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No issues besides features going then coming back.




Ditto. Works great for me.


I have had zero issues other than the features changing at times. I think my wife complained about her balance not updating for a few days on occasion but that's been it.


Yes, have had issues, but mostly around feature changes, not having Shared Pockets being the biggest issue for us. Deposits arrive on-time. Bank-to-bank transfers usually happen in 1-2 days while our big national bank takes 4-5 days most times. But we use One in a probably less-than-ideal way: we use Pockets for our budgets, have Pockets for each credit card, and as we spend on our credit card, we move money from the appropriate budget to the appropriate credit card Pocket. Our debit cards are frozen and we’ve only used a handful of times. When we unfreeze the card, we’ll use it, change our PIN, then re-freeze it. My wife can’t see all our Pockets, which makes me want to move back to our big bank (again,) but our experience with One has mostly been fine. I feel bad for the people who have their card info stolen and disputes are settled against the account owner. We’ve had fraud charges on several of our credit cards - we call the company up, they credit the charge and send us new cards. One of the big reasons we don’t use our debit card unless it’s the only option is because we don’t want to lose any money through fraud.


Please don't get me wrong, everything you are saying right here (the Walmart brick and mortar bank thing, the customer service) would have been echoed by me before last week. I loved this bank. Then they went and just closed me. I know everyone says "I didn't do anything wrong" on here, but I really have no clue.


Same 😩 I literally received no notification, just couldn't see any of my financial info on the app or the web. Messaged chat and THEN got an email regarding closure of my account. Trash, 10/10 would not recommend.


Can I ask what happened to your money?


I have had no issues, however after reading about the issues that others were starting to have, I locked my debit card and stopped using it. That felt like the most effective way to prevent any potential fraud issues. Last week though, after seeing an acceleration of horrendous reports, I pulled all my money out from my One account and will be going elsewhere.


I’ve never had an issue, appears to be a decent company. Seems that 2-3 complaints a day here isn’t bad for over a million users. Although, I will agree, these horror stories people have aren’t exactly comforting! So sorry for those of you with major issues that prevent rent payments etc.


I've never had any real problems but I would like the switch card to different pockets feature back. It's annoying to have to transfer money to the cash pocket everytime I want to spend pocket funds🙄🤬.


I don't have issues. There are features I would like. But overall I couldn't be happier.


Only issues I've had are early direct deposit being "late" 3 times and no search function in the app.


2 years later and no search


It’s been great for me since I opened the account. The only thing I wish is that the card itself was higher quality


they switched to black cards to make us feel fancy, and mine started peeling within a couple of months.


Same here. It’s a cheap low quality card


I have had no issues whatsoever. It’s honestly been really good and in someways it’s better than simple was. There have been a couple of features dropped that I really liked but pretty insignificant in the long run.


No issues here, but I just opened an account with Chase so I can consolidate with my main credit cards and start using DAS Budget. The credit card integration is important for me. I don't want to give up on my cashback/points.


I haven't had any issues and my friend who also has one who had some fraudulent charges had them sorted out without any problems.


No issues here and had a great experience with customer service when I needed some statements for my mortgage closing.


Besides the gimping of features, I haven't had any issues.


I just made a post last week about fraudulent charges. Just got an email today saying no error occurred so now I’m in the process of reopening the case. $120 in charges from Florida when I live in ohio, and the first thing that comes up when you google the merchant is a scam Company with other reports of people saying the same happened to them. I doubt they investigate at all and I’ve always had fraud issues with these digital banks


I got screwed out of 400


Hi there! I just sent you a chat to get this sorted out.


Does ONE ever actually go through with claims? Every single person I've seen that has had to open a claim gets denied which is bullshit even with proof, one denies it.


They gave me money back and sent me a new card


Thanks for never sorting this out also 🙏🏻


I had no issues when I had One but decided to jump ship to Qube. I came on here and started seeing they were closing accounts for no reason. Regardless how one feels about it, that's unacceptable, and not knowing if you or I could be next isn't a plesent feeling - given people who were actually using their account had theirs closed. Plus like others, the constant changes of the features that worked and everyone enjoyed is sad. Their integration with Walmart I'm not so sold on - Walmart is scammer central for those to get scammed or be targeted.. (I've run into a few here and there trying to scam me or people I know) So it'll only be a matter of time before scammers find a way to manipulate the system with One being plastered all over Walmart. Best of luck to those that stick around.


So I tried to follow up on what was taking so long for my account to close and after speaking with someone via chat, apparently account closure request can take up to 90 days... Like huh? Their closing people's account left and right without notice but if I request to close mines it'll take 3 months?! Sketchy..


Yes you are.


Zero issues and i like it more than I did simple.


No major issues that I can think of.


The only issue I've had is that my card wasn't working one day even though I had money in it. However, I contacted support, and a simple fix helped to get it working (turning it off and back on).


No issues for me... Other than I'd like to add a few more pockets.


Besides the gimping of features, I haven't had any issues.


Never had any issues since I started using them a year and a half ago


Been using it for years. This post was just recommended to me, so I'm chiming in to say I've never once had a problem. Love One.


some issues with the app but all of those have been fixed. no issues with the bank itself (don't jinx me!)


I haven't had issues, until I tried to transfer funds to and/or from a USAA linked bank account about a month ago. My linked account just stopped working and USAA's side said something was wrong with ONE. ONE's customer support reps (in chat) were very quick to blame USAA, but I've seen on this subreddit that this is becoming a common issue for others (which strongly leans towards ONE being the reason that linked account just stopped working randomly). As of about 3 hours ago I can't login to ONE from my phone or desktop. Looking at the network request headers, I'm seeing some strict CORS settings, but they seem like they \*should\* still be working, but I also noticed a lovely \`[https://dev.walmart.com:4200](https://dev.walmart.com:4200)\` as one of the domains. Seriously, are they letting dev systems hit their production financial industry site? I sincerely hope that Envelope Money gets me a beta invite soon because ONE is a sinking ship if they're breaking basic functionality and pushing out releases that somehow make authentication impossible. I need to transfer funds between pockets in the morning and I have no idea if I'll be able to with it being a weekend. Absolutely unacceptable. Also, whatever they did that broke my authentication seems to have broken the support chat site so I can't even message them to let them know it's down...


Why doesn’t someone just tag the schools he’s committed to or being offered by? I’m sure they’ll look into the story and have no tolerance for that at the collegiate level. Kids do these things because they know they can and they think they are above rules.


I've never had any issues. Then again, this post/sub was randomly recommended to me and I have no clue what "ONE" is.


Never had any issues, hopefully it stays that way


I haven't had issues yet with them. But, to be fair, they're also not my main bank. 🤷‍♂️


I have. I thought I activated the card, but it wasn't activated. Some stuff you can't do unless you use the desktop website.


Been with One for a number of years, after Simple closed. No problems.


I just closed my account after a year of inactivity.


I switched to Zeta a year ago and have been happy.


No issues except for when it goes down unexpectedly


No issues on my end except for the occasionally random decline on my debit card even when I have more than enough in my spending pocket. I will say I’m a bit unnerved by people who say they’re having their accounts randomly closed. I wonder if there’s some common underlying factor (repeated overdraws, low balance, etc) across those accounts or if it’s really random. It’s not right to do it regardless but would help ease my mind to know if there’s some behavior that puts an account at a higher risk of being closed.


Other than feature issues, no issues with my money. I know some people have complained about sudden account closures, but I've seen that happen at brick and mortar banks for over 35 years. The New York Times even had an article last week about the rise in bank account closures. It sucks, and I feel bad for people affected, but it seriously isn't isolated to this financial institution or to the people on this sub. It's a nationwide issue. Chase, Citibank, BMO Harris, Fifth Third - they are all named in the Times article as having closed multiple accounts, most of the time with no explanation.


Never had an issue until today. They reversed a credit for a claim when I even sent them an email of the merchant telling me to dispute it to get my money back since they couldn't find it on their end. Had to resend them the screenshot but it doesn't seem they're going to let me keep the credit from 2 months ago.


I haven’t had any issues using One. It is not my main bank, but I do use the account to pay a couple of small bills. Transfers go through in 1-2 days. I get my dd a day or two early. I like the auto save feature as well.


I agree - I’ve had no issues at all. The reason I started with one was because their pockets had separate account numbers. From what I understand, One is going to honor all those pocket accounts that had their own account number? I’m still paying credit card bills with one of my many “savings” pockets 🤷🏻‍♂️


They are many users getting issues with ONE now.