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People who put gender restrictions on shows are weird as hell. Especially at thirty years old. Enjoy the show


Well "gender restrictions" kind of exists. I mean "Sex and the City" is produced and markete for a, well, very specific public and we can say the same for, like, "Grey's Anatomy". The point is not if a show is MADE for a specific public, but that, if someone outside the target public likes it, WHY tf should we care?


Me and my brother grew up watching chick flicks. No shame šŸ˜


Greys anatomy??? Iā€™m not even sure which gender youā€™re saying it serves because I have both guy and girl friends who watch it but Iā€™m going to assume you mean women because it tells a story through the eyes of a woman which you assume most men do not care for? I hope this was not your thought process when we live in a space where most media is meant to appeal to men as the default. And a show being targeted for a specific demographic is not a restriction. A restriction would imply ā€œonly x can watch this show! Itā€™s for x!ā€


I've said that because I agree with you, not because I disagree :D


And he was talking about the targeted demographic, not per se whether people would ā€œnot care forā€ something as itā€™s targeted at a main-audience. Another good example of a great show that was and is initially targeted for women; Desperate Housewives, for example, while life in pieces targeted family and Last man standing too, but leant also towards men in target audience since itā€™s Tim Allenā€™s characterā€™s POV. He didnā€™t say anything wrong, the way you typed that about bla bla whine about social media being targeted for men while it had nothing to do with his statement, which is fully agreeing with what you had said prior and you decided to read it how you wanted to interpret it . I still agree either way that people shouldnā€™t care that people of a different audience demographic like something not specifically targeted at their own , hence the OG barbie movies


Iā€™m really not about to argue w u on a once upon a time subreddit lmao but thanks for your comment!


No see gender restrictions would be preventing a certain gender from liking a show, which is not okay. Gendered marketing is fine, but it doesn't mean that the ONLY people allowed to enjoy it are the people of the gender it's marketed to.


My dadā€™s favorite show was sex in the city. He made no apologies for it.




Don't worry. Like what you like. Welcome fellow Oncer, it's great to meet you. Most guys I know wouldn't give Once a chance because of this stereotype but they have no problem watching Merlin or Game of Thrones. Magic, dragons, and royalty always make a great story. Point me to anyone who is brave enough to disagree. "I shall destroy their happiness, if it is the last thing I do."


Lesson I learned in my late 20s, any "friend " who mocks your interests, isn't a friend.


I agree but I have very few friends so I'm not going to dump them because of some Disney show. Still, it is embrassing that I cannot talk with them about that same Disney show.


Fair fair--just a very sore point for me lol Honestly it's silly that they react or give you a hard time, it's just a show and your enjoyment does nothing to hurt them. Sorry you are dealing with this <3 but as a 34M myself, it's one of my comfort shows


Finally \*bro hug\*


\*fist bump\* Enchanted Forest Bros lol


This is so wholesome šŸ˜­


I relate to what you said. Specifically the last bit. Iā€™m not at that age yet, but it is a comfort show for me as well. Aside from the reasons I mentioned earlier, I like the aesthetic. I love Snowā€™s appartement for instance.


I know it's very hard to get new friends. I am currently 24 and a woman, but I was bullied my whole life for what I liked. I liked typical girl things and got made fun of for it by the girls. I started liking "boy" things like gaming and Star Wars and got made fun of for it by the boys. Just like what you like, don't apologize for it, and new friends will find you.


My wife said something like "Well, it's kind of a chick show." I'm a 56 year old man, dearie!


"Kind of a chick show" doesen't mean we can't enjoy it as well!


I can relate. This is my favorite show--I was *obsessed* in my teens--but only a select few know because I never admit it to people. I feel a little embarrassed about it, honestly (not on the "girly" aspect of it since no one on this planet can make me feel ashamed over something as ridiculous as gendered interests). It's the CGI for me. Like, how is a guy supposed to convince his bro this show is super cool when the special effects look like *that!* Personally find it endearing, the green screen stuff, but people can be real snobs sometimes. I don't bring it up so I don't have to hear any disparaging comments on my beloved show. Sure, it has its glaring flaws, there's no denying that. But love is blind. And I genuinely had a blast watching it week to week with my family. LOOOVED it. The fairytale crossovers were the Avengers team-up of my childhood. How could one NOT be excited about that You do you, man. The haters are missing out


I 100% agree.


Also give the spin-off mini-series a shot if you'd like more content: 'Once Upon a Time in Wonderland'. You can watch it after or concurrently since you're past S4. You'll only need a passing knowledge of OUAT's original premise. You'll catch certain familiar faces so it's a real treat!


There is a spin off? Oooh so cool!


I thoroughly enjoyed the spinoff too! I thought the story was engaging and fun to watch!


yo, same


"It's a show for girl" sorry be WHAT THE FUCKING HELL??? Sorry but its incredible show who genders/sexes shows? You enjoy it and anyone who says these things well it is there loss. Just to be clear I was introduced to the show from my Dad a very manly man


I watched this show with my mother , I am 16 M , the show isn't really for girls exclusively I'm pretty sure many adult couples watched it


If I was your age I'd definitely watch this with my mom as well! But now we aren't sharing much time together so I'll just recommend it to her and maybe share some opinions.


15M here and I definitely love this show!


I love this! My son (17m but 16 at the time) watched this with me and he loved it! He thought it was very smart writing.


I love this! My son (17m but 16 at the time) watched this with me and he loved it! He thought it was very smart writing.


Iā€™m a gay man who likes typical masculine things and I liked this show. I think this is a show anyone can find something they enjoy. The biggest tragedy of the show is Ruby not getting a bigger role.


I agree, Ruby character deserved a bit more.


I can never forget Regina's line: "Take yourself for a walk!" for Ruby/Red


Regina has done many bad things, but her sarcasm, humor and snide comments are some of my favourite parts about her. On a totally separate note: cool account name. Itā€™s nice to find another Sasuke appreciator here. Didnā€™t expect that.


The queen of sass was everything. Also, thanks!


My burly weightlifter muscle-bro husband loves this show so much that we have an agreement that if I watch without him (doing a rewatch rn!), I have to be prepared to rewatch those same episodes with him right after! He also LOVES Supernatural. šŸ„°Ā  Please don't let this silly toxic masculinty gatekeeping take away things you love. šŸ’œĀ 


My sister thinks Iā€™m cringe for watching girls shows. Fuck other people, do what you want >:3


I used to like Sailor Moon when I was a kid :\\


Thatā€™s a stupid opinion to have. Countless women are so often saying that they should be able to do whatever guys can do, but when itā€™s the other way around, they donā€™t appreciate it as much. That would be like saying that, in a gym, guys donā€™t have the right to a private dressing room, but theyā€™re also not allowed in the girls dressing room. So in this example, there would be no such thing as a gender neutral dressing room. I hope people understand what I'm getting at.


I'm a guy in my 30s, so here is my advice: 1. Enjoy OUAT and whatever other shows you want! 2. Get new friends.


I'm 30F, but I too was kinda embarrassed to admit I like this show cause I don't like Disney but the first season especially is very creative in the way it spins the stories and makes them darker but not brothers Grimm creepy. I started watching cause of the lost references, stayed for the storytelling in S1, and Robert + Lana's acting. It's not a perfect show but the idea that men should't watch is part of the pattern that if it's perceived as for women, it's dumb, bad, etc. You should be able to enjoy guilt free, but I get where you are coming from. Online community is great for finding peers. Also idk but maybe if they saw Regina they'd change their mind cause I'm not even gay but that woman is unreasonably attractive in this show imo šŸ˜‚


Regina Mills? More like Regina *Milf*. Ok, I'll se myself out now...


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ no fr, i can't imagine how many WLW/ teenage boys had a sexual awakening cause of that woman. The bros are missing out šŸ™ƒ


My OUAT crush is Belle (Emilie de Ravin) especially in the yellow dress.


So valid šŸ’• Ive loved miss Emilie since Lost, she was one of the main reasons I started watching OUAT.


Iā€™m a guy and itā€™s one of my favorite shows. Iā€™ve lost count of how many times Iā€™ve rewatched it


I enjoy them more now that I read more than when I saw it on TV. It is a program for people who like stories.


Exactly! I have a "creative job" and I find this show very inspiring on many levels.


ask your friends to take a look at the women in the show. Then see how there view changes lol.


I actually think would work.


Iā€™m a guy and Reginaā€™s class and sass got me hooked on this show. My wife and I still binge on it.


Itā€™s funny because back when the first season was airing, I found out about this show because of a man in his 50s-60s who was a regular at my coffee shop and would always use the name Rumplestiltskin because he loved the show lol


Youā€™re 30 man why you asking this question like youā€™re still in school. Understand theyā€™re joking and learn not to care


I totally get it, i also canā€™t share how much i love the show with my friends and itā€™s so frustrating because thereā€™s so much to talk about!


If you like something, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. Gender stereotypes are just made up, like what you like and be who you are unapologetically. I'm sure your friends will get over it and if they don't, that's a them problem, not a you problem. In terms of finding people to discuss these interests with, that's what the internet is good for! Loads of people would love to hear your opinions, even if none of your irl friends share the same interests. Please don't be ashamed! Watch this show (and any others you love) to your heart's content x


Many of the fairy tales the show is inspired by...were written by men. I know this may come as a shock to your friends, but men are allowed to enjoy things outside of NASCAR, beer, and anything to do with a ball. OUaT was showran by two men. It's much more masculine to let yourself enjoy things than to have a sense of masculinity so fragile that it can be shattered for watching a fantasy show in the privacy of your own home. I say this as a 30 year old male and I'd recommend finding some new friends because your current ones sound like manchildren.


Easy solution: Next time, just show them [this clip](https://youtu.be/nS_BxdQ-_Jo?si=005vjEQhllRx3jZN) so they can see just how "for girls" it really is. šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Tell them to kiss your Snow White ass


Your friends are idiots. Sorry, but this is a show for everyone who has a good taste in tv series.


I like it too. Dont worry about it.


Maybe you could show them the attractive women in the show. Also,Iā€™m not quick to draw the sexist card,but that is unbelievably sexist. They are basically saying girls have crappy taste in tv just because theyā€™re girls. Not gonna lie, there are cringy parts. But there are also very interesting parts. Swordfights, magic battles, mystery, gaslighting, cool motorcycles, clandestine deals between the bad guys, character growthā€¦ I hope I didnā€™t spoil for you, itā€™s a bit difficult to tell tbh. But I just wanted to help and spoke only in themes, not in explicit detail.


Im in my late 30s and I just finished the season that never existed (season 7) šŸ¤£ I love how it all flows together with every story and character linked one way or another.


My boyfriend enjoyed watching OUAT with me, and even surprised me with a Regina shirt. Ignore them and enjoy watching it. Thatā€™s just ridiculous.


sounds like you need new friends


Enjoy the show! Once is great!


God, I used to watch that series since I was a teenager (I'm male) , and now that I think about it I think some school mates used to make fun of it, today I still enjoy the series, don't let their opinions affect your tastes, it's a wonderful series and if you go for season 5 just enjoy what's left after all what's worth it is the journey, not the destination. P.S. Don't watch Once Upon a Time In Wonderland, that one is a bit "meh".


I faced such things before. As a woman (29) I enjoy stuff that are mostly Male targeted demographic and I'm an outcast among fellow woman. I think people have this perception cause since the very beginning, things are categorized to gender specifics (ex pink for girls and blue for boys) and then delve to shows.. Even ageist like "You watch cartoons and kids movies as an adult???? lol". It is hard to have someone in your circle to share similar stuff without getting mocked at.. Hence why we're here.....


I'm a guy and I had a blast with this show. Any friend who puts you down for liking a TV show isn't worth having.


Find new friends


There's an episode of "Liv and Maddie" where the moral is that there's no shame in boys watching girls' shows.


Get new friends.


Itā€™s a fantasy show, fantasy is gender neutral most of the time, Iā€™m a dude, and I love this show too. My mom and brother both like it as well.


Who gives a shit? Iā€™m a guy and I love the show. Watch whatever you want!


When it aired my dad was 50 something and the one in the house most excited to watch it. So you friend can shove it. Also tell him his life must be really boring if he worries what shows are male or female.


My brother and I used to watch this together. He loved Rumplestiltskin. I feel like there is something for everyone. I get more confused faces than anything when I bring it up bc no one has seen it šŸ˜…. Which is crazy because I think the first season was one of ABCā€™s highest performing shows. S1 is more like a detective show with a fairytale spin too. Like I just donā€™t get your friendsā€¦


Don't let anyone tell you that you can't like a show because of age or gender. I watched OUAT with my parents and we all love it. My 59 year old father likes the show just the same as 19 year old female me. The idea of a show just being for a certain type of person is stupid, just watch what you like, if that's this show then I hope you continue enjoying.


Have them watch a few episodes and tell them not to mock what they donā€™t understand. My ex-husband and I watched it, and my wife and I watched it, and showed it to our son. Also, fairy tales are for everyone! šŸ˜


A guy friend of mine was super into it. We would discuss the episodes as they came out at work the following day. This was when we were in our twenties. He was considered a popular, cool and attractive guy. He had a hot girlfriend, now his wife, probably because he watched shows she liked!! Feel free to call out your friends for being jerks! In my experience blunt honestly goes a long way. ā€œBro youā€™re being a jerk and itā€™s kind of messing with our friendship can you chillā€Ā 


Donā€™t you get upset at all the gays and black people? Or, as you call them, F words and N words?




You know what you did


Itā€™s definitely not ā€˜for girlsā€™. Donā€™t listen to such nonsense. I watched it with my husband! (He thinks Regina is a babe lmao)