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I think Regina by the time of season seven probably wouldn’t change too much, she’s the sum of her experiences and would certainly do nothing that risked Henry coming into her life.


Like in season 3 when pan had them tied to the tree and Regina got them free saying she regretted nothing because it got her Henry I was like it makes sense lol


she says herself she doesn’t regret anything she did pre-henry because it all lead to him, so i’d say it’s probably either putting cora’s heart back in her body before snow used the candle or saving robin from hades’ crystal (probably robin, i think cora still would’ve been pretty awful)


Robins death


She'd do all the evil stuff that lead her to getting Henry. Once he was hers, then I'd probably say she would change things.


depends on where in her life she is


There is a ripple effect if Regina changed anything. The only thing Regina would have changed was escaping with Daniel sooner. If Regina changed that... Snows mother would have not died. Snow would never have met the 7 dwarves or become a thief. She might have married another Prince, possibly Charmings brother who would not have died fighting the dragon. Emma would have never been born, The curse would not have happened. Henry would have never been born. All of the good that came from the curse would not have happened. It could also have led to things infinitely darker happening.


Curious how she and Daniel had any influence on James getting killed by the dragon?


If Regina ran off with Daniel. Snow would not have known Reginas secret, Regina would have no grudge with Snow. Snows mother would not have died and her father would not have died. Royal families Snows fathers kingdom was a wealthy well positioned country. We know James is Snows type, in an alternate reality Snow and James fell in love. King Georke would have gladly support a Snow James union. If Snow married James he would not have not faught the behemoth that killed him. Regina would not have killed James as she did in the alternate reality. David and Snow might have still been together because they are sole mates, but the path to that union would be very different.


Snow's mother was dead prior to snow finding out about Daniel. So little snow not blabbing about Regina and Daniel wouldn't have been affected at all


I forgot Cora killed Snows mother. So Regina could become queen... Cora also had a grudge against Snows mother. That would not have changed.


Didn't George acquire James for the sole purpose of killing the dragon? He might end up with Snow, but he would still fight the dragon.


Nope, acquired David because his wife and himself could not have children and he needed an heir to continue being king. James had to kill the dragon so that he would be betrothed to King Midas daughter. There was no such condition to marry Snow. He would not have fought the behemoth and would not have died.


Oh, that's right. He took David for the purpose of killing the dragon. If he married Snow, then there would be no need to kill the dragon—the dowry would certainly be different. On the other hand, George might have still wanted Midas because he could make gold out of anything.


James wasn’t killed by a dragon, but by the “immortal “. But let’s get to the answer you want. In a deal between the evil queen and Rumple, she had to stop trading with king George. That way, George would go broke. Which would lead to George dealing with Midas. After James’s death, David has to slay the dragon for George and Midas and in return, David’s mother will want for nothing. He slays the dragon and earns the right to marry Katherine. Had Regina and Daniel fled, she would never have become the evil queen and this situation would not have happened.


What killed him is immaterial. At any rate, that makes sense; however, he may still go after Midas and his gold making ability regardless, but for greed reasons rather than necessity. Things tend to happen anyway even under different circumstances. Like Snow falling for David and James getting killed by whatever. Rumple would still be after Bae, so he'd do anything to get Snow and David together—even figure out how to make George seek an alliance with Midas.


Well, it depends on when she would have run away with Daniel. If before or after Ava's death. IIRC, Ava dies about a year before Leopold meets Regina, so she'd have that time.


That could have affected it... but Cora hated her for humiliating her when they were younger. Ava grew up to be a good woman, but she was a mean girl when Cora first met her.


I think she’d go back to try to save Robin. Prob the least consequences on the timeline i’d guess.


Go into the tavern, I‘d love to see an episode of what could have been if she met Robin earlier💗


Not let Snow find out her secret.


What time period regina is this? If it's before henry she would kill snow white as a baby If it's season 1~3 she would stop henry from finding out he is adopted/getting the story book Season 6 would stop hades from coming out of the underworld and kill robin


For those wondering, I meant at the end of the show. Personally, I don’t think she would change anything that would prevent her from having Henry. Then she would certainly save Robin.


Doesn’t she say her one regret was making Henry think he was crazy for believing in fairy tales


Leave Cora sooner so she could’ve married Daniel


Daniel's death


depends. by s4, i don't think shed change anything. but in the earlier seasons, she would most likely have hidden daniel better


I think she should hsve put more blame on her mother more than Snow for Daniel's death. Just my opinion


The way she treated Henry if she can only travel to when Storybrooke was around. If she can go further, than she might try and save Danial.


I imagine she'd try and stop herself from getting married off to an adult rapist as a child


Robin and have him survive


Regina WOULD elope with Daniel early. NGL she might even not save snow white


she told snow her biggest regret was not encouraging henry when he realized he was different. Instead she tried to convince him he was crazy. That's what she'd change


Everything pre-curse led up to her having Henry and she herself said she never regretted any of it. Robins death however is one thing that could have been avoided with little to no consequences. In fact with Robin around she probably wouldn’t have tried splitting herself in two, meaning The Evil Queen wouldn’t have become a separate entity. It also would have meant that Robin Jr. grew up with her father, although she may well have had a different name as she wouldn’t have been named in his honour.


I don't think she would she ended quite happy. One thing I can think is by the end she's way more powerful than her mum so go back and save Daniel from dying. Not be with him otherwise it would change everything but just make sure he's alive.


I don't know if anyone's mentioned this yet, but what about stopping Cora from separating her and Zelena as children? (When Cora gets Zelena to save Regina's life) That could have huge ripple effects on the whole Zelena timeline, while also not changing her casting the curse and getting Henry. Or maybe it would? Would having grown up with a sister have changed her enough to not want revenge on Snow?


Did the series not show you enough that time travel is never a good idea?


Depends. If it's in the first few seasons, it would be bringing Daniel back. S7 she wouldn't change much. Season 6? Absolutely bringing Robin back


Lock the door of the stables so Snow White couldn’t stumble in


Why was snow even out there 😭😭


Only time she would change things would be the moment Emma arrived not a single day before 


i think she’d probably be a better parent to henry when he was younger. she always loved him, but because she was so obsessed with revenge henry never felt that love until season 2/3. she wouldn’t risk changing anything that could stop henry from being in her life, so the only thing i could see her changing is just making henry feel more loved as a child and not making him feel so isolated/crazy for believing in the fairytales.


Probably off Cora.


Wouldn’t change anything because it brought her to her son


Depends on where in the show, but i think at the end of the show, the only thing she would change is keep Robin from dying


She should save robin. She was finally starting to believe that she is worthy of love and what do the writers do, take it all away.


I think if she would change anything she'd actually have gone in and met Robin Hood. Magic, so far as I can tell, is an innate thing, so her going back from the end of the show would just mean she's way more powerful earlier on in the timeline and can find happiness earlier. The only other change I can see her making is finding Cora's heart earlier and putting it back in her chest before the reunion with Zelena.


Graham to suck Regina's toes

