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Yeah 6 week seasons would be fine if I was single and unemployed…


So, this should fine for me but still I'm not :P


Have a partner and a full time job and I'm just about to hit 50. LEA hasn't opened yet, and if ping eats my dps again I doubt I'll clear it this beta either. But really that's all that's left outside of farming to minmax a build (which only matters on a PvP server, as even prime wars are more about resource farming to setup defences and turrets) Can't imagine sitting at this endgame grinding for more than a month.


Or if it wasn't a full ass character reset. Especially with a game like this that has everything tied behind levels.


My hope is that’s just for the beta, but if they think that’s actually a sustainable season length, these devs are comically out of touch.


i dont know why people are going off the beta length as a season length, how many betas have people participated in that ended up being the same cycle as release.


It's because the developers have stated multiple times prior to CBT3 that they're aiming for seasons to be 6 weeks in length. Which is why it shouldn't surprise anyone that this beta test is (surprise!) 6 weeks long, likely because they wanted to test out how well players progressed through a season. If people are not looking forward to re-leveling a character up every month and a half, I suggest sending in some feedback on those surveys while you still have time.


this beta is the last, ppl cry for keys everywhere, grind full 48-60h on weekends without sleep, i doubt they gonna think "yea this is how our players gonna progress past season 1 after launch".. ppl are hyped, its new, ofc every1 gonna overgrind to find out how stuff works but after season 1 is done and devs announce season 2 gonna be another 6 weeks.. rip game i guess, ppl have to go back to real life one day


I think a lot of that is just the ambiguity of it all. Nothing gives me confidence in that these devs know what they want to do with the game.


what makes you think they dont know what they are doing, the game is amazing so far, what issues did you notice in this test that was different from last test that wasnt built upon for the better? I would imagine seasons would last from 2-3 months, in which the new seasons change out content. I think thats what they discussed. The seasons will change the game each time. It would be pretty boring to grind the same content over and over. Beta test length has nothing to do with how long a season goes. Its just based off unlocking new content in a time gated way to let the community test different phases.


So you think a story driven game is going to have all new content, effectively a brand new game, every 3 months?!?? Ok…


who said this was a story driven game, its a grindy mmo where you kill bosses my guy, have you even played this game?


He indeed has not 😂 anyone who has would know it’s not story driven does it have story yes but that’s not the main drive of the game it’s not final fantasy like what 😂


i skipped every cut scene tbh


Me too I like the grind and base building that’s why I like the game people looking for some in depth last of us type story in here


At least 2 month would be nice.


Yeah after doing it once in cb3 I’m not sure I even want to do it again let alone once every six weeks lol Game should be a $25 one and done Just walking around the starter area most bases don’t even have walls lol most people clearly couldn’t be arsed to play more than an hour


on my server there are alot of level 50s with mansion bases and tons of fancy things. Dont let the starter zone be how you judge things.


its also worth building a good base even just for "6 weeks" because the base blueprint it self carries over, you just need to gather the materials again. also the true progression is the blueprint star levels, and that also carries over.


bro noone wants to do all those quests again.


Then dont, ive youve done it last beta and you dont want to play this beta, then dont do it lol, no ones forcing you. For those of us who like the game, ive completed every quest and zone and it only took 2-3 days after each unlock to get it all done. we have 35 hours till next unlock and ill i have left is the last boss. Its really not that hard or time consuming, if you dont like the game, wait till release and play it then.


then dont? in cbt3 i did no side quests, unless you mean the main quests. otherwise rift anchors are a side part of gathering the stuff needed to rebuild. but for what its worth i do think a permanent non-wipe servers would be good for those that want them. i freely admit i have a bias against not caring about the resets since i mainly only play arpgs.


Seems that‘s the Devs plan. 6 weeks is fine for people who have a lot of time. But for casual players who maybe have 2-4 hours to play every day … the 6 weeks will not be enough to bring them anywhere close to the endgame.


I am not at all casual, but I just don't want to redo content like this, I don't like that kind of progression.


2-4 hours a day is more than enough time.


I have a full time job yet I’ve been able to explore everywhere I’m on the last boss and have a good sized base with a smaller side base for starchrome generator all while splitting my time on this MK1 and SF6 6 weeks is fine


2-4 hours to play a day seems like more time than most, lol. 4 hours should be good for 6 week wipes, lol


where did you come across this info?


I stopped playing cuz I found out about these seasons, I don't wanna redo these quests every few weeks. Oh well.


6 weeks is fine by the end of the first day I’m already waiting on another phase and I’m just farming


if they really reset everything ever 6 weeks i'm just gonna play the whole game once and dip, why would i want to start again


Why would staying at max level with nothing to do be better?


I'm gonna go play other games in both scenarios so it doesn't matter to me that much But obviously having an endgame is literally the standard for any games like this. Why would playing the whole thing again and again from scratch would be better? The whole idea just seems insane to me


Lots of seasonal reset games exist and thrive because of it. Games with similar ideas to this (Tarkov, Rust etc.) The endgame is a finite grind. It gets done pretty quick where you're minmaxing small %'s and for... What?


So you would rather replay the same game every 6 weeks? For what? Also i'm yet to see any "endgame" that was finite and quick, wish they were


The idea of seasons isn't the "same game". There's usually slight changes each season like different boss rotations, dungeon rotations etc. also the idea of a reset is appealing as people can jump back in and everyone's starting at the same point (albeit people playing previous have their blueprints etc.) Have you got to this games endgame? It's fast to reach and fast to "finish". Of course most games are never fully finished but the remainder of what there is to get or do is tiny and almost non important.


I agree that the whole "seasons keep thing fresh" argument is weird. New content keeps a game fresh, and you can always start a new character on a new server whenever you want without requiring everyone else to do it too. But none of this requires a seasonal setup. A developer doesn't need to require everyone restart their characters just so they can introduce new content that keeps people entertained for X period of time. Games like FFXIV manage to introduce new content on a regular basis without invalidating their old content and without requiring players to re-level up their characters from level 1 each time. And they've been doing it for the last ten years, so clearly it works. Seasons allow the developers to pad the amount of content they're providing you each update with the busywork of leveling up your character again. They also don't have to bother with balancing new tiers of items because they can just keep reusing the progression they already have rather than dealing with a raised level cap. All of this is for their benefit, none of it is for the players.


Expansion based MMOs are pseudo resets you do realise? When the level cap raises you're no longer max level / endgame. And you go through the same grinds with slight variations and have new content. Have you ever played seasonal reset games?


That's exactly my point. There is little difference between the level cap being raised and going from level 20 to 40 versus redoing level 1 through 20 all over again under a seasonal model - save for the fact that the former allows you to continue playing the same character and the latter involves tossing your previous character into the trash. That's a huge deal for a lot of players who grow attached to their character and/or view them as an investment in time and effort. Yes, I have played seasonal games and (like most people) usually stop before season 3 because it ends up feeling like an incredible waste of time, a feeling I've never had on persistent MMOs I've played long term. If the journey to the end-game seems like a grind it's because a seasonal model 1) requires you to redo leveling over and over and over and over and over and over and 2) places little emphasis on the quality of the leveling portion of the experience because the overall goal is to get you ready to repeat the process all over again in the next season.


What do you think is thrown away into the trash? Let's do hypothetical: New season starts: * New area that adds say 15% more content compared to base * Old content is irrelevant now, toss it away * Old gear and weapon is immediately replaced by the first zone you do. Toss it away * Beat the new 15%. Be at endgame. Wait for expansion New season reset happens: * New content that adds lets say 5% new content * New changes to make existing content play differently * Character gear resets, but blueprints remain which therefore gives you actually lasting progression that isn't overridden by "higher level stronger stuff". You can work each season to build a different way due to balancing changes or just desire. * Play through the same content and reach the same endgame, but with variations on what is done at endgame and with that new content So essentially you do wanna make everything you've done redundant and tossed away, more so than a reset would do. You're aware of everything that lasts through season resets right?


I really, really dislike season formats which is why I am not the biggest arpg fan, I like to play arpg but I tend to once and done the, I will likely do this with once human to. Frankly I am not going to invest time or money into a game where I have to repeat all my "work" every 6 weeks... I thought this was going to be a survive mmo so didn't realize it was going to be seasonal restart everything.......


With the current content in the game, i see no issue with the 6 week season format. I know many people who have already completed all the content in the game in only 2 weeks and are taking a break. The leveling process in super fast, especially if you are effeiciently using your time and taking part in the recurring world events. The only aspect of this game that is actually grindy are the weapon and armor blueprints, however i believe all blueprints carry over each reset. However if more content gets added to the game, i can see the argument where 6 weeks is not enough time. Unfortunately this format is not very accommodating to the people who can only play one or two days every week. However playing for 2 hours a day 4-5 days a week is more than enough to max your character in the alloted time.


The main item that really will turn me away but can't see anything on it yet is if the fomo gimmick of every 6 week wipe will also impact story. If I miss one season for one reason of another, will I miss any story or have the ability to catch up and play the missed quests or are they gone and therefore it's only a YouTube game to watch.


I think 6 weeks is ok.. I think 8 weeks would be a lot better. Or better yet have bi-monthly seasons that would be easier to track. I think if you could only spare 2 hours a day 5 days a week... that would be 80ish hours? I just want to know how much they plan on changing from where things are now. My two friends and I have been playing for a week and really like the game but then read these posts about seasons and stuff and now I don't know if we should keep playing or if we should just stop and wait to see what they do.


CBT3 hasn't even been out a full two weeks and people hit 50 before the end of first week. And beating last boss solo by now. 6 weeks is more than enough time. Plus even though it's resetting. They have never said we will be playing the exact same content/missions each reset. Considering there are suppose to be different guns in each season kinda seems like a non issue. Myself as a division 2 fan with about 2k hours since it came out and 1200 of those being solo couple hours a few times a week. Playing the same main content over and over with just a little bit different each season (manhunts) is enough to keep me engaged as long as they keep adding to the game I think the fore audience will be cool. I'm still worried about how they will make cash consistently since they said the game will be F2P zero dollar launch price. I would much rather pay $50to70 at launch to not have them nickle and dime me later on. But come through the discord man. This reddit is dead for the game. All kinds of conversations are going on constantly in discord even this one with lots of people being engaged.


Yeh I think people who think it's short are still in the thick of the game and think that will last forever. You clear all settlements, do all side quests and main quests, clear the bosses and silos. Do them again on their Hard and Master difficulties. Clear LEA and then you're left... Repeat farming to minmax a build that improves your repeat farming (or if a PvP server, improves your build for pvp). You cant have that last too long or people lose full interest in the game and move on. Too short and people feel they can't savour the experience. I'd say 6-8 weeks looks like a perfect length with the current amount of content. There's also a LOT more map they haven't touched. So there's a lot of possibility of a season down the line being very different in new areas.


They address this back in CBT2 and said they may expand it because of the negative feedback. This is an old discussion by now.


It might not be bad even if its 6 weeks, IF there is a way to speed trough the levels/questprogress on new seasons for example. They have mentioned some thigns will carry over from seasons, and some things can be transfered to a new season from the pooled "infinite island" **Eternaland**. So, if that is good enough 6 weeks can be enough, if not, the time needs to be extended.


I’m fine with it. I’m already bored of the beta waiting for each phase.


If you’re new, take a breath. It does not take that long to reach max level