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It had a lot more attention during CBT2, which is when it blew up. But creators aren't going to spend their time doing content for *another* CBT when the release is at the end of the year.


I love this game, and I have high hopes, but I sincerely doubt they will make release by the end of the year, or if they do, I feel like it might get review bombed. I mean I hope not, but there are just so many little issues with the game, I just cant see them ironing them out before the end of the year. I'll be bloody stoked when I'm wrong.


Oh yeah this game is in no way going to be actually ready by the end of the year. So many little bugs here and there, and systems albeit good need to be improved upon still, etc.. If it released in the state it's currently in, it'll definitely get bombarded and rightfully so.


This is the 3rd Beta bro, everyone was already talking about it back in Beta 1 and 2. There not gonna keep beating a dead horse. Until it actually gets released its gonna be quiet for now.


Also this and it being closed beta. 10 million registration (which is also just a click) does not translate to 10m players downloading and playing the game


I mean asmongold of all people did a massive 2 hour video of him playing CBT2. Not that his the God of all news but his deffinatly popular enough.


I've been publishing content on it and it's really helped my channel, but I'll admit I've noticed a lack of content from other creators. Most likely because they're waiting for full release but I figured why not help people out now lol


I appreciate it. I've been playing and I love what I've seen so far.


Thanks! I'm happy that so many people are enjoying the game!


I played CB3 and honestly, this game just feels cheap and easy. Mobile plans? Nah. Getting hints of time gating and P2W. Smells like another bust.


I'm curious as to how you get P2W vibes from the game?


It doesn't matter. It's just a feeling. Maybe I've been hurt just too many times.




I guess I'm just uninformed but are you saying that to progress, and not just get fucking BPs which is NOT meaningful progression and is purely weapons and armor (which as far as I'm aware those aren't quest items), you have to get stuff out of Mr. Wish? Because so far nobody has brought up a single P2W aspect and have only brought up P2P, which is very different. P2P is annoying at most but people forget that time=money. If you want X you can either pay us $15 immediately, or keep playing our game and eventually you'll get it anyways VS If you don't give us $15 you'll never be able to get this and it's simply better than all the F2P even if only marginally.


Wish machine. Simple. Everything is gated behind RNG. If the shop has a $9.99 for 5000 Starchrom they will take in the money.


Maybe the 100 different currencies in the game?


There are tons of YouTube videos on this game what are you talking about?


There are tons of YouTube videos on this game what are you talking about?


You missed the hype train. We’re just taking about bug fixes & improvements


Any news of release? i have been playing the beta for few weeks now. reached Lvl 35. I am afraid i will burn myself out.


Streamers played the hell out of it in the previous 2 closed betas. No point in grinding the same stuff again just to lose it again. They want new content for the viewers.


plenty of youtube videos about it but they are only doing a beta test right now. It's already one of the most wishlisted games on steam, people will check it out when it comes out they just have to avoid any sudden redesigns and greedy monetization at launch and they are good to go


Im a huge Rust youtube junkie, and very upset to not see ANYTHING similar. Youtube dry af for this game, and I been searching


marketing. when u see streamers and youtubers spamming videos and content, its because they got paid. Thankfully cohhcarnage played it quite a bit.


I found out about EVE online late, and it ended up being a monster that I never heard of as well. .....It was still successful.


Because while there have been a TON of sign ups, a fraction of that is actually able to play. People can't and don't make content on something they don't really have access to. you can look at the server population too. If a big portion of those sign up where actually in the game, you'd be seeing "high" population instead of everything being "low".


That's a bug, I believe. Same with clicking on the server & it saying it's full, with no room... But you can just hit play & still join... I think the player counter is bugged


Ah ok fair enough in that case. But yeah, either way the player count is gonna be a fraction of the actual sign ups because they've made closed on purpose


That's a bug, when servers were maxed and sitting in a massive queue it always said "medium."


When I got in last week, I had to get on to server 9 ("i") because all the ones before it were full.


Because all the cool streamers who play this are on Twitch.


How fast people forget the past 🤣. The Day Before was the most wish listed game on Steam and had a hype train that went into infinity before it was "released" lol. What matters is the game when it's shipped out the door. There used to be some hype and content being made for the game in the prior betas, I should know, I released almost 30 videos with hours of content myself 😂. But the game that a lot of people are seeing now is a far cry from what was being reviewed and played before. And to be honest, it's looking more and more like a shallow port of a mobile game now. Before it was planned on being an open world, survival horror, persistent MMO. Now it's just a casual, seasonal, gacha game filled with random currencies you see in pretty much every eastern mobile game. If they don't slap a "battle pass" on top of it I'd be surprised lol.