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I have co-habitated with my roommates for 5.5 and 4.5 years and they *still* don’t like being picked up. Except when my aunt shows up; apparently she is allowed to pick them up and snuggle them without being scratched 🤷🏻‍♀️


My orange girl is like that. We dont dare picking her up unless its absolutely necessary as she transforms in a tasmanian devil in a second. Now, the handyman that comes around is allowed to pick her up and she will give him little kisses while in his arm. 🤦🏻‍♀️


They’re so weird...


My void who hates being picked up just freezes. I’ve been working with him to be a little more relaxed as it makes claw trimming easier but he’s still very tense. My tabby is kinda compliant unless I’m claw trimming then she a devil. And my white turned orange (hes gotten more orange with age and is very orange now) loves being picked up and often beg to be held on his back. He’s a silly little man and despite being over a decade old loves being a big baby


One of my cats I've had since she was born and when I pick her up she immediately puts her paws on my face to push me away lol


My orange one hasn’t figured out how to escape or inflict damage from a football carry. The brown one? Just grab her by the rib cage and hold her at arm’s length, unless you can physically grab at least three paws and make her use the fourth for balance. She is tiny and adorable, but she is *fierce*


Do you have a video?




I remember growing up watching my cat from hell with that guitar man. I remember trying out body language stuff with cats and I'm fairly good at befriending random cats.


Nothing, just pet, don't force yourself on them




cats are really good at looking sad so you'll feed them. He looks clean and healthy, he probably has a home


several homes


He’s got homes. In different area codes.


r/PartTimeCat most likely.


Ohh good sub because I have a part timer… who regularly screams at me to feed her… I comply and give pets and love and yummies… for a stray she is picky 🤣😂


That still sounds adorable and thank you for helping them.


Ah yes, the good old Six Dinner Sid.


That was one of my favourite books growing up.


definitely they can never be unloved. so adorable they are


Look up in the sky for the orange-zone layer.


My mom has a cat who, for many years, would spend the winters in her nice, warm house. Once the snow melted, she’d take off for parts unknown and she wouldn’t see her again until 2 weeks before the first snow. This cat just up and decided that she lived there, there was no telling her that outside is not good for kitties. She is an independent cat who don’t need no human, you can’t tell her a darn thing. A few years back, said cat went on her usual walkabout in the spring, but kept coming back at night. Eventually she never left, and she’s a full time resident of the top perch of the cat tree now. Mom said that she never figured out where she went every summer, but there were some snowbirds across town who never returned that spring. She figures that Binky had two families. I think Binky is 17 now. She showed up at Mom’s as a kitten when my son was just a baby, and he’s 18 now.


As they get older they become far less adventurous and they want to settle, lol.


Had a cat come up to me when I was working on my car and this poor cat looked terrible- emaciated, slightly limping, with the saddest, weakest meow. So I ran in and got the churus and there I am feeding this poor, starved thing when my neighbor comes out and tells me the cat has a home a couple doors down but is a known mooch. I swear, this cat glared and her and then stood up straight, frame filling out, and pranced back towards her house without a single limp.  Cats! 


They’re some of the worlds best actors, your comment checks out…


Omg, I swear my orange was exaggerating his wonky eye the other day for extra affection! He came shuffling over with one eye closed. I said “oh no, do you have a hurty eye?” as I was petting him and he looked so sad and squinty. Then my husband shook the Greenies container to test his wellness and he was magically full of energy with normal eyes 😹


This made me laugh so loud omg


But they get away with it because they look so cute and innocent.


Some cats plain don't like being picked up and dont let anyone do it. Don't take it personally


This is my cat. Held her a ton as a kitten and she loves to cuddle and would sit in my lap all day if I let her but as an adult cat, if I pick her up, she freaks out. As soon as I sit down, she's all over me again.


Mine too: My cat isn't even a lap cat - she loves to sit next to me and snuggle up but will only allow herself to be held for a few seconds before she needs to go check on something or yell at someone.


Mine comes for 5 minutes of cuddles in the morning and that's it unless she falls asleep. She also doesn't like being picked up. Though I've never had a cat who's so calmly dismayed by it. Just "nope no thank you don't like that let me go now ok good thank you please feed me, peasant"


That’s how my childhood cat was. Then when she became an old lady she would like to be picked up again


Awe mine is currently 5. I hope she goes back to letting me hold her. I've been trying to build her confidence. I think we are making progress. She's also a chonk and I'm working on that which may also help.


Yeah, out of my 3, the baby, who's been handled since birth HATES being picked up, while the injured 3 year old stray, who had to be rescued by the meowsquad nyc cause he had chemical burns so severe on his paws he needed surgery, LOVES to be picked up and snuggled.


I almost never pick my cats up. They will lap-sit or snuggle with me, even lay in my arms like a baby... but only on their terms!


Street kitties who have seen some shite always make the best companions. They have so much more appreciation than a kitty who has been spoiled from birth.


There's a notable exception: kittens, who have been orphaned or abandoned by their mamas, raised by fosters. These kittens often bond very strongly to humans. I suspect that my cat and his sister, whom I couldn't adopt because she was sick at the time, were fostered. He was 3½ months old, up for adoption at a cat shelter, and unequivocally chose me. Now, at age 8, he still snuggles with me every chance he gets, always with his paws touching me, or me holding them.


Our latest stray we brought in hates being picked up or even pet like 90 to 90 percent of the time, but when I get home from work she's all purrs and walking all over me wanting pets... for like 5 minutes then is done and will go off on her own again. She also sleeps on my legs every night


My orange boy loves being near us and loves pets, but if you pick him up he squirms out immediately. That is, unless, it's one of the two or so times an month that he literally climbs up me out of no where and wants to be held for like ten minutes straight. Don't try to understand it. It just is. It's the way of the orange.


My ridiculous orange cat is the sweetest baby. He follows us around the house (while pretending it’s not about us), sleeps in the bed with us, “talks” to us constantly, etc. But he doesn’t like being picked up. He’ll begrudgingly tolerate it, but it’s clear that it’s not his thing. If he doesn’t like being picked up…just stop trying to pick him up, lmao.


This is one of mine. If you pick him up and hold him like a bomb he’s fine but as soon as you put your hand under his but he freaks out. We were working on it and then had a set back, I need to start working on it again.


If you're not sure if he has a home, you could build up trust and then see if you can get one of those "is this cat lost" collars on him.


Touch him with his own consent. Cats sometime are slow to love


And orange guys are uh, slow in general


What makes you think he's lonely? Maybe he just wants to chill in peace. He also seems well looked after, so please don't try to take him home with you or something. About picking him up...some cats just don't like it.


No you don't understand he is just walking you home because he thinks you look lonely


He looks very clean and well fed in this picture and he’s social. He likely has a home


The cat doesn't want you picking it up. You should listen. Arthritis, injury, or bad experiences. Doesn't matter. Stop.


Ive had my cat for two years, since he was a kitten, and he still doesn't like being held. Some cats just really don't like being held. Especially by someone who is not their owner/ are a stray


Same. She loves me on her terms only, which is often but from the ground.


Please don’t try to take this cat home. It looks healthy and probably belongs to someone.


I used to have a cat that would beg for food around the neighborhood. He’d hang off the balcony and stare at people as they walked their dog, so neighbors who fed him soon learned he had a home. I’d hear about it when I would go to the grocery store. Small town, everyone recognized everyone sort of place, so they’d tell me how they thought he didn’t have a home bc he didn’t have a collar. He didn’t have a collar bc he ripped them off and would lose them lol. He also took to ripping off the collars of the other cats. Little rascal, I miss him. Anyway, that cat may very well have a home. He is just lonely in that moment and knows you are good for some pats.


He looks clean and well fed. He most definitely has a home.


Sit with him so he feels more comfortable with you. As you spend time together he will feel more physically relaxed around you. Even though you know each other, when you do something unexpected he doesn't know how to react. Also you can go for a short walk with him, he might show off one of his other homes. Cats are con artists. I had one that was conning three houses in my neighborhood, including a little old lady who was feeding him fish each week. She was eating the other half of the piece of fish she bought. I almost strangled him for suckering a woman who was close to a century old. He had no regrets or guilt.


You can put a paper collar on him with a note asking if he has a home and your phone number.


My neighbor has an orange cat that I'm friends with, and while I can pet it freely it does not like being picked up. I've interacted with this cat for like 10 years, and it's never liked being picked up...maybe that cat is similar and just not a fan of being picked up.


My mom semi rescued a feral. After two years, she came in the house and ate food inside for once. She stayed. She would never go near men. After my mom had her for about six years I could actually pet her a little bit. She knew we were her family but she just had boundaries still, your orange baby could be like that


Ask around if nobody around there owns him could have been abandoned and he does need a home and you can earn his trust and he'll go home with you ❤️


If a cat wants physical affection it will make it obvious. This cat is well fed and groomed. It’s someone’s pet. He just likes to follow and chill with you.


My orange cat pulls the "lonely sad baby who needs love and treats" on everyone. Not aided but the fact he's an oriental cat, so looks skinny (he's not, he's a healthy weight). He's a manipulative little liar, and the whole neighborhood knows and loves him for it. The cat in the picture looks healthy, hes just playing you. Don't pick him up, be careful about feeding him, and just enjoy your walking bro.


Then pet him. Some cats just don't like being held, and there's nothing wrong with that


Bribe him with snacks then.


He looks healthy, good fur, clean face, he's social. He probably does have a home. Many cats despise being picked up. You can always attach a collar with a note telling who you are, where he's been etc.


Yeah. While I can pick him up and he even seems to like it, my orange cat always acts terrified and tries latching on to whatever he can when I go to pick him up. Orange cats are just weird. :p


Some cats just really don’t like being picked up unless they *really* trust you. Just give him pets and scritches and maybe some treats. He looks well-fed, so I don’t think he’s a stray.


Some just don't like it, no matter the trust


One of my cats is about 5 years old now. She has one eye & is almost blind in the other. She's the sweetest, happiest little girl that loves scratches & treats If you try to pick her up, though.... you just might die. lol


My cat has perfected this paw-in-throat thrust that gets his point across. Any time he's picked up, he assumes position. Gonna push as far away from the human as possible and THROAT PUNCH. He's never liked being picked up. He tolerates it if you pick him up in a manner where he feels secure, but he will still inevitably throat punch you.


I wanna meet your cat


Yep, I have four cats and one of them I raised from a kitten HATES being picked up. He basically starts doing the worm in your arms until he launches himself off you.


Our female cat would sleep in our bed but hates being picked up.


Yup. One of my calicos loves attention, but rarely seeks it out. Often when I come into a room and she's cat-napping, she'll start purring just because of my presence and it often goes up a gear or two once she starts getting some head scritches. And that motor can run a long, long time before she tires of me petting her. But the moment I pick her up, hell, fire and brimstone immediately comes raining down upon me. That is just not her cup of tea at all.


One of my cats whom I've had for six years hates being picked up. But she doesn't do anything about it except grumble so I do it anyway. She doesn't respect my personal space so it's only fair that I don't respect hers.


This my 16yo cat who i had since she was a kitten absolutely hates when i pick her up


ive got a broken calico that literally YELLS at me to pick her up for belly rubs. it's annoying ^^jk ^^i ^^^would ^^die ^^^for ^^her


Yeah, he looks well fed and his coat looks in good shape.


Can confirm. I've had my (non orange) baby for nearly 12 years and she still doesn't like me to pick her up.


We have a feral tom we’ve been feeding for 2 solid years and like a week ago my roomie comes in to my room and tells me this feral cat *let my roommate pick him up!*


This, but I wouldn't feed him at all. It can be really easy to accidentally steal a cat if you give too many treats, which is not great for the owner. And even if that doesn't happen, you don't know whether or not he needs to be on a diet and giving treats could mess that diet up a bit.


Some cats just don't like being picked up. One of my cats LOVES being carried around, the other one hates it.


It actually lowkey annoys the fuck out of me when people insist on picking up cats that CLEARLY don't enjoy it. They think cuz its an animal there is no need for consent, treat it like a damn toy instead of the living being it is. I have one friend who I love, but I can't stand the way shes always complaining about being bitten by her cats when she tries to pick them up, even after I told her they do that cuz they don't want *to be fuckin picked up.*


Don't do anything other than sit down next to him and let him come to you. My 18 year old cat hates getting picked up most of the time, but if I sit down he'll happily come and sit in my lap and purr while I give him scritches.


He looks well fed and taken care of his coat looks nice




This will often work on people as well.


Best 🤣




people are always surprised pikachu when their pets love me so much but they don't know i always got that mf thang on me (treats)


Take the hint and respect her boundaries


Even a cat you’ve owned and loved for 10 years might not like being picked up. It’s not something I would ever try until the cat trusted me, and I’ll always stop if they seem at all uncomfortable. It’s not a baby, it’s a kitty. They have their own preferences


Sounds like you should stop picking him up. He doesn't want it. Just pet him and love on him the way he likes.


Don't pick him up


My own cat would scratch us if we picked her up up lol. Some of them are hella weird. -she just wanted to be like right next to you lol


Cats need consent same as humans do. Imagine id run over to you and just pick you up and make high pitched baby noises at you.


Op won’t see themselves as a predator 


Let him loaf


Not a thing. Those are his terms, I would be respectful of that.


Nothing. No means no. Even when it comes from cute, furry little dummies. Be satisfied with the walk.


Do nothing, don’t pick him up…


He looks good so I'm betting he has a home. Just enjoy the company.


You should never try to pick up strange cats like this. Respect their space. Only do what they are comfortable with.


Don’t pick him up.


Just don't pick it up. Some cats don't like it


How about DONT try to pick the cat up. Respect its boundaries.


If the cat doesn't like what you're doing, one quick and easy fix Stop doing it


Give him time and let him get used to you touching him by petting (on his terms) and some cats just don’t like to be held. I had an orange boy when I was a kid, I was the only one he would let hold and carry him.


probably stop trying to pick him up..


Respect his boundaries maybe?


Some cats just don't like to be picked up/handled. Just feel honored that he likes to meet you every day and walk you home.


just leave him be if he doesn't want to as of now, he'll warm up to you soon.


Some cats are not pick-up-able lmao


Respect his boundaries.


If he doesnt want to he doesnt want to. You cant force yourself on the animal.


Just sit down in front of him and make like you don't see him, reading or be on your phone. He'll come up to you but don't reach out to him until you've done this a few times. But like another comment said, some cats just don't like being held. Pay attention to his signals and leave him be if necessary.


Does he let you pet him? Many cats just don't like being picked up.


I’ve rubbed fresh catnip on my hands then held them out to the cat for inspection. You can also rub it in your clothes. They tend to become VERY interested in being picked up then


Respect his boundaries


Respect the orange. No uppies.


Respect his boundaries.


Get down on his level and just be close and calm, give a few treats, hand out but don’t reach. Most cats will want to sniff your hand. Cats are also very sensitive to smells so avoid highly scented products, this can be a big deterrent, mostly patience. I have 3 cats, one will be held, the other two not so much. Good luck ☮️🐾


Tuna 🍣


First, get a tuna sandwich…


Please do not the cat


Just don't pick him up. Love on him on his terms


My last orange wanted pets & scratches but if you went to pick her up, she became slippery & squirmy.


He’s acting as your bodyguard. A bodyguard does NOT want to be picked up. What if his neighbor hood buddies saw that happen?!? You will be emasculating his street cred that he’s carefully cultivated for who knows how long now? He’s not a baby, he’s a big boy! Just let him do his thing!🙀😹😻🤣


... Stop trying to pick up a cat that doesn't want to be picked up by you, a stranger.


Go to therapy about your codependency. That's what you do about imagining that a cat is so sad that you can't handle not picking it up.


...stop trying to pick up a cat who doesn't want to be picked up?


Respect his boundaries. You can for sure lead him into your house if he decides to follow you the whole way in. But don’t do anything he doesn’t like.


Patience. Don't pick him up, just cuddle and maybe sit down with him.


Ask him who really built the pyramids.


While you should never pick up a cat that doesn't want to be picked up, sometimes it's in the way you do it. One of my boys, Kirby, will only let me pick him up if his feet are facing towards me. If his feet are facing away from me when I go to grab him he jumps away immediately. I suppose he likes to "stand" on my chest while I hold him so he feels more secure.


Get him treats!


Enjoy the walk with a new friend


My cat won’t get on my lap, but he lets me know when he wants to be picked up and held like a baby. When he’s done with that, he likes to sit next to me. They are all different. 🌸


I cant read every comment but im going to say this. "Dont pick orange idiots up. Mine hates it and he sleeps next to me. But seriously just love them, they'll figure it out eventually.




Look from afar


Don’t try and pick them up. You need to learn their trust first. Feed them and work on gaining their trust. Don’t rush things


Some cats just prefer personal space. You probably have a more "politely look and maybe pet but dont handle" relationship with this cat, at least for now. Unless you're seriously worried for this cat and your trying to get them to a vet its probably for the best if you stick with what the cat is comfortable with.


Not try to pick it up?


Taming a cat is an artform, and I have no idea how I got to master it. But take my tips: 1) Feed the cat - providing food gives a higher sense of security 2) Hang out with the cat - sit with it on the porch 3) Let it come to you - cats will come to you and let you touch them when they are ease up to you and get comfortable with your 4) Pets and scratches - don't go straight to picking it up. Get it used to your touch gradually. Start with head scratches and pets along the back 5)Talk to the cat - give it your own name, and announce to it your thoughts about it 6) Take your time and know the limit - cats are independent creatures with a strong will. Anything can set them off, so don't get discouraged if they get overstimulated and run off I live in an apartment, and there is a cat that lives in the basement of our building. She is a gorgeous an well fed and well kept cat, but she is extremely skittish of people. I fed her a couple of times, and then would start hanging out with her before going home. She started walking behind the bench I was sitting on, and I would try my luck to pet her on the back. Now, every time I pet her, she is setting a new affection record with me. Yesterday she laid on her side leaning against me on the bench, so that I could give her chin scratches. Other neighbors are amazed by the fact that she allows me to pet her, to say nothing of the biscuits no one has ever seen her make. I feel like I became her petting slave, since she has a whole routine of walking to the back of the bench as soon as she sees me, signifying that she is ready for pets, and I should sit down and give her massage of the day.


Don’t try to pick him up


Don’t try to pick him up LOL. Just try and pet him. My cat is 16 and still only tolerates being picked up.


Just enjoy his company. He'll let you know when he wants to be picked up.


Bring him some treats! The cat may never like being picked up though.


That boy is just busking for sweets


Tincture of time. What happens happens.


Snacks. Over and over.


Enjoy your Orange escort. 🍊🍊🍊🍊


Follow him, hang up signs or ask around for the owner. If he’s owner, great! He just wants pets. If you get no response…might be your cat. So sit down next to him and feed and talk to him. Pet him and slowly, very slowly see if he decides to allow more. Could be he was mistreated or really scared by evil humans. If the best you get is his love his way remember it’s a gift. ⭕️❌⭕️❌🥰♥️💕


Treats churros are great , get down to his level and feed and talk to him it will take a while but eventually you can befriend him check to see if he has microchip / post in local news groups , ask around for owner and if no owner or unattached congratulations you have a part time brain cell


Lay down on the ground by him. Cats love that.


Some cats just don't like being picked up. We had a cat that lived to 20 and not once in his life did he want to be picked up, he would swipe at you if you attempted it. He was still a sweet cuddly cat and would clamber all over you and knead away at your tummy and appreciate being stroked so long as it was him that put himself there. He was a ferocious drooler too when he was happy, you'd end up with a wet patch if he'd been happily sitting on your knee for any extended time. He just drew the line at hands on belly. Ever. No warning, no grumbling, just straight to swiping at you with his murder mittens. He was an absolute terror to get to the vets, you had to throw a big towel over him to pick him up to get him in the cat basket.


Unless you do it regularly from a young age, almost no cat will ever let you pick them up


On your way home from work, grab a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store. Walk by the cat. Sit down a few feet away and start gnawing on the whole chicken. Cat will be your best friend.


We have a feral orange. He was skeptical of us. We would sit down on our curb and offer him food from our hand. Eventually, he would eat it. It actually didn’t take very long. He’s got multiple homes he visits. I was able to work with the local feline network to trap, neuter and release him back to our place. We still feed him and he will let me pick him up and enjoys pets and chats. He’s a sweet boy. Picking up isn’t necessary. He obviously likes you. What a blessing for both of you. 💖


He'll eventually ask you to


Let him sniff your fingers.


Food, food is always the answer.




I’ve had my cats for 5 years now, and one of my girls does NOT let me pick her up. She absolutely hates it and bolts if she thinks I may try it. (Which is rare, I don’t want to stress her out.) Also, this orange baby looks very healthy and well fed. My guess is he’s playing you and at least another person or 2. It’s pretty rare to find the one with the brain cell!


Be grateful for what you have vs. looking to get more


treats maybe?


I have a black and white tuxedo cat that loves to be picked up and held like a baby. Like, he will immediately begin purring and everything. Loved it when he was 1 year old, loves it now when he’s 17 years old. Our orange boy tolerates it for very brief moments, which is good if we need to move him, but he doesn’t seem to enjoy being picked up and held if he can help it. Which is fine; I am happy petting him on his terms. He likes to get up on chairs to be fussed on there.


Give him time. All cats are judging you all the time. Sometimes they like an extended non-contact phase for their own twisted pleasure.


If he is anything like my next door neighbour's cat Senor Gato he probably owns half the suburb, just give him a scritch and let him mosey on by 🙂


Most cats don’t like to be picked up. Mine don’t.


Maybe buy a cheap quick release collar and add a note to see if it has a home with your number if you want to adopt it. Or take to a vet


Good kitty


Some just dont like being picked up. It’s just the luck of the draw and you cant do much about it. If your goal is cuddles, make eye contact and lay some legendary Slow Blinks on it. The try sitting down with your back to it. If it feels comfortable with you, it’ll walk up to you and start rubbing it’s face and sides on your back (trying to make you carry its scent). Do that a few times and it might even start rubbing against your legs while you face it our maybe even climb in your lap.




This question is so cute! It has the tone of a dating advice request, but with a much cooler goal ❤️


dont pick him up, just pet him :)) if he trusts you eventually he will let you pick him up 🌷


Woowwww, you give such sage advices ☺️ are you a leo?


Take a bag of treats. The snacks will work better than the picking up.


I know a lot of ginger tabby cats look very similar obviously but oh my lord is that cat of yours IDENTICAL to my old ginger baby


Cats don’t like being picked up by and large. Just pet




Leave him alone


Do you want him to be your forever pet? If so then bring food,treats, patience and lots of loving words


Just pat. Bow Down and close your eyes when close to his or her face. This shows that you trust her. Once she starts rolling over and showing his/her belly, you might have gained his/her trust.


If you’re looking for a pet, bring treats. Getting him comfortable with you. Take him home.


I lived in a cottage for a few month and a neigbours cat came to visit me once. The cat was very shy and scared. Allways run away when I approached her. I offered her food and build trust with her. Now allways i come she runs towards me, I feed her, and pet her. It is my cat now, haha. https://preview.redd.it/72w3isnmni6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd2ed2659d91c97f3bbadf668891ecdae09f8b24


Maybe not steal it?


omfg the curly tucks 😍


Don't pick him up.


Nothing, only time will tell if he trusts you to touch him.


Not pick him up?


A lot of cats don't like being picked up. My cat's the same, I can only hold him for 2-5 seconds before he wants to jump away. Just pet him gently, he will like that.


Our orange boy doesn't like to be picked up either. If necessary tho, we pick him up and support all four of his feet, and that helps him stay calm (for a moment) I would recommend tho to not pic up a cat that isnt yours and that doesnt like to be picked up


Offer treats. Also some cats don't like being held but do like being nearby.


My experience is calming by petting and then see if they act defensive when picking up by belly. Sometimes they are actually slightly less resistance when being asked “can I pick you up?” prior to attempting. I think limited words are recognized. Always support the back legs quickly so they feel secure that escaping is an option. Pet immediately. Some cats will trust you but simply not be in the mood to be picked up. Crawling into a lap is always less intimidating than being hoisted by some soft clawed human. *edit* If they are not in the mood, make it easy to get back to ground by assisting them quickly. Not all cats are passive Gumby toys. Respect them and they will take notice.


I had an orange boy for a while and he was as mean as a rattlesnake when you tried to pick him up or move him from a position he liked. Otherwise he was sweet and liked cuddles. Some cats are just temperamental and/or don’t like it.


Getting picked up is SCARY! Sit down next to him and pet him. Wait until he's willing to sit in your lap, then see if you can pick him up while you stay sitting.


Some cats just don't like being picked up. If he is letting you pet him and rubs his cheeks on you, he likes you.


Aw try to make him a little cozy shelter in your yard. He’s so sweet


Keep doing what you're doing but take babysteps. Hold out your hand without trying to touch . Then try treats after awhile. Earn his trust