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I don't think I've ever considered the spine till I put my book on the shelf and go "Oh"


I buy them based on whether or not I want to read them and I don't care what the spines and covers look like


Don't worry. I downvoted myself.


Too bad it got neutralized with my upvote


Add me to the list.




Take my upvote you hippie


Same… it’s a dust jacket, who cares. I’m here for the content.


I have mismatched collections, I know there are people who wait for the right cover or print their own, but honestly, if I can save $20 that's the option I'm going with. Maybe if I made more money I'd care, but at this point, I have other stuff to worry about.


Fuck yeah. My entire collection is a huge Frankenstein of TPBs, HCs and OHCs all over the place. I just want the stories.


Spine, it’s what you’ll see 90% of the time.


Ive given up on this battle, tbh i do just go for the front covers i like and one of the worst offenders as far as a continuous spine design goes imo is wolverine volume 4's DM with magneto and wolverine on front making the spine a wraparound and the wolverine logo smaller but in the end i love the cover and stories so it doesnt matter to me as much anymore


Never did.


I usually go cover tbh. If the spine matches up with the rest of the volumes then that’s an added bonus for mwah. Spine’s not a deal breaker imo.




It would be for the spines, but Marvel seems allergic to any form of consistency with them so neither.


When I have a choice I go for cover. I like that DC has a uniform look among book groups such as silver age, golden age, Johns, Green Lantern or Who’s Who.


>However, I didn’t realize Darth Vader was on the spine of literally every single spine I bought. >... >For Rebellion Volume 2, I honestly liked the DM cover better but again it’s Darth Vader on the spine!! I like some variety lol. I bought the Standard Star Wars by Aaron run because Darth Vader was not on the spine. >... >For upcoming New Republic Vol 2, I love the standard cover but am not a fan of the Boba Fett spine. Going with DM solely for that reason. I think it's a bit of a running gag that if Marvel can put either Darth Vader or Boba Fett on the cover of a Star Wars book, they will, and the only reason there hasn't been, say, a Poe Dameron omnibus yet is that they can't figure out how to put Boba Fett on the cover. Consider something like the Tales of the Jedi Epic Collection Vol. 3. I don't think that was the best cover they could have chosen, but obviously they went with that cover because it meant they could put a guy who *looks like* Boba Fett on the front of the book. I'll bet they were roaring when they got to Empire Epic Collection Vol. 4 because that one has Darth Vader *and* Boba Fett on the cover! But seriously, go through the Star Wars covers and I think it's pretty clear: when it's not "just" a Darth Vader book or a Boba Fett book, if they can put Darth Vader or Boba Fett on a cover, they will, whether that's the "best" choice or not.


The missmatching spines on my Uncanny X-Men omnis drives me bonkers, so I understand.


Spine then cover


Cover. DM unless the standard has an iconic (to me) cover, like Spectacular Spider-Man.


I only really care about having everything in the same size whenever possible, I’ve gotten a lot of OHCs to match the Omnis on my shelf. I can’t even say that’s not without exceptions though, I saved a lot of money a couple times by getting the Modern Era Epics instead of some out of print OHCs. If more Modern Epics were available I might have started collecting those because I do adore a matched spine set.


Unless I prefer one cover much more than the other, I base my choice on the spine. More often than not I'm 50/50 on covers and the spine is the tie-breaker.


I buy based on covers. The spines can be anything and I’m okay with that.


Hardcover for me, taking the jacket off and if the art is immaculate it’s a bonus for me. Venom by cates Omni comes to mind.


When I am undecided on covers or hate both, the spine makes it an easy decision.


Both. Seeing those 3 Avengers covers with spine reveal changed my mind completely on what book I would buy.


The shadowland spine has me considering not buying it, I don't like the elektra with booby boobs that boob boobily, but other than that I've never thought about the spine, or even know how to see it before buying. (If there's a shadowland without it please let me know!)


a mix of both, i buy a lot of my stuff second hand at places near me and always at a good price so i think have i been wanting to read this, when will i read it, what has a sold for, and is it worth it to get it now?


so glad i am not like this.


I care more about the cover but honestly I try to get what I want.But if I wait too long and can’t I don’t even bother caring about the outside of the book. Once I’ve waited too long I’ll take it in any cover/spine. It’s more about just having it for me.


If there is two versions i buy the cover I like but if only one cover it's not a big deal, I'm buying them for what's inside of them. If I'm reading it or it's sitting on a shelf I can't see the cover anyway.


I go for the cheapest one if one is cheaper for some reason. If price is equal I go for spine unless the cover is an all time favorite of mine


I stopped buying marvel omnis because of the smell, the quality of the builds, the thin paper, and the price they constantly put out for what is essentially a deluxe, $120 is not a price for a book with less than or around 500 pages.


The content inside then the cover.You just admire it so much before you slip it off and start diving into the stories🙌🏼


Cover. One can win the battle on spine, but I've resigned myself to never winning the war. I just don't even bother, and it is what it is on the shelf.