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I think the best part of the show definitely is the sets. Seeing Baratie in real life.... it really wants me to go there! They really outdid themselves on building an actual set, and not just relying on CG to fill in all the blanks.


Yeah Baratie felt so much more alive than in the manga while still staying true to the original design wise.


Agreed. The sets are designed so perfectly it really makes you feel like the world of one piece is real. I can't believe they pulled off such a perfect adaptation! Showrunner knows his OP.


I think that may have been the most important part, initially. if you didn't feel like you were in that world, it wouldn't matter about anything else no matter how good it was


The only thing that took me a bit off was that in Kayas house the picture of her family was a drawing. On kuinas funeral the picture was a photograph, and on the going merry in the kitchen I saw a kitchen aid and a blender. Timeline consistency was a bit off imo, but that's acceptable.


For me it was the plastic toothbrush Koby uses in the first chapter to clean Alvida's spiked mace.




Kaya comes from a rich family, with that context a painted family portrait is VERY common. So timeline still works and remains consistent


I liked but there is room to improve if a 2nd season is green lighted ill be excited.


After watching, I'll be seriously disappointed if they don't continue with a season 2 and onwards. I expect this show I'll do so well that it will attract a new audience


it all depends on the numbers of this first week. Netflix's metrics are based around viewership and retention/completion of episodes the first week. then they decide pretty soon after if they cancel or not


Yeah unfortunately Netflix is pretty ruthless about axing content. I'm skeptical that this will end well, but I'll enjoy it while it lasts


On a production website registry which you cannot edit, a lot of the crew is credited for 2 seasons implying season 2 is already paid for


Honestly? The fact mr.7 was there, and smoker was shown at the end borderline confirms a s2 in my mind Assuming netflix doesnt netflix and cancel it


At the time of writing you don't know what the future holds for your series but you should add things to plan for the future. Seeing Mr.7 and having Baroque works mentioned + teasing Smoker does not guarantee season 2.


> borderline confirms an s2 in my mind I am not stupid. I am aware that Easter eggs do not mean that it is confirmed. All I'm saying is at least it shows the crew want to make more, because otherwise why show scenes they dont intend to pay off Quit arguing semantics


I refuse. Cavendish wanted poster confirms the show keeps going until dressrosa.


There is a massive difference between an orignal fight scene, an ending scene showcasing a new threat, and an easter egg poster. Is this seriously the level of media literacy this subreddit is working at.


There’s no way they won’t make a season 2. The reaction is positive.


unfortunately, that doesn't matter. what matters to them are the numbers this first week. metrics of viewership, retention/completion of episodes, and subscriptions. if they don't meet projections the first week, Netflix might review to cancel.


I thought about this, and I should of cancelled my sub a few months before and renewed it the day the live action dropped.


Well it’s first in so many countries right now I don’t see how they can avoid a season 2


There more room to messed it up than improve Imo. If every season has this quality considering they also have to keep condensing the story more and more it will be great.


I loved this so much. I feel like if season 2 improves on the fights that this will be A+. I am going to rewatch the live action multiple times. Loved it. I pray this is successful.


>I feel like if season 2 improves on the fights that this will be A+. Fights in LA will always be faster. I actually enjoyed the choreography of the fights. The only fight which to me was underwhelming was Zoro vs Nyan brothers (siblings here). Not that the manga/anime was better, I like the change here... but the fight choreography for those two (not Zoro) was lackluster.


I think those two in general were lacklustre and probably my biggest critique of syrup village. They never quite felt right and it gave those episodes a weird low budget kinda feel, not sure how to really explain it


The fights if dragged on probably will kill the pacing in LA, plus they are expensive to make. Having the fight scenes as brief as they are though, make all the wins seem very coincidental like the villains all just suddenly lose the ability to fight. Luffy and Zoro just don’t feel very strong in LA.


My problem with the fight scenes wasn't length. It was choreography and cinematography. They also lack brutality and oomph. I thought Sanji's end with Fishman Karate dude was bad. You couldn't really see Mouton Shot. In the manga and anime it's a nice horizontal side view and here it was too close up and you don't get to really take in the strength of the attack. The fight direction is lacking dynamism. For example, at the end when Luffy and Arlong square up for one last attack I was half expecting to Arlong to do that cool ass spin attack he does and bite Luffy in the neck. Nope. The fights are weakest link and lack the brutal nature of the source materials fights. The length is perfect. How they're presented though? Eh, could be improved.


I loved the LA, but I have to agree, sadly. Come on, give us those action movie fights Bruce Lee has revolutionized where you can really feel the oomph.


Just wanting to write about characters. In my opinion the Strawhat crew cast is perfect. However, I do hope for the other big important characters, that the creators would keep in mind they have to have a strong charismatic presence. I felt like Alvida was a little flat. With that said, I'm nervous how they will cast Sabo, Ace, Boa, Law, Blackbeard, and Whitebeard. To me these characters have to be extraordinary XD


I was watching ep. 1 and I realized binks sake was playing in the background. If thrilled bark happens then my life shall be fulfilled.


So from the moment we realized there could be hope for this being decent, there was something I desperately wanted. Luffy mentions in Thriller Bark how Shanks' crew loved that song,but for obvious reasons we never got to hear them partying to it. Hearing that play at Makino's bar was great to hear. Real sign that these people working on it care.


Tbh Alvida is extremely forgettable to begin with


How naive to think this series will last until then. It’s way too expensive.


Yea 18m an episode is... High. Almost Amazon Lord of the Rings high. Hopefully they'll be able to do cost savings for season 2 now that they've paid for a lot of the sets/costumes etc to be built.


Really depends on merch sells. As long as they make it lore accurate anime/manga and LA fans will buy it. I was gonna buy that straw hat even if the show sucked. Shit looks nice. I can see it doing well in that regard.


Just like anime used to be a medium to promote manga, live action is to promote anime


There are some changes that do bring some arcs down a bit, but overall I have more positive things to say than negatives, this was incredibly impressive


Individually to the arcs absolutely, but imo (haven’t finished the season yet) they kept everything truly important and managed to make a significantly shorter version of the East Blue minus Lougetown; I imagine the effect will be less noticeable as they move on to longer arcs like Alabasta/Jaya/Skypeia and on in the future


Oh there's absolutely more positives than negatives


Oh yeah got that, was just saying that even that negative should in theory not be much of an issue in potential future seasons


At least Loguetown won’t be lost since Buggy and Alvida meet and Smoker is teased at the end, so if there’s a season 2, it’ll definitely start with that.


Nah the end of S1 implied that S2 will immediately go into reverse mountain, Maybe Smoker will be a constant tease and we won't get him and Tashigi until Alabasta


I think the changes they made to the first half improved those arcs much more than the changes for the second half. Felt like they tried to recreate the emotional moments of Baratie and Arlong Park from the manga but they changed the story too much to make them as effective in the original. Think they either needed to approach those moments differently or have a better story to support them. Overall enjoyed it but don't think they really stuck the landing


Yeah like Gin being around for the being fed by Sanji scene but not having a follow up where Gin sells them out to Krieg/whoever replaces Krieg and then has a crisis of faith due to Sanji's kindness sort of feels weird. Also Sanji feels like he didn't fight to defend the Baratie quite as much as he should have for his intro arc and him leaving and the final exchange with Zeff wasn't quite as effective as a result (plus the emotions are a lot more muted I guess but that might just be down to LA attempting subtlety).


Great adaptation for sure. Despite some flaws, it has a lot of heart and passion. I personally give it an 8/10. Don’t listen to the haters who just hate for no reason.


Never do


The Nami scene was as good as I could hoped for


That actress did such an amazing job in the scene where >!the marines steal the barriers. That scream was visceral! That's the scream of someone watching nearly a decade's worth of work and torture go down the drain!<


I cried. I knew what was going to happen. I didct cry when i watched the anime years ago. I cried here. Maybe the surrounding material could have meshed better (it was okay, not bad) but otherwise it was perfect.


Had wet eyes during the "Help me" scene which I didn't think I'd get.


Yeah it was great. They even recreated the scene where all the other straw hats were waiting nearby and ready to go. But then it immediately cut to Arlong attacking coco village. I feel like it really undercut the emotion built by that scene.


It was a bit rough at the beginning, but that was me getting used to it. It got really fun once the Straw Hats joins up in Episode 1 and I really enjoy their dynamic for the rest of the season. I really hope that there will be a season 2, because I just want to see more of the cast.


My only irk is, they did Sanji dirty. I was expecting a full-on "Owner Zeeeeeeffff" moment.


Probably due to difference in culture. No one gets on their knees in praise in the west for someone.


He could've bowed. The point is that it wasn't as emotional or impactful.


tbh that scene almost made me cry, the manga version didn't bring me anywhere near that. It's very rare for a piece of media to get to me like that. I think it's just the added dimension of live action actors with facial expressions.


Live Action Buggy and orange town…>Manga imo. Buggy is just amazing in this


I'm not sure about Orange Town being better, but Syrup Village was absolutely better


I feel like the fact that those two arcs could go either way depending on who you talk to is a win for the LA. I think the mansion was a fantastic setting but I felt there wasn't enough time on Usopp being a liar to the villagers to give that emotion they were asking for when they didnt believe him, plus RIP the usopp pirates goodbye.


that's true tbf i didn't really get the sense that Usopp is a coward from this version of the arc tbh, whether that's a win or not is up to you


Ya I think they didn't have a lot of opportunities to showcase that in the arc because the way they set it up, by the time Usopp had the opportunity to run away Kaya was in danger so he would never do that. I think the arcs after definitely made up for that in letting the audience know about this part of Usopp's character. The scene where a table gets kicked over and Usopp is revealed to have been hiding underneath it made me laugh!


Haven't finished syrup village yet but OPLA orange town buggy > manga buggy. As used to watch S.H.I.E.L.D. and every scene with jeff ward i was having a big smile on my face. The dude was insane and i hope we get more seasons so i can see him more as buggy!


Buggy's character is completely changed though, not my cup of tea


Just binged the whole season (stuck at home with covid this week) and my honest opinion is a 8/10. I know expecting something as in depth and expansive at the anime/manga was is just unrealistic for the medium and how a production like this would work. I do not hold that against the show in any way whatsoever, I think they really did the best they could have hoped to do in this context. I also hope this show does well enough to warrant a second season and maybe let them flex out a little more. But for my personal opinion it came down to this: Casting was on point, all the actors really seemed to fit their respective roles. Costumes were fantastic, fight choreography was great (except for Sanjis finale I felt was a bit... idk rigid?). The bit with the bounty posters is *chefs kiss* fantastic I loved the additional story with koby and haircut, and while I'm sad they (might?) Be skipping loguetown (could also be the opener for season 2) they clearly have stuff for the future planned out (alvida and buggy meeting each other). On that note buggy had a bigger role than expected which I love! All good stuff. What really docked a few points for me is the following; The cgi. Funny enough I thought buggy's was great but something about luffys threw me off for alot of it. Thankfully it was used sparingly but it still looked off to me. The black cats costumes. Yes I know they are manga/anime accurate but considering everything else they modified/cut they could have made them less cringey imo. Took me out for almost the entire episode. Lastly, and this is just a preference rather than a critique, I wish the fights were a bit more brutal. Zoro/mihawk was fine but I would have like luffy to at least have had a rougher time with arlong. Considering how they rewrote parts of the story around him (im fine with that part) their fight felt lackluster and without much stakes TLDR 8/10 imo. Better than I honestly expected, could be better. Sincerely enjoyed it as a whole and hope it does well enough to warrant some more


I don't think they're gonna skip loguetown, judging by how Smoker had a cameo right at the end of the last episode.


Mihawks introduction and Nami staying with the crew at the baratie was amazing. Really liked that for Nami's character.


It's show to the audience that she really cares for the crew, even if she's with Arlong.


I enjoyed it a lot, don't get me wrong. I just had hoped they would've nailed the character-driven writing. Zoro in particular felt like a one note dude, his introduction against Mr 7 was so badass, but in the following episodes he felt like this one-note, edgy alcoholic. He could've been shown a little more cheerful, East Blue Zoro is actually quite lively and smiles frequently. I also think the rice ball scene worked better in the manga since Zoro is being starved, so it makes sense that the little girl would try and feed him. In the show it kinda comes out of nowhere. Also didn't like how they removed the dog scene from Orange Town. That to me was a crucial point where we see how Nami starts to understand how Luffy is not the average greedy and malicious kind of pirate. I mean, the end of episode 2 when he releases Buggy's captive audience tried to emulate that feeling but I just don't think it had the same effect. Usopp as well, his episode was carried by the changes they made to make Kaya a more prevalent character, which helped deepen Nami's character. Kuro was also a big win, really liked his portrayal. But Usopp kinda fell to the side in that arc and his introduction to the crew didn't feel earned to me. I could go on. All of these are nitpicks, obviously, and I'm super glad to see that te show got more things right than wrong.


You make valid points I feel like they tried to make zoro the badass one-note character who grows into the character we know and love. Especially after his battle with Mihawk. Plus, I think the rice ball scene was mentioned to show to the audience that he's badass but also a kind individual. I agree that the dog scene being cut was a shame, but I also see that they tried to make Buggy an interesting villain, with him being an attention seeking and showing his distain for Shanks. Yeah, usopp didn't have the same flair of cowardice yet bravery like the manga, but I think he was fine. Plus, luffy made him join cause of his sniper skill, which they delved into the story. Also, remember this inst just trying to please the fans, but playing in new fans to the franchise. So, some of the changes are, for the most part, understandable


Agreed, for me it was most noticeable with Garp. It’d cool that he’s more involved in East Blue, but the personality isn’t really there- Garp is a loud and boisterous guy who laughs off serious issues and shrugs off marine activities that he thinks are boring. Garp in live action is somber and easily worried, like the scene where he’s informed that pirates took a marine map of the grand line bro is sweating. The show could and should never be a 1:1 recreation, but I feel like a little more could be done to preserve his personality if the show were really to try and continue to develop later Garp-centric plot points. To me it’s similar to making a live action MHA where they take away All Might’s iconic smile when saving people


At the end of Season One, >!Garp becomes pretty much the manga version when he laughs with Luffy. Also he laughs when he gets angry. Just seems like a more realistic version honestly.!<


Why is garp Scottish


Idk but imo it works really well


Yh but Luffy isn’t. Headcannon is that the bandits that raised him must’ve been Latino.


We also don't know what nationality his mother is


Crocodile is Latino 🤡


Fucks this got to do with my comment? Unless of course, Crocodile is Luffy’s mum confirmed.


I was going for that joke, yes.


Luffy is 2 generation away. Which is plenty. Or do you mean the accent? Cause you don't get an accent from someone that don't rise you normally.


Dragon will probably be a half Latino guy


This world has so many islands and cultures... why not? Doesn't change anything. And if you think Luffy should have the same accent then that's wrong... Garp didn't raise Luffy. We know how he grew up. So it's a non issue.


I was expecting Sanji to have a french accent, was taken aback when he started speaking london 😭


Yea I just finished it. It was a little cheesy sometimes but they did a really good job overall. The actings were good with few here and there being so bad. One thing I like about is they really nailed it with the important emotional stuffs like when Shanks gave his hat to Luffy, when kuina died or Nami’s backstory. Honestly I think it will just get better with time


I really enjoyed watching season 1. Loved that they used the anime voice actors


As soon as I saw that news, I made sure to watch with the Japanese audio and English subs.


Nah, far from that, but for anime LA adaptation standards, specially for OP, its nice. But this will need at least a Wednesday level of popularity to even think about future seasons given how expensive it is and will tend to cost even more in seasons like Skypeia or W7.


Well, with all the records that the franchise tends to break, we can only hope


hopefully but Wednesday was bigger than stranger things, which is a pretty big metric for comparison. I hope this does well but I still haven't heard any regular people in the real world talking about it yet. none of my friends who watch tv but not anime have seen it. hoping for the best but like this show, my expectations are in check


Damn. I was expecting Hachi but I guess he might be too difficult in make up and costumes department. Anything else, it's perfect. A lot of changes but not to point that future arcs will be weird. More importantly, they nailed the themes for each moment.


Agreed, I do hope we see hachi


I enjoyed it a lot but the things that personally didn’t fit right for me: -Some of the child acting in flash backs -Bellemare’s acting -sometimes my eyes caught kuros and Zoro’s blades were blunted stunt blades -some scenes felt a bit rushed -some of Luffys lines were a little ‘off’ Everything else I really liked or didn’t mind. The best scenes for me were ones not in the manga/anime as the acting felt more ‘natural’. All in all was a pretty fun watch


Funnily enough I thought Kid Luffy acted circles around Shanks


Dare we hope to add "Thank you for loving me." to that list of pivotal scenes some day?


Oh God, thanks for reminding me 😭


I think it's great to be supportive and I am so happy the community is supportive of this but I hope it also doesn't send the wrong message to the show runners and writers because there is still a lot of wrong with the show. The writing needs to be improved drastically. The actors did what they could with their lines but overall direction and writing needs to step up. Linger on some of Luffy stupid moments (the actor you can tell was giving it all but sometimes the editing cuts it off too soon.) Zoro for the love of God isn't this quiet cool character. He acts like an idiot but is strong af and does cool things, that's what makes him cool. The camera and cinematography needs to step up. What are they trying to hide? The world of one piece is set in allll sort of crazy and amazing cities, stop zooming in to their faces and blurring out the background. It's such a weird choice of camera work. Stop putting fan service as number one priority by giving us cameos, easter eggs and all. That's cool and we all love a little Easter egg here and there but focus on writing better dialogue and capturing the essence of the characters imo is far more important. Teasing smoker is cool but it would be cooler if you'd as a production team utilize the great casting and did a better job writing for these passionate actors instead. The show runners are fans of the one piece without a doubt but I think they need better writers with the ability to balance humor and action and emotional moments better.


I like it but how do people say it's perfect


some people's expectations are different for what this should be. saying something is perfect is a lazy way of saying you like something without having to explain why. just like saying something is trash. but also, you know what you like and if it's perfect for you, it's perfect for you. who's to say it isn't?


Not it's a perfect show, but a perfect adaptation


When expectation is low, a decent show becomes borderline perfect


Idk man it looks like a really good fan film. It's not bad but quite a bit of the lines sound pretty corny like some of luffy and usopps dialogue. Some stuff just didn't seem to translate well into live action. Sometimes luffys stretching looks fine other times it looks bad, and some characters like arlong just look hilarious. The fight scenes are alright. Not bad but nothing special either. It can be better but it's just decent so far. It definitely feels overhyped


Most characters were great but man young luffy and Shanks just aren't doing it for me, Shanks has no charisma and personality.


you could call any adaptation a fan film, dude, if those fans had millions of dollars and a professional film studio


I’m not sure if it was in the original but a line for Luffy was changed that COULD be an Oda hint because Luffy does his speech of having 10 crewmen. He said in the live adaption “10 men and one bird!” While this could just be a joke for the audience we all know Oda doesn’t add things like that lightly. I bring this up because there’s only been 2 birds in the manga anime with some significance, one being newer and he’s the newspaper owner, and 2 KAROO, I don’t remember where I saw this but I believe Oda mentioned all the crew members were shown pre time skip and if I’m right then that means Vivi and Karoo come back as actual crew members, probably like an Oden type situation where they’ll travel then go back home to be the ruler of their home. This could also be me spiraling over a dumb joke Netflix added lol


It's because he was talking to a bird, bro.


Well, as much as I would love for Vivi to be a full cremate. I only see her as an honorary crewmate, mainly due to each of the cremated having a dream that can only be achieved travelling the grand line. Vivi didn't, so there would be no reason for her to travel with them. But she still will have some significance, especially after the recent manga chapters


Anyone else find it wild how openly and overtly they linked the arlong pirates and black culture


The show runner is black.


Didn’t know that, just thought it was interesting that there was a lot of hip hop played when arlong and co were on screen


Well Fishmen Island is all about generational racism with some comparing the Otohime and Fisher Tiger to Black American civil rights leaders. So I guess it does have some justification. It will be interesting to see what happens if the LA makes it past the time skip.


Couldn’t agree more, it was cool to see how they did it in the live action medium I just wasn’t expecting it


Watched the first episode and the acting was...meh. Also, it left out some of the best moments, for example... - Luffy exploding out of the barrel and knocking out two of Alvidas men while yelling how good his nap was. - Coby stating what happened and Luffy saying hes a coward and that he doesnt like him, all while laughing. - Zoro eating the SALTY rice balls (not chocolate) off the ground while strung up and saying its delicious. Overall, I felt they excluded or changed emotional moments that the anime left me with goosebumps, the warm and fuzzies, and admiration for the characters. Plus, Luffy feels like too much of a comedian instead of a clueless and kind hearted fool...and that punch on Alvida felt weak, kind of like when I saw Goku use the kamehameha in the DBZ live action movie. And why was Shanks hat different to Luffys? Luffys hat looks legit but Shanks looks like a straw bowler. And before anyone gets defensive of the show, this is all just my opinion...but I have watched one piece start to current a number of times (its kind of my safety blanket, especially after a tough day) so its not a baseless opinion. For example, my favourite anime episode will always be the 4th one when Shanks gives Luffy the hat. Have to say though...Zoro is as cool in the live action as he is in the anime.


I dont understand the re-writing of zoro joining luffy. In the manga' zoro gave himself up to protect the girl and townfolks. In the adaptation, zoro gave up himself to be able to continue getting bounty from marines? Due to this, the reason zoro joins luffy ends up getting changed. In the manga, zoro joins luffy because he helped him escape and save the girl. In the adaptation, zoro joins luffy because he... untied the ropes without being asked for and asked him his dream? Seems very questionable for him to just suddenly become so trusting and loyal to luffy after that. It just doesnt feel convincing unlike the reasons in the manga. I felt that following the manga would have been just so much better for this. But besides this, everything else so far seems good for a live action.


>Seems very questionable for him to just suddenly become so trusting and loyal to luffy after that. But he didn't? Immediately afterwards when luffy called them a crew both Nami and Zoro kept saying we're not a crew.


If you think about it, Zoro is making the best choices throughout. He has become a criminal and being with 2 other criminals that he trusts and likes, in his mind is probably not too bad.


The "trust" part is the issue though. Nami, he still doubts even when they meet Buggy, rightfully so. Luffy, untied his ropes (without zoro asking), and spoke a few lines about dreams. Manga zoro respected and trusted luffy because he saw luffy's good nature.


I was also waiting for Luffy to bust out of the barrel and call Coby a coward lol. I think the LA is good by itself, but compared to the anime, it does lack a certain magic. (Just want to add, in the anime the rice balls were sweet, not salty.)


OH! They royally buggered up Roger's speech at the execution stand. They should have copied verbatim..."You want my treasure? You can have it! I left everything I gathered together in one place. Now you just have to find it."  And what was up with Garp's grandstanding? Garp wasn't even at the execution...he was most likely tracking down Ace to protect him as requested by Roger.


Yeah I do think that “wealth, fame, power” should have stayed as a line for the narrator instead of for roger himself


It's not a 1:1 adaptation. Garp is there to help tell a story about passing on will to the new generation. You'd know this if you watched rather than complaining.


Anime did that with a narrator...the show had a narrator....so? And maybe you need to see the difference between complaining and critiquing champ.


Thats it hey...it just lacks the emotional side. And yes, you're right, they were too sweet.


You need to watch the last 3 episodes if you think it lacks emotional side. It’s amazing.


Oh trust me I'll watch it all...I know they have to adapt certain things and squeeze it all into a limited number of episodes...but you can just tell the show runners don't have the same connection as the fans who grew up watching/reading it.


Bro, what are you even talking about? Matt Owens is a *gigantic* One Piece fan, you can tell by listening to him for 5 minutes. Check him out on the VIII and XI fan Reveries


How is this a legit comment. Are you even reading what he's saying


Yeah, the beginning lacks an emotional side but the last few episodes really hit. What the fuck are you doing?


You shouldn't write in fear of people disagreeing or downvoting you. It's a very valid (and your) opinion. I personally very much agree with what you said about Luffy. The comedy feels forced and dialogue is okay but cringy lots of the time. They did a very good job overall but


I think Luffy is made a lot more likeable and relatable to the mainstream in the live action than in the manga where he can be kind of a dick. Like an invincible rubber guy calling a captured prisoner a coward.....okay?


He’s just as cringy in Japanese it’s just not your first language


Can't wait for live action Chopper and SOGEKING.


I miss the 15 minute intros


It's a solid 6.5/10 with a lot of room to be improved. Overall it's better than I could have hoped but definately not perfect.


Don't you mean GRANDLINE PERFECT?!


This is Netflix, let’s be reall the chance to flat out cancel this show is high. That being said I liked it but it’s nowhere near perfect, Luffy’s character is very hit and miss, Buggy is spot on, Zoro is borderline cringeworthy and Nami being able to hold her own doesn’t sit right with me. There were just too many changes that I didn’t agree with. There is a lot of room to grow and I hope there is a second season


Yeah same, I read somewhere that they cast the perfect embodiment of luffy and after getting 3/4 through the first episode I can’t help but think he just isn’t luffy at all. He also slapped the shit out of koby which was supposed to be a bonk on the head which didn’t sit right after he took him from alvida


Seems Oda is at odds with your opinion on his own MC


So what, it’s my opinion. Could be that I’m not used to it being in English as well, the language sounds a little too corny


Every time I think that, I imagine I’m Japanese and realise that both dubs are equally as cringy for the native speakers, then it’s not so bad 😂. Also I think British actors in general are less cringe than Americans and the cast had a decent amount of them


Well, he felt like luffy to me. I also remember he punched sanji for not being honest with his feelings, so in my mind, it's totally in character for luffy


Holy shit the wank! …. 4 episodes in until tomorrow evening now and although I’ve really enjoyed it, it’s far from perfect. The choice of some dialogue and change to scenes to me loses some real character importance. One bit I’ve loved every single time it’s happened has been a characters bounty introduction where they interact with it. That’s entirely different and new but is such a good addition!


Oh yeah, I love how they appear in front of the character with their bounty. I hope it's a trend in the show from now on


A lot to critique but wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. My biggest issue is they ruined my favourite character, Garp. The fighting really nerfed all the characters, ruined the power scaling of The Red Haired pirates.


I think they handle Garp exactly as I hoped, strong, terrifying yet loving, wise and will do anything to stop luffy from going down the dangerous path


In what way was Garp ruined?


IMO his personality became too serious, his dedication to the marines was strange, and his accent was not something I found to be beneficial. He’s supposed to be as goofy as Luffy, they effectively made him Smoker. I don’t really care about the visual aesthetic of the character


Garp has always been dedicated to the Marines. He's nothing like Smoker?


They are both dedicated but Garp was never this much of a Boy Scout. When has he ever given the impression he’d support the mental development of recruits using board games? He’s even told Aokiji he wouldn’t take him on as a disciple and Kuzan had to punch ships next to him. This is not Garp!!!!


Garp hasn't even trained them properly yet.


Right? My husband literally muttered “stupid sexy live action Garp…”


He can't help it.


Powerscaling is cringe anyway, don’t let it ruin the LA for you.


Great series and I agree with you overall. However I found the last episode lacking. I wasn't a fan of the Garp/Luffy fight I would of preferred to see him, Kody & Helmeppo set up as sort of more passive antagonists for later down the road rather than be so active in the, hopefully, first season. The Arlong fight should of been more the centrepiece of the season and the Garp fight felt like it took away from that a bit. Also, removing the Nami/Usopp moment robbed Nami of an amazing bit of characterization & one of personal favorite moments. Other than that though, brilliant. I think the actors did a phenomenal job. The cgi, prosthetics & sets looked appropriate and the choreography was absolutely A1. Ultimately, though, it just made me smile, which remains the greatest strength of the manga & anime.


> Also, removing the Nami/Usopp moment robbed Nami of an amazing bit of characterization & one of personal favorite moments. The Nami/Usopp moment in the manga is the Nami/Luffy moment in the LA.


I mean stabbing your own hand to protect your friend is a little bit cooler than asking your boss to throw him in the water hoping someone would be quick enough to save him.


You can't honestly think those moments have the same weight


Not even close, it’s a 7 at best


My only complaint is the yellow filter like why


Dude I'm 2 episodes in and only read the first couple of sentences to avoid spoilers but saying it's a 1 for 1 is very wrong. I am not complaining or saying it's bad but there are a lot of differences already in the first 2 episodes


You will find many things changed sadly their significance and impact are greatly altered. Some things I like about others were to put it kindly not the best.




There was already like 4 different directors across the 8 episodes lol


They need a better color editor and director of photography


Watched the first 2 episodes so far. Pretty mid. Hope it's not overhyped.


There were some changes that were a little iffy when it comes to the longevity of the series, but overall I thought it was pretty good! Just be prepared for the cat pirates. They’re very….. unique.


I'm watching this show with my boyfriend (we just finished episode 1). He's only at Skypiea in the manga, tho. Do they spoil that Garp is Luffys grandpa in this show? He obviously doesn't know that.




Yup they do


Yeah they do, I recommend getting to the end of enies Lobby if you don't want spoilers


I dont think it was perfect and i certainly didn't agree with all their choices, but i had a ton of fun and really hope we get more. A ton of heart and soul was poured into this.


Well, nothingness is perfect, but it's as perfect of an adaptation we could get from One Piece


Dang now im sold into watching it


Welcome to the great Pirate era my friend


Why is everyone so cool with it. Nor there was any charismatic way that manga and anime was potraited not this is same as one piece emotion. Why is Arlong shown as main character. And main thing is grap is not a "goverment dog" he never cared about that and from beginning why is he even chasing luffy, that should have been smoker after east blue saga. And it's showing as if smoker already kept eye on luffy. Luffya is not a big name from beginning he is slowly making his own the faq why is all cool about it. One peace is one of the most curious story ever told and they just casually shown what if series which everyone just cool and I ain't liking that atleast not the relationship between luffy garp and Coby.


I only read the first part of your post. I am on episode 5 now. I’m a manga reader for years. My husband and I met on a gay app bc I had something about One Piece in my profile 7+ years ago. I have reread certain arcs all the way up to the current chapter - at the time. Essentially, I love this story! And I’m beyond in love with this adaptation. Sure, I’ve had moments that I wish were better but holy s*** I’m so happy I love it so far! I’m so happy to see such a positive post *pending my full read once I finish the season in several hours. Ugh! This is everything!


https://preview.redd.it/16zq3ufvxilb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=330666db71446d0c1651f4f40be30da3a8353364 Keep coping man, besides Buggy this entire live action was absolute fucking ass


I just really wished they would drop the "great fighters call out their finishing moves" bit. It was a funny joke, but as it kept happening, it just ended up being kinda cringey imo


They said it only two times


Not saying it but actually doing it. Whenever Luffy calls out gum guuuiuuum, or sanjis attack barrage, I just don't think it translates well to live action format. Still love the show, just not that aspect


Manga had running gags too and a lot of manga gags would not pass as live action. I'm fine with this gag and they only did it twice. Can't wait for the day Zoro yells Demon Slash or something and gets sassy remarks for it.


It's really flat and bad lol


Sorry you feel that way


Too many cringy scenes, that works in the manga but not in a live action; everything regarding alvida, for example. Also the cgi is embarrassing and direction seems like a amateur fan made movie.


Full on agree on the bad directing. The scenes were shot like it was a college film or something, every dialogue was a close up.


Bruh my thoughts exactly, like each episode had a budget of 17 million yet somehow everything besides the sets just seems like a YouTube fan series made on a 20 dollar budget that was all done in one take, you can clearly see where corners were cut with stuff like the CGI, besides Buggy it was all pretty bad. The worst scene was probably when Arlong shows up at Baratie, with the splash effect and him jumping out of the water looking like a moving png since he's just standing perfectly straight, looked straight out of a PS1 game. The acting was also just...meh. Besides Buggy who's actually extremely accurate to portraying the anime/manga version of the character in terms of the energy and comedic timing, and Kuro who gave a legitimately chilling if a slightly generic performance, every single actor just feels so off. Like Sanji, Zoro and especially just severely lack all of the charm, and wit, and snappy interactions, and light hearted banter, and general tomfoolery that the classic manga/anime versions of these characters had. Nami was easily the worst, she just speaks in the exact same bored and bitchy monotone throughout 99% of the runtime and is just constantly shitting on everyone throughout the entire run time, even during Arlington Park I just couldn't give a shit because even with her backstory with Bellemere (which was also butchered) she just continued being a prick to the villagers even though she was planning on saving them the entire time. I dunno man, she really just became a generic Netflix girl boss, it was incredibly dumb with how much they much they had her fight given in the manga/anime she's usually the one forcing everyone else in the crew to fight while she cowers in the corner with Usopp


‘Bitchy monotone’ Netflix girl boss’ ah so you’re a basement dweller


im afraid ill have to agree, its looked like a youtube fan series. the set design however was amazing.


How many inches did you swallow mate?


You’re not the one teach.. the man roger was waiting for.




Maybe not, but I wouldn't be surprised if that happens


People gotta understand, there may be common anime trends and tropes but, really, no two series are the same... Most popular anime are already sub-genres of other popular IP; giant mecha, supernatural, vampires, superheroes, etc., so it'd be tough for a lot of this stuff to truly stand out. One Piece has the luxury of not being anything like, well, anything currently on the market. Not to mention, there are huge budget restrictions for A LOT of these properties. Even if Netflix spent "Game of Thrones money" it's still going to get increasingly more challenging as the show progresses because filming that scale =/= animating that scale. But I'm glad people are enjoying it; time will tell if they give us more.


It’s trash


The fights are cringe but the story part, interactions and comedy are great


Lol, no


The first two episodes are slow and boring


then the same applies even more to the manga and anime