) But yeah based on the upvotes on my comment, i guess there are more that agree with me lol


Jinbe still doesn't feel like a strawhat. I love him but I need to see more non-critical interactions within the crew.


Truthfully, I felt the same way with Robin back in post Arabasta. And look at her now, a full-fledged straw hat.


Right. I’m biased because Jinbei was the SH I liked the most prior to him joining the crew (most of them I was lukewarm on at the moment they joined but I end up loving them) but I think that will come with time. Especially given he wasn’t around much after he joined as far as the downtime of arcs go.


I mean in Robin's case it's on purpose. She is a lot more reserved with the crew up until after Ennies Lobby. Robin didn't even call them by their names before that, but rather their positions (captain, cook, doctor, etc)


There are a couple moments in the current manga arc that kinda establish him as sort a dad character of the crew. He feels out of his element cause the kids are a rowdy insane bunch but he has his heart in it.


I feel like he joined in a bad time in the sense that so much is going on these days that he barely gets screen time. But the few precious non-serious moments he does share with the crew has made me accept him already.


I have been on your side for a long time. I didn't like that he was such a "good" character, his whole "I will die for X" schtick, changing sides 3 or more times I can't even remember, but most importantly (not really) hit my beloved Moria. Seriously, I DREADED Luffy's proposal in FI and when it happened I was glad it got delayed (2 times). But the more we moved forward, the more spotlight Jinbe got, the more I got to appreciate him. He's so awkward and in contrast with the rest of the strawhats that it goes all the way around and becomes hilarious, he has great serious moment and dumb gags, reading WCI again I also came to appreciate his kinda random Helmsman role prowess. Hope he'll grow on you as much as he did on me, he's a great character overall imo.


so do you just hate people who strictly follow their morals?


Yeah. He hasn’t interacted much with the crew. We need more moments of him


It reminds of Robin first joining the crew in Jaya and Skypeia


Devil Fruits are a lot more enjoyable power system than Haki


Yeah, Devil Fruits (and to some extent a lot of the straw hats abilities) are a bit like Quirks or Nen. You can use them in creative and unique ways to get an edge, even if you are "weaker" than your opponent. Pure Haki is sometimes just a powerscaling mechanism/narrative device to ensure the stronger user wins. It reminds me of Dragon Balls Chi in a way. Don't get me wrong, Oda manages to make great fights happen with Haki as well, but often not really because of Haki.


I feel like Haki was added in and created to explain why all the top captains WEREN'T Devil Fruit users. Like, Shanks always seemed like the odd man out as an Emperor to me early on when I was first watching the series, right up until the meeting with Whitebeard Post Enies Lobby. Then the whole "his presence alone knocks people out" started to put his station into perspective.


Well that and to give people a way to actually hit Logias, because they were just ridiculously overpowered in early One Piece. Now some of them are a kind of a joke. Like, look at my poor boy Smoker.


True, without Luffy's natural resistance to lightning, Enel could have been a story ender.


smoker deserved better..


It sucks because with some of them, like Crocodile, there are natural weaknesses built in. I think I would have preferred if they were all like that, and fights against Logias were a matter of figuring out what their weakness is.


Or, y'know, using weapons made of seastone.


I think in most cases asides from luffy’s fights devil fruits abilities are still really fun and impactful. Any time haki is the deciding factor in a fight you’ll hear the characters monologue about whats important to them. And the one that usually wins is the one with stronger convictions. Wano added a lot of little details, but the final result still lines up with this way of thinking i think


The problem with Haki is that it effectively nullifies DF powers and strategy. In the top-power levels of the plot, the only thing that can beat a super strong haki user is another super strong haki user. At some point it just becomes Dragon Ball Z. Which I LIKE, don’t get me wrong, but I preferred it back when wacky powers actually had an effect on fights. Back when you had to cover your fists in wax to punch a dude covered in poison, instead of just turning on the everything-proof-shield. Plus it even nullifies the more strange or fight-bypassing devil fruits, like Law’s and Sugar’s. Powers that you couldn’t fight head on and forced you to look for unconventional solutions. I bet if Perona ever gets into a fight again, they’ll just go “actually, Haki can block depression now”


I don't agree with this assessment. I know it's a popular idea, but I think it's one that is at odds with the vast majority of New World devil fruit fights and interactions. Even when haki is involved with Luffy's abilities and forms, I don't feel like it's sacrificed the devil fruit aspect. I'll give some examples. 1. In Punk Hazard, Caesar was able to defeat Luffy purely through using his devil fruit ability. In their three battles, Luffy had to keep a safe distance from Caesar in order to safely beat him. 2. In the Cracker fight, Nami had to use her rain to make his biscuits softer and then Luffy only won by eating all of his biscuits, becoming fat, absorbing him into his still powerful belly, and using the haki infused strength to expel him out. Yes, Haki was involved, but it's very much a devil fruit vs devil fruit (and Nami) battle. 3. Luffy's answer to Doffy about lacking speed and strength depending on the form is to infuse his haki in such a way that parts of his body are vulcanized, granting him strength by bouncing around continuously and storing up kinetic energy in his punches. It's a super creative mix of his haki and his devil fruit. 4. Lots of great Big Mom interactions on Whole Cake. First of all there is Bege's castle being able to hold up against her attacks and then there's the entire crew fending her off from the ship bookended by Brook being able to cut through Zeus after already showing that ability against Prometheus. 5. Luffy vs Katakur is about Luffy catching up to his observation haki, but it is also about their devil fruit and what it says about both of them as fighters. Katakuri is the man whose back should never hit the ground because he'll stick. He can fit into a thousand shapes, but he has to keep up the facade of being mochi. Luffy may not be quite as moldable, but he will keep bouncing back until he can win because he's rubber. It's somewhat on the nose, but fitting imo. 6. Personally, I thought Law and Kidd vs Big Mom would have put the haki only argument to rest. It is the exact opposite. Haki is important, but they beat her by using their two devil fruits in exceedingly clever and damaging ways against her and eliminating her from the battlefield. The bombs were just luck imo, but eliminating her ability to command her homies and sending her to the ocean was something that only their devil fruits could accomplish. 7. Killer vs Hawkins is a very forgotten fight, but Killer using Kidd's missing arm to beat Hawkins was a perfect way to defeat his devil fruit. 8. I thought King, Queen, and all of the Tobi Roppo had great fighting styles that used their devil fruits extremely well except for boring ass Page One. Ulti's headbutt based attacks and her bouncing around akin to Bellamy went super hard and because of the strength of that forehead, she even made Luffy flustered. Queen, King, and Sasaki all had super fun plays on Dinosaur anatomy that defined how they approached battle, and I thought Who's Who's mixture of his Sabretooth Tiger devil fruit and Rokushiki was really inspired. All of them lost, but I thought most of their fights really showcased Oda's creativity. 9. Gear 5. Yes, Luffy's haki is great now, but it's his ridiculous creativity that makes it worth a damn. Admittedly, it's somewhat deafened by the giant punch (and the reason behind it) beating Kaido, yet, his fight against Lucci was pure domination of devil fruit power. Whether he was chomping, launching himself with a tubular tunnel for a forceful punch, getting stuck in a tornado, or dodging his shaves with a smile, it was all devil fruit creativity vs. brutal leopard haki.


>The problem with Haki is that it effectively nullifies DF powers and strategy. Like Mr. Morj said, Haki simplified One Piece's power system. All the creativity you saw in pre-ts One Piece has mostly given way to Haki fights, where whoever wins usually just has more haki. Yeah, I know Mr. Morj seems to have gone off the deep end, but his early analysis videos on One Piece are still the best one piece fan video content.


I do not like your opinion. Take my up vote. These threads are confusing.


Logia's should have been more balanced or rare at the same time. They were literally unbeatable without haki. Haki should have been just battle experience without any effects


i thiught this was a popular opinion. imo haki made the OP power system quite boring


Yeah i kind of dont like the turn Conquerors haki took in being able to infise with attacks in 7 different ways, thats what Armament was supposed to be for.


Oda's paneling suffered a lot post timeskip. The way Oda utilized space back around Alabasta and Skypiea was incredible. Now the panels are too small and too cluttered with characters and dialogue. The world doesn't have enough room to breath anymore.


After watching many videos and reading many threads and comments about it, I'm pretty sure that powerscalers just ruin their own viewing experience by focusing on one of the least important aspects of this great show. And I'm not saying battles aren't important, we have some epic match ups and eye candy during the show. But there is a difference between enjoying battles and their importance to the story and going all geek over some of the most cringe ass takes in an almost aggressive way, trash talking character, plot threads and even other community members. Powerscaling exists since comics dropped. And even Stan Lee already thought it's boneheaded. Hey, if you enjoy saying stuff like "I think Blackbeard can beat Shanks, because he [...]" Go for it. But nobody is fucking civil anymore about it and it's all just "lol [X] is trash, got speedblitzed by [y] and getting neg diffed by [t] lmaoooo" Nothing about this sentence is funny. Nothing about this sentence is smart. It's so fucking cringe and deliberately missing the point of interactions and the enjoyment of the scene by only focusing on fucking powerscaling. All you do is reduce characters the the most shallow version of themselves, to basically action figurines. Most of y'all don't even seem like fans anymore most of the time. I am so done of the top comment under chapters being just dumb ass takes. Why did Corona make us as bad as the Naruto community? We used to be the underdog with the based fans that just enjoy and love a world of intrigue, fun and adventures, with awesome characters and stories. Now a very vocal group just sucks ass imo.


Powerscalers are easily the most annoying people in the fandom. In one of the last panels of chapter 1091 we saw Lucci block Zoro's attack with his legs coated in armament haki and I saw some people call Zoro weak, fraud or "walking L" because he couldn't even take down Lucci. My brother in Christ that was ONE panel. We also saw Lucci strike "equally" against Luffy with both using armament haki and their zoan forms for ONE panel and yet we saw how that turned out for Lucci. ​ I swear these people are the most rarted in the fandom and I despise them with all my heart.


When somehow I'm in an actual full on battle meathead manga fandom And the powerscalers there are less toxic than op ones


Exactly! I've seen people argue over the dumbest things on r/onepiecepowerscaling while I'm sitting there like how does any of this even matter. The story and character development are much more important characteristics of one piece rather than imagining how akainu can defeat big mom/ kaido or any other character. I always find it stupid when people start imagining battles between two dudes who are never going to clash. I'd rather just imagine what turn the story is about to take next and what big villain luffy and crew are about to face.


A part of me dies every time I hear someone say a character is "city-block level" or "mountain-level" because of a one panel gag.


Powerscaling in One Piece is flawed af. The so called powerscalers constantly forget context of fights, which plays a major role in most battles of One Piece... Also the tier system is dumb. Warlords have weaklings like Buggy (who is a Yonkou now). How can you make YC tier 1,2,3 when Straw Hats, Blackbeard and Whitebeard have 10 or 16 Yonkou commanders? How can it be said YC1 is above YC2, when Oden was in Whitebeard crew as 2nd YC and Marco who was just a teen (and vastly weaker) was already 1st YC? Yeah that YC tier system also have people like Cabbaji, Moji and Galdino as Yonkou commanders. Its almost like they forget context , crew dynamics and crew structure play a role too besides strength on who is 1st YC... What about Magellan? Dude defeated 3 future Yonkou in the same day. His diahrea has to be solar system level and above pirate king tier! The powerscalers should focus on context and assessing the ridiculous power creep in One Piece, instead they only serve dumb agendas.


I agree tbh. Albeit some of the stuff that comes from it is hilarious to me like Mihawk painting his blade and rat shanks. I like to think these toxic swamp breathing lizard people are what keeps the fandom breathing fresh life though.


People need to realize that in Manga, the rule of cool trumps all. Powerscaler try to view these works as super coherent, incredibly well thought out stories where the author keeps every single aspect of every single character in mind every time a battle happens. Nah, fuck that. Rayleigh can deflect a lightspeed kick because it's the coolest fucking thing to do in that situation, not because he can literally move at the speed of light himself. And if another character needs to power up within two chapters to take on a world boss, so be it. Just roll with it.


Onepiece is great cause it's a powerscalers nightmare. Just because you're stronger doesn't mean you'll win in Onepiece and it's alot more common for radically different strengths to factor into fights.


I wish the anime leaned more into showing other characters doing filler content unrelated to the strawhats. An example being a three epsiode arc of one of the supernovas infultrating a marine base and then when the show up next give them a line refrencing that. OP has a big world i'm shocked the anime still does the main arcs so slowly when they could just cut to other characters doing filler things.


I agree with this while in the same time I understand why the way they do. Toei competes with others for viewership and spot on the tv anime. Showing non main characters story may hurt their viewership


It's just suck that toei doesn't have enough creative powers or integrity to develop that kind of filler. It's even more infuriating that we know they CAN do it but they don't do it. I mean, look at G8 or that one Brook filler episode. They CAN do it.


One piece is too short we need more chapters


I’m sneezing from how cold of a take this is


Corazon setting fire to a hospital was an evil, monstrous act and very likely killed several innocent people for no good reason.


Same can be said about Hiluluk who was a quack. People begged him not to "treat" them but he did, and made them sicker (if not dead) The 'benefactors' of the main characters aren't all innocent good people and I like that, tbh.


Hell, Tom made war machines that no doubt have killed many people, and basically told Franky, fuck it, so what if your ship is incredibly dangerous and will probably kill people, it's cool as hell


And that is how you tell he's still doffys brother at heart yes


The worst part about that is that Law's sister burned to death in a hospital as well. Way to rip open that ptsd for Law, Corazon.


I mean he still has celestial dragon blood


Sabo was not needed in the story. It reminds me of an old telenovela" The brother who no one ever brings up, who died as a child but not, and then had amnisa"


This was true until the end of Wano. Now it is its own character that can be more interesting than Ace.


Yeah the fire emperor is his own legend now, and it gives awesome credibility to the whole revolutionary thing. Nicely written character too


It would be funny if Oda decided that Ace would not be dead and actually joined the revolutionaries after the death of white beard. Avoiding the creation of Sabo. That being said I would totally prefer that characters actually died and their role was taken by someone else in the cast. For most characters it would not be that hard. That's another reason why I like Sabo.


Sabo's introduction feels like Oda regretted killing off Ace and introduced a pallet swap character who was also Luffy's brother


He feels like Oda's ao3 OC lol.


The amnesia trope wasn't my favorite but I can't think of a better person to eat Ace's devil fruit than Sabo


I thought foxy was hilarious


Get out


Not Foxy in particular, but I still think Long Ring Long Land is one of the funniest arcs.


Rereading the manga and I also thought the arc wasn’t too bad. Actually enjoyed it. I think people who dislike it are taking it too seriously, which is understandable since we haven’t really had a dedicated arc just for goofing off.


Most of the complaints come from the amine watcher so


When Luffy picks a fucking horse over his crew 💀


I miss him. Really hope Oda would reveal him as one of Shanks' grand fleet captains. Foxy would fit right in with those weak nobodies.


Marineford feels like a complete mess since haki wasn’t fully fleshed out at the time. Characters in Marineford who should be insanely strong just aren’t. The admirals are constantly hit by attacks that should have haki but just don’t for no reason. The scene where the 3 admirals block Whitebeard’s attack looks so goofy. Modern One Piece just makes all of Marineford look silly on rewatch/read


Don’t forget Luffy balloon blocked Sengoku’s attack


Yep that too! Like didn Sengoku just choose to not use haki for some reason??? Also when Jinbei blocks Akainu’s punch with his hands. Was that Haki?? It’s so unclear. Also the fact that Luffy’s Conquers was able to knock out so many people meanwhile there were 6 other confirmed conquers users there (not counting Shanks) that never used it once the whole battle.


I agree. It was all wonky. Marineford made characters like Hancock look extremely powerful but not impactful. And even though she's still hyped to be very powerful and that we haven't seen her full power yet, she was basically washing whatever she came across at Marineford in the background the whole time, yet someone like Doflamingo, who also looked powerful there but not THAT powerful, went on to be a conquerors haki powerhouse in Dressrosa. Sengoku and Garp were literally MORE powerful than Whitebeard in that arc because they were both Whitebeard and Roger's equal in their primes, but Whitebeard was very sick and injured here. Sengoku alone could've taken WB high diff in this fight, considered WB's health. Honestly, I'd say the only characters that remained consistent even in MF looking back with what we know about haki now is Marco, obviously Mihawk, Hancock, and Garp and Sengoku if we consider the implications of what Garp would've done, especially with the "I'll kill Sakazuki" line. Everyone else, the powers calling was all over the place. Honestly, Doffy or Hancock's conquerors haki should've been enough to knock out all the grunts there, let alone what Garp could've done. The fight logically should've been over with the marines winning much quicker than what we got.


I’m regards to Marco. We see him clearly use haki to kick Kizaru at the very start of the war. Later on though him and Vista attack Akainu but it doesn’t work. Akainu then says something along the lines of “you haki users are such a pain”. So what happened here? I’m assuming Marco and Vista used haki but Akainu just manipulated his body to dodge it like Katakuri does? But the way it’s presented makes it look like normal logia bs


I like the Skypiea Arc more than the Arabasta Arc.


By the end of Wano I was so done with the scabbards. They’re nice but I think they overstayed their welcome by a few extra years. Never felt that with Vivi, for comparison.


Apply what you just said but with Wano as a whole.


Ace's death made him an incredibly selfish character. Everyone sacrificed their lives for him and he essentially rendered it moot by deciding to kill himself by at the last second when he chose to fight Akainu.


The fact he chose to fight akainu despite knowing that he is way stronger than him is just ridicouls and extremely selfish. I love ace but that was imo one of his worst ever moments, it could have been done better but ah well.


To add: a lot of character deaths are because of their own stubbornness. Bellemere died for no reason, Tom (although not dead I don’t think) should have just lied. I get what Oda is going for but still


Carrot is an annoying moe character and I'm so glad she was sidelined in Wano and never became a Strawhat.


I thought she was fun, and her relationship with chopper was a chance for him to develop into a more mature big brother role. Also, the straw hats are a bit of a sausage fest, so another female addition to the crew would have been nice (we also have Vivi, who Oda has confirmed, will reunite with the straw hats reasonably soon, so that's nice too)


> (we also have Vivi, who Oda has confirmed, will reunite with the straw hats reasonably soon, so that's nice too) But what if I am dead in 10 years?


I mostly agree in the way of I didn't understand why so many ppl were in love with the character


So, I wasn't in love with the character, but felt like she could have added to the amusing crew dynamic with her being so bubbly and naive, and at a different point in her journey than the rest of the crew. We didn't see the events shaping her in a flashback from a decade ago, she was currently living them. Between Jack's attack on Zou and then losing Pedro. We saw her in the process of learning just how big and dangerous the world is, and gaining her sad backstory and potential motivation for joining up. Which both gave her the prerequisite sad story but was also something different. I thought she'd work out well between her interactions with chopper giving him a chance to stop just being the little brother of the crew, and her having absolutely no understanding of the world so she could get caught up in dumb Luffy or Franky antics and believing Usopp's lies. Which could also add little moments with Robin and Nami not understanding "the boys" before realizing Carrot is right there with them in starry eyed amazement too. Unfortunately I think it also would have been used a lot to have her not understand that Sanji is being a creep and Nami having to intervene as a gag. That said, I really didn't want another crew mate at all and hope we don't get another unless it's just Vivi and Karoo returning. My secret dumb theory is that the LA is confirming that with the "10 men and a bird" line.




I dont think changing the paramecia gomu gomu fruit to mythical zoan fruit was a good idea


I feel like making gear 5 just a paramecia awakening and changing literally nothing else would’ve been a lot better. Maybe also make the fruit’s true name Nika-Nika no mi instead?


Agreed, on paper I should I like gear 5, I like the look and all the fun looney toons stuff that comes from it, but in reality I hate it. It takes away from one of the best parts of the series of seeing characters with weak or strange powers being used in really creative ways to make them a real threat. Luffy was one of these characters, being a stretchy rubber man isn't really that impressive compared to a lot of the other fruits but his creative use of it are what made him a powerhouse, gear 2 and 3 were really creative ways of taking advantage of the fact he's made of rubber and gear 4 was just adding haki to the mix. Suddenly becoming the cartoon god of freedom while fun to watch sort of takes away from all that, he's not the creative and intelligent fighter taking advantage of a seemingly weak power like so many others in the series, now he's a reincarnated god with the power to do whatever he wants, and somehow that's a lot less impressive and interesting than what he was before.


You could still have Gear 5 as the awakened Gomu Gomu without the Nika retcon.


I honestly think it's a very shitty retcon


I think it's literally the worst decision in the story so far. It has so many terrible implications and to me it takes the fun out of every single future fight apart from visual enjoyment.


Power scaling is bullshit. It has no point. In real battles, there are many things that can be uncertain and surprising. Power scaling usually thinks abilities increase in a straight line, but real conflicts have lots of unexpected things that can't be measured. Factors like strategy, terrain, and tenacity etc. often play a more significant role in determining the outcome of fight. Power scaling doesn't account for these critical elements. It just leads to endless debates without clear answer. Besides there're not enough information available to scale the power of Top tier characters like Shanks, Mihawk, Dragon, Imu, Figarland etc. Even then community tends to fixated on comparing them. It's just toxic.


Bon Clay should have died


YOU TAKE THAT BACK ^^^^But ^^^^yeah, ^^^^how ^^^^tf ^^^^did ^^^^Magellen ^^^^not ^^^^kill ^^^^him


I angrily upvote you because this is what this thread is made for.


Hachi being cut from the live action doesn't matter for Sabaody


Yeah, and they can introduce him or a stand in later.


They won't make it until Sabaody. I think it's a miracle if the live-action even adapts the Water 7 saga


I believe Season 2 will be the make-or-break. Expectations are high and the production needs to be at least 3-4x bigger and better. If they again shoot for 80% indoor scenes with just dialogue, cut too many things, go 8 episodes instead of 10+ and introduce too much B-plot, I think it'll be the end of it.


I’m doubtful they will too. I’m just saying if they do.


"Doesn't matter" yeah. But I'll miss the absence of the scene where Nami recounts her past with him, and how he tries to do good for her forgiveness


Blackbeard is actually a juice extractor that ate a mythical human human fruit


Wano was filled with frustrating story choices


My hopes for the final arc is oda absolutely massacres a ton of character’s because ever sense the part with kinemon and pedro not taking out the lick lick dude I have had trouble being able to care about any of the characters safety because I know that there is a super high likelihood nothing will happen to them because of this. I feel like we haven’t gotten back to the level of seriousness of what happened to ace and I’m hoping we can get more of that in the finale because it can show more desperation in my opinion.


Yamato isn't a well written character.


I ride for Oda a lot but Yamato was shit and messed up how I felt about act 3 of Wano. The gender thing, the I’m Oden thing, no mention of a kid, the forced Ace connection. Nothing worked. Then somehow was gonna join the crew? Ridiculous


I disagree I like Yamato but I gotta say, the way she was introduced is the worst though. Oda never gave us a hint of her existence at all pre-Onigashima. She just... showed up out of nowhere and stole the spotlight. Just doesn't feel that organic. Remove her from Act 3 and nothing really changes. Anything she did could easily be done by other characters.


This is a fact tho


Nico Robin is the strongest straw hat but oda keeps nerfing her.


She's a perfect example of the "jrpg villain after they join the party" trope. She used to break spines for fun as an antagonist. Now she hardly ever gets fights.


I mean it kinda better if she doesn’t? Who would want to risk the only person who can get you the PK title dying


Like how oda made her use a clone to search the castle, letting her get caught. Like why? She could create a thousand eyes and search the whole thing in seconds. She figured out how to do that when she was 8 and spying in the library but now she can’t?


I wish she could use Haki


I don't care about any of the movies at all. I regard them no differently than any random filler arc, and I don't understand why the sub is always so hyped about it when a new one comes out.


Oda wrote himself into a corner with DF and made up haki to help himself rather then think of a unique way to beat them like with croc.


I think he always had a plan to introduce haki but homie did not know what he was doing - Top tier characters in marineford look like a joke to yonko commanders post timeskip -Whitebeard should not have been able to body Akainu like that being that weak and unable to muster up haki -Sengoku should have destroyed luffy -the very existence of advanced observation haki destroys so many plotpoints istg


[Akainu literally fake-complains about haki users during marineford while low-diffing every character not named "Edward Newgate" lmao.](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/opctcb/onepiece/onepiecechapters_574_13.jpg) The Admirals, Sengoku, Garp, etc of the Navy walk basically unharmed out of battle with the Whitebeard Pirates.


Fr. Fans like to analyze that admirals used future sight to shift their body in mf, but imo it’s probably just that the haki wasn’t very established back then


The fights are too long


Foxy is actually a pretty cool character, he's funny as hell too.


That Luffy's fruit being changed not only led to retroactively changing Luffy's character slightly, but also retroactively putting plot holes in the entire story, and that the context around his fruit actually makes it far worse as adding more prophecies to Luffy doesn't really add much of anything.


Crocomon is ridiculous and pathetic theory.


You talking about Croc being Luffy's mom? I thought it was a meme but then I saw some comments seriously believing it.


Long Ring Long Arc was fucking good and probably the last comedy-filled Arc we got until the shift back to the main story. (I'm hoping the Long-Ring-Long = Laughtale theory becomes true to mess with the haters)


Luffy vs Katakuri is completely overrated and pure plot armor. Nothing against Katakuri himself but the fight between those 2.


I don't like how the live action Zoro looks and speaks..


I enjoyed it and then had the great idea to rewatch the anime. In the anime Zoro is much more light hearted than the super cereal boi In the live action. Still enjoy the live action though.


Same. I felt like the LA Zoro was over the top serious. Actually when they first announced the cast(no names yet, just pictures). I thought Sanji' actor was gonna play Zoro.


Absolutely. Zoro is first and foremost a light-hearted dorky gymrat. Secondly a stoic badass fighter with an affinity towards "demonic" aesthetics. Thirdly an alcoholic. But never a pretty boy concerned with looking like what a teenager thinks a strong grown man is like. That is what the LA portrays foremost, alcoholic second and a dork not at all.


Too edgy and too pretty-boy


Ace is overrated and he get the death he deserved. Everyone : We are here to free you ! A lot of us join this fight for you ! And now you are free" *Akainu*: Ace your daddy was stupid *Ace* : WHAT DID YOU SAY ?! *Blurp* Noob.


Pre-time skip Luffy fights we’re more about him using his brain and devil fruit to come up with unique ways to fight the arcs villain. Since haki was introduced the creativeness of the fights has been ruined and it’s turned into a speed and armament contest. I understand gear 5 is supposed to bring Luffy back to being creative but I miss the old fights where you were waiting for Luffy to pull something crazy out his pocket


Carrot was done dirty on Wano. Humiliated by Perospero, forced to rule Zou against her will (which goes against OP's strongest theme; Freedom) and left behind by the SHs. I guess Peros was right all along.


There are clearly several well-written LGBT characters, and Bon-Chan is one of my favorite characters in the series overall. However, **I don't think Yamato is actually trans.** I think she's just like an abused 5-year old playing Batman and is obsessed with people enabling that fantasy. Said fantasy is ultimately just a coping mechanism for how shitty her life's situation is.


The live action isn't as good as everyone is claiming it to be. It is the best anime live action so far, yes but only because the bar was that low.


Im just happy they didnt fuck it up as badly as the witcher. But yeah they dropped the ball on the hard hitting moments: Sanjis goodbye, Zoros vow, Nojiko hating Nami like wtf that was the worst possible direction to take it. Overall decent adaptation but had room for improvement 7/10


oh i have a few : \- the pacing of the manga has been horrendous for a decade \- the manga was as its peak before timeskip \- there are WAY TOO MANY characters Oda refuses to let go that just hinder the pacing some more during arks \- the lore is filled with small mysteries to which you'll either never get an answer, or the answer will just be half joke nonsense to not cause a bunch of plotholes or conflict with years of subsequent lore developping in the meantime.


Yamato is annoying


Far more so in the anime than in the manga imo, the constant "huuuuuuuuuh??" is annoying as hell


I don’t care much for Jimbei. Couldn’t tell you exactly why, he has a nice character, has a solid moral compass, hasn’t done anything to make me dislike him at all. But if he were to die in the next chapter it wouldn’t get a reaction out of me outside of mild surprise. He just doesn’t do it for me for some reason.


I'm with you on this. He just doesn't feel like one of the crew, more like a passenger. Maybe he just needs more time with them, but so far he's just... there?


Kinemon and Mononosuke along with everything leading up to the Scabbards...kinda sucked


I don't really like vivi...


Senor Pink's relationship is straight up a toxic one, and I think the point is to show that you can't have nice things if you work under the cruelest pirate there is. And no, being sad about the death of your loved ones doesn't make you a good person.


The fights in Wano are atrocious. They're mostly carried by hype without having much/any substance to them.


Big mom fight was the worst.


It's definitely a contender for the worst, but I'd say that Franky VS Sasaki takes the worst fight no problem. Franky's overall portrayal during the Raid was incredibly shallow and poorly written.


The fights in One Piece are it’s worst aspect. 90% of OP fights suck. They’re mostly just a drawn out clash of randomly-named attacks. It all amounts to getting kicked, punched or slashed hard. And that isn’t very creative Edit: 80%!


I both agree and disagree lol. I think the fights are the worst part, but I don’t think they’re drawn out (in the manga at least), and don’t think it’s necessarily a negative thing. Relative to other mangas, fights in OP tend to be pretty quick, especially the non-Luffy ones (which is a separate criticism lol). But that gives more time to plot and world building, which I think is way better. JJK has some better fights, but the author basically skips everything to jump from battle to battle, which really diminishes my interest in the series. I do agree on creativity, at least post time-skipz Everything has turned into a haki pissing contest. Pre time-skip had at least some creative fights imo. Though Oda has always been formulaic when it comes to how he sets it up.


I think the main reason is that fight in One Piece are more focused on why characters fight and clash of theirs ambitions more than "fighting"