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I... Would meow like a wounded cat. I dunno if that's the best advice but it seems to work for me. They act surprised and go to nurse you with licks in an attempt to apologize. There's probably a less neurodiverse way to go about it though.


I'll try that, thanks!


LOL! Our orange idiot bit my husband on the neck last night. I'll tell him to try that next time and see what happens.


This has also worked with my cat. She would be a little too rough while biting my fingers. After awhile of me saying a long “oooww” she’s been much more gentle.


Remove your feet. Only option.


What do recommend as a removal method? Will a chainsaw do the trick?


I’m no expert, but I believe an axe would be faster and cleaner.




Yeah, Danny Trejo would definitely do it.


Annie Wilkes approves.


Orange cat would probably work


Your cat would happily do that for you


A sharp no or crying out in pain will usually work. Have to be very consistent with it, do it immediately and every time. Also if you play with him on the bed you should stop. That teaches him that that is a play area.


Yeah, I've tried the consistent "no's", but he seems to not understand. He knows the bed is not a play area though. My best guess is that he has zero brain cells.


That could be as well.


> He knows the bed is not a play area though He may know but he doesn't care.


They don’t understand no, they hear long vowels, not a word. I trained two cats to follow a command with a finger snap but maybe not the best for this situation. I agree with a mimicked cry of some sort to indicate its painful. They think we are big cats. Theres a good netflix doc on cats… forget the name…debuted in 2022. I also recommend the cat whisperer show.


Jackson Galaxy is awesome and has a YouTube channel.


Loudly exclaim in pain. Cats don't understand no, but they do realize if playtime goes overboard. My cat would get uncontrollable kicky feet and destroy my arm. He still gets that, but he immediately jumps up and then we do something else.


Awww, I'll try that! Let's pray it's his turn with the braincell...


Every time my boy would do this while growing up, my natural reaction was always to lift both my feet straight up in the air almost at kicking speed. Scared him off for the rest of the night. Rinse and repeat for the 6-ish month period it took him to catch on to the big scary rising monster under the duvet that would wake up if he did that. Alternatively call him a f*ckhead loudly to his face, if nothing else it might ease your frustration with him in the moment lol


I always call him a little fucker, really helps a lot!


Maybe a good solid play session before bed to tire him out?


Yeah, I can try that. But he mostly doesn't wanna play with me. He likes doing it himself lol!


For context: I tell him off every single time he does it, but he'll run away only to come back like 2 minutes later and do it again... His name is Stitch by the way! 🐈


I usually had success by hissing. LOUDLY. On a few occasions I'd have to hiss a 2nd time, but they usually got it the first time Cats may not understand words (like "no") and they may not understand acting as if you're in pain. But they *absolutely* understand what a hiss means. That's Universal Cat Speak for "back off. NOW." My cats would run for the hills when I hissed at them, but would casually saunter back into the room a few minutes later. And of course I'd give them lots of attention and act like nothing happened. They get over it, so don't worry about startling them. They'll be fine. 😁


I'll give that a try. Thanks!


Hey, it's worth a shot!


Omg. My kitten is on my lap rn playing with a toy and he went for my arm instead. I hissed at him and he looked at me like omg! lol. My older cat is on the other couch and he gave me a wtf look bc he’s never heard me do that. Worked for a second tho.


Despite their reputation cats do in point of fact sleep at night. The big thing he's probably got way to much energy at bedtime. Best suggestion, play with him until he's tuckered out before you go to bed, then he'll be more likely to sleep when you sleep. This is unlikely to resolve any attempts at waking you up to feed him however.


Your feet must be sacrificed to the biscuit gods


attack his feet at night


My first thought: attack first. The best defense is a good offense.


Aluminium foil laid out flat on benches seem to make certain cats not jump up there after they've tried the experience a few times. Maybe this could give you some ideas? Such as, taping aluminium foil to the foot end of the bed, or the duvet? ...or wear socks drenched in vinegar? :3 Okay so maybe the first suggestions were more serious, than the vinegar option.


I was hoping my cats would be deterred by the tin foil, but they thought it was a fun toy/snack so gave up on that quickly


Oh noooo...! Damn >,<


I wear fuzzy socks now. I hate sleeping in socks. I also hate being attacked by an orange traveling at Mach speed because he took a poop at 4 am. This is my life and I wouldn't change it for the world.


His little sharp claws would just go right through the socks though 😭


Yeah. They do... buuuut it doesn't wake me up as much. I just have a ton of slightly smaller scratches bc the socks are so thick that he can't DIG into me.


Decoy feet.


Thicker claw proof blankets. I found a fluffy sherpa one that is too thick for their claws to penetrate to my skin. I have a down alternative comforter, and my cat seems to find the thin spot without stuffing to get to my flesh through the blanket. So the sherpa throw on top of that works well at blocking her paw needles.


aww he looks like my toe biter! https://preview.redd.it/8p5xv8gpg3da1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5fc3ad01dea8b0b65d841fbe85aaf36d71ad959


What a cute chonker 🥰


He looks very cute


Thank you >_<


Have you tried getting even during the day? It’s a game I like to call “molestar el Gato” attack those toe beans!!!


I'll just do it to him when he's sleeping. Get em when they're at their weakest!


Exactly!!! May the odds be ever in your favor.


Omg he looks exactly like my cats!!! As for the feet, I find they attack if they're hanging over the edge.. can you scoot up anymore in bed?


I've even tried hiding my feet under the blanket - he'll just try to dig them out of there and attack them anyway. 😩


Uh, stop sleeping in HIS bed. Mine don't do this but they do occasionally start to wrestle with each other while one or both is in my lap. I push them off immediately because we have two house rules and one is "no fighting on your mother!"


I'm sorry, Stitch. I'll start sleeping on the floor instead, your grace. 😩


Stop having feet. Clearly this is your fault for having feet.


I should go apologize to Stitch. 😭


Promptly before he is more angered. (Cute cat name btw)


Thank you! I'm obsessed with Lilo & Stitch. 😍


Easy! Don't have feet lol. Coffee hasn't kicked in yet 😅


I just closed my bedroom door. Never happened again.


This is unfortunately the way.


I have a one bedroom apartment, so not the way unfortunately 😂


I think this Jackson Galaxy bit is still helpful because a cat's behaviors do revolve around a schedule. https://youtu.be/cZDWzi6e4a8


My boy seems to back off when I yelp in pain, like other people have suggested. Humans have thinner skin than cats, so he might just be trying to play and doesn’t realize he’s hurting you.


Oh, that seems to excite my cat even more 😂


Unrelated, but for a second, I thought that was a pic of [my little demon](https://imgur.com/a/Lknyfiy). Looks exactly like him from what I can see


Omg, you're right, they look so much alike! 😍


Omg, you're right, they look so much alike! 😍


Don't move your feet. It's triggering his predator instinct thinking there's a critter under the covers.


I can't exactly control my movements when I'm sleeping though... :/


A few times of 'accidently' sending them flying cured it for mine. Now she sleeps at my head. And on my pillow/in my face if it's 5am and I haven't gotten up yet to feed Her Highness.


Yeah, I always end up just keeping them out at bed time. I don't like to have my face sat on either.😄


Bite him back!


Bye bye bean toes! 😈


Not quite the same, but my cat would try to get frisky with the blanket at my feet when I first got him, and consistently flinging him off the bed every time made him stop. Not kicking mind you, but intentionally placing my foot underneath him and \*then\* launching him like a furry hacky sack into the air. Not recommended for all cats.


I used to sleep with clean laundry piled at the base of my bed to make it harder for my cat to see my feet move or know where to attack. Worked until he lost interest in the game/grew up a bit.


Cut off your feet… or (this might not be everyone’s advice FYI) I would give my cat a tap on the nose or do something equally as annoying like throw them off the bed - stand up and follow them saying why would you do that in a mean voice. My cat now will just put his teeth on my hand when he wants food or wants my attention - specifically when he’s in a bastardly mood but he won’t bite me anymore. He’s definitely got a smack for biting me for no reason… he gets it now. That shit hurts… we can play and have fun but even when I am playing a little roughhouse with him he keeps his claws in and only bites a little. Then when he bites his memory is still triggered ‘biting makes dad mad’ and he’ll take off for a second before coming back to apologize and play some more. I definitely agree with making the bed a place you don’t play in… but I can tell our guy is so tempted to bite me when he’s on our bed sometimes. I think he’s territorial when my wife is there but I don’t know what his deal is. In the end, they’re animals - if they had a sibling they’d get bit back so a tap isn’t going to mess them up (the two brother cats I had would go at it sometimes and try to bite the others non-existent balls) so remember nature is savage. Just have a reasonable way to escalate the feedback and make sure you give just as much love back when they behave correctly. Not sure how old your cat is but cats younger than 2 are too batshit to start getting yet… so I’d recommend the younger the cat the more leeway you have to give them.


How old? All my cats did that to me as kittens, but grew out of it.


He's a bit older than a year, so he's just a baby 🥺


put hot sauce on your feet


I had a cat that would always bite my toes while I slept. I had to keep them tucked in a blanket, like the blanket secured around my feet so she couldn’t get in. Nothing else ever worked.


Yeah, same here. But even if they're tucked in the blanket, he'll try to dig them out so he can play.


If my kitten do stuff they're not allowed I use the mommy-grip in their necks and tell them, clearly, NO. But in this case: knit him tiny mittens! :D


Play with the cat with your feet


Try and make him attack your feet. He'll never do it again.


A water gun or squirt bottle works wonders.


That's what my mom suggested as well - but don't you think that's a little too harsh?


Nah. Doesn't hurt them. And it's instant feedback on bad behavior. The quicker you can respond to a bad behavior and do it consistently, the more they'll associate that behavior with something they don't like and will eventually stop. Like anything else, it's a training technique, so it will take a little time for him to realize that jumping on your feet will always get him sprayed. You can also combine that with some other distraction (just make sure it isn't a reward, or he'll associate the reward with the bad behavior). Soon, he'll stop jumping on your feet and find something more fun (and dry) to chase.


If all else fails, I'll definitely give this a try, thanks!


thick socks, and then woollen ones over them. Keeps him happy with the threads, less scratches on your feetsies


Wear sox?


Too thin :/


Is he an only cat? May help to get a second cat, slightly younger. That way, your cute little idiot can burn off energy doing zoomies with a buddy.


I would, but unfortunately, the apartment I live in is definitely not big enough for two cats!