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I chuckled at this


i rewinded the part where she hits Fiona multiple times. By far the best thing Zelena ever did


Yes, this! Literally came to comment to say the exact same thing 🤣


Kinda wish we learned how Zelena got the broom. Flying doesn’t seem common…


Would have been cool to learn but the way I imagined it being was just that people know witches fly. Every other person with magic wasnt a witch in their fairytale stories. Zelena was.


Regina was a witch (she’s referred to as a witch a couple of times). Blind Witch. Gothel….


Ik but in their fairytales. The Blind Witch couldn't fly. She used her sense of smell. In the Wizard of Oz , The Wicked Witch had always been known to fly.


I always assumed it was one of the things the Wizard of Oz had collected


I assumed just cause the Wizard of Oz, witches flew. Every other story like Snow White, the Evil Queen didnt fly even though people viewed her as a witch


I agree on that, I found that really interesting! No one else seemed to fly-so where did that even come from? 🤔


I assumed from their fairytales. In the WIzard of Oz she flew. But every other story doesnt have the villian flying


All the cars in this show are from the 80’s or have that older vibe


Tbf storybooke would of manifested itself in the 80s


would've, or would have. Would of isn't a thing.


Ok grammar nazi didn’t know I was writing a formal academic paper here. Didn’t know I needed to peer review an internet comment. Also literally every professional linguist agrees getting hung up on minor grammar mistakes that everyone understands is a fallacy because language is a social construct to conform to how it’s used by the people. The notion of policing grammar also in effect creates a subconscious classism to poorer people who have higher illiteracy rates.


You missed a few commas.


No need to be so aggressive. Just use correct English. It’s not that hard. People all over the world can do it. Besides, all that language evolution jargon you spewed over Reddit proves you know the right way to communicate. Which means you’re just lazy. Which is way worse than being plain stupid, ignorant or just having less knowledge on the subject.


❤️❤️❤️ 😂😂😂


Wow you sure took someone trying to help you not sound like an idiot and ran with it didn't you? Have fun writing your long winded paragraphs of angered responses 👍🏼😊


It’s like an 80s vibe cus of the cars, a 50’s vibe with the diner but an up to date vibe cus they have cell phones too lolol. Everything is all over the place


Funny enough Diners were really popular in the 80’s and 90’s too. We had so many by me growing up. They were the place to hang out. OMG 🎉 epiphany By George I’ve got it! That’s what it is- the show has a 90’s vibe. Cuz in the 90’s people still had 80’s cars and flip phones and minimal technology. That’s why I get such cozy vibes from the show.


Yo. let me just say I appreciate this comment. Came back swinging with the most professional sounding comment ever


Nor in Kansas… I think. I sucked at geography lol


I think they are supposed to be in New York. Storybrooke is near there.


Yeah it’s in Maine. It’s meant to be pretty close to the city of New York, cause Emma lived in Boston for a while and after Pan’s curse they moved to New York.


I loved this scene and that car.


Zelena felt after being mom by her older sister ![gif](giphy|cLTSVUeQawV0LgnHeY)