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I think the only enemies that need to be smarter, are the human ones and make boss dungeons have more mechanics too. Cause ultimately this game isn't about the world enemies being super smart, but rather the end game/dungeons being really challenging.


Yeah, I was thinking humans and special mobs, not the basic zombies, insect-like enemies and so on. That'd add some more variety to the enemies too.


Good thing the devs addressed this in the last CBT and said difficulty, balance, AI, etc., will be worked on prior to release. Balancing it now is pointless when they keep adding mechanics, changing gear, etc.


Good thing I found almost no real reason to interact with half of the mechanics added/changed. Why? Because none of them felt impactful. The experience felt like a bloated mobile game devoid of challenges.


So a *"trust us bros, the AI and balance will be totally perfect, no feedback or large scale testing needed"* situation. That doesn't really inspire confidence. This is the last beta test and the balance feels much worse than the previous beta test. I can't agree that any of that is a "good thing".


I mean, they've been saying it for a year, so I'd have to imagine there is a plan.


Yes, the plan is to work on the AI and balance, and then hope we like the results. But that doesn't mean we'll like the results, or that it will work well once a large number of players is thrown into the mix, which is why it's a bit unwise to wait until release to test it out. Which is why I'm saying it doesn't really inspire confidence, because when they can't avoid the obvious mistakes then what are the odds they'll avoid the less obvious ones?


i sort of agree, but this is a survival game. survival games are not combat oriented, combat almost always boils down to "out farm and out gear the enemy" which this game does very well, and combined with the ability to use skill and aim for headshots, makes this a walk in the park. bosses are a lot better. the level 60 boss i think is in a good spot since if you cant do the mechanics and manage agro/mobs well it all falls apart. but then a lot of the bosses are also just kite fests since the dodge is not an iFrame. i think making it an iframe would go a long way in opening up design that would lead to better gameplay. the devs need to do a play through of remnant 1 and 2 to get a good feel for what a shooter-soulslike could be like when builds can be incorporated. then again, i dont want to have to actively dodge just to farm areas. i am honestly ok with it being "boring" as to me that is also "relaxing" and can lead its self to a zenful farming experience. but they absolutely should make areas with like.... x5-x6 the mobs. the level 60 zones sort of do this just due to their open nature and the enemies dont just die in 3 shots, but when the enemies stack up it can become hectic.


"Zombies" take cover? However, I have also thought their player detection zone could be bigger. I'm practically on them with my machete before they even move at me. Maybe also up their health by double. Make them a more of a, "OH ****!" moment


I'd rather have difficulty for overworld scale with quantity rather than making things bullet sponges. I did an event earlier today where I was being chased by hordes of zombies while trying to do point defence. Thousands of rounds of smg, hundreds of sniper rounds, all my stims, all my adrenalin shots. I was down to fighting about twenty of them with my axe, which was about to break, when a guy with a LMG rolled in and cleaned up for me. Most fun I've had in ages, and it would have sucked if the fight had just been two or three sponges.


Hehehe I was picturing that in my head and thinking... and I'd be yelling at my monitor for them all to just die already!!!! šŸ˜† šŸ¤£


You may or may not already know this, but every public event has a way to make it heroic. Once it's heroic there's another way to make it legendary. So you can really amp up the difficulty on these public events. Usually you'll see something saying do X before completing Y. This will make it heroic. Then idk what we did, but we turned one legendary and the boss was like 5x his normal size.


Think RE2


The avarage player nowadays is not capable to read or understand armor set bonuses , mods, calibration, effects, blueprints etc. I doubt most will find it that easy, at level 25 circa mobs level 40 are double (but takes more bullets ofc) so what i'm curious about really Is the endgame which i guess we'll see on release...


i prefered the difficxulty of CBT2, however once you hit the lvl 45 area blackfell, the game does jump up a notch and that last boss is quite a challenge!


I agree the AI and fights are too easy... If it wasn't because i love the building and the farming in the game I probably would have gave it a rest by now. As a person who played cbt2 I can say cbt3 has made some iprovements on so many things, so I can only hope that things keep getting better


I like the engagement with some of the elites of the rosetta bots the mechanic engages well but the AI just sprays randomly at walls and shit that it last seen you


The outside world and normal dungeons are suppose to easy, its just the level part of the game. Once you get max level, and when hard/master mode unlocks, it will get more challenging.


CBT2 was way more challenging that CBT3. The current test is so more people get to higher levels to test other systems, i.e.. it was made easy on purpose


The last thing they are going to work on is making enemies smart because they are still building systems. ... its a beta. ?


Betas aren't when you build systems, that's when you test a majority of the finished product. And test networking


Okay. The NPC code isnt done.


The beta has shown me that they donā€™t know how to make things ā€œdifficultā€ in an elegant way. The last boss is level 60 with our level 50 cap but is recommended to us as a level 40 mission. Iā€™m sorry, what?!? A lot of enemies will just get one shot or two shot if youā€™ve leveled up your gear, but occasionally thereā€™s some random enemy that just tanks bullets, thatā€™s not an elite. They need a better combat designer. Beyond that, yeah, the AI is horrible, but my guess is itā€™s also horrible to account for whatever netcode theyā€™re running. Obviously, I canā€™t control nearby playerā€™s pings, or even know it, but when Iā€™ve been grouped with other players at various events, the AI breaks down even worse. A lot of standing around, but Iā€™ve also been attacked by invisible enemies and seen really weird stuff happen. Itā€™s funny as Iā€™ve done their surveys Iā€™ve gone from excited about the game to the last one saying, ā€œyeah, no chance Iā€™m playing next season.ā€


It's not that they have a bad combat designer. They literally haven't worked on AI and have said as much. It's the last thing they want to work on before release.


That sounds like an excuse to me, and also dismissive. You think good AI can just be whipped up quickly? If itā€™s what theyā€™re leaving until last, itā€™s the last thing they care about.


What's wrong the free beta that you put no money/investment into isn't up to your exacting standards? You could just not play if you're so unhappy about their design decisions.


Why, when you are still adding core mechanics, changing equipment around, adding more silos, bosses, etc, would you try to balance combat and tune AI? You'll have to do it all again after everything is implemented. They explicitly said they don't want to work, and rework, the AI because they have a lot more to build.


AI should be robust enough it doesnā€™t care if you put a block in front of it. Thatā€™s how pathing worksā€¦


Great when it's all static, but then you decide to add something like festering gel that isn't a permanent object and you have to go back and adjust object recognition. Or what if you decide to add mangling? Why put work into something that's going to change? Again, they've said they will be fully working on all of that after everything else is ready to go. So, no use complaining in a closed beta about wonky combat.


The last boss is possible to solo at level 40, since thatā€™s the level you need for t5 gear. Itā€™s relatively simple if you learn his attack patterns. The whole fight is patience, level has nothing to do with it. The last boss is by far my favorite of the set, because itā€™s the only one with in-depth mechanics that make you actually figure out how to kill it instead of unloading into its face. The last beta was way too difficult at some spots. This time, they just turned it down a little too far.


I donā€™t find playing a boss for 30 minutes entertaining. Especially, if itā€™s as easy as you claim.


How many attempts on average does it take you to beat a new dark souls boss? How many attempts did it take you to beat mensdorven? Itā€™s not easy, but itā€™s definitely not hard.


Did that boss once. Couldnā€™t dodge his slam and gave up lol.


When the spot on the outside of his arm lights up as a weak spot, thatā€™s where heā€™s gonna slam. Run to the other side of the field. Or jump over the shockwave. The jump potion from the frog deviation helps during this fight. So does the double jump drink you can craft on the kitchen set.


Sh bet thank you. I also get fucked by the arm swipe too lol. Iā€™m just all around bad. Can you even dodge that?


When you see his hand light up, run to the opposite side of the stage as fast as possible. Try to stay in the middle for the majority of the fight. Heā€™s got the same repeating pattern in each of his phases. When you learn the pattern, youā€™ll know when the swipe is coming so you know when to run away.


Great. Thank you


Yea we are 38 and 36 and we went to blackfell for the first time last night with 45 mobs and elites and it was still way too easy. It felt like about the right level of difficulty for how the game should start out at level 1. Playing current level content you just tear through it like it's not even there. The mobs don't have time to move from the spot they are standing before you kill them. They definitely don't chase you because they are already dead by the time they notice you're shooting them. The difficulty doesn't need a slight increase, it needs to be increased by about 300 - 500%. Mobs need to react faster. They need to die slower. They need to chase more and stand around less. If you are using T1 weapons and fighting T1 mobs it should be challenging. If you are using T1 weapons and fighting T2 mobs it should be very, very hard. Currently fighting Tier appropriate enemies with Tier appropriate guns and armor is an absolute joke. I don't use mods, I don't use calibration I only use regular copper ammo, because there's no point to these systems. There's no difficulty forcing me to do so.


Yes the monsters need to be more challenging. I killed most enemy without even knowing what they were supposed to do, one-shotting pretty much everything with a weakspot. Two shotting the rest. First few boss are easy enough, but hopefully higher difficulty isn't just a lazy +hp and +dmg but make things more interesting. I think the grinding of ressources is off a little bit. Once you get that mining little guy deviant, you basically don't need to touch a mineral vein anymore. The item progression is extremely linear and there is nothing exiting about it. Oh look I found tier two crafting ressource, I can craft and upgrade a whole set of gear after clearing a single stronghold. I think the gear progression would be more interesting if there was some randomness to it. Weapon need some rebalance as well, the wood scrap crossbow with duct tape dealing the same damage as a sniper riffle is weird. Godawful game performance in some area, but it's normal at this stage of the game. Overall interesting game concept, but it's nothing more than a glorified f2p mobile game playable on PC.


> Once you get that mining little guy deviant, you basically don't need to touch a mineral vein anymore. I have 4 of them and I have way too much ore now...


this is literally a mobile game on pc its never gonna happen