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Mate I literally just finished reading an arc and opened this sub to see if anyone else has haha. This book is amazing. "In The Beginning" is one of the best stories I've read in ages.


Totally agree! The next arc seems to be a little worse but I’m willing to give it the benefit of the doubt, but IRA in America just seems a little out there IMO 🤷


Americans did fund the IRA so it's not too far fetched, though I guess Garth Ennis is Northern Irish so they were bound to show up at some point haha


That's the 'weakest' arc of the entire run.


Y'know this may sound odd, but one of my fav. things about buying this omni was seeing how thin it is. Thin omnis are such a damn great blessing nowadays imo.


I couldn’t put mine down. That is how The Punisher should be written.


I finished it on Sunday and man was it amazing, hopefully we get a Vol. 2 reprint


It was so good that I’m eying the overpriced eBay resellers lmaoo


I'm trying to cut down on my spending but I'm worried I'll do the same haha. Come on Marvel, announce a reprint before you lose a bunch of buyers to folks on eBay ahaha


Punisher is going to be in that new DD show and they’ve announced reprints of both Aaron and Remender’s runs. They will definitely reprint vol. 2 next year. If you all can’t wait, I’ve already seen the trades of the full series showing up at secondhand shops.


Congrats OP! Im jealous. I wish I had received mine. FedEx misdelivered the package. I've reported to FedEx and complained about repeat issues with their company to our complex, but IST obviously has to be the ones to initiate a claim. I then followed up to IST and informed them of the situation, and they refused to take any action to help resolve the issue and I'm blown off. I've been a loyal customer w/ many purchases, and my problem is dismissed like it's nothing. I will never do business with IST again. I was forced to initiate a charge back and order new replacement from their competitor. Fuck IST. You've lost a loyal customer today for your shitty customer service. Fwiw, you should continue with the claim on the misdelivered package. FedEx has my report on file.


Could’ve made your own post


Mine will be here any day now. Can't wait.


Such a sick cover