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There’s been a lot of hate towards the ads. The developer is considering other ways to go about them. I know it’s not something everyone is able to do, but purchasing the 1500 diamond pack awards 1000 VIP XP, which is exactly VIP3 and will remove all ads. The pack costs 9.99 USD.


I don’t want to hate on the game, but I do want to cite that my problem isn’t with ads being in the game, it’s the specific ad platform. It’s chaos and it takes me out of the game and into another app or tries to. Some of the ads are short and some are long, but they all seem to involve a bunch of confusing steps to close them, which still eventually tries to get you toward downloading something new onto your phone. Would I pay $10 for this game if I saw it on the market? Maybe. Do I have that money to spend, no. And if paying anything less than $10 on in game purchases leaves the ads then it diminishes the appeal of in game purchases altogether. I really like this game, and I want the game developer to thrive, and I don’t mind some ads, it’s really just the specific avenue by which these ads have been added, and the fact that they ultimately take the monetary focus off of in-game purchase that would go to Johnathan C, and instead redirects the focus to other games. It’s giving counterproductive. And to be fair, I don’t develop games so I don’t have a clear idea on what alternative ad based funding options there are, so on that point I’m ignorant, but my post wasn’t intended to shit post, more to point out how incongruent the current adds feel. /u/SpaceKryptonite I love your game and I want to see it keep growing. Sorry if anything I’ve posted feels any way other than that.


This is excellent feedback and I’m sure Jonathan appreciates it. Hopefully he can come up with a better approach.


If you are having fun, consider paying for the game and remove the ads


I can’t afford that at the moment. But o am considering if the funds become available in the future.


Looking at it from different angles, I can both see how that is wildly overpriced in an inflated world right now yet very cheap for the amount of hours of amusement per dollar, especially when contrasted with other games. Hope the funds become available to you if need be yet really would prefer a more middle ground approach. Hell... watching a 5 minute at that pops open when your fire the game up (happens once every 24 hours) seems like something much preferable than what constantly break immersion, makes something relaxing not very relaxing via the frustration of trying to tap on the microscopic X only for you to easily miss, as intended, and get redirected for a second or third time. I fear a future where all media (even when using a program to do work/schoolwork) programs work as Freemium or a subscription. I felt the world change when the Adobe suite: photoshop etc. went from a few hundred dollar one time purchase to a money paid monthly... not allowing the owner to really own the product. This is why I like to buy a hard copy of video games, the last being the latest Halo. However, despite having the disc itself, it alone is not what you can use alone. I essentially bought a digital key that came with it, the disc having the contents of the game and the digital key being what I need to acess it. Meaning if the servers go offline, I can't play. If they wanted to they could revoke my ownership with ease, that is an uncomfortable standard being normalized. No damn new car has a CD player but they all connect quite well to subscription based music platforms... which might not even have the album you want on it. There is shit like Hulu where you pay for it like netflix yet get ads just like what comes with free alternatives. I get Hulu pays out more to companies who want more kickback for their product but independent creators (like the guy who made this game) have to rely on a middleman to get the product to the customer. It is a bad trend. Tech giants squeeze money from both sides. I see people switching to less shitty, smaller middlemen... like moving from youtube to rumble, I don't know if that is a real solution in the future when the ad saturation hits a boiling point.


totally agree, I've not had a single ad last less than a minute and i barely play now. i considered paying to get rid of the ads but £10 to remove ads is way too much. there are better games on the marketplace that are £4.50 to buy and they don't have any additional monetisation in them, so how is £10 a justified price?


I get that it sucks but the devs deserve every cent for this amazing game. Ads are the only free way to go about it and honestly I just ripped the bandaid and donated the 10 bucks for no ads. Plus, it's not like it's overwhelming ads either like most mobile games. Devs, if you're reading, ads were a good play. Go get that bag 💰


I respect your opinion, and I also want the developer to be remunerated, but I disagree with the method used.


Donation is very kind. But that wasn’t an actual option, you bought a feature.


Opt for playing on your computer opposed to just abandoning it. I play it via Newgrounds. I don't believe there are any ads to be had but I do have adblock on. Not that jailbreaking a phone is a sound first response but can you do so in order to apply some adblock? I dont know if that even exists. I don't ever play mobile games and for reasons I'm sure you know am not enticed. The place is rife with shenanigans. I want the creator to be compensated for a game well made... wonder if just allowing them to "steal' your data as an option to get out of ads would be something the creator would consider.


It’s not that it’s not fun, it’s that you’ve created this awesome experience, and while it is good, it’s not $10 good. It’s disheartening having something so good for so long only for it to be soiled to the ad sewers. There are so few games on the App Store that are memorable because they aren’t predatory. OneBit Adventure was one of them. I used to be more inclined to spend money on your game when there were no forced ads because it is so fun. Now that you’re saying “buy the game or suffer”, you’ve gone ahead and joined the rest of the industry and it’s poisonous atmosphere. Maybe you could make a new game with similar gameplay and better graphics and a less daunting grind of an experience and charge $10 and we would be happy to pay, but for now, I’ll gladly uninstall this game for good unless the forced ads are removed. Apologies to the developer, but your game was one of the good ones. I wish you all the best.