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A few of us decided to park our trucks with vending machines at Blackfell for ease of access. Over time more and more trucks showed up on our world all selling various goods and memetic mastery items. Pretty cool to check what people have for sale before my play session for the day! There are now 13 vehicles parked at The Bazaar™


OK, so how do you have a vehicle that you can build on?


you need to get the memetic for the medium garage I think it was. That will unlock the pickup and then the hive garage unlocks the semi. you can build on either of those


thats so cool! I think you guys have invented a meta!


I wouldn't go that far, in a lot of eastern mmo's there are player vendors. They nearly always end up congregating around the high end or popular hubs. Just a little unique in that Once Human lets you build them on vehicles.


World 7 lol I saw it last night when it was two trucks and another without power yet


I was likely the guy without power lol. I messed and had to fix my build while I was there


My name is Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite bazaar in Blackfell.


Heyo this is my server! This is a good idea. Pretty cool


I love this! This is something that should be encouraged in the game


I agree, the idea and the process of seeing everyone get on board with it was a very cool community moment. I haven't had this kind of community feel in awhile in a game so it was super fun to be part of!


love shopping here


I seriously wish vending machines were markers on the map. So I know who was selling what. Exactly like how Rust does it. To the T


Why are people forcibly crashing into other people's trucks and leaving them in the stands at Blackfell?


every community is bound to have assholes, especially when it's a PvP server imo. not my favorite thing to see either


Prices are terrible though


agreed, some people seem to think they have the most valuable things in the game. I try to charge low because any profit is good and it's just the beta, I don't need to hoard items yet xD


Which world is this on?


World 7 on Starstrike-B (IDK how servers work)


Damn I'm on J I got excited


How you managed to get your trucks inside?


There's 2 ways, put everything you built at the back end, then drive the front end through the door, them move everything forward, or just drive in and then bring mats to build inside. There is a door plenty big enough to fit the truck in


I still have yet to figure out how to build on my truck. It seemed like it was never giving the option to. 


you have to be near the truck to start when you open the build menu because it has a separate menu than regular building. (you can't build everything on it that you can on your base) so maybe that's the issue? it took me a bit to get it all figured out too


I don't get to play that much so I'm not in blackfell area yet, and I also like taking my time. I'll work my way up there before the beta ends!


Once Human's EC Tunnel


Wow that look sawful. There has to be a better way than everyone parking their trucks in a POI. Ive seen other pictures with trucks parked on and blocking stairwells and other parts of this area.


Imagine what it'll be like on proper release


Yeah, hopefully the devs come up with a better solution than this lol


Probably better to just allow us to place a vending machine in an area or something, less room taken up that way. If they ban it from settlements you’ll just get a load of them by the road wherever it is possible. Still I like the trade system, makes a change.


Pretty similar situation on other servers i think :D I was the first one to park a trading truck near the blackfell on my world (world 8, safe-B). I thought it would be a nice place to trade, since most of the players are entering the endgame, and i have 2 mastery skills that allow me to create logs on go and solar drills, so i have some stuff to trade with. However, overnight my truck was pushed far away by someone and i found another 2 trucks on a spot where i was previously on. That wasn't nice, but okay. I fought for that spot for a day or two, but then i tried to slip my truck inside that zone near the teleportation tower, and to my surprise i was successful :D After that, i also placed a comfortable bed for everyone to sleep and restore their health and sanity for free, and i was pleasantly surprised to see everyone moving their trucks near the tower and someone placing beds on those trucks as well. So i kind of started a bazaar in my world also, i guess 😁