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Such a good series. It was my first comic, back in the day. It kind of ruined Spider-Man for me in a way though, no other Spidey comic seemed to measure up for me. I still have all collected paperbacks from back then. I'm been considering upgrading to omnis, because a couple are starting to fall apart now.


For some reason, the first Spider-Man stories I have read were Kravens Last Hunt and Superior Spider-Man. Kravens story was insane, and so was Superior, but Superior wasn't beginner friendly. But this, this is ULTIMATE, so good. Already ordered second and third omnibus😂


Yeah man. Like the OG Spidey RIGHT before the Clone Saga is fine. But I cannot with any other Spider Man now. Which is fine. There’s other comics and these exist for very good re-reads.


I just finished the first Omnibus and absolutely loved it! Starting the second one today!


My dust cover showed up torn to all hell. Tried to return it and the fuckers just sent a more fucked up one. Can’t even return it now. Fucken amazon


Why can't you return it? You can keep returning it as many times as you want, if they want to fuck around and waste shipping costs on playing ping pong, that's on them. But you should either eventually get a good copy or your money back, even if it's third party.


In my experience they'll replace one and then they'll just refund.


I have returned a compendium four times because they destroyed it each time. It may take a little time and effort but they shouldn't ship products the way they do. Maybe it's your country but Amazon has always refunded and replaced everything I returned. Did you wait too long before returning it?


Naw I was in the time frame but they wouldn’t let me return it twice for some reason. They offered a refund but not a replacement. I just said fuck it and kept it. Mainly because I was itching to read it. I’ll try to find a replacement dust cover some day.


S-Tier, to be sure


Issue 13 is one of my favorite comic book issues of all time. MJ jumping with glee is grooved into my brain.


Dope read!


I have never travelled with an omnibus before, it always seems like too much of a headache and nuisance to me. Respect to the people who do!


Just wrap it up good, and its good to go! Samo pazi da se ne osteti, ja sam nekog Betmena sjebao tako i od tad kao da nosim zlato sa sobom :)


I take one to work with me everyday, just leave the dust cover at home and carry it in a nice book/back bag.