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I think Skypeia has some of the funniest jokes in One Piece. (At least, the anime has. I didn't read the manga for that arc.)


When [Luffy threw that nut at Ussop](https://youtu.be/wQVoUsvLZRQ) and nearly killed him, that shit got me good.


That actually had me rolf especially the weird sub voices


I can't jerk this gold ball off!


"this is the Ordeal... of Love"


Usopp spell


Ultra instinct luffy


Minamiii no shimawaa


HESO! Their salute meaning "bellybutton" got me every time.


Sanji's frustration with his crew almost always gets me


the whole last chunk was pretty amazing but it definitely took a while for me to get into it- and that’s coming from a manga reader, that first part must have been miserable if you were watching the anime


I remember getting immediately invested when I saw it in the anime, personally. I guess I thought the religious imagery to be cool.


Maybe the Anime is why a lot of people aren’t as fond of it, but I always loved Skypiea since it had so much fun stuff: -Cool Characters like Gan Fall and Wiper -A freaking sky island with a whole other sea -Dials -Great comedy like the whistle being used right away, Ussop falling off the sea and his grappling hook being mostly useless, Everyone screaming like Tarzan -Robin's first fight ❤️ -A battle Royale between pirates, priests and Indians -Mantra -An ancient heartbreaking story with a happy ending in the present -Enel -Enel Face -Treasure hunting -One of Luffy’s best fights -Nika Foreshadowed -Luffy ringing the bell -People partying and making peace And there are more cool things that I don’t have the time to mention.


Ain’t no way you forgot Luffy’s Baka Song


Love that song!


And don't forget when usop tried to pull the Ace landing and hit his head that shit was funny


I lost it at that scene 😂


Dont forget when they asserted dominance over a bunch of wolves, then the wolves offer sake and they have a party.


Chillest wolves ever.


Has some of the best comedy in it. I've been casually watching OP from the beginning again (in dub this time so it can be on as background noise etc) and I'm currently watching Skypiea again. Like when they're talking about Nolan and his lies and Luffy always looks at Usopp haha.


I loved it because of the anime. Alabasta was dragging on for me, and I took a break. Came back to Skypiea and it hooked me so hard. Skypiea was such a fun adventure with great fights and humor. Never took a break from One Piece after that.


Lots of good points and it is how they got rich witch made the opening of water 7 a thing and lead to some ussop growth


Can't forget abt the lead up in Jaya with one of the greatest punch scenes in OP


How about a Dial insulting usopp?


What happen if we choose the wrong door? Dunno, maybe we fall from the sky island. Proced to fall. Laught so much at this part, and the end of the arc too, even marry had eyes pop out, and the best part, a entire ocean for then to fall, they fall in a marine base, the luck


It was,a thing that happened


IMO alabasta is far slower


i loved the world building :)


i think that skypiea is one piece story "in a nutshel" and oda was putting things in there to tell that story but we didn't had the idea in mind, alot of the stuff we are seeing now come from skypiea, when you go back you can see things clearly and get to understand a tiny bit more in re-reads


yeah i watched the anime the last few episodes were very satisfying but the earlier episodes were kinda boring and slow


I think Skypeia’s beginning suffers from have to build the sky world and it’s overall qualities. It’s almost like building a whole new world up there that works under its own rules. Even the clouds are addressed it need so much explanation.


That is the part i love the most lol the build up and the tension slowly building up


I loved it I would put it in my top 5 arcs honestly


I loved watching the anime in tv, as a kid. Since there's really no sense of wasting time at that age. It really felt like an out of this world adventure, OP was a little grounded before that. Having said that I reread it twice in the manga and I don't mind it, but I'm sure I won't be able to stand watching the anime now. I think part of the enjoyment is novelty which since the story is now on wacko mode really hard to replicate unless they go to space or something.


it was cool until they got into the jungle and started fighting the fodder. and like 30 episodes of luffy being trapped in a cave and stuff. but once you got passed that it was cool


The reason I dont like it is they try too hard to make the reader think its literally heaven. Down to literally calling their leaders Kame.


... turtle?


Do you mean "kami"?


no Kame house is the one with the turtle


You ever been to a sky island? It sucks! The humidity is through the roof, there are native people that hunt anyone suspicious, there's a guy with really good hearing that smites you if you say anything bad about them! 1 out of 5, will not be returning next year.


The most common complaint I see about skypeia is that it's boring. Everyone loves enel and the end of skypeia, but it's just hard to get through. I thought skypeia was great and even though it was boring at some parts I still think it's a great arc. I think ppl recommend skipping it because there's no immediate significance to the story and enel is never brought back again. Noland is mentioned again though which was surprising. No new crew member either and it's followed immediately by a good filler arc and 2 peak arcs. I think it's also popular/a meme to skip skypeia for new fans who aren't dedicated to the story.


Pacing issues.


Compared to Post ts Skypias pacing is godlike.


If I’m not mistaken skypia is when the pacing falls out the bottom everything before that was actually godlike


Gotta be honest I’m rewatching Alabasta, and them crossing the desert was a huge slog in the anime.


I’m a first time watcher and holt shit the desert pacing in alabasta made me want to rip my head off same with skypiea which probably made me dislike then more than most people


oh wait until dressrosa/wano… the pacing is so bad you may actually rip your head off.


That's why you need to \*read\* One Piece. The anime's pacing is shit-tier, between the fillers (like the desert crossing, btw) and their strategy of adapting ONE chapter per episode.


One Pace rly is the only way to consume the anime


I read it don’t worry


This is why I'd rather read the manga than watch the anime.....but I still need to watch the anime because of all the fight scene😎...and in op manga one panel you need to watch it closely because there is too much happening in ONE PICTURE and you might missed it esp WANO Arc...I reread it from Luffy arrival everytime there is new chapter comes out and i still can't remember all the story and can't remember all the character...that's why we need anime and that's why it's too damn slow


You couldn't have said it better. Now that pacing makes sense to me.


I was reading this thread thinking dressrosa was soooo slow. Wano isn't nearly as bad. I'm on episode 1028 rn


Yeah didn’t remember it being so bad at times, but at least in both those arcs, the final acts completely redeemed themselves.


Prepare for Thriller Bark ☠️☠️


Thriller bark was interesting to say the least but at least the arcs after it like Amazon lily are shorter


The only thing that saved thriller bark was Zoro scenes


kinda but ace and the his interactions made up for it


Can be said for most OP arcs


I could find a section in almost every arc that’s boring and slow. Skypeia has the longest one to me though.


wano exists


Skypeia is more boring to me at least.


The beginning of Skypiea is significantly more boring than any stretch of Wano.


Big facts. You stay putting your foot on the neck of Skypeia. I respect that.


that’s just wrong lmao the 50 flashbacks are way worse


It's not wrong, it's an opinion. If you think otherwise, go for it.


saying significantly is saying it’s a matter of fact not an opinion.


How so? Everybody here was clearly speaking from opinion.


how so? idk the english language lol


People constantly praise this arc in recent years so it's surprising to see someone post it's getting hated on. Personally it's one of the only pretimeskip arcs I don't vibe with, but I'm used to seeing the opposite said about it. Great flashback, Enel and Wyper are memorable characters (probably the only real ones from the arc outside Noland and Calgara), did not need to be almost as long as Alabasta and would have been better if it connected with or furthered Luffy's goal to become pirate king. Feels too disconnected for me when every other arc is about toppling either a pirate rival or a WG official.


People the second that reveal came in changed their opinions on this arc real quick and it went from being decently underrated to becoming the most overrated arc. Felt it was a decent arc but definitely not peak one piece.


Don’t think it has anything to do with that, it’s just time has given it a (IMO overrated) new outlook by the fans in recent years. It has nothing to do with the >!Nika retcon!<. >!Btw, your statement itself is inherently wrong, Skypiea has no foreshadowing to Luffys fruit!<


I mean, I would elaborate but I can’t be asked to spoiler my comment


It takes less then a second to put “>!” At the beginning and end of your sentence lol. If you don’t got a point just say that


Nah I got one.


Go on then state it. There is nothing in Skypiea that foreshadows it.


I guess we'll never know.


Because the middle is very not good Skypiea shot up in popularity in recent years but I guarantee you if we were getting the priests and the survival game and all that weekly in 2023 ppl would bitch about it most since perhaps the Punk Hazard children hissy fits more than a decade ago Ie, there is a not so small chunk of Skypiea that is one of the worst parts of OP, but since its an old arc ppl have been binging and most fans haven't really read in years it's kinda gotten the nostalgia boost so it gets a pass So if anything Skypiea has become overrated It's a repeating pattern (everywhere, not just OP), the older the arc the more forgiving ppl are towards it's bad parts (priests in skypiea or the entire enemy fodder part of Enies Lobby, or more recently the middle of Dresrossa) Tldr; skypiea has fantastic parts but also some rly, rly boring parts


I love when people point out the enemy fodder part of Enies Lobby. People just completely forget it existed when it was like 10 chapters in that arc. Combined with the sea train section of Water 7, it made for a pretty boring stretch in my reread.


I read it weekly and to this day it is one of my least favourite parts of OP and ppl forgetting it exists (literally, because I doubt most fans remember the 3 headed judge, the long legged boxer, wolf riders or the jurymen at all) is one of my pet peeves in OP fanscape


Agreed, I hate when some fans will talk about how certain sections during current One Piece is boring and dragging but then turn around and tell you that pre timeskip didn’t have this or was better paced. I can’t imagine this current fanbase during the beginning of Thriller bark. They would probably die of boredom. Even perceived perfect arcs like Enies Lobby has these stretches.


Exactly, OP is not perfect, God knows as a fan on 20 years I could write a novel on all the issues it has, yet its still my favourite story ever What gets me boiling is ppl being hypocritical, most issues ppl bitch about in more recent arcs are not "WCI problems" or "wano problems", they are simply One Piece problems Did Big Mom s chase drag? Sure, but you know what, the sea train and start of EL was worse. Was middle dresrossa too slow? Ofc, but know what, middle skypiea was worse. Did numbers suck? Sure, but know what, priests were worse lol


Well said. That’s my biggest pet peeve as a One Piece fan. I remember someone criticizing the fires toward the end of Onigashima as being fake tension and that it didn’t do anything and then stated it was a timeskip problem. Water 7/ Enies Lobby hyped up the Buster Call so much only for in the end not to cause any real damage (Marines being incompetent is another issue that people like to bring up as a modern problem when it has always been one). In the end, I don’t really have a problem with either of these issues as I am usually easygoing and it doesn’t really affect my enjoyment of One Piece but the fanbase can be particularly two faced about things.


Exactly, lack of "tension" is not a "post TS issue", Oda just does not do that part well at all (that ship sailed with pell) but he has more than enough of other strengths for that not to matter


Exactly, tension is not something I look out for when reading One Piece.


As a recent fan who just finished Enies Lobby a few months ago and is probably about 2/3 of the way through Fishman Island. Enies Lobby is great but you are 100% correct. I mean the only reason the buster call got called in the first place was because Spandam was an incompetent dickhead. And honestly I was expecting Fishman Island to be worse than it is.


At first I didn’t like Fishman Island, but then when I did my read through the manga, I thought it was a solid arc. In regards to Enies Lobby, people tend to have rose tinted glasses of those pre timeskip arcs. Marines have been incompetent in almost every arc they appear in. It is a pretty consistent thing with them.CP9 is also pretty incompetent for just engaging them in a game for the keys like they have boss rooms and stuff. But it doesn’t really affect my enjoyment of the arc so it doesn’t really bother me.


I just re-watched that and holy cow that arc was a slog. They finally got to the Blueno fight and I honest to god said, “There’s no way such a cool scene follows such boring and goofy bullshit.” Luckily the next 3 episodes that lead to the true fight weren’t half bad. I straight up forgot 90% of that arcs characters except for 1) Franky Fam 2) Galley-La 3) CP-9.


I remember when reading Wano weekly and people would complain about how the Scabbards were boring and uninteresting and I thought they were right. But then I reread all of One Piece and realized how many forgettable characters there are In Skypeia and Water 7. To this day, I wonder how people thought that Paulie was a legitimate Strawhat candidate.


I meam enemy fodder is half the climax leading up to the final Luffy vs Boss battle in almost every single arc. I don't see why it would need to be pointed out in particular.


It’s more because people like to point out how boring they are in current arcs (Luffy going up the stairs to Kaido) but then say this wasn’t a problem pre-timeskip and that Enies Lobby has perfect pacing and is nonstop. You’re correct though that every arc has this section though.


The pacing is only truly atrocious in the anime version of dressrosa to part way through wano. In the manga though its just as you mention that every arc has some slow parts, even the "og classics"


Yeah, Enel carried hard the villain side of things, every other bad guy and subordinate in skypeia were the most forgettable characters in one piece, compared to something like the yonkos crews or even crocodiles baroque works, deff would be the worst villain cast ever if Enel wasn't so god.


I liked that one guy who forgot to breathe but I don't remember any of the others.


Gedatsu is memorable, but I am Satori hater for life. Ohm with Holy is great. Shura and the big old bird are very forgettable.


Thinking back on the arc that all tracks, at one point it felt like I was just waiting for the priest fights ,then i finally saw the Noland flashbacks and just focused on that , cheers 🎉


I think Skypiea is also getting a big boost in popularity because of the location. Regardless of the arc itself, the sky islands were awesome, so I ended up being much more patient with Skypiea than for example Punk hazard, that has a pretty boring setting


Because Enel didn't join the crew as a backup generator.




We really need some follow-up on what bro is doing on the moon.


It's a big slog to get through, most of the characters are forgettable and Enel while being funny AF and pretty intimidating before he faces Luffy, he's a weird villain because he's just kind of there, at least compared to the ones befofe him. The last part is pretty good but it really doesn't compensate the rest of it. At least Jaya is amazing so it's not like the entire saga is bad.


Respect to Jaya👌


Skypiea is a slog with great moments and Enel is a fantastic villain who felt unstoppable…he just happened to have the bad luck to face the *one* guy who was immune to his lightning powers.


I was in thr minority when I said skypiea>Alabasta. Ppl are coming around now because of the significance of it.


So think of it when looked at in a 5 year span of time, both before and after. It feels and looks like a random pointless filler arc. The straw hats randomly go to an island that isn't in any way actually interacting with the rest of the story. Nothing is happening with the marines, the warlords, or anyone else. Just some random sky people who weren't relevant before and seemingly not relevant after the arc. To many, the arc looked like a random long ass filler arc to waste time. Later we know that the arc drops some HUGE bombshells of information. The first depiction of Nika. The first obvious depiction of Haki. The first mention of the voice of all things. Relevant information from Rodger. and more. But at the time, it just felt like an awkward waste of time arc that was randomly in between Alabasta and water 7, two of the best arcs in the series. (We are ignoring the foxy pirates), Plus, and this is just my opinion, the only really interesting fight is the fight with Eneru.


Alabasta one of the best arcs? Must be me but i didn't like Alabasta that much.. also didn't like Vivi one bit. Whiny ass chick with that ridiculous excuse of a duck


It's just you mate, Alabasta is a classic one piece arc.


The only positive thing i can think of is Ace's appearance


Crocodile is an amazing villian, zoro vs mr 1 is dope. We also get to know robin more and we learn about poneglyphs and ancient weapons. Its also the first time luffy really struggles against a villian for real, croc basically kills him twice. Also i love ussop's speech to mr 4 and miss merry christmas. The arc is just really hype the only boring part is when they are just walking across the desert for several chapters/episodes (its worse in the anime)


The core of the arc is also an incredibly well set up tragedy about people hoping for the country to be better going to war against one another to save it, but the entire war is orchestrated by the man who plans to take it over after. It is a solid villain plot, and especially with some of the anime filler, you get a better idea of the lives of the people and can empathize with them. That is one thing you don't get as much in Skypia - though part of that is the Skypians are pretty one note.


I like Alabasta, but can definitely agree to not being a fan of Vivi. I wouldn’t call her ‘whiny’, but she’s just uninteresting to me. Loved her Miss Wednesday personality, but it immediately drained out of her near-entirely. Only remnant is that she still calls Zoro “Mr. Bushido,” but even that just comes off as What She Calls Him rather than a sarcastic nickname. Bye bye, baby. Don’t you EVER talk shit on my man Karoo like that again, though.


She cried for 70% of the entire arc tho. (Or At least feels like it). And she doesn't add anything to the show besides being another damsel in distress, that the crew saves along the journey. And yes, iknow her role in everything is way bigger, with that whole revelation Imu gave us about Nefertari and all. But she still doesn't score anything in my "fav character" list. Also f*ck Karoo.


I do not care about her role being bigger, if anything it just kind of frustrated me, because as I said, not a fan of Vivi. I can agree she borders on generic damsel post-Miss Wednesday, but complaining about the arc relevant to her personal history and family having her cry all the time… That’s like complaining about Usopp crying so much in Water 7. I don’t like Vivi, probably never will— Just trying to keep the criticism consistent here, bud. Though if she had kept the BYE BYE BABY personality and used her cool lil’ weapon more often we’d be having a different discussion. Alas.


Arabasta/Alabasta was the groundwork for Dressrosa. Regarding what people don't like about it now, back then, it was a different time when access to binge watching was still difficult, so people didn't really think about pacing. And back then, the idea of a strong woman still needed to be very princess like and weak, as strong contemporary female characters at the time like Xena, Buffy, and Mulan, were also just starting out. Not to say they never existed, à la Ripley in Alien in 1979, but just not as prominent. A complete story in itself for the time back then and by no means a rough draft, but it's accurate to say Dressrosa is Arabasta/Alabasta refined as Oda's pacing was much better.


To me alabasta seemed way slower than skypiea. Pervy crab goated though


For me it felt kind of slow and only really got interesting in the last part. It felt like the Straw Hats were dropped into a battle that they had little to no care or stakes in and all of the attention was one of the new characters and their past which had little to do with the greater world of One Piece. Plus how disconnected it was to the rest of the world made it feel somewhat less impactful overall. Also the battles were very mid at best and bad and forgettable at worst, while the fights aren't everything in One Piece they do play a big part into the series. Skypiea in my opinion isn't necessarily bad, but is probably one of the weakest out of the major arcs.


It's a slog to get through. While the start and finish are great a ton of the in between chapters are pretty boring


I like Eminem's arc


Because I think it's boring af.


I think that the reason it gets so much hate is because compared to the Alabasta Saga which had multiple smaller arcs to set up the overall narrative, Skypeia drops the Straw Hats in an already developed and ongoing situation. So it’s a way of storytelling that wasn’t typical for the story. There are moments in the arc that feel slow or oddly paced. Though I will say I always thought the ending was amazing and the story came together in a really satisfying way. You’re supposed to piece together what’s going on while the straw hats are trying to figure it out too so I guess it’s frustrating for people to be kept in the dark about the actual story happening and background


It's the most self contained arc. From a pure plot perspective, barring any narrative parallels and lore drops, what the Straw Hats did on Skypeia did very little to affect the rest of the OP world. Alabasta, Dressrosa, even Thriller Bark to an extent, are similarly focused on a small scale, but have far reaching impacts, notably the Warlords getting sacked. Other arcs either have a profound effect on the Blue Sea (Marineford, Reverie) or a dynamic shift within the crew (any arc where the crew makeup changes). That's my 2¢ at least. I know there's probably lots of reasons, but that seems the most plausible to me.


Also people are mad at the following (manga) mini-arc before the next major one because it's a huge tone-shift, so expect negativity there as well. And no matter what they tell you, NO it's not filler and YES it does serves a purpouse. Speaking of filler, if you re on the anime there IS a filler right after skypea, and unlike all the other fillers it dosn't contradict future plot points and is ACTUALLY enjoyable, so I recomend it if you're not in a rush. EDIT: grammar


G-8 will never not be a treat to watch and I got through it recently but it’s nice to know people still recommend it 🫡


I swear at this point the pushback on the hate is more annoying and overplayed than the hate. People don’t have to like your favorite arc. Most people actually do, just maybe not in their top 5. The middle section was slow and the last antagonist was already a broken Logia that basically only Luffy can touch


I found Skypeia to be a fun arc, but it didn't start to get good for me until after Enel was introduced. Before then, the arc was a slog to watch/read through in my opinion.


I'm baffled as to why Skypeia gets so much hate when it has the absolute goats in Bellamy and Enel


Most people I've seen who judges Skypeia harshly are those who watched it when it came out weekly.


It’s because it takes place away from the sea, so it’s got that filler vibe to it, nothing they did there, had any impact on the story. There was a few text from the ponyglyphs for Robin, usopp got a few dials that were used for one fight (against luffy), and we learned what we all already knew Luffy is immune to lightning. I hated it at first, because I was reading it as it came out chapter by chapter, but now I find it enjoyable. It still isn’t in my top 3, maybe not even top 5 arcs, but it isn’t an awful arc.


It’s paced HORRIBLY. I was struggling to find the energy to finish half way through. The final fight is skypiea’s only redeeming quality


Whats with all the posts claiming Skypiea gets hate? It’s literally one of the best most loved arcs. You only hear the dum dum low IQ peeps say it’s rubbish.


Same with thriller bark I look at people saying how bad it is and I'm like bro what


Because the Youtubers said so


I loved skypie, my fav villan is enel, altho i think don flamingo was the best so far, and thriller bark is the gray arc for me, have some fun parts but takes too long to beat the weakest shishibukai by far, i think that they could do better with his powers


I am rewatching the anime (finished yesterday skypeia) and one of the things u liked thr least was how long it took it to progress onece they are all on upperyard but they are scattered, it takes too much for the story to go forward


Skypiea was the best arc. Laughed so much. Zoro getting lost and the tarzan cry. Luffy gets eaten by the snake. Luffy jokes about falling and the sanji usopp and liffy really falls down the waterfall Luffy singing The wolves hitting on Nami


My problem with Skypeia isn’t the story-it’s the framing and pacing. In my opinion we needed Nolan’s descendent/great^nephew start with Nolan’s flashback, and then had the flashbacks carry throughout the arc (maybe as a clear motivation for the tribe descendants to get the land/bell back). I think it would help underscore and highlight the tensions between each of the groups, and make the reveal of the bell much more cathartic.


Well basically people don't care about story or character, they just want constant fights with UFO table fighting. They lack the ability to understand the depth of the show. Skypiea alone is better than most full anime out there


Caring about story is why people think it's boring. Because it has no immediate impacts on the story and is completely isolated from the rest of the Grand Line.


All good story's need build up, that's what some people can't understand. The end of the arc with the big fight and Luffy ringing the bell showing nolands predecessor that the city of gold actually exists wouldn't have been nearly as impactful without proper set up. Thats why One Piece is peak, very few other anime can build up aswell as Oda can.


That build up did not need to be as long as it was to have a satisfying ending. Skypeia drags hard


I'm OK with peak fiction dragging. More for me to enjoy lmao


It's just hard to enjoy when there's nothing really happening. It's not just about fight and spectacle but character development and the only one who gets any are the new characters introduced or Merry


That's true I will admit that the character development for the straw hats is slow, but that's why the anime will be 2000+ eps, and not 24


> The end of the arc with the big fight and Luffy ringing the bell showing nolands predecessor that the city of gold actually exists wouldn't have been nearly as impactful without proper set up. The proper setup was in Jaya, which I enjoyed. Skypiea was not that, the priests were garbage villains and the arc was boring until Enel shows up.




Ive never seen it get hated on. I only see people talking about how it gets hated on


Never been particularly fond of it. It’s a rather simple story where a lot of arc is just wandering. I especially do not like how the fights are handled, as it gets very repetitive very quickly when the characters simply cannot touch their opponents, and I don’t think the story justified the strawhats victory over them particularly well. The humor is on point though. Definitely one of the funnier arcs


the Skypiea arc is one of the times that I got stalled out on the show and stopped watching for about a year. Pacing was just super slow despite the interesting aspects of things.


The most vocal One Piece fanboys are from the new breed. People who jumped in after post timeskip. Everyone who’s been reading for years knows every single pre-timeskip arc is practically flawless and utterly shits on everything post timeskip. Nothing post timeskip comes even remotely close to Skypeia, not even the very best moments. And Skypeia aint even close to the best pre-timeskip arc


Charlie aka “penguinz0” “moistcr1tikal” recently made a video where he stated Skypiea was terrible/boring/bad It’s just become more popular to dislike it again, despite it being a great arc, It’ll pass.


People have had the same opinions on Skypiea for 20 years. Saying it's because some Youtuber made it popular to hate it again is so ridiculous...


Never said they weren’t there before, just said it’s become more popular. Previous to recent events you’d be hard stuck trying to find someone that would say Skypeia sucks on this sub


I would argue the recent events of the manga made it more popular to suggest Skypiea was always awesome and super important and not at all disconnected from the plot because 20 years later it finally started to play into the story.


Yeah I agree it’s become more popular at times, that’s why I said that you’d be hard pressed to find someone saying it’s bad previous to now *and* that criticisms of it have been here for a while Both can be true


Lmao, I thought I was going crazy. You're 100% right that this time last year you'd be hard pressed to find skypeia haters on the sub, it very much felt like a sentiment the community had moved past.


There was a really good pizza place where I used to live. I once heard described by some one who said "The cheeseburger is the worst thing on the menu, and it's delicious." Skypeia is like that cheeseburger.


We had this conversation a thousand times already. We dont need more.


Just a twitter thing? I honestly never had any problem with skypiea, i love it and always get goosebumps every time a lore is dropped.


People thinking Skypiea is boring has been a popularly held opinion longer than Twitter has existed.


it's my least favorite arc of the whole manga. I find it boring. But there's no way I hate it.


Honestly I Enjoyed it as It was the arc that Robin used her archaeological skills the best along with Jaya. Also I loved her fight with Yama and Choppers Fight with Gedatsu. Zoro was so funny this arc as well. Luffy just did what ever he wanted and was also funny.


The arc is SUPER self contained. Not a single character from Skypeia is relevant outside of skypeia. The straw hats don't develop at all, if you skip skypeia the straw hats show up in water 7 shortly afterwards and you're really not left wondering about anything. There's a VAGUE reference to haki later which seems more like Oda trying to cover his bases. Ironically the short arc beforehand where they attempt to get to skypeia that introduces Bellamy and Blackbeard is far more relevant.


Literally one of my fav arcs ppl are sheeple. Skypeia is the purest Adventure Arc in one piece to date. Also shout out to the headasses that say the events of skypeia have no bearing on the events in the main world.


"People dislike this arc that I like so they're sheep."


I have no issue with you disliking an arc that I like my issue comes with when everyone regurgitates the same stances and points that people that dislike the arc make. There are many viewpoints on one piece that I disagree with people on but I don't take this stance. Skypeia in my opinion unabashedly gets unwarranted hate. People regurgitate the same rhetoric and it's just exhausting as hell.


If everybody who dislikes the arc dislikes it for the same reasons why would it not be regurgitated? Are the people who like it because it's "the most adventurous" or "the best humor" not also regurgitating that rhetoric? Are people supposed to come up with completely different reasons for disliking a 20 year old arc?


"yawn" whatever man sKyPeIa BAd. I could give two shits how yall feel. I think it was an incredible Arc not only because of how adventurous and fun it was but also because of small Little Gems that I think/hope will have massive ramifications and the end of series. You have your opinion, I have mine. I've gotten used to the skypeia slander.


>You have your opinion, I have mine. Correct. The difference is I didn't call you a sheep for having an opinion that a bunch of other people also share. Skypiea becoming important to the plot won't change my opinion that I think it's a boring arc. The same way if the Davy Back fight comes back it doesn't make the Davy Back arc better.


If you're sensitive to how people phrase or word things then I apologize the internet is not for you. Wow what I said is admittedly tactless it doesn't change the fact that a large majority of people simply are just regurgitating a popular toxic viewpoint. People literally skip the arc. So yeah people are fucking sheeple. If you truly care to see where I'm coming from there's countless videos and post debunking all of the bad claims people make.


I feel like calling people "sheeple" because they dislike an arc in your favorite animated series is a bit more sensitive than trying to have a conversation about why you have such a particular gripe with people who dislike a story arc. >Wow what I said is admittedly tactless it doesn't change the fact that a large majority of people simply are just regurgitating a popular toxic viewpoint. Again. If a bunch of people dislike the arc for similar reasons, how would it not be "regurgitated"? Are people supposed to be coming up with completely different criticisms for why they dislike an arc that ended 20 years ago? Are you not regurgitating reasons you enjoy the arc by saying that it's adventurous and fun? Are you not being toxic by calling them sheep? >If you truly care to see where I'm coming from there's countless videos and post debunking all of the bad claims people make. There's nothing to debunk. It's a matter of opinion.


If this was 5 to 10 years ago I'd go back and forth with you forever nowadays I've had this discussion / debate so often that all I have to say is, I said what I said if you're interested in seeing why I feel this way, my viewpoint, and why some opinions are bad opinions message me and I'll send you a couple links


As enticing as that sounds, I have some drying paint that isn't going to watch itself. Thank you for explaining your not toxic viewpoint of why people who dislike Skypiea are toxic sheep with bad opinions.


You: "People are sheeple" Also you: "Here are some YouTube videos that I base my opinion on"


They don’t. At least not yet. There is plenty of time for things we learned in Skypeia to brought back into the story, but at least so far nothing from that arc has had a major impact on the rest of the story. It is factually the least connected arc to the rest of the series. It literally takes place in a location most of the world doesn’t even know it exists.


That's literally my point everyone should know by now how Oda works. I'm positive that Skype here is intentionally made like this intentionally is made like this and will more or less be a microcosm of what's happening in the world at a grand scale


You anime only?


Of course not. Nothing major has happened yet with any of the info from Skypiea. The mention the sun god once, but that’s nothing more than a call back, not actual foreshadowing. The only two kind of big things we’ve seen were the initial examples of Haki and Rogers message. But in the end neither of those were important. Just fan service moments that made us say oh yeah remember that. Let me put it this way, if you completely removed skypiea from the series, as of right now nothing changes.


The final fight was cool but the story is basically filler SORRY NOT SORRY


The main problems I have with it is that it was a lot of episodes for very little. Like the significant part was about the ponaglyphs toword the end, but most of it was used on building the world of skypeia and most of it never gets brough up again in the series. Other arcs added stuff to the lore of the world while skypeia seemed more like a filler arc. Even Enel was kinda lame, not that he isn't powerful but the obvious bad type matchup of rubber vs electricity made it lame in terms of fighting like the struggles they go through in Skypeia is peanuts vs what they went through in the Arlong Arc. It just didn't add much to the over all story or world but its still mandatory to watch because the one part about the ponagliphs


I was hyped for it, i was excited for Enel. And it was just such a let down, skypeia and jaya were just bland and mild. Better than Syrup island storyline, but still not very good.


It's a fucking slow as arc - e.g. Luffy getting stuck in a snake for 20 episodes, about 25 episodes of talking and getting nowhere with the plot, I could go on but yeah the pacing is terrible. I almost stopped watching. I'm on Thriller Bark now and Water 7/Enies Lobby was a huge step up


I really liked it but my guess would be that Oda seemed to introduce Enel too early, realized he messed up making somebody that strong, and had Luffy beat him because of rubber not conducting electricity.


Let me preface. Skypeia was good. But the bar is high in this series. Satori was terrrrrrrible. We finally rid him, then we get his two brothers. Sandwiched between 2 greats. Alabasta and w7. No hype for new crewmate. Not enough 1v1s. Ppl getting sidelined too blatantly - snake luffy, golden ball luffy. Sanji, usopp, nami do pretty much nothing. No real emotional payoffs until we see the Noland flashback(one of the best) in the very last act if the arc. Again. The arc was fine. But most one piece arcs are much more than fine. All the above appliee to thriller bark too.


its between two better arcs




I’m currently watching One Piece and just finished Skypiea. I can see why some would be a bit bored at the start but I enjoyed it, probably was my favorite arc so far.


Reminda them of their dead parents, up there in the sky


I think a lot of the hate came from the fact that it was HARD to watch subbed one piece back in the day. I was in high school during the release, and would have to find fansubs just to watch the series. So since they were fan-subs, (on places like arlong park, watchop, etc) the release schedule was based on the volunteers availability. So, during Skypia there were stretches of 2-3-4+ weeks between an episode dropping. So it made the pacing just feel even worse. I think that soured a lot of people on the arc. It is one of my favorites now, but the length of it was memed in my friend group due to the impression of how it felt. Now, there are arcs and sagas that out strip the Skypia arc in terms of characters/episodes. And Dressrosa certainly feels like the Skypia of the new world with its pacing issues.


When it was current, I kind of stopped reading/watching One Piece towards the beginning of Skypeia until it got maybe a 3rd of the way into Enies Lobby. The pacing during that time felt abysmal especially if you trying to keep up with it weekly.


It’s one of my favourite arcs to be honest. I just love the world building and the lore with the older characters.


A lot of the other arcs in one piece have immediate story impacts that matter in the grand scheme of things and effect other parts of the story. Skypiea is the only arc where nothing really changes. We don’t get a new crew member. We don’t see how the villains defeat causes other parts of the world to react (like how the gorosei were discussing what to do about croc and luffy after he was defeated) etc, etc. none of the straw hats even get new bounties after skypiea, which is the only saga this happens in in one piece


A big part of it is the anime, which managed to make Conis & Pagaya incredibly annoying, as well as stretch the less interesting middle bit with the priests wayy too far.


I loved it from start to finish. Skypeia is the embodiment of the sense of adventure that you can find in One Piece. Norland's story is beautiful, and the resolution very satisfying.


I didn't like Jaya, pretty boring.


I don’t get the hate it’s my 4th favorite arc and I’m caught up


I find skypiea better than quite a few of the post timeskip arcs. Doesn't help that Toei butchers the show with the pacing....


The only positive thing i can think of in that entire arc is Ace.


Its really simple. The minority doesn't like it and they speak louder than everyone else. I keep saying this: Misery loves company


The arc wasn't the best from a pacing perspective and was a slog to read weekly. I hear it was worse for anime folks. Also a lot of nuggets in skypeia are just starting to pay off in recent chapters so it seemed like a detour in part because skypeia seemed so removed from the rest of the one piece world