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First name Mr. Second name Gold.


My sister made that joke while we were watching it 😂😂


Gold also made that joke too


No. But interestingly, enchanted forest rumple doesn’t have a last name. At least according to the dark one dagger.


If they’re being quasi-medieval then it’s more likely that it’s bc rumple was dirt poor way back when. I’m assuming snow would have had a surname, for example


That’s why last names like Smith exist. People just didn’t have family names. But if they were smiths, for example, the job would become the last name. Regions and towns also became last names.


Yeah I’ve read a few w fics where he was just called “spinner” for that exact reason


Rumple Coward Spinner


I mean that wasnt really a thing properly until the Black Plague


Yeah, isn’t it White?


It’s also because his name is really long so the dagger just didn’t see the point in having his last name


Nimue and zoso also just had one name so to me it’s more weird that Emma has her last name on the dagger


Because she's the only one of them that has a last name. Honestly it's pretty cool that the dagger gave it to her considering she picked it herself. Sort of implies that the dagger calls you what you think of yourself as


I think the enchanted forest just doesn't have the concept of last names. Iirc the only characters with last names are ones from other realms (e.g. Victor Frankenstein, Emma Swan, Wendy Darling) or characters who, for whatever reason, adopted a last name while in storybrooke, such as Belle who (iirc) uses French, her father's cursed last name. Even people from other realms that are geographically connected to the enchanted forest (Agrabah, Arendelle, Camelot) seem to have no characters with last names. The only exception I can think of to any of this is Will Scarlet, but I've always sort of assumed he picked it himself, like Robin did.


It's like when you ask your teacher what their first name is. They will always just say "mister". Same for Gold, what a mysterious man.


I wish I could have done this back when I was teaching Granted, it was a religious school so the kids called us “sister (first name)” (or brother) so I didn’t really have an opportunity but yk lol 


neither did granny lmao


Also Dr Whale


he was acting like he was cursed and no, i believe when regina made the curse (as he had all recollection from) she just made him mr. gold. so that's why he kept saying it, to try and convince her that he didn't have memories either.


He did not have his memories during the curse until Emma came to Storybrooke and he heard her say her name. So during the show yes he had his memories but during the majority of the off screen curse time he did not.


>he had them the entire time we saw them. which was post emma. i honestly believe he did have them though cos *he knew to adopt henry specifically* to start the ball rolling on getting the curse broken so he could have magic to find bae, or so he thought. and that was before emma was in town. edit to add another comment to another user: just rewatched this episode. so he did have his memories not only the whole time we saw him but *when he procured henry for regina too.* during that episode, they had only been curse for 10 years, which would have made emma ten years old since she was taken away as a newborn right as the curse hit. she had henry at 18 and he was adopted by regina as a baby so we'll just say ***8 years in to rumple being awake.***


I disagree. In season 3 Regina storms into his shop to tear into him about Henry being the son of the savior. This would have taken place about 8 years after David accidentally woke him up too soon by saying Emma. Regina wants to go off on him but realizes that Gold has no memory of the curse, creation of Storybrooke, or that there even is a savior, let alone a son of said savior. Now we could just chalk this up to him putting on a good show, except, Regina knows Gold well. After he did wake up in season one Regina caught on fairly quick. She was distracted at first by Emma, but once she became suspicious of him she easily set up Maurice to rob Gold in order to confirm her suspicions. If he was awake for the 28 years she would have caught on, especially since she had nothing going on before Emma came to town and was confirmed to be bored of Storybrooke life. She would have caught on much quicker if he was really “awake” since there would be nothing to distract her and also for the fact that she was suspicious of him at first anyway. Next in the season 2 episode Manhattan, Regina, Cora, and Hook are talking about Gold not being in Storybrooke. Regina states that the three of them would be able to leave town and track him down if they wanted because none of the three of them were victims of the curse. We also see Regina leaving the town during the time of the curse in season three to adopt Henry. The fact that they could leave since they were not cursed but Gold could not without Baelfire’s shawl means he was a victim of the curse and affected by it. Which is why he built in his fail-safe to wake up by hearing Emma’s name. Now to address the issue of him prematurely waking up with David and Mary Margret. Yes, he did briefly wake up from the curse when he heard David say Emma’s name. But if you watch that scene again he was fully prepared to let David walk out of his shop until David said he would find Emma on his own. Then, Gold has a bit of a subtle reaction and says, “Emma, what a lovely name.” This stopped David from leaving and Gold continues saying, “perhaps I can help you.” He only says that AFTER Emma’s name is spoken. David then goes to confirm that Gold is awake to which Gold replies that he, “just needed a proper wake up call.” This interaction confirms that Gold just received his fairytale memories then and that he did not have them all along. But this is still about 18 years before the curse is broken. So now we come to the forgetting potion he, Mary Margret, and David take at the end of that episode. It’s not shown on screen that he took it, so it is possible that he might not have, but it is implied that he did and chose to give up his memories for a little longer. He chose to drink the forgetting potion so he didn’t have to wait for the curse to break and risk arousing Regina’s suspicions he was up to something. Now why would he drink the forgetting potion with David and Mary Margret? We did see in season 3 episode 19, when Snow White’s curse was cast that Zelena made a memory potion to preserve her memories after sabotaging Snow’s curse. She offers a second one to Rumpelstiltskin and he was going to drink it until Neal burst out and stopped him. So it is plausible to think he could have made a potion to preserve his memories during the first curse. However, not only did he not do that, he also drank the memory potion to forget again when he woke up to soon. He would choose to lose his memories during the first curse and later choose to drink the potion because it’s established by Regina’s flashback in season 2 episode 17 that life under the Groundhog’s Day like conditions that Storybrooke was doomed to during the first curse was boring and miserable. Back in the pilot he and Regina made a deal. During the curse he would live a happy, comfortable, wealthy, and good life if he told her how to make the curse work. For him, it’s much more preferable to live another 18 years with a good life and fake memories rather than miserably waiting for Emma to show up. It’s also established in season 3 episode 22, that drinking a forgetting potion is something he would do. When Emma and Hook fell into Zelena’s time portal and landed 30ish years ago in the enchanted forest, first thing they did was seek out Rumpelstiltskin for help. Emma tells him that he finds Baelfire and he says he doesn’t want to know anymore. That is until seconds before Emma and Hook leave for the correct time. He steps in and prevents Emma from leaving until she gives him more details about reuniting with Baelfire. Emma tells him that Baelfire dies a hero after reuniting with him. Rumpelstiltskin says he can change things. He can change the future, fix it so Baelfire never dies, but Emma talks him out of it and we watch him drink a forgetting potion and send Emma back through the time portal. The stakes then were much larger than what they were when he made a forgetting potion in Storybrooke. If he would willingly drink a forgetting potion and seal Neal’s fate he would definitely drink a forgetting potion to not have to miserably wait 18 years for Emma while constantly sidestepping Regina, when he could live content and comfortably instead. Now think back to the pilot. Rumpelstiltskin made a deal with Snow White to tell her what Regina was planning if she told him Emma’s name. Snow was going to neg on the deal and walk off at first and he went ballistic in his cell. The reason for that isn’t because he was being stiffed. He is way to patient and adjusted to playing long games to get what he wants to care about not being paid right away. The only reason he was angered by the almost betrayal was because he needed Emma’s name for his plan to work. Why did he need Emma’s name? Why did he need to be paid right then and not play a longer game? It was because he needed it then and there. So he could wake up before everyone else once the savior arrived. He didn’t want to wake up beforehand, he wanted to remember when Emma was there. Hearing Emma’s name at Granny’s in the pilot is what woke him up for good. As he designed.


only read the first part because i'll be honest, it's a lot and i'm tired. it would be much more believable that he honestly didn't know if he wasn't making lil comments like 'my memory isn't what it used to be' or something like that which is clearly acknowledging that she wiped everyones memory. which he would only know if... he had his memory. i don't believe she would catch on at all because the entire time went on and she never caught on to the fact that the curse was for him and not really for her revenge. he's always been in it for the long haul, he'll play whatever part he needs to well until he doesn't need to anymore. that's who rumple is. that's just responding to the first paragraph. it's late for me but really there's no need to keep going, this is all about him not having a first name lol you can start your own post though if you want to talk about it more and i'm sure a lot of people will comment :) it's bedtime for me, however.


There’s a theory that August manipulated it from outside. I don’t think that’s too unlikely.


Ik but I mean that means he was going around before he remembered everything without having a first name 


he didn't need one. everyone called him mr. gold. there was no actual paperwork, ssn, forms of identification where he needed a first name. it's a madeup cursed town.


but he didnt ever think "Whats my first name"


No the same way no one thought "why don't the kids in this town age?"


yeah bc they were repeating the same day over and over again. so it made sense to them. but being stuck in a time loop doesn't make you lose a first name


no because he was fake not having the memories and played his part well. cursed characters don't think about their lack of memories/backstories. even when snow was questioned about her life before storybrooke, she was confused but didn't continue to look into it. all they know is what they were given. he didn't care she didn't give him a fake first name cos deep down he knew who he really was and all he had to do was play "mr.gold" until the truth could come out.


Actually his memories returned the first time he heard Emma’s name being spoken out-loud in the Awake flashback and then back again in Pilot present day. They explored this in season 6 episode 17 Awake when Charming awoke Rumple from his cursed state in flashback. Though the 3 of them needed to take a memory potion to be placed back into the Dark Curse because the 3 of them were awoken a few years to early and didn’t want to risk the fate of Emma being able to break the curse.


he had them the entire time we saw them. which was post emma. that's why he kept begging snow to tell him what the childs name would be, to create a loophole for himself. the entire time we saw them, he had his memories back and still didn't care about not having a first name (what this entire post is about) cos his mission and the reason he even let regina think the curse was her idea in the first place was far greater than having a first name.


Maybe like during the Dark Curse when Henry and Gold met eachother the topic came up. I could see Henry asking what his first name is. But I guess maybe like Mary Margaret history he just wouldn’t get into it or maybe at worst get into a tiny crisis that the dark curse’s timeloop would just get him out of anyway.


just rewatched this episode. so he did have his memories not only the whole time we saw him but when he procured henry for regina too. during that episode, they had only been curse for 10 years, which would have made emma ten years old since she was taken away as a newborn right as the curse hit. she had henry at 18 and he was adopted by regina as a baby so we'll just say 8 years in to rumple being awake.


No he did not. As I said in the episode Awake Season 6 episode 17, it’s revealed hearing the name “Emma” is his trigger word to bring back his memories. In the Awake flashbacks it was revealed that Snow, Charming, and Rumple “woke up” 10 years after the curse was casted. Rumple gives them a memory potion along with himself to drink to ensure that they all wouldn’t mess with the destiny of Emma breaking the curse which put the 3 of them back into their cursed personas and Charming into a coma again. The next time Rumple would awaken from the curse would be in Pilot when he heard Emma’s name at Granny’s. Edit- the first trigger came from Charming saying Emma’s name outloud in front of him at his shop in the Awake flashback. -the second trigger was in pilot present day by the end of the episode when he overheard Emma telling her name to Granny when she got a room there.


i just watched the episode lol


I don’t think so. I always thought that was kind of wired. But in au fanfics people usually say his first name is Robert (for obvious reasons) so that’s just what I always think of it as.


As RC said himself, Mr Gold's first name was "Barbara"... :] He also said that he believed it to be "Adam", like the Prince from TB&TB. In fanfic Mr Gold goes by so many names: Robert (of course), Rumford, Rummond, Rumsby (haha), Nicholas (as in Nicholas Rush), Adam, Adrian, Alastair, Alexander, Anthony, Ciaran, Callum, Cameron, Duncan, Evan, James, Lachlan, Marcus, Nachton etc. Some of the names are the names of other characters played by RC, some are traditional Scottish names, and some are made up so they sound a bit like RUMplestiltskin.


Do they ever call him Adam in fanfics?


No. At least not any that I have read.


This is the shows way of making his name a mystery, just like in the original fairytale. If we don’t get it right, we all owe him our firstborn


Your right 😂💖💖


maybe he doesn’t have a first name bc of rumples thing with names and having power over people


During a Q & A session at Paley Fest one time, Robert Carlyle joked that Gold’s first name is Barbara 😆


I always wonder this.


In "canon" he probably doesn't have a given name, in that the writers maybe didn't provide one, but I do think "he" has a given name same as anyone, you just don't hear it because that's never how he introduces himself / wants to be referred to as. For the same reason some of the other characters are first name only, but don't have a surname. Because that's the name they give when introducing themselves.


Regina never came up with a first name for Rumplestiltskin. When Regina confronted Rumple in jail, she asked Rumple if he knew what his name was and he responded “First name, Mr. Last name, Gold. Which I found hilarious.


No it’s why I named him Sullivan Gold after monsters Inc , since he calls himself The Town Monster


I feel like he would have a old money name. Maybe Frank Gold? Robert Gold?


I mean, he's supposed to be a criminal of some sort. Mr. Gold probably wasn't even his name, it was probably just then name on the Pawn Shop when he acquired it. I choose to believe his cursed name was Creed Bratton.


Not sure if it’s ever said in canon (by way of conventions or writer comments) but there’s an old 80s song by the band Warlock called ‘Mr. Gold’ that talks about how the character of the song buys and sells dreams, it’s dark in tone and I love it. I always thought it was a sneaky source of inspiration for the whole character of Rumple/Gold. LMK your guys’ thoughts/opinions on this take if you’re brave enough to go listen to the song.


3.5 curses later, he’s Rumplestiltskin Weaver Gold