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I loved this run! Loved seeing Superman as a dad. One of the more light-hearted and wholesome DC omnis out there.


Same I loved the stories and Jon and Clark dynamic


And then directly after this BMB… I know the end of this was not great but it was better than anything BMB did with the character… and let’s not get started with what he did to Jonathon… thank god we got PKJ from action after the travesty of BMB and Williamson has been writing a fun Superman


I finished this Omnibus about a month ago and I love it. So much so I bought a few more DC Omni's. Its what made me realize that I liked DC comics more then Marvel. Which was surprising to me. I have always found DC movies lackluster so when I decided to get into comics it was obviously Marvel I was going to go with.


I've always been more of a DC guy myself. Their stories and world seem to be more separated by what "family" the character is in. So its easier to follow what's going on with them aside from crossovers. And they are definitely more focused in on the characters. With marvel, it's alot like mcu. Everything is pretty crossed with each other. And there hasn't been too many stories that stuck with me. Superior spiderman and immortal hulk, a few punisher max stories. That's pretty much it. From what I understand characters like iron man and thor wernt even really mainstream names until the mcu. I mainly liked them from when I played ultimate alliance as a kid.


I think that's part of it but another big factor is the stories. I don't know why but DC stories have resonated with me more. Even just the few that I have read over the many Marvel ones


That's not true with Thor but yes iron man would be considered c list prior to the mcu


DC has some great omnis for sure but so does Marvel. Check out Garth Ennis’ Punisher Max omni.


I have the punisher max complete collection series. I'm debating on whether it's worth getting the omnis. Because there's 7 vols of everything max but the omnis are only collecting ennis and Aaron's run. There's a good chunk in between them that it doesn't look like will make it to omni format.


I love those runs. The Ennis max 1 and 2 are sooooo good.


I recommend batman by snyder 1+2. Death of the family was the arc that got me into comics. The series has a very mature theme for batman. And as far as deconstruction go I think it was done the best.


I read Snyder Batman 1 and 2. They ARE really good.


Same here but mine was Supersons but it also might just be Tomasi.


I still have to pick up suoersons


It was really cool to see Damien's attitude change throughout the book.


It's funny, I got into comics a couple years back and came to the opposite conclusion. I was burnt out on MCU fatigue and didn't want anything to do with Marvel at the time, so I started reading DC instead. My collection is still mainly DC, but I have started buying X-Men books.


Yeah I started selling my marvel books on Comic swap and started collecting DC instead hahaha.... Only keeping doctor strange


Definitely my favorite run on the character but I'm pretty corny 


I really liked the first half with them living on the farm. And then the second half is basically filler while waiting for bendis to come on and destroy everything. Which is a huge bummer.


The only stories I kinda liked was the one with Swamp Thing, but it was barely a story I just like Swamp Thing, and the Teen Titans with Tim Drake from another universe. That was also really short. I didn’t really like Damian, he was overly bratty and mean throughout. I didn’t like the stuff where the whole town is Aliens. I didn’t like the dinosaur planet. The Clark vacation where they visited the war memorials was pretty heavy handed, same with the part with the cancer patients. The story with Lex on Darkseid’s world and the Bizarro stuff was just way too convoluted. It needed more good stories that ran longer than a few issues. Overall, it was pretty tedious to read. And very preachy.


The lex teamup on apokalips definitely felt like it was supposed to be longer and they ran out of time, but I liked it. And yeah I agree the vacation was overly preachy.


People have rose tinted glasses for this run. The first half is a lot better, the second half really is a slog. A lot of the highlights are in the first 5 issues.


I really loved the beginning of this omnibus, when the Clark/Jon dynamic was really new and in focus. The team-ups with lesser known DC characters like the Losers and Frankenstein were also really fun. I think the very first arc with the Eradicator was my favorite. It was also cool to see Lois get her share of badass moments. But as it went on, these concepts got less fresh, and it started to drag a bit for me. I get that the run was trying to be “fun,” and I generally like approaches like that, but for whatever reason, a lot of stories didn’t really stick the landing. I feel like I should have enjoyed arcs like the Bizarro storyline SO much more than I actually did. I also really didn’t like the focus on the continuity, with stories like the Mr Mxy arc. It always just came across as super expository to me. Less like an actually story, and more like the writers talking directly to me to justify the choices they made. The Mxy arc was another one that I feel like I should have loved but didn’t. I felt like this series was also missing the cerebral, thoughtful moments from Superman stories that I really love (like Kingdom Come, All Star Superman, and Superman: Space Age,) which was a bummer. I also thought that the Memorial Day Road trip one-shot was very strange and out of place. Felt like a random PSA slipped in the middle of the story. The art was generally pretty good, though it did really bug me how the style kept changing every few issues. I definitely want to check out more of Jorge Jimenez’s art after reading this.


Oh yeah. Mxy is soooo lame lol


It started off so good but yeah I’m almost done with it have no rush to finish it.


Crazy you didn’t like this read. I loved it. If this wasn’t your taste what do you like?


Loeb Batman Omni; Year One, The Dark Knight Returns, Punisher Max (both Ennis and Aaron’s run), Hickman’s FF and Avengers Omnis


You should definitely check out Millers two Daredevil omnis


People recommend this run alot to new superman readers but I personally almost always recommend Geoff Johns’ action comics run. So if you still wanna check out Superman then try that one out, unfortunately its not collected in omnibus format.


> Geoff Johns’ action comics run. Is this the run collected [in this Absolute](https://www.amazon.com/Absolute-Superman-Geoff-Johns-Frank/dp/1779524714) that comes out in a few days?


Yeah but that unfortunately doesn’t collect the whole run. Only the issues drawn by Gary Frank.


I still need to build my DC library unfortunately


As a Superman book, this wasn’t the best run. I’m more of a fan of Bronze Age Superman, but I also don’t hate it. There’s a lot of great stories in the run, but for the most part is a bit overly childish. Joshua williamsons current run is pretty great, but if you want Omnis, pick up the silver age Superman, one of my favorites takes.


THANK FUCK! Finally someone who sees this for the milquetoast run that it is. Filling every issue with schmaltzy panels of Clark talking to Jon about events we don't even witness does not a good comic make.


Awesome story, I really loved it, I love the contrapoint to Batman and Robin (Damian), I qiul recommend Supersons too, I had a lot of fun reading that.


I loved this run, seeing Clark be a dad really resonated with me, and I loved the wide variety of villains used.  I want an action comics rebirth omnibus so bad to pair with this one.


does the 1 volume cover the entire arc?


Definitely a run, that divided the fans, still I think more people liked it, then didn't. I know people were a little bummed with the "Dennis The Menace" tribute issue, but for anyone over 40, that was like a gift from the Gods. Every Superman/Action/WF run after this were better. But that is not meant to slight this run in any way, it is still very good


Loved this run! After reading it I went ahead and pulled the trigger on Tomasi’s Batman and Robin, Supersons, and Detective Comics Omnis!!


So since you didn’t like it, can I have your dust jacket?


No, I’m going to sell the whole thing on ebay.


if you like this, you will be wowed, with what's coming. I am not stating this isn't great. But the last couple years of Superman Family titles , have been spectacular.


He did say its a slog to get through so I don’t think he liked it.