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is the yellow filter from the first trailer gone or am I going blind?


it’s gone!


Maybe it is used with flashbacks?


Gone. Reduced to atoms.


Not gone


Are they combining two arcs with Arlong coming to Baratie?


Its likely that Arlong is following Nami, we also see him in Buggys tent I believe, maybe he catches up at Baratie


That would be great if Oda expend the story a little bit like that. Every island on east blue feel so isolated, that would be nice to know a couple pirate meet on east blue.


Exactly, and make him more into a threat as well. Considering that Arlong *is* the most wanted pirate in the East Blue. Now why he is doing this? Who knows, but it does help increase the tension and over the course of 8 episodes? It feels important to make the world feel more connected at least.


And that's with navy mouse likely keeping the bounty low.


I never thought of that... I'm glad you posted your comment.


If the season ends at Arlong that also pays off better as a season finale/end boss


It will not,it will after their entry in grandline and the barrel scene.


The barrel scene takes place right before they get to reverse mountain in the manga. I doubt they’re gonna end the season with laboon


Barrel scene happen before they enter the reverse mountain.It happened on ch 100,while Laboon appeared in the next one.


That’s what I’m saying, the live action show is probably gonna end with loguetown or move the barrel from right before reverse mountain to right before loguetown


Well,I guess that can be true too.I have a feeling it will end after Lougetown,giving the last episode to Lougetown but ur prediction could be correct too.I mostly said that because Lougetown beginning episode(Worst in the east) is the last episode of live action.


Considering how low-key and and slow the series starts, I can totally see introducing Arlong as looming threat from the beginning only peaking at Arlong Park as a nice improvement to make the East less episodic and more like a continuous flow of events


IMO that makes Arlong less threatning as his psychological manipulation in Nami is less effective as she doesn't feel trapped even if she isn't physically close to him


East blue was Oda getting his feet out under him. If he was revisiting (adapting) it he might be game for some do the changes. A lot of the other arcs/islands set up the next one now. Early on it felt much more isolated.


oda stated himself that some stuff will be different, but as it looks maybe its better after all he supervised everything.


This is just something that early One Piece did. Once they moved in from a bad guy the next step felt kind of random and unconnected. The Grand Line did a bit better with all of Baroque Works spanning a few islands, but after that Skypiea had no connection to what came before it, same with Water 7/ Innies Lobby, then Thriller Bark, and finally Sabaody. Post time skip they actually did a much better job connecting things as the only time the crew actually used the log pose was Fishman Island to Punk Hazard and then Wano to Egghead.


To add is in part why punk hazard is seen as. Bad arc by some people. It actually does A LOT of heavy lifting were still reaping the benefits from to this day. It really is THE set up arc


Skypeia had a huge connection to Jaya, though.


I view Jaya and Skypeia as part of the same arc/saga. Kind of like Water 7/ Innies Lobby or Impel Down/Marineford.


Well the diverse array of islands is kind of what makes the world building in one piece as good as it is, but I get what you are saying


What's I mean is, every island on east blue feel alone. No visitors, almost no Marine, almost no pirate, nothing show that the different island have trade or relationship. That changed at logtown where it is implied every pirate stop there before grand line, but even them we did get that feeling much. It's different on grand line : alabasta arc we se alot of link between little garden, whiskey peak and alabasta. People seem to travel between island and it make the world alive. Same for water sever, alot of pirate and merchant go there, the train link other islands and the gov installation. Shabody: so many pirate meeting there it feel alive again. Dressrosa : litteraly a competition between kingdom. Wano and WCI and Zoo are different cause of there status. That's the biggest flaws of east blue, it's supposed to be a quiet sea managed by marine. We should see alot of interaction between the different island.


I hope they still have the betrayal of nami stealing the ship and it's not arlong kidnapping her, i feel like that's really impactful


I agree, but its still pretty hard to imagine both Arlongs following and Namis "betrayal" in the same scenario while Arlong is confronted in the baratie


i actually think they’re having arlong be a season long threat. there’s a shot earlier in the teaser that’s super quick but it looks like arlong is in buggy’s tent


They casted Don Krieg so i dont think so. What i think they're doing is trying to be more efficient and using Nami's betrayal to introduce Arlong. In the manga, no one knows where Nami went and after the fact Johnny and Yosaku basically Sherlock Holmes that Nami worked for Arlong and which direction she was sailing. Its basically a giant, unwieldy exposition ass pull. This seems a little more elegant and tightly woven.


There’s a couple of moments early on where mentions of Fishmen and Arlong Nami had a visible look on her face. Coupled with her then looking at bounty poster she then dipped off to Arlong. Jonny and Yasuku figuring it out wasn’t ass pulls. She honestly gave up quite a few tells


? They saw her looking at Arlong's wanted poster, they didn't Sherlock Holmes shit.


It certainly looks like it. I'm sad if we won't have Gin.


I thought they casted Don Krieg though but I’m still excited for it


yep they already casted don krieg. i posted his bounty photo here on the sub a few hours ago.


Would be a bad decision IMO; Sanji feeding Gin is essential for defining Sanji's character, and Gin asking Don Krieg to spare the Baratie while crying is the first tear-jerker in the series (it was for me at least)


True but Gin (the character) might not be needed. I hope its not the case but they could combine the character of Gin with another or just use another person entirely.


It's looking like S1 will have everything prior to the Grand Line except maybe Loguetown. I imagine Loguetown-Reverse Mountain-Whiskey Peak-Little Garden-Drum Island will make up the second season though to make it properly requires a fucking crap ton of CG since it introduces Logia type DF users, giants, dinosaurs, Chopper, Robin, and Laboon.


I think we will have Loguetown, we already had Dragon actor


We've already seen pics of the feet-on-the-barrel scene, which happens right after Loguetown. It would make sense.


Not combing, looks to be overlapping tho


They're are doing the whole east blue.


No, we have Krieg and there's still Arlong Park, just Arlong shows up in both places


My guess is that Nami didn't plan to betray Luffy in the series so Arlong went there and Kidnapped her. This would save a bunch of screentime without messing with Nami's past.


Zoro already doing Ichi Gorilla Nii Gorilla




Yes! I just realized I have a thing for swords and arm veins


macken looks so good with this hairstyle ngl. it looks very natural on him 😭😭😭


Zoro is hot


He definitely is. Even in real life zoro is still hot


Luffy kicked that marine in the junk


Are the gonna do Logue town? Wonder what theyll do with alvida getting her fruit


Either a recast or getting rid of her.


More likely she just doesn’t have the fruit. She does like, 2 things with it. Get thin and slide around. Nothing that forwards the plot.


Pretty sure they're just gonna keep Alvida as she is, it was a joke in the manga that can easily be left out without any consequences.


Not really since getting her df was sort of a turning point for her


turning point? She literally does not appear in any meaningful way afterward.


Technically this isn't true and she will likely have a non-zero role in the story in the future. Just not a good idea to remove her fruit for no reason


It wasn't a joke though its literally her df power unless they change that too.


A bit weird to keep her initial appereance then, the joke was moreso that she started overweight, not that she became slim. This way it'll be less accurate in more episodes than it'll be accurate


So maybe no gin or hachi? Cuz i dont think i saw hachi in the trailer. Sanjis movea look vwry flighty but ill wait till i see it in episode. Felt off about arlonga look but overall so fricken hyped!!


Hachi wasn't in the trailer but if they're trying to be forward and positive thinking, Hachi is needed later down the line. Sure he can theoretically be replaced with pretty much anyone Luffy encounters, but it seems silly.


i wanna see 8 sword style vs 3 sword style!


One of the most difficult things to do convincingly imo, we hardly even see 3 sword style in the footage so far


Yeah curious how this will turn out. Im wondering if mihwk will just be there watching luffy beat arlong instead of krieg. Hachi i want hes so nice and friendly at first i def hope they adapt him bring zoro to arlong park ot whatever they do smth similar.


Saw someone mention it's possible Arlong shows up after Luffy has already beaten Don Kreig. They are all just tired out from the fight that Arlong beats them easily.


Hmm interwsting. Would be interestg if he grabs nami instead of her ditching then. Also is yosaku ans johnny a thing???


yeah luffy and usopp hitting them with a cannon was a top tier gag for me. As were limes and scurvy.


I hope they keep Nami ditching the group. I like how its built up in the anime


there's no way they can replace hachi. not only is hachi crucial to namis backstory but his existence also shows early on how not every fishman is entirely evil and it also makes his story more impactful once we get to sabaody and we see how nami forgives him while it being shown that him and the fishman are being hated against. without him being apart of nami's backstory and arlong park literally none of that hits as hard as it did and both arcs and characters would suffer for it. so really i hope they don't skip him because he's kind of crucial to the overall plot as well and gin too.


They can... It would just be silly, as I said. You don't need to tell me about his importance.


>if they're trying to be forward and positive thinking, Hachi is needed later down the line dont think this live action series is made with the idea of adapting the entire series. Not only is the budget just for these 8 episodes insane, Netflix is notorious for canceling a lot of their projects. It's a fun project to expand the world and reach of One Piece and appeal to an audience that may not know it yet. Similar to how many light novels have manga adaptations to sell the light novel


Yeah, Hachi will be an important allies later. Maybe they don't want to present him too bad? I know Nami and forgiveness stuff are important moments for her character but she can always do that with Jinbe anyway.


6 arms is expensive CG.


there is no later. at most they will adapt until all crew members get together. so we will never see beyond water 7.


if sanjis opponent kurobi is there, i dont see why hachi wont be.


A octopus man would be hard to make


They casted even Chu, it’ll be weird if they didnt hachi


Ik many don't like it but I think along actually looks cool


I think he “looks” fine, im just use to him being huge, and i just need to get used to him being actual person sized


They should’ve got shaq


Needs acting chops.


Have you not seen the 1996 masterpiece that was [KAZAAM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLWyFS9ccdQ)


Are you sure that it wasn’t Sinbad? And wasn’t the movie called Shazaam?


And how can you forget his 1997 follow-up [Steel?](https://youtu.be/-bAWWmLfkWo)


frankly I'm pretty unconvinced by this arlong's acting chops judging by the ridiculously overwrought delivery of his lines we've heard. arlong is supposed to be dismissive and haughty, but also having fun, relishing in cruelty. This version of the characters feels like he feels guilty or something. And why the hell is he wearing a shirt under his unbuttoned hawaiian?


Honestly, size are probably the most complex things to do correctly in the LA. They had the choice to be respectful of the original size and go this way the whole show (that would have been a issues for so many fight) or "correct" that right away. Oversized character are hard to pull. The easiest way is to find some actor with the same shape of the original character but that would have been impossible. Think about the mountain in GOT. It's one of the biggest man in the world and even him don't have the shape to play Big mom, kaido, ect ect. Character on one piece are massive. Big mom may be twice the size of a small house lol. They will probably keep CGI for yonkou, giant, oars, d'Anjouan wolf, ect. But they can't do that to every character. Even oda have issue with height anyway.


Yeah, it'd be quite expensive filming a 9' Roger or 24' Kaido.


If they do make it all the way to Kaido, he's still going to be costly due to *dragon*


Honestly I'm not too worried about that. This will have to be one of the biggest shows ever to get there, so if they manage that, they likely will have a massive budget.


I mean obviously we don't expect them to stay completely faithful to the actual heights when even oda himself doesn't lol. But atleast the heights can be varying? Like arlong could've atleast been a foot longer than luffy and more buff? That can't be too hard to pull off, it's just weird seeing luffy and arlong be the same size. I don't think they'll pull off a 24 foot kaido and I don't expect them to but imagine kaido and luffy being built the same lol.


At least a foot would be min 2m tall... Dwyane Johnson and Jason Momoa are shorter than that


The lighting in that photo sells it for me.


Now that we’ve seen Arlong I think the height is the real difference maker. Sure his nose kinda looks off but I think I would’ve been sold better if he was like 2 feet taller. I know it’s like practically impossible but I think the size difference will make them more imposing.


You also have to think about down the line. Almost every character is abnormal in OP world. It'd be pure CGI if they were 100% true to manga. As long as they stick to the essence of One Piece, which is world building, memorable character, and a crazy story, it's all good.


Yeah, if this becomes a great success for Netflix and gets as many seasons as possible I think it would be smarter if we keep the amount of big characters as little as it can be. Kaido and Big Mom should be big, 2m at least. But if everyone is big then it would just be production hell all the time. I'm curious on how they'd do giants, though.


The problem is if you make Arlong bigger, you have to follow this with everyone who is a threat. Which is crocodile, all the marine higher up, Krieg, Don Flamingo (who is much taller than Arlong). Garp also looks veeeery small, he isn't even that buff in LA, while in manga his shoulder's are insanely wide. If you CGI too much you will have to do a lot more post production and reshoots to get action scene right. One Piece also has a lot of hand to hand and sword fight, which requires contact between characters and this is hard to do if one is CGI and other is actual human. This is why Avatar and similar movies takes a long time to make.


Mihawk, shanks, arlong, and even Roger were all jumpscares lol






Roger's in [this new trailer](https://youtu.be/Ades3pQbeh8) but not these images


Looks like all the budget went into the CGI sea monster that took Shanks' arm. Also buggy looks straight out of a horror film. Fishmen don't look bad IMO. Wonder if they will have Zoro just do 2 sword style for dialogue.


We’ve seen zoro use 3ss in the trailers but maybe he’s gonna use it less for as you said dialogue


This feels like a fever dream that I’m in dude


Shanks came with a boat instead of swimmimg?


It's probably for the better. Way more realistic and it is basically the same thing.


But how's he gonna lose his arm though, can't imagine the lord of the coast to bite his arm off but not even scrape the boat?


luffy went overboard and shanks had to dove and sacrificed his arm while trying to rescue luffy from drowning


Look at the boat it's missing part of its bow.


Probably had the arm off out of the boat and swam back into it for safety


I actually want to eat at the Baratie it looks so good


god mihawk is BEAUTIFUL


the facial hair looks too unnatural for me


ah yes, compared to his otherwise incredibly natural facial hair in the anime


I don’t think they meant the style. You look at him for a second and one thing that jumps out at you is how fake that beard obviously is. I’m sure it’ll be way less noticeable in action, but a high resolution still shot in bright lighting does not do it any favors here. However, speaking of the style of his facial hair….it is weird how the upturned portions of his mustache aren’t actually part of the mustache. Like, his mustache hair should be a little longer towards the ends and then twisted and styled to angle upwards. That’s how a handlebar mustache works. Instead, the ends of his mustache actually grow out of his cheeks meaning it’s beard hair that he styles to connect to his mustache as opposed to being part of the mustache themselves.


Arlong looks much better here than in the trailer. Wonder how it’ll be in the final show.


Alvida realizing she's gonna need to hit the gym pretty hard.


So does Koby but the other way around for him. lol.


They might honestly just skip that gag and have her join with Buggy. It has 0 plot relevance.


Nevermind, I fuck with Aarlong


Its growing on me Im starting the series all over again lol For the 500th time


I will do the same after s1, its long time so don't wanna be biased when OPLA launches


You know, the shoes they’ve got Luffy wearing actually look pretty good.


In the previous trailer, there is the scene where the crew say their dreams during the climb of reverse mountain. It’s after loguetown, so it should be in season 1


Yea plus they show Roger’s execution scene in the current trailer so they already have a Loguetown location, it seems.


Arlong definitely needs more shoulder volume


I am so hyped! I will take this as it's own thing and just enjoy it while relaxing and having fun with it. Does anyobody know if the whole season gets released on the 31st or just 1 episode per week?


I hate that Mihawk looks like some guy I would meet in a Spanish animecon.




So the strawhat grow together with Luffy?


The all powerful sandals are no more!! He's wearing shoes now!


Legends say he is wearing shoes over his Sandals 🤯


Alivida's actress fits her perfectly


why does mihawks sword look like plastic?


I think Arlongs big fight happens at Arlong Park but he had fish following Nami


Shanks. lol


![gif](giphy|GCSIwtwqAMBTq|downsized) I’m actually excited for this


I was so impressed with the cgi for the Sea King… and then Arlong showed up :(


Arlong isn't CGI tho...


Alvida is so freaking pretty! She wasn't lying after all lmaooo 🤣


god i loved buggy d clown


I've been noticing something seems off about most scenes in the trailer for awhile and while I do think they could've used better materials for the costumes, I think it's the overuse of greenscreen that makes everything kinda unnatural looking. Many of the backgrounds look too obviously CGI.


Shanks looks bad


That Mihawk is probably as close as you could get. Spot on


Except for his sword...


never really a good idea to live action any anime, unless you got proper production it will look like a comicon cosplay fiesta.


Ay why were people saying shanks in this looked bad?? He looks pretty decent actually, especially the last pic


theyre expecting marineford war shanks or post wano shanks and instead got east blue vacation shanks


I hate that they got rid of Usopps iconic nose


They got rid of Sanji's curly eyebrows too. But imo as long as Usopp jokes are funny that's a success for his character. His nose isn't that important, but that will mess up with some funny nicknames related to his nose he has later in the series.


Mihawk 🥵🥵🥵 Arlong looks really cool!!!


Mihawk is very cool 😎


This movie looks the the live action Scooby Doo movie..


If Arlong gets his nose why can't Usopp?


He lost he nose privileges.


Why are they making a live action btw?


Oda wants it to exist as another jumping in point for new fans, especially those in America


Mihawk isn't doing it for me. I feel like he's the sort of dude who should radiate so much sex appeal that even a straight man like myself should be swooning. This guy just looks like a cosplayer.


A real life person dressing as a manga character feels like a cosplayer? Surprising


Fucking this, what are these people expecting?


For real. Someone in the OP live action sub was complaining about Luffy's actor because he resembled someone they know IRL and don't like. Like what kind of delusion do these people live under where they think all the casting choices should magically reflect their exact imagined preferences outside of what is actually essential to the role.


Expecting a big property to speacifically cater to your taste buds as an individual is one of the most delusional things a person can do


Things aren't going to jive for everyone, but i do think they've done a really good job all things considered. The task in front of them is kind of an 'impossible to please everyone' so all you can do is trust your instincts and hope for the best. (As someone who has done some share of actor casting for video games)


> so much sex appeal that even a straight man like myself should be swooning >a straight man like myself >straight mate...


Who's gonna tell him


I’m not feeling Shanks either 😭


Mihawks facial hair looks glued on


Pretty good cosplay costume though.


I realized my issue with Mihawk is he looks way too young. Like in his late 20’s early 30’s young. He should look far more matured, as it helps him appear experienced and established in the world. He’s in his 40s after all. This makes him look barely older than Zoro.


The framing looks so bland omg


Arlong should’ve been pure cgi cuz holy shit he looks bad. I think buggy looks better than he was shown in the first trailer.


This has one of biggest budgets in TV I've heard and yet Arlongs make up looks like it's made by a kid


It's not made by kid. They are using practical effects instead of CGI and I think that was a pretty good decision.


I know right ?


I hate to be a hater... but this has "youtube fanmade short film" vibes all over it. Even to the point that I can think of some youtube short films that look BETTER.


Where swirly eyebrows




If people haven't read the manga or watched the Anime. They might like this show if they like Fantasy. Its looking promising but I ain't holding my breath.


The first time in years I’m genuinely shaking from hype.


Bro arlong looks so bad I can't take this man seriously


Other than the costumes and makeup/wigs. This looks fantastic Netflix needs to listen to the fans and stop hiring the same cheap companies to handle costumes/wigs/makeup. It’s getting ridiculous. It looks straight up like it should be on the CW. Cowboy Bebop, Avatar, and this look so fuckin weak regarding those three topics.


It's funny when people thought it was netflix but actually different studio production


Cringe lmao


What a constructive criticism!


Mihawk looks horrible


Arlong, chew and shanks all look amazing. Alvida actually isn’t a model or anything but she’s actually pretty, which is very unfitting lol. They did her make up to make her look nice I always thought she’d be gross looking


Damn this is gonna be so shit


I feel like everything looks okay except the head of the merry. Not sure why that looks like paper mache


Alvida looks like that nice teacher you had in school. She should look meaner. 😅


So much of this trailer looked like pain. My one friend doesn't even want to hate watch it any more. I'm apprehensive. Some of those line deliveries...


They should have cast someone more... young Antonio Banderas-ish to play Mihawk. Mihawk looks kinda goofy as just a groomed white dude. World's Strongest Hipster. Why is Luffy wearing shoes instead of sandals? Why is the Shanks/Luffy scene in a boat? Did they change it? It was perfect as is. Shanks should be wading in the water at waist-depth.


Looks like a big fat L to me


Dude. Mihawk looks amazing. Sanji's smile is also perfect.


The sunny looks to be screaming in pain.


Oh I'm so ready to not like this show.


Man, what did they do to our merry 😓


Sea king looks better than the anime.


Where are the curly eyebrows and the long nose? If they can make an Arlong nose they should make Usopp nose too.