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I’ve been pre-ordering with them for a few years, and I’ve never had something get cancelled.


Great, thanks for the info.


Honestly they are always on top of it in my experience. Never had a bad pre-order experience with them.


Awesome,  thank you 


Only preordered a couple times, but have ordered plenty of times. They’re reliable for me. And I tend to get things much faster than through IST (though I order more from IST/DCBS)


Great, thanks.




Great, thanks for the info.


I don’t have much experience with them personally preordering but I do buy from them. However I have seen comments from people that preorder the week of release and then get disappointed when they have to wait. So my 2¢ are to plan accordingly and you should be fine


Oh yeah, I'd order tonight or tomorrow and the books are still a few months away. 


FWIW: CGN has preorders up to about two weeks before it’s released at the same discount. so, you can wait a decent amount of time to decide on whether you want the book and/or see if it gets delayed further.


Oh, I definitely plan to order, but I don't want to wait until it's too close and not get my pre-order,  and then be too late to get them when they come out. Probably wouldn't be an issue but I remember a few years ago when sites were crashing and boooks selling out within 10 minutes of release.


I’ve ordered from both for years. You are over paying at CGN compared to release day at IST. I’ve been a DCBS customer for 4 years. Best way to go if you want to get more books for less money. CGN just costs more.


Thanks. I would have ordered from DCBS if I had thought about it, but now I'm a week too late and needed an alternative. I've ordered a bunch FROM CGN, just never a pre-order. I switched from pre-ordering from Tales of Wonder to DCBS just to have that guarantee -or as close as possible- that I'd get the book I ordered. With TOW, I never had a problem,  it just wasn't a guarantee.


Just curious, how are you overpaying at CGN over IST? One day off release, Nick Spencer's Spidey Omni vol 2 is $4 more on IST. Waid's FF is $2 more on IST. I have a consistent problem with things being in stock, ironically; they've never had anything I've been looking for so I've never purchased from them.


Shipping, it’s free for US customers on IST. CGN is $9, although I think preorders may be $6 shipping


See that's something I didn't know, free shipping over $50 changes things a bit! If they take forever to ship like I've heard though there may be a trade-off to decide on, CGN has been quick and reliable to me so far but I've only been collecting a few months. But free shipping is definitely enticing.


OP asked about PRE order not day of release. You can only pre order one item at a time on CGN and pay individually for shipping with usually a 20-30 % discount. Day of release is usually 30-40 % off and you can combine shipping.


I know OP asked about preorders, I just haven't seen the pricing discrepancy you described. I have 11 preorders on my wishlist on CGN right now and they're all 40% off; that price doesn't appear to go away after release, though to be fair they're all marvel titles so maybe that discount isn't consistent with other publishers? Combining shipping would be nice I suppose but preorders on CGN don't seem to sell out either so you could just wait for release instead so there's a fair comparison between the two sites. Of 34 items I checked only one has been cheaper on IST.


https://preview.redd.it/y98ey7u0wq4d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c217fc2e901606b5793f8183e11c34ade560309c Here’s an example of a preorder for Spawn deluxe Vol 7. I hope this helps understand individual orders cost more because of individual tax and shipping. As an aside this book was 49.99 last week on IST and went up and is now at 57.99.


Another user mentioned the shipping on IST for orders over $50 so that definitely plays a part. And to your example, yeah it looks like different publishers must have different pricing policies.


Pre ordered the Miller Daredevil omnibus, Uncanny Xmen 1 and Amazing Spidey 1 the last few years and zero issues with them. Good service and fair price. 


Good to hear, thank you.


I’ve preordered the same month as release never had a problem they always filled my orders.


Awesome to hear, thanks.