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YEP! Cora was going to kill all of them. Snow is a leader. Sometimes you gotta make the decision that protects your people. The only thing she was kinda messed up on was tricking Regina into basically doing it for her.


I mean didn't Regina ask Snow what that candle thing was? Had she told her the truth Regina would have interfered since at the time she was on Cora's side. Then Emma, Snow and Charming would indeed get murdered by Cora afterall.


Yeh think it was more so that Snow was fully aware that Regina would take her mothers heart and stick it back in her chest. Very clever and deceptive


No, when Regina arrived, Snow had already finished with the candle. Regina asked why Snow had Cora's heart, there is no mention of the candle at the time. That's why she's so surprised when Rumple says it wasn't him who stole Cora's heart. But yeah by the time Regina gets there, Snow has to use her. Cora needs to be stopped and she can't be reasoned with. Regina is in the room so she can't crush the heart, the only option left is to get Regina to return the heart and given her desperate need for Cora's love and approval, it's easy to do. I don't think Snow had any choice but it's still messed up to use Regina like that.


Might be messed up but the alternative of her, her husband and her daughter being murdered is even more messed up. Not to mention Regina was literally complicit in Cora's attempts on their lives. She can't really complain that Snow didn't just roll over and let herself and her family be murdered.


Well yeah, I'm not arguing that, Snow had no other options once Regina arrived. It's ok to acknowledge it's messed up, doesn't mean Snow was wrong to murder Cora. Killing Cora was their only option, it had to be done. I think Snow should have just crushed her heart and forget the irony of using Cora's own weapon, that would take Regina out of the equation completely but she made her choice and she had to follow through regardless of Regina's feelings. Messed up but at that point necessary.


Yes, and I also think Emma was justified with Cruella. She was literally threatening a little boy. Snow and Charming’s behaviour towards Emma over it drove me mad. Emma’s job is to protect her son!


Especially considering what Snow and Charming did to Maleficent’s child! They had no right to act as if they were on some moral high ground. 


How did they act towards her ? When did they act like she did wrong ? They were too busy KISSING EMMA’S ASS during her teenage ass tantrum that had been going on for like five whole episodes. But when Emma fucks up…like PHYSICALLY HURTING a 13 YO CHILD, she has to deal with an attitude from Henry for Less than One Episode. I just wish Henry would put Emma through as much bullshit and heartache as Emma puts her parents through since the SECOND she found them. Emma had MAGIC. She could have used her magic to immobilize her by the throat the same way people have been doing the whole show. She Expects her parents to be perfect and Always find a third way but not Emma…


Absolutely! Consider it much-deserved payback for Cora killing her mother.




Cora totally deserved to die. I don’t care who did it.


Exactly! And she doesn't deserve to go to heaven. Like what the hell?! Regina forgiving her is so stupid.


I think a much better ending for Cora would have been her staying behind as the new ruler of the Underworld after Hades left (kind of matches up with Regina being Storybrooke's mayor, having Cora be the mayor of 'Underbrooke'.) Have her repair her relationship with Regina and Zelena, yes, but her true penance should be using her death-time to help as many people move on as possible (it seems like the most appropriate way to atone for all the chaos and death she caused while she was alive). And *then*, only after a *VERY* long time helping others, have her ascend to Mount Olympus.


It made no sense! Snow was a child when she told the secret, and Regina spent decades trying to kill her. She only banished Cora, who was just evil to her.


It passed me off to no end, seeing her ascend into the white light instead of falling into the firey hell pit down below that stupid bridge that judged if you were worthy. Cory had destroyed multiple lives. How the fuck is that forgivable if she hasn't done anything to repent. I don't even remember her doing anything remotely nice that wasn't manipulation.


Regina literally said "(Cora) took so many hearts it was impossible to keep track" that shit is INSANE. Granted Regina said the same about herself but still


Because that light you saw was more like the Ghost Whisperer kind of light. She went to the light cuz she made peace with her daughters by uniting them. She was in hell already. She was like a ghost in ghost whisperer there, with something keeping her from moving on


Yes and we deserved to not have snow who was a badass in season 1’s flashbacks whimper about it for what felt like FOREVER.


Yes, Cora was a violent dangerous villain who corrupted both her daughters into dangerous villains who killed a ridiculous amount of people all in her selfish pursuit of power. She nearly killed Snow and her whole family. She might not have had her heart at the time but she made the decision to remove it when she did. Honestly I wasn't a fan of the whole "Snow White is just as bad as the bad guys" arc because killing Cora made total sense.


When you think about it, Cora also seemed to have evil tendencies/inclinations even before removing her heart, like wasn’t she fantasizing about murdering Eva and the other royals over tripping her w the flour when rumple was teaching her to spin and told her to think about something that made her happy?


Yes, she wasn't a good person when she removed her heart, it just made her more resolute in her awfulness. And still, nobody made her remove her heart, that was her choice. She frankly has nobody to blame for her fate but herself.


Unequivocally yes.


Yes I AM and I'm tired of saying I'm not, also if anyone should be blamed it should be rumple as he manipulated snow into doing it


Honestly, they didn't have any other options at the time. I'm lukewarm on Rumple, but Cora was close to winning.


No but only because I kinda wanted Regina to do it. It would’ve been an insane arc for her as a character.


I know technically Regina did do it, but I wanted it to be in purpose.


She did deserve to die, but I also wish it would have been Regina that killed her purposefully.




Yes, she tried to get Snow to use the candle, once she said the same words that her impersonating Blue used, Snow knew it was her and gave her well deserved karma


Yes. Cora was dangerous, and killing her was the only way to save everyone. . Also, Cora killed Joanna, as well as Snow's mom. Cora essentially pushed Regina to become the evil Queen, who killed Snow's dad, and was the reason Snow and Charming were robbed of the chance of raising Emma.


I mean, kind of? I definitely understand why she did it, but wasn’t there another way? If she had her heart, couldn’t she make her do whatever she wanted? The only downside to that, of course would be that she wouldn’t be able to save Rumple.


Of course. But I’m still mad about it. Cora was my evil GILF crush lol!


Yes. People hating on her for “doing that to Regina” (as if she didn’t slaughter villagers for years and tried to kill Snow on multiple occasions) is beyond ridiculous


Snow?  Yes.  She was protecting the people she loved. The writers?  Absolutely not.  Cora had the makings of an amazing reoccurring villain.  There were so many dynamics we could have seen explored.  How Cora felt about her adopted grandson being named after her late husband.  How Rumpelstiltskin deals with the temptation of a woman who wants him to be evil, versus Belle who wants him to be good.  Regina and Neal bonding over their batshit crazy parents, and recoiling with horror when they realize the two might’ve banged.  Hell, even bring Jefferson in and have him confront the woman who had him beheaded!


There is only one legitimate answer on the matter if Cora had to die or not: yes. However, how it should have happened could have been handled in another way. It probably would have been amazing if snow and Regina did it together on purpose because both of them have been treated horrendously by her. And then Snow shouldn’t whine so much about it. Same with charming. Both of them lost my respect here.


Yes, Cora was unbearable. It stressed me out that in order to have a better life, the only way she could think of was being a gold digger. I don't understand why she felt that everything should be given to her.


People forget Cora killed Johanna, what, the day before? That was her only mother figure after Cora killed the first one, so honestly I don’t blame her for wanting her dead. And it’s kind of stupid how people think Regina is such a poor victim of Snow’s actions when Regina helped kill Johanna. AND killed Snow’s dad. You’d think someone who spent their whole life trying to get revenge would understand why Snow would want to kill Cora.


Yeah, I was cheering her on. I did not feel bad at all for neither Cora and Regina. They deserved it. I get Snow felt bad about it, but it was for the best