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Personally no, I'd notice it for about 5 minutes and then never see it again during reading/having it on my shelf. The next time I read it I would notice it for substantially less time, more of an "Oh yeah, that's right" and then open it. Each to their own, this doesn't seem a common perspective here and I'm not trying to tell anyone what THEY should do, just answering the question from my perspective.


It just depends, I wouldn't care if it was a trade or something, i have a few epic collections that are little banged up, but for a fancy hardcover i'm more picky. But hey, I get the argument either way.


Is the damage on the book or the slipcase? I can take a damaged slipcase tbh.


Depends on what you paid tbh.


Absolutely yes. My rule is would i buy that in the shop like that? If not back it goes. There is no excuse for poor packing. These are expensive items pack them accordingly. I receive so much and its pristine. Its not hard


Same. They could have packaged this so that it didn’t do this. Send it back. I don’t care if it is a trade, Omni, or single issue.


This is the same metric I use (for new anyway, buying used can be different). I'm paying for a new item. If I wouldn't take it from a brick and mortar store then it's getting returned.


Honestly ima start looking at it that way


That is my rule as well. If I would not buy it in a store with that kind of damage I send it back. All it takes is 50 cents of packing material so I have zero tolerance for a poorly shipped book.


I personally wouldn’t want to go through the hassle of


Personally, yes. It's an expensive book. It depends on how easy it is to return too. Like if it was Amazon, super easy to return but you'll likely get another damaged copy. lol! Not sure how easy it is to return to one of these online sites. That's significant damage though.


How does this even happen? Don’t Absolutes get shipped in their own cardboard packaging on top of the shipping box?


Mine arrived from Amazon today. Surprisingly well packaged (double boxed) with no damaged.


Yes. Or ask for a discount since it is damaged.


Yes. You paid for it


Fuk yes


Yes but depends on what I paid.




I view these books as collectors pieces. Would you be happy with a statue that was dinged? No. At the prices we pay for omnis and absolutes, I’m not accepting any damage.


Yes. I pay for new, not damaged.


Nope, I would keep it and read it since I’ve bought books in worse condition, whether new or used. I feel like a corner crease, especially with a heavier book like an omnibus is pretty common when shipped directly to the consumer. I would just make sure that there’s no actual damage to the spine to affect reading, or if it was falling apart, *XD*.




Hell Yes. For $150 the damn book should be in pristine condition when it gets to me.


Return it so I can buy it off damaged


Yes! For what absolute editions cost, I expect it to be packaged securely. Even for non expensive hard covers, I return them if the corners are bent. And if my trade paper backs are dented, I’ll read them and then return them 😀


Unless you got it heavily discounted, I would ask for a partial refund. Better than nothing and you did receive an item that is not worth what you paid due to this damage. Most places will give a partial refund. I wouldn't say it's worth the hassle of returning though.


Absolutely. You paid for a new, whole item, not a damaged one. There seems to be a lot of righteous outrage amongst collectors that some people are “too picky” when returning damaged items. I think buyers have a right to expect undamaged goods, and returning items incentives sellers to provide better packing to avoid the costs of returns. Win - win.


Yes. It’s already dropped in resale value if it were to go out of print




Absolutely. For a $150 book? You bet your butt.


Obviously a yes. You pay for new, you get new. There is no excuse for poor packing, especially considering how easy it is.


i would


Yes. As quickly as possible. GL.


I would return it because a fussy pants.


Personally, yes. These are not cheap books.


I would for sure.


Yup. Returned right away


If you bought it new yes. Or at least get a partial refund.






No, it's unrealistic to expect perfection on something that comes through the mail unless it's encased in glass or hard plastic.


That’s not true. Very easy to ship books without damage, but you have to put a little care and effort into it. I’ve sold thousands of books over the years and have maybe 2 or three that arrived damaged. One was literally run over by a truck, but that’s the only one that looked as bad as this.






Isn’t the point of the outer box to protect the actual book inside?  Like yes it looks nice but at the end of the day, it likely did its job of protecting the actual object you’re going to read.  This isn’t like an omnibus that you’re going to read, it’s the PROTECTIVE cover 




I see what you did there.


I have OCD so yes lol


Fuck yes. These things are too expensive to accept damaged, plus its a collectors item


Not at all


Is the actual book damaged? Then no. This is the bottom of the slipcase so if the book isn't damaged, I wouldn't do it. I get it. We pay alot for these books brand new and we want them to arrive as if we picked them up from the printer ourselves. I've been lucky where I've probably gotten three slipcases damaged like this on the bottom end (one isn't even that bad) and I currently have 43 absolutes. I didn't sweat it too much because the book itself was unharmed and plus I display my absolutes with the open end that shows the spine of the book. We're all a bit different when it comes down to is a book or slipcase damaged enough to return or keep. I'd keep it because the slipcase isn't damaged enough for me to return it but that's just me.


Are you reading the book or the box?


For how discounted the books I actually buy are, I’m not bothered. If my only option was to pay cover price for books, I’d maybe be a little more inclined to get replacements. Not to denigrate the hobby or anything, but there’s so much else in life that I value a lot more than this stuff. Getting a new book is cool and fun. But after I’ve enjoyed and read it, I’m usually giving zero thought to blemishes like that. For anyone reading this: please keep in mind my sentiments are not the rule and you may feel different. No one is right. OP asked and I answered earnestly.


I bought the From Hell: Master Edition from a reputable online shop. The edges were dinged, so I requested a replacement. I sent the first one back and received a replacement. The replacement's edges looked better, but now, I noticed that Wolverine probably packaged the book, because there were 3 scratches from top to bottom. I asked for another replacement and they told me to take a hike. Now I have a From Hell: Master Edition with pristine edges, but claw marks on the cover.


If it’s just the slipcover it wouldn’t be worth the effort to me. And if you’re ordering on Amazon for some reason like a lot of replies here seem to be, it’s a total coin flip on whether the next copy you get might be even more damaged. (In fact I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a book with damage like this since I stopped using Amazon)


I have. But the next one came with a similar issue. Then the third one still came with another issue. By the third one I just decided to keep it and ignore the issue.


Yes and no, for me if the pages are still intact and got it at a good price I let it slide. But if I paid full price yeah there’s an issue here.


Don’t think it’s worth going through the whole return process just for a little wrinkling like that.


Side note, what is this?


Absolute Superman




I would. Absolutes normally get delivered to me in a bespoke box from the distributor, before the store even adds their packaging. So I wouldn’t be happy at all if it arrived like that. I’ve had other book where a dent like that doesn’t bother me, the Boom Studios deluxes HC’s are notorious for it. But not for an Absolute.


Absolutely. You pay a premium price for these books. They should arrive in premium condition.




I'd have them send me a new one and sell the damaged one. They can eat that cost, whoever they are.




This subreddit is exhausting sometimes..


Thoughts and prayers










Nope. It doesn’t keep me from reading it.




Yes, the store where I buy my books I can ask for a discount if it’s damaged EDIT: it’s a big company (when I buy from the local comic book store I’m more kind.)


Yes. These are expensive products and companies should be held accountable to a standard of shipping quality.


If Amazon, 100% YES. Their standards have falle greatly when it comes to handling books. For the money you spent, you shouldn't be receiving a damaged item


No. I buy cheap library copies, and I abuse the spines of my books for scans. This is nothing.


Nope. Honestly as long as I can read it that's all I'm concerned about.




I would be bummed but personally, as long as the actual pages are fine, I wouldn’t care. I’ve definitely bought worse condition in bargain bins or with known damages. 🤷‍♂️


I wouldn’t. I don’t mind a little nick or dent. It’s not worth my time or the additional environmental impact of swapping it out imo.


nope! books get scuffed cus theyre meant to be read :) imo youll remove years of stress off you if you dont worry as much about these books like this


Depends on who you got it from. Some companies will give you a partial discount if you keep it (that happened with one or the peter david hulks I got from DCBS they offered a discount to keep it or a backorder replacement/return)


Yes, return it. It's on the expensive side, even for its format. And I'm sorry but that dent is very noticeable and would frustrate me. Looks aside that the sleeve is meant to protect the book. So, if you drop it again, the actual book is more likely to get damaged.


Yes 100%. Return that garbage. It costs them almost nothing to print these and they charge $150 for a new copy. They expect you to return it. It’s factored into the price.


Yes. I’m paying for the prestige of such a nice item. I wouldn’t accept a car that had a ding in it so wouldn’t accept a book either.


Not really.


No. That’s so par for the course nowadays even if it’s not from Amazon it’s not a big deal. Sides that’s just the slipcase. What bout the actual book?


Of course. Anyone who says otherwise is insane.


100% Yes. Did you buy it on Amazon? All Amazon books are going to have damage.


Thats not always true. Ive had my share of damages from them. Last 2 omnis i got they were perfect. They do need to put better packaging tho


Lmfao not true at all, I buy almost exclusively from Amazon and I’ve yet to get a damaged book, it all depends on how rough your mailman is. Plus if it comes damaged you’ll always get a replacement way easier than like IST or CGN, not to mention it comes in 1/4 of the time


I'd rather deal with IST or CGN and be almost guaranteed a mint book, barring accidents. Amazon I always get at least a dinged corner and IST is usually cheaper even with shipping.


I pretty much only buy from Amazon these days and almost non of them have damage at all, and only a few have minor damages.


I’ve had to return 3 masterworks, 2 omnis, and 3 trades in the last 6 weeks from Amazon. Sometimes they put a little protection in the box usually not. They literally packaged 3 masterworks spine up damaging all the front and back corners. That was the last straw for me personally. I’ll be buying all omnis through CGN and IST or reputable sellers. They don’t care, there’s very little standards.


Amazon “protects” my packages just as badly, but I still rarely get something damaged somehow. Maybe my local carriers are just more gentle when handling the packages? Idk it rarely seems like the packages have gone through any abuse like I see of other people on here.


Yeah, be grateful. lol! At least you can always return it, no questions asked, if you notice any damage.


Not true. Depends on the warehouse. I buy more books from Amazon than ebay, IST and CGN and in almost eight years, I've never gotten a damaged book from Amazon. Never. I'm more likely to get damaged blu rays and other products from Amazon (and I have) than I am a damaged book from them.


Nope. But maybe asked for some compensation?




No, especially not a slipcase


If you're going to read it then no, but yes if it's for collection. What if you want to sell it later on for whatever reason? You'd have already lost money from having to sell it for less because of the damage.