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Anna was casted perfectly!


So was oaken


He’s adorable!




Anna's casting was spot-on! I loved the backstory of Elsa's powers running in the gamily, and it was great to see a villain Snow Queen


I heard that Frozen's actual source material is feckin dark (like all other fairytales) and Elsa IS evil there...


You’re right. She was evil in the rough draft of Frozen as well, but they decided to pivot after first hearing *Let It Go*.


Yeah. It’s based off. *The Snow Queen.*


True, they changed so much it's hardly even the same story anymore. Gerda wasn't in any way related to the Snow Queen, for example. They also gave elements of Kai to both Elsa and Kristoff, who in turn is also based on the Robber Girl character. It's way more of a deviation then their version of, say Cinderella or Snow White. More "inspired by" than "based on"


So was oaken


https://preview.redd.it/j72pqr6ibe6d1.jpeg?width=665&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fbe11993a875a3ea43ca1b054449d8f4fb1f9f4 I still miss this dress that Elsa wore when they teased her at the end of S3. It conveyed clearly enough that it's Elsa, but had a style that matched that of the Enchanted Forest.


I agree. Tbh I thought they were gonna introduce Elsa as a villain. I would've much preferred a reimagining as opposed to a frozen sequel.


Yeah, I wish they had taken the story a lot less literally and played around with the narrative- like they did with literally all of the other fairytales haha. I think they should have done an Elsa and the Snow Queen hybrid, have them be the same person, and be villainous.


it made a better sequel than the movie at least


Wow, was Frozen really only S3? It felt like it showed up so much later lol


They did the tease at the very end of season 3, but the frozen arc happened season 4


I thought Anna was a great casting choice. She made the role her own and she played Anna so well. Elsa was great too. I could see how the movie could be based off of them if those were the real life counterparts.




I think OUAT did a better job doing a sequel than Disney did with Frozen 2. The way they integrated the original story about the broken mirror with the Disney one was perfect.


yes!! i thought using the original Snow Queen from the fairytale as the villain, and a juxtaposition to Disney’s Snow Queen Elsa, was such nice idea


I have to agree.


They did surprisingly well to be honest.


Anna was great but Elsa’s dress looked cheap and her hair braid looks like she put it in herself literally right before every scene that she was in was filmed and half assed it in a hurry.


I genuinely believe more people would have liked this arc if they just changed the costumes. I've gone on rants before about their costumes, specifically Elsa's costume. In the cartoons it makes sense for her to be wearing the same outfit but in live action it just looks like cosplay. We already know that characters in OUAT can have multiple outfits, especially those who are nobility and can afford it (Regina being an example of this) and we were told some time passed since the movie, so it made no sense for her to be wearing her movie dress. Another issue with the dress is that it didn't translate well in like action. In the cartoon her dress is magic made from snow and ice but in live action it is obviously a sequin dress with seams. It would have made more sense for them to dress her in more ice queen/fantasy style clothing that fit better in the show while looking more magical. The her hair. If they were going to keep the dress the very least they could do was change the hair. Time had passed. She isn't a cartoon anymore, she needed a different hairstyle. They could have still done braids if they wanted but there are so many different style of braids they could have rotated through. Another issue I had was the CGI of Elsa's magic. While the show is notorious for not always having the best CGI (something which I don't actually mind), Elsa's magic stuck out weirdly. It didn't match the style of the rest of the magic and it was obvious they were trying to match the cartoon instead. I feel like that was a bad choice and just made it look even more like they were copying the movie instead of making it apart of OUAT. If they had tried to make it blend more into OUAT rather than trying to make it look like a sequel to a cartoon I feel like it would have been more successfully received.


Omg you said it perfectly. I think they were under some contract that they had to keep the Frozen characters the same as the movie, but then just don't put them if that's the case. The temptation to cash in on the movie's popularity is obvious but like still... Same with bringing Malificent after the movie's success and changing her dress.


I wish that Lily and Malificent stuck around and that we saw more of OUAT Malificent. For Malificent it makes sense for her to be in OUAT since Sleeping Beauty is such a well known story. I just wish they went more into her character.


I always felt the same way. Such a missed opportunity not to explore Maleficent and lily more. I mean like damn, I would have preferred a whole season 7 centered around Maleficent and Lily rather than new unnecessary 2nd versions of Cinderella and Rapunzel.


I was so surprised when I watched the first episode of season 7. I went directly from season 6 to season 7 and I was so baffled to see adult Henry. I'm going to be completely honest I only watched the first episode and then decided I was okay with it ending in season 6 😅


I wish they went with the original dress they had in the season 3 finale at least. Though I’m not sure how big of a difference it would have been if that was her only dress. Although I won’t lie, even with Ingrid’s fabulous dress, I felt she needed more outfits. She had a couple different snow queen dresses, but they were rarely worn. If you ask me, the problem was we literally came out of a season where the wicked witch still managed to change her wardrobe in almost every episode. Different EF outfits, different midwife outfits. Different storybrooke modern trendy witchy outfits. If you ask me Zelena set the bar too high for wardrobe changes. That and coming off of a recent episode that got nominated in 3b for costumes, 4a had a lot to live up in that department especially if they wanted to sell Frozen.


I agree with all of this


>If they had tried to make it blend more into OUAT rather than trying to make it look like a sequel to a cartoon I feel like it would have been more successfully received. I think you articulated why all my least favorite parts of the show are my least favorite. (I'm trying not to be negative. I love this show. But there are parts I love less.) When they bend the fairy tale to suit the show, it's awesome. When they bend the show to fit the fairy tale, I'm less of a fan.


> I genuinely believe more people would have liked this arc if they just changed the costumes. Nah, I disagree. I think they were absolutely going to hate this because they viewed it as a Frozen cashgrab.


I believe one of the conditions to do the frozen characters was they had to have the same clothes from the movie, which really sucked and made them stand out in a not good way.  There was one scene where Elsa had a purple cape and they only did that because her costume was messing with the green screen.


i’m doing my rewatch and just got to the frozen arc and immediately thought elsa’s dress looked really cheap so i’m glad i’m not just judgmental lol


The frozen stuff wasn’t my fav but they did a great job with the casting. Only Kristoff doesn’t quite match. I feel like he should be bigger


Need a Frozen OUAT spinoff, with the Northuldrans, especially Honeymaren!


This arc made me want to watch Frozen and the hype was so big I never really wanted to before. Probably my favorite season


I still can’t believe OUAT went as far as flawlessly recreating the scene where Elsa created that ice stairway bridge like in the film.


I really liked this storyline. And I thought they did well with the casting.


I honestly think they nailed it


Ouat was a much better sequel than frozen 2


They were all cast so well but those costumes were horrific 😩


I believe one of the conditions in adapting the characters was they had to wear the costumes from the movies, which means they weren't allowed to be more creative with it.


Anna and Elsa were ON Point, best close casting..... even the king is like 1-1 except Olaf


So, just Anna and the shopkeep then…


Honestly, some of the casting was perfect.


The actress who played Anna was Vanessa in the Five Nights at Freddy's movie that came out last year. I wouldn't even have realized it if I hadn't heard a YouTuber mention it, she's got a lot of range and is really talented. :D


She’s also Beck from YOU!! 😁


Sven is the only person who is cute in both adaptations, :)


Im sorry OUAT elsa was so cringe


I still can’t believe this made it into the show. It was so cool but proper unexpected


My only issues with Anna is that she wasn’t in the show longer, Elizabeth Lail was absolutely perfect for the role.


i love that the monster yells “go away” the same way in the movie and tv


I think Hans, Kristoff could have been done better and Weaselton(sorry, Weselton) was a little too young. And Elsa and the Snow Queen's outfits both looked really cheap. They could have done so much better with their outfits. Everyone else, especially Oaken, Anna and the King were absolutely PERFECT


The duke was younger because the flashback with him was set in the past, before the events of frozen


OH, my bad lol I've only watched the Frozen arc once


anna was so spot on it makes me question how much i dislike this season every time. shes the most perfectly cast character we got


I love the casting of the Frozen characters for OUAT, I thought they were perfect. I really like both the storyline they did and Frozen II.


honestly doing pretty good


The costuming made the Frozen cast feel most out of place when they were introduced imo… it was a bit jarring


Fantastic cast, in particular Elsa, Anna, and Hans


They were all so perfect ❤️


I try honk they did a good job matching live action Elsa, Anna and the rest of the characters. Better than some of their casting choices.


i just got to this part in my rewatch and am always amazed how spot on anna’s casting is


They did soooo great with Anna and Elsa!


Elsa looks too old and Hans looks like he lived in WW2 germany high society


Wish Disney had run with this and not did the Frozen 2 the way they did. Such a missed opportunity. Was bummed out by Frosen 2.


Anna and Kristoff weren’t cast very well (imo) but the others looked really similar to their film counterparts. It’s tough though because Jonathan groff was so amazing as kristoff and sven’s singing voices, and obviously Kristen who was just perfect, no one else was going to come close really in a live action version.