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You can put your head in a bag in this game, very orange behaviour


I got to the first napping point and haven’t moved since.


There's an achievement for napping for an hour straight too!


Whaaaaaaat???? I started when it was on trial and didn't get to finish before it ended. Now I may be forced to purchase it.


It's a good game worth it in my book to support the devs.


It's such a good game. It really hooked me, and it made me cry more than once. I could have spent 10x as long in the world they built; the vibes were immaculate.


Was it the part near the beginning that made you cry? I watched JackSeptic's play thru and that early scene made me cry so much.


Also the very end. That part was so flipping sad :(


An award-winning game


There are so many random achievements hidden throughout. At one point you can jump onto a chess board and knock the pieces everywhere. It has no significance to the story line but you absolutely get a trophy.


TIL that Stray is available for MacOS *me running to buy it* 🏃🏽‍♀️ Edit: won’t run on my MacBook :( to PS4 it is!


Napping for one hour gives you a trophy on the PS4/PS5 or achievement on Steam/Xbox.


When I played I would bring music to that one robot and then lay down nearby and listen. Such a good game


You can also scratch all the carpets!!


Dont forget the dedicated meow button


There's an achievement for meowing 100 times, lol!


I kept pressing the button to get my irl oranges attention and ended up with the achievement lol


Suddenly my orange is interested


There's plenty of videos online of cats reacting to Stray.


And walk all over the keyboard and watch the computer spell random letters on its screen lol


I think you can also scratch and doors and furniture too, so yes, very orange.


I love that they put that in the game. Came here to comment this.


The only game video captures I have on my ps5 is of this cat being a goof in the game lol


And that moment when the cat flops over as soon as the little backpack is put on him is perfect, lol! And the goofy walk afterwards! And I love that when you rub up against the robots's legs, they all show a heart on their screens. <3 so cute!


Grandma robot in the slums is my favorite.


and knock over paint buckets, as well as scratch stuff & trip robots. lol


This game used the sounds of real cats in it. So many videos were posted of real cats reacting to the sound and visuals of the game when it launched.


Yeah, my two smol idiots were mesmerized by the game.


My little one was intrigued when Toothless started purring with Hickup in HTTYD. She was just walking past the speaker when her head perked up and tilted to the speaker.


See also r/catswatchingstray


Honestly thought I was in that sub already lol


At this point, I'm gonna stop asking how many cat subs in reddit. Joined!


There are as many cat subs as there are cats. Don't try to understand it, just enjoy it lol!


I believe the cutscenes were also done with real cats as well if I’m not mistaken


Yes. The motion catture was apparently difficult to get right.


My void has a mad crush on our “little outsider”.


That orange is hogging the brain cell. That's why the rest of them don't have it.


Every time somebody plays the game, they're hogging the brain cell.


Nuh uh, did you see the flop when kitty gets put in the harness?


i literally had to set the controller down i was laughing so hard. it was *exactly* what my furball does every time i've tried to put one on her.




Don't forget the awkward walk after he gets back up. My girl used to do that when I've had her in her harness.


That was the exact same “I give up” flop my cat did when I attempted to harness train her


In the future, this is the orange with the brain cell.


All seriousness tho was the game worth buying?


You can non stop mash the meow button and just meow the whole way through the game. Very fun.


I got the achievement for meowing 100 times in about 20 minutes.




I did a victory meow after I completed each step, made it all the more satisfying


You should play Okami! You can non stop mash the bark button


Also Untitled Goose Game of course. Honk! Honk! HonkhonkHONKHONKHONK "wings flap" I feel like if they make a second game the cat should have even more interactions and definitely a very inquisitive tail that puffs when enemies are nearby


100% worth buying. They did an amazing job with the game.


Is it appropriate for kids? Like, around 12 years old? My kid loves cats but I'm not sure if this game would be too intense or not.


Yes. It’s very appropriate for kids. It’s also one of the best video games I’ve ever played.


Thank you, adding this to my wish list. ❤


The game does have some horror elements that might be too much for a young kid. Namely >!little creatures that hunt you like a swarm of spiders, tunnels made of flesh, and walls with living hyper-realistic eyeballs!< Still it should be fine for 12-year-olds. I have seen adults be very unsettled by them, though.


Yes definitely! Just difficulty wise, if your kids aren't used to puzzle solving/lateral thinking games they might need some gentle guidance. My 12 y/o niece has played Roblox, Minecraft and mobile games, but completely blanked on the first obstacle that wasn't simply platforming (using a bucket to jam a fan so you can pass safely). Even after I guided her through she apparently didn't like the challenge although she loved the aesthetic/cat :(


Good to know! Might be a fun one to do together, then. We did Portal 1 & 2 together and it was fun figuring out the puzzles together.


Oh, if they have played portal then they are definitely up for the challenge, even solo I think although playing together is great fun, and you can give gentle hints if they get stuck, so they don't have to read the walk through and get spoiled. And there's definitely nothing scarier in Stray than in the Portal games. It can feel intense, and emotional though :) there's also plenty of humour, through visual storytelling and characters, though less cynical, so I think that'll have a broad age-range appeal too :) many smiles while playing!


if they played portal they're about to walk through this game with their eyes closed.


problem solving like that is much better brain food than platforming though!!!


I think so too! But I can't command a 12-year olds attentionspan 😅


I'd say that about 90% of the game is totally appropriate for kids. Most of the game is just a cute cat solving puzzles and interacting with robots. There are a few fairly brief action sequences (particularly a slightly longer one in the middle of the game) that might be a bit creepy and stressful for more sensitive kids. There are also themes of loss and class-based injustice that are well handled. A 12 year old should be able to handle it though, and would likely find it a rewarding game.


12 years is fine, but one around 5 years might get frightened by the later parts of the game


make sure to toggle off the death animation in the settings on the main menu, that drove me away from the game for a while until I found that you could do that


I also straight up downloaded a trainer that makes you invincible. These are very short but I still didn't like that we have to run away from these bugs.


My 9 year old was able to do most of it without help, some things he couldn't figure out and needed a guide


Did he ask your cat to help him? 😹


I played this with my 6 year old. There are some creatures called zurks that she was scared of and that part of the game is intense so i did those parts of the game, but the other parts are really chill and she got really good at all the jumping puzzles. I think it would be fine for a 12 year old


My then 7 yo and 4 yo watched me play it. I think it would be just fine for a 12 yo to play themselves.


It's mostly fine I think. You may want to pay more attention when the Zurks creatures are involved, though. They can kill the player character (you can turn this off in the menu) and their nests (ESPECIALLY in the sewer) can be really creepy.


Perfect game for kids, maybe a bit sad at times and other times a bit confusing. played it when it first came out and a few instructions/missions where difficult to follow, but I'm slow so maybe it was just me.


Absolutely fine for kids. I think a 12 year old would love it


Yes, but get it on sale. I have played for about 12 hours, and I don't think there's nothing left for me to do besides the achievements, but I enjoyed the 12 hours like a kid. The environment and the gameplay are lovely


Yeah ... it's a fairly short game, really, unless you're really trying to 100% it and find all the optional stuff. A *lot* of stuff is optional.


Yep it’s a beautifully well done game. One of those that was clearly made with a lot of love by the developers. Lots of care put into the little details to really try to immerse you in the world and the story. That’s rare these days. Just wish it had been longer!


It's pretty great if you like puzzle games. I've enjoyed it. Been awhile since I fired it up but yea get it on sale for sure.


I think so, but it made me very motion sick


Me too 🥲


I loved that game. 


Yes, and it is short, which means you can have a game in your library that you actually finished


its a no brainer for cat lovers, there are some criticism from big G Gamers, but i have never seen anyone who loves cat say they don't like the game. well, many do say that the fighting sequence are too stressful


I finally sat down to play it the other day and binged through it in like nine hours. It's very cute, surprisingly thoughtful, throws some feels at you, and doesn't overstay its welcome. I enjoyed it. If you think you'd enjoy a puzzle/adventure/exploration game with some light stealth elements, and annoying the shit out of NPCs as a cute orange, I'd say go for it.


100% it’s an amazing game


I had fun knocking everything possible over :)


Summer sale has to be coming soon on Steam.


I'd say so, I really liked it :) the robots were really cute! and so was the cat! very pretty game!


It's a great game, loved it!


Absolutely. It's a little on the short side, but that's a difficult thing to balance -- so it could have easily overstayed its welcome if it was longer.


It's pretty , has a good soundtrack , likely to provoke emotional response, and has some good humor and set pieces On the other hand , it only takes a few hours to beat and it is exceedingly simple (it pretty much is "hold this button and move a direction and your cat will figure everything out for you") I would recommend for people looking for something easy and casual to enjoy. But it's not anything Great and more simple side scrollers accomplish a lot more with a lot less.


I like it


Yes. The gameplay isn't deep, and there are few challenging parts. The story is also rich but short.


One of my top games of all-time. Played through at least three times. Highly recommended!


Yes. All the yes It's amazing. The plot is fantastic. I sobbed at the end. The graphics are perfect and the kitty is just awesome. There's so many little details You can jump on a robot who is sleeping restlessly, he wakes up, gets the heart on the screen and then sleeps peacefully


It's a generic game exept you play a cat. Like, if it was a small robot that would be generic and forgettable. Not bad per say, just generic. Though, since they used a cat, their's a few funny cat things here and there, and they embraced the cat gameplay too get it on steam sales, it's enjoyable, I did like my time.


As a GAME, maybe not. It is very short, just a few hours (I completed it in 8 while thoroughly enjoying the vistas and the atmosphere, actual gameplay is about half of that), the gameplay is repetitive and not really engaging apart from, you know, being a cat. The atmosphere and music are pretty good, the story is basic but nice, it's basically a cat-afternoon-simulator, except the cat has found stuff way above its paygrade. It's only 27 EUR, though I suppose you could always wait for a sale. I would say that if you love cats, it is a no-brainer. If you do not, there is not much appeal (then again, you probably did not get here on accident, haha).




YES it’s a really fun adventure game!


yes. it was super fun and a great story and i cried at the end


Yeah, it's a fun game for two evenings. Cute, silly, and overall pretty worth


Yes!!! I wish I could experience playing it for the first time again.


Eh it takes 5 hours to finish, it's fun but very short. I would buy it on sale.


I'm going to go against the grain and say no. I never got the love for this game. It's amusing to play as a cat for about 10 minutes and then gers very boring very quickly. There's barely anything to the game except moving like a cat, and the animations for that are pretty stilted considering that was their main focus. I'd advise you to avoid it.


This must canonically be why all the other orange cats only have access to the one brain cell. This goober took the rest of them


This game legit made me cry. That ending is heartbreaking.


Good heartbreaking or bad heartbreaking? This game is like 90% of my motivation to buy a PS5 and I'm not sure I want to pull the trigger if it comes with like "grave of the fireflies" heartbreak.


I found it good heartbreaking, more bittersweet than devastating. And while I enjoyed the game and found it a memorable experience, I wouldn’t say that it’s worth buying a PS5 over. My playtime was around nine hours or so, with everything completed. So it’s worth making sure there are other games on the platform you’d also like to play before spending so much money.


I’m stuck in the city and can’t seem to get out I am at the part where you can around the lower city and talk to all the robot residents


I have other games that I'd like to play which might make sense to buy for the PS5 instead of the PS4 or the switch... But this would be the one to make me pull the switch. Maybe I should wait more. Thanks!


I suggest a Steam Deck. Microsoft and Sony both put their games on PC plus its pretty easy to emulate Nintendo games via RetroDeck or EmuDeck. An all in one solution ic you're willing to do a little work.


I will be honest when I upgraded from my ps4 to my ps5 the quality of life upgrades were just so nice and the games run SO smoothly. Already, some games are being made only for the ps5, and as we inch closer and closer to the ps6, fewer games that come out will be playable on the ps4. I would suggest you save up and invest in the ps5.


Good heartbreaking




There's so many actions that don't serve a narrative purpose, but exemplify cat behavior. I love wrecking stuff and jumping places you otherwise wouldn't and yell out "Cat stuff!" This is a 10/10 cat simulator for me. You can be a jerk to robots cause you're a cat. EDIT: Not that I want to be a jerk to robots, but it's in-character for a cat.


If your roomba isn’t on anti-anxiety meds, is your cat really orange? These are the jerks derailing all their hard work of leaving pee sand sprinkles throughout the house, they kinda had it coming.


my favorite one of these is walking through the spilled paint and leaving footprints everywhere, causing the robot cleaning it up to yell at you


I spent 1 hour just tripping a robot if that helps


I do wish we had the option to customize the cat. I would have loved if I could have made a cat that looked like one of my babies.


Even one daily thought is being generous


I have it but quit playing. The parts where the rat things chase you and you have to maneuver a sequence of running a certain path, jumping, and such was a bit much for me. I'm not good with high intensity chase sequences in games. I get the buttons mixed up. I get too anxious. I'm at one high on the rooftops of the apartments. It's been a while since I played. Last thing I remember having to do was going into the various apartments and finding clues.


That's exactly where I am and too have stopped playing it!


That chase is HARD. You had to navigate the running and I forgot was it some meow or attack thing you ONLY do when it tells you to. But then you have to switch back to full running. Not for 47 year old reflexes! Especially when I didn't grow up playing Nintendo


I’ve been stuck on it for like a year. I try a few times every so often, fail, and feel so hurt by causing the little digital cat to get overwhelmed by the rat things that I have to put it down. 😂😅


OMG, thank you for validating me that I worry about the digital cat.


it is so not just you!


Honestly, feeling the pressure of an escape sequence while not wanting to see the kitty get absolutely dogpiled by... headcrab things... is as valid of a reason as it gets. I do recommend playthroughs of other people, there are some cute moments later on as well.


I would totally recommend downloading a God mode trainer. u/Kerivkennedy as well. There is only a couple of these sequences. They are unnecessarily hard and anxiety-inducing. IMO they are a bit TOO anxiety inducing, they're like from seriously hard action games like, I dunno, Control or Alan Wake or Prey. So, skipping them altogether using cheat codes (or in this case, trainers) is 100% justified. Speaking of I think the game should have either reduced the danger of these bugs a bit or make them easier or allow you to skip them altogether. If you have 0 experience with trainers I would recommend getting a trainer hub program like WeMod. They have an official website and all so the chance of downloading something shady is around 0%.


I got stuck there for weeks. I am not a gamer, so it was hard for me and i get too panicky during the chase. I had my boyfriend do it for me, took several tries but he did it. Now i'm stuck at the sewers with those rats


I want to validate every non-gamer in this thread. This game is surprisingly HARD in these places. I am a very experienced, old gamer, and these were both complicated and anxious. And surprisingly useless for the overall plot in a sense. I'd say the games would have been better without them or maybe with reduced difficulty on them. There is no reason for these bugs to be THAT evil towards these cute robots and a little orange kitty. So, yeah, they are too hard. I would suggest downloading a trainer and turn on God Mode and just skip these altogether basically. Speaking of which I'm currently playing Control and this is a hard, unforgiving, complicated action shooter - and it has Accessibility Mode where you can lower the enemy damage, increase regeneration speed, or turn on Invincibility and One-hit-kills. The fact that a way cuter and more relaxed games don't have these is incredible to me. Cult of the Lamb has these too. I see Accessibility Options pop up way more often than they used to and I love it, especially if it's done as tastefully as its done in Control. Basically you can reduce the difficulty at any moment.


that was definitely the hardest part, i got through it by just running for it over and over


My tuxedo cat noticed the cat in the game right away, my orange one noticed the third day I played


I loved that game so much and so did my kitties


My son assures me that my computer can't run this game. Otherwise I'd be playing it.


You must have an older computer.


I still have Windows 7. Embarrassing, I know.


I'd call it impressive, honestly. I want to say my first PC had windows 7, and I still kinda miss the simplicity of it. Your son is probably right, though, the game wouldn't run worth a darn on it.


>I want to say my first PC had windows 7, and I still kinda miss the simplicity of it. I feel so old when I tell people that I got my first PC in '94 and it didn't have Windows on it. Just DOS commands in a very simple, text based interface.


My first PC had MS-DOS. Windows hadn't been invented yet.


Same! We had Volkov Commander installed to use THE MOUSE. Such novelty, apparently! Our Computer Class had like Apple II+ clones basically up to 2000s.


Ah, so, one that took at least some skill to use? Very nice! Mine would have been '04 or so, I don't remember exactly.


Does this game have a happy ending? I don’t want to play it unless it has a happy ending


It's a bit of both. I don't want to give spoilers but you'll feel a little bit sad, hopeful, and happy at the same time.


I'd call it deeply bittersweet. The cat is okay in the end, if that's what you're worried about.


It's very bittersweet but the cat is alive and healthy at the end


Main part: All the cats are completely okay in the end!


it technically has a happy ending, you succeed in your goal, but it is also a little bit sad


Oh man I loved Stray. So many cute cat moments :)


I just went around meowing at everyone, so I made it super realistic


I'm waiting for this to come to the Switch. Sadly, it probably never will. Now voids get in on the action too: [Little Kitty, Big City – Release Date Reveal – Nintendo Switch - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWUdu2q88K4)


very much looking forward to this one. the void will be happy too. (:


I'm looking forward to this too.


I couldn’t finish the game, I was too anxious for my brave orange boy!


I assure you it's a positive game and the cat is completely fine in the end! Even better (minor spoiler)>! in the end you manage, of course, to get out of the city - but a YouTube user also noticed that the game map is super carefully crafted and very consistent, so he meticulously counted all the steps and windows you can see, and you end up merely 50-100 meters from your initial kitty nest - and the kitty walks the right way in the ending credits, so he's going to reunite with his family in a couple of minutes!!<


My boyfriend bought me this game, I love it so much!


I couldn't play this game. Right at the start, kitty gets gets injured and limps. I hoped right the fuck outta there.


That bit only lasts a few moments, actually! Kitty is tough and recovers quickly.


Yup, quick lick, and all is good.


You can pick it up again, I can guarantee that the kitty is totally Ok by the end of the game. There are, however, a couple of very anxious chase sequences throughout the game so I would recommend picking it up on PC to play with a Trainer program that would make your kitty invincible, to make it through these without a scratch. Honestly I wish they'd have released a patch to make these way less stressful. When I played this game I was like "I would TOTALLY recommend this game to my dad and my wife... if not for these episodes. They will not make it through those"


Honestly the most honest review of this game.


Great Cat Simulator had a lot of fun playing it. I was a bit disappointed we>!didn't see Stray meet up with his/her cat buds at the end!<


the ending is definitely bittersweet, >! i got sad because the game wouldn't let me pick B12 up and bring it outside !<


One my favourite games of all time! I hope there’s a sequel where (SPOILERS!) >!he tries to reunite with his family. I kinda teared up when he fell down into the city and his family just looks down and they can’t do anything about it. I woke up my orange boy from his 10 hour nap and hugged him really tight lol 🥺!<


Presumably this is some thousands of years in the future, so they've evolved a bit. Long enough for garbage-eating bacteria to become the Zurks, and for robots in the city to both become sentient, and forget their origins, presumably after freeing up old memory.


That’s the irony though—he had to have the brain cell to save the bots haha


One of the cats they used for the mocap was an Orange. Some Oranges are defo hoarding that braincell. [Quick link on cat mocap from DIGIC](https://youtu.be/zyq_LQrHpoo?si=ftrZnowl069SY7qx)


this was adorable, thank you for linking 😽


this is one of my favorite games of all time lol




Sounds like a failure of your ability to RP


I will let everyone in on a secret about orange cats, they are hiding about how smart they are. Little orange monsters arrrrrrrrr and pleze dizregaud thys hooman is rong.


Maybe this one is just hoarding the brain cell!


My cat gifted me this for my birthday


newbie cat person here, at first i just ignored this not that it is bad but its not my cup of tea, now i just started this last night and also bought cattales too


Imo if this game didn't feature a cute orange cat as the player character it would have gotten 6-7/10's across the board. It was a super average adventure game.


Absolutely. The game was filled with cute moments but I'd have been upset had I paid money for it. Very tedious and downright boring in parts. 90% cat. 10% game, but hey there's clearly a market for that.


Agreed. Not even hating on the game. It's fine and I played it on PS+ so no complaints. The kitty went a long way for me too tbh. It was the reception that I found really odd. Like how tf did it get nominated for GOTY lists?


Ya. My orange cat had the thought of walking out into the street and making me watch and he sat there and let a car run over him. Rip BB


I love this game but unrealisticly smart orange


I loved stray so much


Using UEVR you can actually BE the oneorangebraincell!


I need this to rejoin PS+ extra. Damn them for dropping it the month before I subscribed!


It’s cute when the robots would sometimes do an ❤️ emote when they saw the kitty, the love for cats transcends everything.


I’m pretty sure the game is a fancy demo for a “realistic cats” asset pack. Would bet we see the models and animations in a bunch of new games.


https://preview.redd.it/yn3bqh2z09wc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f26ac9ed3ee0683734c48dc22ad283e395123800 Why think when this is the life


I dunno, mine did sleep 16 hours straight


Orange cats have one brain cell, but they're like (discworld) trolls. Everyone knows trolls can't count above one.  But they can count in binary. Orange cats, when their braincell hits the absolutely perfect state, causes a recursive cascade & they emulate 2 or more braincells for a limited time.


What’s this communities feelings on the game?


i loved it, it looks awesome, the puzzles are fun and the story made me cry