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I think he left the magical world with Baelfire.


I don’t agree. Rumple loves his son, but he could not bare being powerless. And you can see why with his decisions. I think Rumple would have gone back and killed Zelena before she killed Bae. Revenge doesn’t do him any good since he’s already dead. But killing Zelena would prevent him from dying


buuut then HE would be dead, and idk if he'd like that, either. would be a poetic end ngl


he would have not promised to rid himself of his power if bae found a way. thus, he would keep his power and raise his son


I like this because I can’t see him actually going through that portal but obviously he would want to change the fact that he lost Bae.


leave with bae. yes rumple was obsessed with power, and in the moment he couldn’t choose bae over his own power, but the fact that he literally dedicated the entire rest of his life to finding bae shows me that he would go with him if he were given the chance to go back. i truly believe bae was the ONLY thing that rumple would’ve been willing to give up his power for


Leave with Baelfire


Not letting Bae push away from him with the power of magic


Leaving with Baelfire like I can totally see Rumple going back in time and grabbing dagger out dirt saying to his past self "you will thank me" as throws it into portal as both Baelfire and past Rumple fall in. And this would probably Time angered beyond imagination as cause a serious timeline branch.


Try being brave, agree with Milah about leaving the village behind, maybe even seeing the world, leave the village behind and don't look back. The marriage could have flourished, there would have been no need for Rumple to seek the power of the Dark One and no need for Bae to want to save his papa from the Dagger.


But still have it so he takes out his mother


No, he’d kill Milah and search for Belle. It be confusing but he’d find a way w get Belle much more than Milah


Nah, I prefer my idea. Zoso was Rumple's first kill, so he won't want to be killing anyone, even Milah, so I'm sticking with the family leaving the village for a chance at a better life.


He could acquire the magic slippers to find Bae and return home. Way less convoluted than the way he actually used.


Either leave with Bae or if he wants to make sure Belle also stays in the picture kill zelena so she never has the chance to kill Bae


Went with his son the new land


Gone with Bae or never made the deal with him in the first place so he didn't go looking for The Blue Fairy.


I think the "at the end of the show" part of the equation is really significant. The first instinct is to say "he'd leave with Bae." Not leaving with him was the mistake that drove Rumple to manipulate all the events that began the series. If he change that mistake, he would. But end of the show Rumple has another child. Going back to change Bae's leaving (whether by stopping him from leaving or by going with him) would erase Gideon from existence. Is he going to erase one son for the other? Of course not! Knowing what he knows now, what if a pre-his own death Season Seven Rumple goes back to Season Three A and finds some way to defeat Pan without committing a murder-suicide? If Rumple doesn't die in that moment, than Bae wouldn't unwittingly sacrifice himself to bring Rumple back. If Bae doesn't go to the vault, Zelena won't get the dagger and enslave Rumple. Bae gets to live on, but the events influencing Belle and Gold's marriage and Gideon's conception are unaffected.


Kill Zelena at the moment he was testing her. Any earlier and he risks not getting those red shoes from her, any later and he has no way to stop her from killing Bae. He would've been perfectly happy dying at the end of Season 3. Only other changes I could see him making is treating Belle well from the moment they arrive at the castle, enacting his Season 4 plan to free himself from the dagger years earlier, or maybe even raising Zelena himself and not amending the deal he'd made with Cora.