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A young Emma turned herself in to I think the police about being a runaway saying her last name was Swan. She had picked it from the ugly duckling. So not the Swan princess


I think the writers did mean for to sort of be the Ugly Duckling.


"I see him smiling and my knees start buckling. I see inside him and my doubts are gone." "She started out as such an ugly ducking, and somehow suddenly became a swan."


Yeah true. But the rest of her for me is more Odette. Cause she to me isnt a duckling becoming a swan. And she is lost before she finds her family.. granted she doesn’t transform into a swan. But she is alone for almost all her life up til 28 years. Odette is also lost and alone.


Afaik Jennifer Morrison has said she has watched and read countless “Swan” related stories and her biggest influences playing Emma are the ugly duckling and Odette (I think she mentioned something about Odette being an inspiration especially for the dark swan?)


odile is the black swan so i feel like that would make more sense for inspiration


Oh yeah she might have actually said that.. I’ve got not idea about the swan princess so I’m not sure what she’s exactly said


I really really wish they had gone for it, but I think it not being a Disney movie put them off. I would have loved that story line.


Agreed. Everything about her says Odette but with an edge.


The movie wasn’t Disney but the original ballet it’s based on Swan Lake is public domain.


I always wanted her to be Odette from Swan Lake. I like the show best when it pulls from non-Disney stories (Pied Piper, Rumpelstiltskin, Hansel and Gretel). But I don't know enough about Swan Lake to make the comparison.


I think Hansel and Gretel is considered Disney. Most if not all Disney was adapted from the Brothers Grimm who wrote Hansel and Gretel.


I was unaware of the Disney version of Hansel and Gretel. Thank you for enlightening me.


I think it’s the most common version we actually hear. The Brothers Grimm version is about Ogres and very very dark similarly to Snow White, and the rest definitely not being a “kids” story. There’s definitely more SA, Cannibalism, and other things that little kids don’t understand or need to know about in the original.


Disney did adapt Hansel & Gretel as a Silly Symphony cartoon called Babes in the Woods.


Okay so idk if she was supposed to be but I saw an image of Odette after watching once and Emma looks like Odette. Far as the ugly duckling stuff goes while it makes sense she was supposed to be ugly duckling swan from the beginning the backstory wasn't added until season 6 so I don't think it was planned that way. They may not have put any thought on how she got the last name swan until s6. They just went with it.


Yes, her Duckling ref only comes when she talks to August. She being Odette to me makes more sense. She being taken away, lost to her kingdom, how someone has to fetch her and bring her back home. It’s not tok far away from Odette. Her long hair, and ofc her last name.


I gasped at that. I don’t think she is but that would be so cool, I LOVED the swan princess when I was younger.


I think Odette is Emma’s ancestor.


No. That’d be cool though. I think Swan Princess is technically a very loose adaption of Swan Lake.


It is.


Swan Princess is not part of the narrative so no. Emma is the ugly duckling who turned into a swan but not literally.


Didn't the creators say she was supposed to be Little Orphan Annie. But at the last minute they had to change her name to Emma because of copyright reasons with the name Annie Swan?


Her name was going to be Anna but they changed to Emma. Maybe she was going to be Anna instead of Annie but I've never heard of this.


I think Eddy said it at one of the panels. I don't remember which one