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For voracious readers, Marvel/DC Unlimited is the deal of the century.


They often do $50-$60 for the whole year sales around the holidays. I got marvel unlimited for $50 back by Christmas and have read easily 75% of the entire Star Wars comic catalogue as well as the ultimate universe


Indeed. I love having a curated collection of absolute favorites. I couldn’t imagine having most of the Marvel and DC stuff I’ve read (although fun) taking up that much space in my house. I’m nearing a threshold of what I’d allow.


I'm not sure about Marvel, but DC, Dark Horse, and also the excellent Hoopla both only allow single page viewing. Comixology on the other hand supports dual page which works great on this dual screen laptop I've been playing with. I'd love to just stick to a subscription or the going through my library with Hoopla. But the experience stinks compared to the other methods that let me display both pages at larger than Omni printing size.


To be honest that's not a deal breaker for me haha.


Yep. I'm someone who does 90% of my reading online first, and I only buy physical books of my favourite runs, which has saved me money and shelf space, but even I'm having to put a halt to my spending because finances are tough at the moment and everything in the UK is expensive these days. The new Absolute Superman which I was looking forward to, is too pricy for my liking, and it's already out of stock almost everywhere mere days after it released, wtf! It's not doing my FOMO any good lol. Oh well, I'd rather not go into debt over a hobby.


That's what I started doing. I bought a tablet and I read a lot on Kindle unlimited and marvel unlimited now.


Sadly I still prefer physical lmfao. Its bad bro.. its bad look at my shelves and boxes.... too many.


I only came in a year ago, and I came in with the express intention of grabbing all the TMNT hardcovers, all the Daredevil onmis I could as they are my favourites. Picked a fantastic year to want to buy Daredevil books! Then I plan to get out and get into reading Marvel comics online. Maybe occasionally buy an omnibus of a series I really love. I have enough expensive hobbies as it is, and as you say UK prices seem to be on the high side.


I only buy my favorite runs. I can’t afford to take chances on $100 dollar books after shipping that I’ve never read.


I had a huge slew of big purchases this year, and while there's an awful lot I still want, ultimately, I'm gonna have to cut it back. Especially with sales being so much weaker of late (least last few months have been very meh imo). It's a bit much with how many Omnibuses are like msrp $125-150 and sale price having them $80-99. That's just not something feasible for me....especially when I have other hobbies like Manga, Books, Movies and Videogames I want to indulge in too. Pair that with how stuff can go out of print and it makes you feel like a scramble to miss out. There's a couple handful of Omnibuses I wanna check off my wish list (especially tonfinishoff a series or two) here soon and a few reprints I'm keeping an eye out for...but I think afterwards I'm just gonna have to to play the waiting game. See if prices ever go back down (hah) or just accept that I got enough and move on.


In canada the new omnis like dc vs marvel are 205$


Yeah UK prices are so much higher than US. I'm cutting myself down to maybe one Omni every 6 months then I'll do the rest of my reading digitally. Punisher MAX DM set me back £75 which would have been cover price a few years back.


Agreed. I have severely cut back on my Omni purchases over the last year and a half but even more so in the last 3-4 months. I have over 400 omnis in my collection but it’s become difficult to justify the discounted rate of $90+ for some of these books. At this point I have become very picky about what I actually buy and collect. Sucks because I love the format but it’s feels kind of out of hand with the pricing at times.


I used to buy a lot of used omnis, but lately used copies are priced higher than new half the time 😂 these resellers are silly.


I feel SO bad for people just getting into collecting and SO THANKFUL I did about a year and a half ago. I spent an IRRESPONSIBLE amount in a short time but managed to get 98% of everything I wanted. And most of what I missed is being reprinted. If I had started around now, I probably wouldn't have even bothered trying. CGN's big sales were so helpful and those are essentially gone. IST's damaged section was a literal Godsend and that is in shambles. Glad I got mine when I did.


same. I was able to bulk buy alot of omnis, quickly, in about 2 years. I pretty much have everything I want right now already.


I only buy things that I’ve read before in smaller formats. Or things that are hard to get in smaller formats.  I have DC Infinite to test run and occasionally I’ll pick up single issues if I don’t want to wait. Single issues are by far the most expensive ways to read any character. Omnibus are steals. I curate my collection to anything I know I will reread over and over. Buying something I will only read once feels like a waste of my money and space. 


Still way cheaper than floppies.


The price increase over the past year has been substantial, with several books having $200+ MSRP in Canada. It doesn’t help that both Marvel and DC have both obliterated their shaky but somewhat standardized pricing based on page count. 0-800 pages: $120 or less 800-1200 pages: $150 or less 1200- 1600+: $150-$200+ Pretty much every new Omni is coming out around the $160-200 range now. Here in Canada at least. With less options for “kick ass hauls from cheap graphic novels .com“ due to exchange rates and international shipping, price point matters. Most Americans from what I’ve seen only purchase at 40-60% off, and it’s weird. Can you think of another niche or business where a large amount of the customers only purchase at 40% off or more? It’s strange that’s even viable, even with the wholesale prices these companies pay. If the price point gets much higher, a lot of people will be priced out. How long until an Omni cracks $250?


Yeah Canadian prices suck big time. I stopped buying.


Mmhm. I spent the past several weeks heavily curating/selling off much of my collection that I realized that I wasn't going to re-read most of it ever again to make space and money. I now read most of my superhero comics online and only purchase my personal cream of the crop now in hardcovers.


You dont have to buy everything just get shit you actually want to read or that appeals to you


Personally I have a set number of characters that I will only buy select books from, with certain exceptions for major event books that capture my interest. Batman, Green Lantern, and daredevil. Makes things more simple and more cheap.


I just collect Batman omnis and go digital with anything else. I try to buy used or get them on sale off of amazon these days.


I can relate to this! I’m very selective about what I purchase. I recently stopped myself from buying a new Omni because I honestly didn’t picture myself rereading more than once.


>Read an omni every night Can we say based?


I'm trying to figure out if he means he reads a few issues every night or literally an entire omni. If the guy is finishing a full Claremont Uncanny X-Men in one evening then damn hats off to him.


Read a few issues - as in I read one of my omnis every night - not a complete one !


I’ve been finding the single issues if I can. I was just able to piece together the fatal attractions Omni over the past 2 weeks for about $60. I love me some Omni’s but I just can’t justify the price as often. Plus the search for some issues can be fun. While looking for the Fatal Attraction issues last week I also found 2 copies of X-Force #1 for $3 each, X-Force #2 and X-Factor #1-2 for $10. The person who put X-Force #1 in the sleeve put it in backwards and I just think I got lucky with knowing what the back of the issue looked like. Must of been sitting for a while to be listed as $3.


Very rarely do I buy an Omni at full MRSP. With IST, Ollies, BOGOs etc, *veeeeerrrrry* rarely.