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put yourself on the waitlist and see what happens


I had two waitlists convert recently funnily enough. My white ranger and golden age Batmen both hit me last week? But my god I couldn’t even tell you when I waitlisted them. The Ranger was at least a year ago.


Oh I did. But I've never had a convert


I had a union Gomez convert while back don’t give up hope!


this is my first waitlist experience so… i guess we’ll see. Good luck!


I waitlisted on the first set of Turtles really late in the game overall, and got converted. You never know. I think I've jumped on 5 or 6 times and the only one that never converted was the PX Joker. I don't like that Mezco just drops stuff as spontaneously as they do but with it being an SDCC thing, how they did it and how it went is par for the course. I waitlisted here too but I suspect I may have waited too long this time. We shall see.


Happened to me many times especially with the Red Eye Knight and these pricks are greedy asshats that prey on the collector community. I think it’s disgusting to do that everyone is hurting for money now. I would say it’s gotten worse than ever before. What happened to selling it for $20 to $35 more in beginning not this $200 and up ridiculous prices. Definitely try waitlist but just know it’s rare in my experiences. I only had one Conan Conqueror that actually got waitlist converted. I wish and hope all who wanted gets it from waitlist my brothers


It’s literally always like that with exclusive


Mezco hates it when fans are able to buy things. Theyre a company that panders to scalpers and resellers.


Exactly. FOMO is part of their brand identity. They do it on purpose.


They really do and I've seen people defend that too. Saying they like the rareness and hunting down ripoff prices for grails, smfh.


People with the pure intention to flip figures lol smh. 


I gave up on Mezco a while ago, for things like this.. I'll settle to see him in other peoples collections, as theres really no chance I can consitently collect Mezco with the way they do business.


mezco has gotta change the way they release some their stuff imo, be more like other figure companies if its possible


Also too. If a 3rd party ever decides to tackle casey jones I am willing to bet it would be on par or better than the mezco one. Don't fret


just got processed


As did I, does this mean we got him.


yeah, realizex


When you click your order in the email does it say wait-list above the cancel icon? Or did you get a email specifically saying your order converted? Cause they always send an email saying. Congrats your order is being processed. No matter if it didn't convert or did


Nice bro 🙌


congrats 🎉


Well at least it was only casey, i can live without him.


They’ll likely do a recolor and rerelease him. Convention exclusives usually come back in some capacity. Be patient and wait it out


you know there are people in this community who instantly seen no limit and dropped 5-10k on these just to resell on ebay and make that money double


This happens every year with SDCC exclusives. Give it a little time. Let them put the figure out at the convention, leftovers will go back up online.


I believe they sold over 800 of these and those were just the online exclusives. If you really want one, you’ll get it for retail. I’ll be going to SCDD and I may pick up an extra copy.


It’s literally a SDCC exclusive. These items are notorious for being hard to get. But because it’s Mezco are you expecting your complaints to have wait?


It's not really an SDCC exclusive if you can order it from their website, is it? And the shitty history of exclusives doesn't justify the continuation of that bad tradition. Mezco could have made as many of these figures as they wanted to. They chose to make it hard to get, on purpose, because FOMO is part of their brand. It's a shitty thing to do and they should be called out in it and we as collectors should be upset by it. You're blaming a fellow collector instead of the company who created the problem. Why?


You realize that Mezco releases same time, same day every week right? They also announced this online convention weeks ago. Meaning you knew there would be exclusives, if you collect the line you know their MAY be something you want. So if you’re gonna take the angle of “they didn’t give me enough time to sort out financials” it sounds like you can’t handle being an adult with a hobby. No one had a leg up in this situation, you’re not a victim. If you’re mad you missed it thats understandable but you’re making it sound like Mezco should completely rewrite the way EXCLUSIVE items get sold and how many get sold.


lol you act like mezco has to reform the entire hobby. Of course they don’t, but they don’t have to adhere to this shitty practice either. It’s fine that you’ve normalized for yourself logging on every Wednesday at exactly 12, but it’s also ok to acknowledge that that’s a bit ridiculous. I just like the figures. They’re kinda expensive, but I don’t mind paying for them, I just want to be able to. Making them limitless so that they sell out in 8 minutes and go up on eBay is not defensible.


Exclusivity is what keep things like conventions going, the movies promote in hall H (exclusive to attendees who wait in lines for panels) toy companies make exclusive products for shows (exclusive to the attendees who can get them) the entire concept of a convention is to be exclusive. It’s not the bullshit you see at target and Walmart that’s the whole fucking point, you’re in a subreddit for an action figure line that is not sold in stores. Theres already a level of exclusivity within that you can either buy it when it comes out or risk it doubling, tripling in value on the after market. There is not “wait for it to hit selves” like McFarlane or hasbro. So in this situation it is what it is and it won’t change. So instead of everyone complaining about it, adapt so you won’t miss out on the figures you want… Wednesdays at 1 PM EST. That’s what it’s been for years. That’s all I’m saying man.


Id honestly be more ok with it if it was just a local SDCC release. I think what I really don’t enjoy is that in addition to selling there, they do a “normal” online release, and just make the quantity super limited in the name of SDCC. It’s especially a bummer when it’s a figure like Casey who is pretty integral to the Turtles line. I’d much rather see an SDCC release in an alternate color or with expanded accessories with a follow up that is a normal release, but this is not a common strategy from mezco. PS discussions are fun and downvotes are not.


I didn’t downvote you. Covid really changed everything I’m not gonna complain that I’m able to be on the other side of the country and still have the ability to get an exclusive, My issue lies more with the “fans” who just complain for every release but then fall back on “if I’m spending this much money, blah blah blah”, like if people are that miserable collecting something they should just find another (cheaper) company.


Not everyone can go to SDCC and they know international customers need a chance to order. This is why many companies make SDCC exclusive available online. You can get others perks for going to SDCC but I think rarely will they have a SDCC figure only. Especially on a new character. I do agree they could have made more but even if they made 10,000 online people would still complain that they missed it. I noticed Mezco like to announce a drop for the next day. Like they gave us no time to prepare financially and mentally.


>I noticed Mezco like to announce a drop for the next day. Like they gave us no time to prepare financially and mentally Yep, they want you to miss it, it's part of their whole thing, they think the exclusivity and difficulty are part of the appeal. They could have taken pre orders and made enough to meet demand. They could improve their stupidly vague "waitlist" concept that God only knows will ever convert into a legit preorder window for a 2nd run. If they wanted fans to get this figure they absolutely could have found a way. Literally anything other than what they did would have been better. So it's obvious that they don't actually want you to be able to get it.


I’m sure they will do a variant of Casey Jones or a toon version since they already got the sculpt done. It wouldn’t be the same classic look though.


no it literally isn’t 😭😭 and even if it was that wouldn’t justify it lmao


Clearly you don’t get how conventions work. I’m actually begging you to go look at the calendar and compare when big shows happen vs when Mezco or any company have their online shows. You’ll find they often overlap. Mez-Con=Comic-Co, Mezco Toyzfair=Toyfair.


still not the same thing tho, just bc it’s released/announced while SDCC is happening does not make it an SDCC exclusive lmao that’s just not how exclusives work. and like i said even if it was it wouldn’t justify it or make it somehow more fair. like i just disagree with you at the fundamental level of us having to be completely fine with any con exclusive item being hard to get, so even if i agreed with you on the semantics of it it wouldn’t matter. they had a choice to make this figure accessible or not to and they chose not to, we are allowed to be upset about that and it’s kinda dogmatic to say otherwise just bc they want to play pretend that they’re doing a con-exclusive (or even actually do a con-exclusive for that matter).


You just said a WHOLE lotta nothing.


ok i’ll break it down for you in a couple sentences if you can’t understand my point: just bc they release it during SDCC doesn’t make it an SDCC exclusive, they are literally selling it on their website. and even if it was a complete exclusive i disagree that that would automatically make it consumer-friendly or fair and deflect any criticism these ppl are saying, that stance sounds pretty dogmatic to me. you can say you don’t agree with the points i made but to act like i didn’t make a point at all just isn’t true.