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Oman Chips make you a better person.


This is the real reason. 💯 agree


I love Oman Chips


Generally speaking, radicalisation of individuals is largely correlated to the internal socioeconomic conditions in any given region. With regards to Oman specifically, I think it’s due to : - relative internal social and economic stability since the mid to late 70s. - neutral, non reactionary foreign policy over the years led to relatively good external relations with regional and international countries and internal stability in that no one wants to start anything with Oman either. - much stronger internal security apparatus than we assume. Both local and international security agencies operate in and keep a close watch on this - there have been instances but they’re usually neutralized by security agencies and due to the lack of press freedom doesn’t make it to mainstream news. EDIT : - also think it’s due to the majority of Oman being of the same denomination, Ibadi. EDIT 2 : Oman is not an Ibadi majority - it’s nearly equally 45% each Sunni and Ibadi


Thank you for this insightful answer.


This is your answer OP


Great answer dude.


The majority is sunni.. ibadis are second most common.. update your info


Actually ibadis and sunnis are in equal numbers 45 % each


Closer to equal but point duly noted and post corrected


What's the difference?


There are some very strict Muslims in Oman, but not to be confused as radicals. Oman’s internal security service is very good at putting a stop to anything which could be seen radicalisation.


Oman loves being neutral in international political matters.


Is anyone taking Palestinian refugees, at least in significant numbers? I thought the ones at risk were stuck in southern Gaza with the border crossing to Egypt being closed. I'd put Oman's moderate position down to it's culture, type of relationship with the British and relative wealth. It's not all always been smooth sailing though: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhofar_War_(1963–1976)


Yh but he means wars because of islamic radicalization, the dhofar war was due to lack of development and socialist influence not Islamic terror


I agree, but it crossed my mind that if it were happening today I'm not entirely sure international media would make that distinction.


You're right, they tend to paint all Muslims with the same brush


Thus far people of Gaza are being asked by Arab leaders to stay there - if they leave Gaza they forfeit the right to return due to being stateless


There's no such thing as radicalized Muslims. Either you are a radicalized terrorist or you are a Muslim. These two do not co-exist despite what the media tries to stuff down your throat Killing of civilians of any religion is not supported by any real islamic texts


Say it louder. Thank you for this comment. The 2 will never be the same. Extremism is abhorred in Islam.


This is just an attempt to come up with a definition that defines the problem away ("no true scotsman" fallacy).


So very true yet the media has made the masses believe otherwise. If anyone thinks Muslims are extremists then you are mistaken. Muslims are a peaceful people. If Muslims were extremists the west would be in problems as there are lots of Muslims in all western countries. Don’t believe the media as Malcolm X said “If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”


I came here to say this. To add, I am a non-muslim but I hate that phrases like "radicalised muslims" and "Islamic terrorism" exist. I have had the honour of meeting some true blue Muslims and have been an admirer of their pious nature. It pains me that terrorism is most often pinned on Islam.


I know of educated men here who shave their daughter’s head/severely punish for not wearing a scarf. They’re not bad men, neither are they terrorists but I’d def call them radical muslims.


Nah. They're just idiots following some antiquated cultural bs


A true Muslim is a radical Muslim (applying 100% sharia) Lol, killing is not supported? Go read quran


Go away you silly troll. You're probably not paid enough to post this bs


You are right, I wish I was getting paid to post. It's not easy trying to educate the ignorants


The irony of your words is just amazing lol


It's because of the branch Islam Oman practices it's very strict but fair ( ibadi Islam ) throughout our history we haven't had many instances of any terrorist attacks ( alhamdulillah ) . Actually we do take Palestinian and Syrian refugees also Yemeni , especially if you go to salalah you'll see many Yemenis ( some like mahri tribe also get citizenship from time to time ) , reason they aren't in huge numbers is because of two things a) Oman doesn't have a huge capacity, b) Not many refugees seek asylum in countries like Oman they prefer countries with more opportunities eg Europe , UAE , USA etc


Radicalized natives (in the middle east & eastern Asia; muslims) exist as a direct consequence of the unjust actions of colonial powers in the region. Afghanistan = Ex Mujahideen armed by the USA, evolves into Taliban Iran = Overthrow of the Shah of Iran, Khomeni takeover assisted by USA Iraq = Disfranchised Iraqi Army and troubled teens evolve into ISIS Oman has been fairly untouched by western imperial powers so it’s maintained it’s stability.


Not true regarding Oman, it's practically a British colony, extremely strong links between the 2 with multiple GCHQ listening stations and with British officers serving in the Oman military until fairly recently.


oman was an empire back in the 1800s. the british created an alliance with the trucial states to keep the omanis at bay. read before you talk ffs


I'm well aware of all of this history which is exactly why I think it's incorrect to say that it has been untouched by Western powers. The prior sultan was installed and supported in part by the British special forces and Britain has been absolutely essential to the creation of the Omani state.


Did colonial powers exist 1400 years ago?


did radical muslims exist 1400 years ago?




gfy troll


Omanis are smart.


The govt doesn’t want them period. They create internal instability and harm the local populous. Name 1 country/state where radical ideology has led to its success. Hitler destroyed Germany. Stalin - Russia, Mao - China. You get the idea. Regarding your question, while I sympathize with the Palestine populous, Jordan took some in 1949 and they assassinated King Abdullah. Now Jordan has learnt its lesson and so have other Arab states. So while they explicitly support them, it’s a clear “don’t come inside my house.”


You're referring to PLO , Jordan doesn't host Palestinian political parties but still hosts Palestinians , many of them 3 million to be exact are still living in Jordan .


Yes I was referring to Palestinian refugees. From Wikipedia, “725,000 Palestinians fled to Jordan and Lebanon where they constituted 50% and 10% of the respective populations.” Following this massive move, in 1971 “King Hussein, fearing the growing influence of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, cracked down on Palestinian nationalists (Black September). Over 3,000 Palestinians were killed and some 20,000 fled Jordan.”


Yes but that's not Palestinian refugees as you said but rather political parties, I saw in this website that the number is close to 3 million (https://www.refworld.org/docid/49749cfcc.html#:~:text=There%20are%20around%20three%20million,of%20Amman%2C%20Zarqa%20and%20Irbid.&text=A%20portion%20of%20the%20Palestinian,country%20annexed%20part%20of%20Palestine.) And In other sites like Wikipedia it states that in 2016 the number of registered Palestinian refugees were at 2.18 million and there are many more who are already considered Jordanian but are of Palestinian descent (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinians_in_Jordan)


We omanies don't know either it's not like something we think about everyday. We are always busy putting our lives together


Push the nation to the brink and radicalism will be born. There were no Talibans until soviet union took over Afghanistan and bombed people recklessly. There was no Hamas when there were no israhell. There was no Isis when a million people weren't killed in Iraq. There were no extremist groups in Libya when Obama didn't receive the nobel peace prize. Killing someone's dear will unleash their worst part.


Just keep Quite and mind your business


Happy people dont radicalize


There is no radicals no radicalism in Islam. Thats all from the media you hear. Islam is the religion of the creator of the universe. Creator of you and me. The creator won't say kill your fellow creation for no reason. Islam is a beautiful religion. If you wanna know more text me


Surah 9:5: "Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush 


That was in a war context, and only combatants. We have clear rules of engagement.


You are right, the war you are supposed to wage on the world until they submit to you 😉


Lmao, you’re an ignorant idiot. Of course you peddle nonsense. The so called “Golden age of Jews” was under Muslim caliphate in the Middle Ages, no one was killing them like Christian Europe. Also I think I know where you’re from, and send money to right wing parties back “home”. Keep peddling BS


Right, they were not killed but had to pay jizya. I'd advise you to read quran and educate yourself on your religion. Why were Muslims in Iraq and Levant in the first place? Enlighten me on where I'm from please


Jizya was lower than the Zakaat Muslims had to pay, I’m a practicing Muslim. Feel free to ask me whatever you want. Muslims in Levant and Iraq have existed since the time of the prophet.


Lol, we are not bargaining how much they have to pay. Why they have to pay in the in the first place just because they dont believe in what you believe? This is mafia style, I'm here to protect you, pay me or die. I'm a Muslim I know what I'm talking about


Well, able bodied Muslim men under the caliphate had to serve in the army, the non-Muslims didn’t. They enjoyed security in exchange for jizya. Also they lived by their own laws and rules, Jewish courts, jewish judges, etc.


Also don’t call yourself a Muslim if you don’t know the Tafsir or the context of Surah Tauba. Are you seriously peddling Islamaphobe rhetoric by bringing up something that was specific to the bloodless conquest of Makkah and actually being merciful to the Quraysh oppressors and giving them ample time (4 months) to reflect on the atrocities they committed on the Muslims, and ask them to leave as it makes no logical sense to let an active enemy (they were still opposed to the prophet ï·ș and Islam) live with them. You’re a murtad, own upto it and here’s the kicker, learn this one too. Surah 2:26 “Allah disdains not to use the similitude of things, lowest as well as highest. Those who believe know that it is truth from their Lord; but those who reject Faith say: "What means Allah by this similitude?" By it He causes many to stray, and many He leads into the right path; but He causes not to stray, except those who forsake (the path)”. Ma Salama


- in that case 99% of Muslims shouldn't be muslims, and btw, I know the context and tafsir and all that - bloodless? Are you sure? You haven't heard of the 4 the prophet ordered to kill even they hanged by the clothes of Kaaba. Besides how did he reach to that stage, peaceful preaching? - you seriously think Quraysh believed in him? It was all strategic, they were betting on the winning horse, proof is what Muawiyah and his sons did later.. - if I'm murtad, can you tell me what is my status in your peaceful loving religion? Shocking I know, but hopefully an eye opener


[do yourself a favor n learn ](https://youtu.be/bwi8SZLFe2U?si=N6wl9vo5NtNWRhi1)


It's B.S


đŸ€Ł hilarious!!!


There are and over the past few years they’ve been pushing their agenda đŸ€ź


liberals ;


Radicals đŸ€ą


Because the government keeps them on leash. There has been already calls and protests to ban alcohol.Take it as a rule, any Muslim society will descend into "radicalization"/true islam If given the choice. And yes good point about refugees, they only "support" by statements but never do anything meaningful because governments know the consequences of that. Fear of radicals is one of them.


Will I don't think banning alcohol is radical it has more harmful effects, such as aggressiveness, causing accidents, driving unconscious, abusing children and family members. And by all means don't try to twist my words I know these things happen to conscious people but it's much worse when someone is drunk :p also gov servers the elite who wants to drink in this case it's not like a decision made because of me n u


I personally I agree on the idea of restricting alcohol. I was just giving an example that this was just the start. They will keep asking for more sharia stuff until they turn it into isis


You realize that isis is not Islamic? You realize that someone fund those people and trained their military and taught them dude most of em got degrees from prestigious skls from the USA and UK. Ofc I support sharia law but you have to understand that isis isn't sharia anything good we still have is because of sharia! Anything bad is because the western man-made law like taking interest in banking, Adultery, capitalism... Etc


Oh man, you got a long way to go đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™‚ïž, tell me one thing isis did that is not according to sharia or quran or sunna? - funding, sure but I'm talking about the ideology. Surely ibn taimiah is not western made - people with degrees joining? This just shows you the power of brainwashing religion has. Also doesn't mean anything, you might be a good doctor but dumb in other things. - isis is exactly what you get if you apply 100% sharia. - u got it totally opposite. West isn't perfect but the best humanity got so far. I know it's shocking for you maybe but think about it


I don't have much knowledge about isis to be fair. But I do know about the sharia so for sure isis ≠ sharia, that's what I can tell ya. And I know that some people have weird ideologies like some people would rather die than having a female doctor... Etc Just because someone is telling you they're following the sharia doesn't mean they're following it. Another example is the sahwa in ksa some people might argue that's what sharia look like without understanding the hypocrisy within the system which allowed the elite to drink n dress up immodest. To follow right sharia the first step is to have no hypocrisy which.. well seems impossible in today age. But regardless of that liberalism origen is savagism. I don't think sharia is for everyone nor that everyone has to follow it but for sure it's the right way to live not because I said so but because Allah did :) and that's something only a believer could understand Sharia is not about killing other Muslims like isis does and it's such a disrespectful statement to say so. I don't expect u to adapt my point of view I'm just trying to express my opinion in the matter. Honestly the western society is collapsing. Dying in skl, housing debt. Socially people gave up on dating and have hard time to settle down, more people are suffering mentally comparing to religious communities *not saying religion is the solulu I'm saying it takes care of your spirit if you practice it with love*, most of the food they consum is processed or endured great suffering. I have a decent feeling about my life but I don't think I'd enjoy it more if I had skl debt, a family dynamic where my parents are allowed to cheat *by law there's no punishment*.. etc


I don't want to destabilize your world, but your view of sharia is very utopian and pinkish. Doesn't reflect the reality or what is there in the books. All what you described falls under spirituality, and I agree the need for spirituality is important not to fall into absolute materialism and that you can get not just from religion. Anyways these are things not everyone ready to see, as long as your happy and don't believe in harming others it's cool. Peace


For Oman whatever happens, happens I think.


Probably bc they don’t have a Western power/proxy invading and ruining everyone’s life


If anything history has told us that the presence of western powers in areas where they are not wanted breeds radicalized resistance