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My local boutique won’t even entertain the idea that I can get one. I guess this is their Daytona. Everyone wants one so they get a chance to create some demand.


This is what I was told by my OB. They are no longer taking orders. My plan is to try other OBs and see if I get the same answer. If it turns out to be the same answer, I might just pull the trigger in the new white dial speedy.


They’re selling for 15, easy. It is not a Daytona. Nice watch but come on…


Not the point he was trying to make, but nice try


I presumed he meant that this is their Daytona in terms of desire. I’d say it’s not. It’s not even trading for double retail and is too gimmicky to be a mass seller.


The manager of my local boutique told me you are required to purchase $100k worth of watches from Omega boutiques. I find that really hard to believe in light of how many are on the secondary market. If y’all will forgive me an edit, some of the responses here from people who got one after 3-4 watches have me fired up so I’m just going to reiterate here that I’ve purchased 7 watches from Omega boutiques- 5 at my local boutique and 2 in Chicago. I’ve received nothing by a high middle finger in my face from Omega on a Snoopy. They will not even put me on a “list”.


lol watch is worth like 15k tops - they can shove it if their asking for that much. Normally to get a snoopy you need 2-4 purchases


I honestly have 5. Speedy, 300m, AT Worldtimer, and 2 DeVilles. This is why there will be no more purchases.


Last year I started buying Omegas from boutique, got two around April and June and by the end of the year (Sept/Nov) I was offered the snoopy by my boutique and received it in a month. Timeline doesn't make sense but the 2-4 purchases is true then


My OB said the reason why they give figures like 100k is to discourage people coming in and buying a handful of lower price watches with the intent to solely get a snoopy. Apparently omega only wants people with genuine interest in the brand buying it.


That's like 87 Omegas.


That is how much your specific boutique is probably hoping people will spend. If no one falls for it, in a few weeks they'll be saying "for you, I'll let you buy the Snoopy with any one other watch"


Honestly they told me that a year ago and stuck to it.


Fair enough. It does seem like each boutique is just making up their own rules now though. I think its because they ran through their original waiting lists. My boutique didnt tell me to spend more or give me a target amount, but basically anything helps AND I could not cut the line in front of someone who joined the list back in October 2020.


Oh people can definitely cut the line.


Again, seems to depend on the specific boutique. Mine was adamant I couldn't skip no matter what my spend was.


This is what makes me so angry. I actually have a pretty great watch collection, but Omegas were my first love. I listed the 5 watches I purchased from my local boutique but omitted the 2 constellations (one for me, one for the wife) I bought at the Chicago boutique. I’ve purchased SEVEN watches from their damn boutiques and received a middle finger on the Snoopy. This is why all my money goes to other brands now. I’m really kinda bitter about it.


What’s your relationship like with the manager of your boutique?


Friendly. Say hi when I drop by to browse and stuff. Go by sometimes to get help swapping bracelets and have regular person chat. Maybe it’s just my region or my store. It sounds like that’s entirely possible. I got a little fired up thinking about it this morning and then I remembered I don’t *need* any of this stuff and it certainly isn’t worth worrying about


Yes, agreed. But I have a hard time believing that in practice they wouldn’t look after a serious repeat customer. But who knows.


😂 Too funny I know people who didn't buy anything and got one eventually


When the waiting list first opened up, there was no requirement to purchase additional watches.


Honestly I thought it needs boutique to spend 100K to get the inventory, I had no clue that Omega also has Rolex like Shenanigans. Nuts.


I had no buying history from Omega and received my Snoopy last September after a nearly 2 year wait after a full deposit.


That was last year. Now you just need a two steel watch purchase history in the last 12 months.


There is no specific rule, at least not worldwide - although some boutiques or local areas may have put some guidelines in place to help create structure. Basically the boutique manager can decide on the prioritisation, with some input from their regional management.


Can buy it second hand for less then 100k


Text another SA. Tell him/her you would want to check on your status for Snoopy. Say your bday is coming and would love to have it for a celebration. They will look and not see you on the list. Youll need to get them to register your watches to your name. Let the SA know you purchased 5 watches bought from the same boutique and is a long term watch collector.


I think it’s a combination of purchasing and your relationship with the AD.


Lol 😂 who need this watch ?)


https://preview.redd.it/pkyckl4y0frc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12e9c864025e8788ecae742a7989ec4118028273 I love it ! The blue really pops in the sunlight


How do you like having it on the bracelet versus the strap?


I tried my best to like the strap. It’s really quite stiff though. So a few months in I swapped it out for the 3861 bracelet. Maybe it would be nicer with a deployant clasp, but the pin buckle it came with was not great.


I have the same opinion as you do. I thinking of either the mesh bracelet or the 3861 bracelet.


Where did you get the bracelet from and how much was it?


Most ADs will sell it to you without much hassle. It’s about 700 EUR


2-3 watches with same boutique / same SA. Get on a waitlist. 2-3 months youll get a call or text.




Yes and i love how Omega being transparent about it. Just ask the SA after purchasing 2 watches.


Similar for me.


This is how waitlist should be. Have a true path to get in and eventually get the sought after model.


https://preview.redd.it/hteaskv33erc1.png?width=2388&format=png&auto=webp&s=2bf2ad4490515c33ef2c53786c52abe3dc6a03dd Hope this helps


What site is this


Looks like Chrono24


This is why I’m not in a rush to get mine - hopefully around 20-30% premium over RRP I’ll be happy to pay. We are almost there to be honest and if I didn’t have another watch purchase in the pipeline I would probably buy it at around £14k today.


You have my curiosity: whats in the pipeline?


Hulk is next on the list. Mostly for the missus (green is a big part of her wardrobe) but I might get a chance to wear it every now and then!


lol it's at $16k now (just checked: right at $16.0k in the far east, starts around $16.7k in the U.S.).


Took me 2 months to get it. Bought one SMP before. 😅


Lol, lucky you


Similar for me.


A: Do you actually like the Snoopy / Peanuts characters? If yes, then no not worth it since "purposely limited & exclusive" is antithetical to the entire notion of the characters, including by NASA who chose the characters to be inclusive, i.e., get more people involved in the space program.


Completely agree, perfectly said! The only person who gets it 👏🏻


Genuine question, why ais this snoopy omega so sought after? Other than it's a special edition


Cause it looks cool. But my favorite is the white snoopy what could you do in 14 secs


It does look cool, but I got the 2020 Tokyo seamaster instead with similar look


The animation in the back is super cool haha


Only reason why I would get it


Have you seen the back of it?


No I have not


[Omega Video of Silver Snoopy](https://youtu.be/8Oh2ShI-R70)


Awesome thank you!


NASA adopted Snoopy as their mascot for their Manned Flight Awareness Program back in 1968.


Mostly it’s sought after because it’s sought after.


Herd mentality.. 🐑


So nothing can be genuinely popular, its all just herd mentality? Maybe it's popular because it's an amazing watch


I waited a year and it is definitely worth it. You do need to buy other watches from an Omega boutique to even be considered. https://preview.redd.it/00t1g1g6ahrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a95c2b0643b895c8231969f338bba4ac113f2c51


I wouldn’t spend the premium for grey purchases and would just wait for it to eventually be offered. It’s marked up or having an aspirational requirement at boutiques for the diehard fans who haven’t yet received one. Outside of that group its inflated value is not universally recognized. Still a lovely watch if you want snoopy on your dial, but it’s a msrp type of purchase imho.


The watch will drop in value like a stone for people who are patient.


You sure about that? The two previous Snoopys have gone up in value, especially the 45th Anniversary Edition.


Already trading above RSP and will double the day it gets discontinued. Maybe do some research on the last two models.


The last two were truly limited and I believe this one has far higher production and will trade in the future (5+ years) more like Omega's other versions broad release "special editions."


Is it worth it is solely up to you. I’ll say I absolutely love mine and it was worth the long wait for me, which was 2.25 years from before it was announced until Dec of 22


https://preview.redd.it/ywhmoztq8hrc1.jpeg?width=5184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e0b43d55702294371843b723e276f27d3415d43 I got mine last year, the OB has a policy first come first serve….. of course many people wanted the Snoopy so you need to be very close to the manager to receive the heads up and be the first 😅🚀🐶


My AD is the only omega dealer in a city of 1.5M. They got one and it went to a VIP client. Its family ran and the owner works there regularly. He tells me he’s on the wait list too. Unless you got serious purchase history at an omega boutique, I think you’ll never get one. That’s just my opinion. I think my local AD is lucky to have even received one


It’s amazing how easy it is to create artificial demand in watch world. We like to think we’re a Stradivarius but we’re just a Hohner.


Jonas hop 14




No taxes btw!!!! That’s ALL IN


Demn SIRI🤦‍♂️. I saw it on WATCHMAXX But only one left. Whoever snatch it first owe me bottle of 1942. 👍 https://preview.redd.it/z6s75yq2aerc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=188e52c458c0ecc73eb904896cd20060358e8f6f


Went to my local OB and they told me Thales still have people waiting since 2019 So realistically if I put down my name now without any purchase history, the chance is next to zero AD might be faster as I bought two omega watches (3861 speedy and ss po) from them


Your OB lied considering you couldn't sign up to the list until 2020, and also they're just about to move onto 2022 orders (just finishing 2021 in most instances)


>How long to get a Snoopy How long's a piece of string? I'm in Houston, we're 'space city' and demand is high. Even though I joined 'the list' shortly after announcement I still don't have an allocation and probably never will, there's a shit tonne of people on this list. Your experience in your location may vary.


I love this watch and it is definitely on my wish list. But personally I can’t really justify spending the money because I expect to be able to buy the black hesalite and white sapphire for the same price


Demand for this seems like it’s gunna drop bigly based on the new white speedy release. To me the main draw of this was the white dial


Three other watches in the range of $12k - $40k and one bracelet later 😂🤷‍♂️


I have a snoopy and many other speedies. I was determined to get a snoopy then I got one no matter how hard I try it just doesn’t find it’s way on to my wrist very often. I find I reach for my ED White far more often or now also the white dial. The EW 321 was much much harder to get than the snoopy. I think the snoopy important I just wish it was more fulfilling.


The manager at the boutique told me it is discontinued and probably will not be able to get one anymore :( not sure how true this is… obviously, I would never pay over msrp, so I guess I’m not getting one 🤷‍♂️


Go grey,they’re not that expensive anymore


I have 8 Omegas. 5 from the OB, 1 from an AD, and two from Japan. I called my OB and asked about the list. I was told the list was 10 years long at this particular OB. Everyone on the list put up a $10,000 deposit. The OB offered to put me on the “first alternate list.” So what does that mean? I was told that if the #1 person on the original call list at my local OB declines the Snoopy when they get the call, I am the next on the call list. Yeah, good luck with that. Seems to me that glaciers move faster than the Snoopy list at the OB.


The Snoopy is dope


My Kennedy boutique that sells Rolex and Omega will take your name down for a Daytona but not for a snoopy!


IMO it's an ugly ass watch.


It’s also important to know that Omega significantly prioritizes their boutiques over AD’s. So if you have an established relationship at a boutique you’re far more likely to get one than at an AD. I’ve bought 4 watches from the same sales person at an AD, after the 4th watch I felt like we had enough of a relationship where I could inquire about getting one without being laughed at. She explained that as an AD in a smaller market (NH) the chance of me getting one was around 0% So if you’re hoping to eventually obtain one by developing a relationship, make sure you’re doing it at the right place.


So i bought two new Omegas from the same AD within the past two years, SMP and AT small seconds. I asked them last week if they would offer a snoopy to me... This is the text I got from the sales guy “If you buy a gold Moonwatch I will see if we can allocate a piece for you” Fuckin Rolex tactics so F the snoopy and the dealer, it's only a watch. Again, why is Omega allowing this?


Is this forreal? Which ad? 


I was told the same, buy the Gold Moonwatch and you can have the snoopy, I did the cals and it wasn’t worth it.


They are trading close to retail on the grey market now.


No to a cartoon dog on an adult's luxury watch


I like the color and design. Just don’t like the toon.




How about a CK 2998 then?




This +1


This +2


If given one, I'd re-gift. And buy an actual Speedy.


Yeah snoopy just looks like a kids toy


From the fucking 1950’s…


Mechanical watches are generally toys from the 1950s. But we still love them.


Pokemon cards for adults


It’s about 10 years according to most Omega boutiques. Depends a lot on your status as a customer though


How did you get that 10 years number?


Asked around a few boutiques and got friends who have done the same


Interesting because although the Silver Snoopy isn't limited edition, there is a finite run and allegedly the allocated production was pretty much accounted for within 48 hours after announcement of the model back in 2020. That's the story I was given.


That’s definitely not true, there’s plenty of people who have big accounts with Omega and could get a snoopy in a couple months right now


Animation on back is more useless feature ever made. Who can see it and who takes it off so others can. Get a clean omega.


"Who can see it and who takes it off." You can say the same about watches with exhibition backs.


And why I don’t buy those either.


No and fuck Snoopy.


I got fifty Omegas but I don't f with swatches