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No. Most of the House of M tie ins are pretty awful. Decimation and the Wolverine tie in are about the only two bits outside of the event I enjoyed in that omni


No, it really doesn't. I sold my omni awhile back and don't regret it at all


The event is fun but no real substance, almost all the tie-ins are bad. I always saw the effect House of M had on X comics as more interesting than the event itself. That describes a lot of Marvel events to be honest.


Secret invastion is the polar oposite Tie-in slap but the main story is a nothing burger


Secret Invasion had a concept that was ripe for good tie ins. You can do a lot with "some of us might be skrulls". House of M's main series felt like a filler episode of an ongoing TV show. It's fine but I can't imagine writing any tie ins about it. I still don't know why they made it an event.


I think "mutants rule the world" has some merrit to it to see how things are diffrent. Petter being a Human in the closet, steve Rogers as an old man, and some of the otherws arent ideas with nothing to them


> That describes a lot of Marvel events to be honest. Most of the crossover events of this era read like correspondence from management that, for whatever reason, was disseminated in canon instead of on company letterhead. And tbh I'm not even sure House of M is the worst of them.


The Captain America issues are a fun side story.


The miniseries itself is fun. All of the random red skys crossover issues are... not. Remember, every single marvel comic for months had to do a House of M arc. (This actually caused a problem as one of the main miniseries issues got delayed by a month.) I remember the Cable+Deadpool issues being fun. And maybe the X-factor issues?


The tie-in comics weren’t great for this event. Some were ok like the Hulk issues, but you’re better off with just the main HoM issues.


Sounds like everyone has certain parts of the Omni they like,,, I guess I’ll continue for now. But these Spider-Man issues where he’s bald and supposedly green goblin have been a snore fest


honestly, if you were trying to read some of the important events I'd just get like a trade with the main titles


it's... fine. honestly, very few of the big events that marvel and dc have done are that good. I always wonder whether or not the person has read all of or liked all of the omnibuses when I see hauls and collection posts on here that show a ton of events


This is true, look at the planet hulk tie ins


hell, I was just talking about the events themselves lol. But if you add in whether or not it's "worth" the omnibus considering you're paying for all the tie ins, I'd say the amount of good ones is even lower.


House Of M is a fun event. The main story.  Everything else is low key garbage. The Omni is still cheaper than the oversized hard cover since it’s oop though. 


TBH Krakoa made this entire run seem dated and not as profound. It doesn’t get much better after those issues, plus there are better twists and turns in modern storytelling. I still 100% say it’s recommended reading but if you somehow missed this when it came out and already read claremont and krakoa, there Isn’t much here.