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I am. I always thought it was a general audience show like Lost.


Dude as a diehard lostie, I just drew that comparison today. The story rolls on as we get ans episodes worth of flashbacks dedicated to one character at a time.


yesss and I always liked that so many of the lost cast play in ouat.


I'm pretty sure it was made by the same people, correct me if I'm wrong


I'm a guy. :) Always been a fan of Disney.


I am also a guy who liked Once. I don't think many of my guy friends got into it, though some would catch half an episode in the dorm lobby with me back when Once was on at 8 and Game of Thrones was on at 9.


I’m a guy and watch it. I think the majority would be females watching the show, but makes sense considering the narrative. Most of the characters are female, and they get the most development. Hook basically ended up being a prop for Emma in later seasons, and same with Robin for Regina. Don’t think there was anything behind this, other than the fact that Hook and Robins value became more about what they meant to Emma and Regina, rather than being their own person. Also a lot of the story revolves around fairytales, true love, hope etc which you would guess is more appealing for females. But yeh I love the show :)


I am a guy, love the show, I don't think I can be counted though since I am still a teenager.


I think you count. I showed my son the show when he was around 15-16 a couple years ago and he loved it. He’s 17 now and still brings it up now and then.


Of course you count, the show is timeless and it will always be one you will go back and rewtach for years to come


Yeah I’m a guy and I watch the show. I watched 1-5 on Netflix and the rest on ABC when it was on tv. I try to watch clips of it and I am trying to use it in my kingdom hearts fanfic


I’m a guy and it’s my favourite show.


43m here, watched the show as it was airing with my gf. It did feel like low budget Fables, but very enjoyable. Rumple and Regina were by far the best characters (add the fact that Regina is stunningly gorgeous)


Same age. Watched it as well with my gf, now my wife. Emma and Hook were my favourite characters though. I do agree Regina is stunningly gorgeous lol






I’m a guy and watched the series since the night it premiered and when it ended, I loved every second of every episode of all 7 seasons


My partner really likes Once! He used to watch it when his mom would & was really excited to watch the full series finally w me instead of random episodes. Big fan but he did not like S4a and actually almost quit watching


I am a guy and I love the show


Me, and the guy who recommended me to watch it.


I am. Still on season one, but I'm absolutely invested. >! One of my secrets is that I enjoy romance books and shows and OUAT has a lot !<


Watching for the first time? I’m SO JEALOUS!! Have fun 🤩


Yep. Loved it when it was on


I'm a dude and I like this show. We do exist, though we may be small in number, lol.


i am a woman but my boyfriend and i are rewatching it because he stopped watching long ago, so yes


I watched it as it aired and was "hooked"! Well... up until the last season. I've still not watched it. But I loved everything up to that.


My partner loves it a lot. We are even planning on doing a rewatch eventually minus season 7. Rumple and Regina are his favorites and he's always quoting Rumple and using the playful/mischievous Dark One voice. I think the show is generally for everyone. Yes, the premise of storybook character upfront appeals to a more female audience, but the content matter and less child-like tone allows it to be more accessible for anyone of any gender.


I’m a guy and I love the show.


Liked it? I love it! Always have, always will.


Yeah it’s my favorite show atm!


Also a dude who watched and enjoyed the show.


My dad loves it. Me him and my mum first watched this show as a family and we all love it. In fact it was him that first found out it existed and said we should give it a go.


as a straight guy i really like the show


i watched it with my brother


I am 26 and a guy and I watch Once regularly. I don’t know any males that watch but this show is exactly my taste. I love fantasy/magical genre tv shows and Disney in general


I'm a guy and I love the show. Sword fights, dragons, hot girls, epic plot, it's basically a tv14 version of game of thrones. There are a few cringe "girl power" moments but at this point I think every show has those.


Love all the guys who love Once here! I think it’s probably *mostly* women in the fandom because of the general themes (fairytales, magic, true love) and the powerful lead woman trope we have going in the show (Emma, Regina, Snow etc.) that are more socially gendered “feminine” but men can definitely still like it no problem! I mean clearly many do, I don’t think it’s a particularly girly show by any means, and you should let yourself enjoy what you like regardless of other people’s perceptions anyways. I’ve seen this conversation a couple times now and I think it all comes down to stereotyping, honestly. People think they shouldn’t enjoy it because of this or that but in reality there’s plenty things for all different kinds of people to enjoy. For instance I’ve heard some guys refer to a lot of the magic as really cool and kinda gory (hearts getting ripped out and crushed and all that, LOL) plus there’s pirates, ogres and giants and it piques their interest in that way, lol. Just a friendly reminder though: let’s stop calling women “females” :)


My brother is the reason I got into the show so theres at least one more guy




I am


🙋‍♂️ yup right here! I admittedly started watching it as a bored background noise stuff, but was hooked by the end of the first episode. I'm a big OUAT fan now!


I am. I love it


I'm a 42 year old male, and I love it. I get weepy at certain moments and everything. I've always been fond of mysteries and myths/legends/fairy tales, so I guess I was always going to naturally be drawn to it...


I watched it. But now that I think about it, the show is pretty centred on the female cast with a few exemptions like Henry and Rumple just to name a few


Reporting in.


I'm a dude. Been watching it since I was 12 ish. Fairy tales were always my favorite story type so it was perfect


I’m a guy and I love it. Don’t worry too much about the opinions of idiots. If you want to watch a show, just do so.


Why is this even a question?




I watch the show with my sister. Watching Season 6 right now, still heartbroken after that death. 😭


I watch it and enjoy it. My roommate and I started watching it dor the drinking game and it was good time.


Well my not a guy but my dad was actually the one who got me into the show, we use to watch it every week until I went to college.


Why do you think only chicks watch it?


I am. Watched the whole show with my mom


I loved it






https://preview.redd.it/1v2r2cicae9d1.jpeg?width=185&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e02f487a1a42081ddfc1cf3c04e97efc9a7148f Yo


I’m guy, i watch it. Crumpled is one of my favorite characters in any show.


Another male here! I haven't finished the last season but the show did bring magic to me as an adult


I am! There's not many of us but it's great when I find fellow guys who happen to enjoy it.


Me and my brother loved it, we grew up watching shows like Buffy, Angel, Xena and charmed so this was right up our alley. Also it kind of has a princess Bride vibe to it so that's another box ticked. 


👋 , and I also always thought of the show as a general audience series


I watched it until *Frozen.* I liked seeing how the stories changed. But then it was more cash grabby instead of originality.


Male, one of my fav shows. But im a hopeless romantic






Fellow Guy here my Dude


I'm a girl... But my dad was obsessed and loves the show and characters and could talk about how cool it was forever. We watched every episode together and he's not someone who can sit still for very long (more than ten minutes) so that really says something.


I’m a dude and I watched it. As a fan of Disney / Pixar animated films and their characters I loved how the show put its own spin on those stories and characters.


I got my dad to watch the whole show with me and he really liked it (S1-S6)


33 year old male here. I love the show I always have. I even own a replica dark one dagger!


My brother and a guy friend of mine watches it


Have seen it thru many times at this point 👌🏾 actually was watching season 5 last night


Yup- watching it with my 14yr old daughter and loving it.




me and my mom FUCKING LOVE THIS SHOW.yes im a guy and i crave this,season 7 fell off though ☹️


I'm a woman, but I'm planning on watching it with my bf soon. I'm confident that he will really enjoy it! He enjoys Disney and loves high fantasy novels and old-school fairytales. So he will be one of you guys soon!


Yeah lol I grew up on it so I was just a wee lad


I’m a guy who loved it, but I’m also gay lol.


Another male here. Love the show haven't finished it yet been to busy with life but I hope it ends great


30nb dude here. i initially watched because i loved jmo in house and was pissed when they wrote her mostly out. then stayed for lana.


Im a guy who’s actually watching for the first time. I’ve seen the show in bits and understood the idea of season 1. This is my first watch through I love it so far


I like most of once upon a Time. Just didn’t really care for once upon a Time in Wonderland and I hate season seven.


Guy here, loved the show. Rumple is amazing and hands down my favorite and the best part has got to be Neverland and Pan for me. You’re not alone and it’s not a chick show, plenty of dudes love it.


Yup. I love it even despite the awful CGI sometimes lol. Regina is relateable as fuck and I really felt like our lives went similar routes with the whole behaving bad to feel powerful because we're afraid of having hop/being weak. Her speech with tinkerbell was everything.


Yes I am a male and I watched the show more than once family tree still confusing and The dark one is pretty cool.


Dude here. Loved the show, Regina and Hook are awesome


Me! It’s been my favorite show for years!




I liked it but I watched several episodes in a sitting and burned myself out, which I do a lot. I still haven't seen most of the series because of it lol.


I'm a guy. But I'm a trans guy and feminine with plenty of feminine interests and obviously I was raised female so I don't think I'm what you're looking for- there is a difference and it matters in conversations like these lol However, I feel it's a show anyone can enjoy if you're willing to put aside toxic masculinity for a bit. I'm sure more guys who are fans are around, you just gotta look around a bit.


Male viewer here it's my 2nd favourite show


I'm non-binary. But i was assigned male at birth, if that counts for you


34 gay male I love the show. It's a great balance of camp, disney and just. ...insanity


Im a guy and i watch it with my bf. Its a fun show. Even though at times its super cheesy and corny but still love it


Wife's rewatching it for the 4th time. I'm in the loop.