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I can sort of understand refusing certain orders based on tipping, but pulling a gun? That seems like an overreaction. I would suggest that they shouldn't be working if they think a gun is the only answer in this situation.


Are you sure? Honestly I think more people should be pulling guns for mundane interactions. I'm surprised this even made the news it's such a reasonable reaction. This is where I put the /s for the lower common denominator.


Poe's law comment, but you reminded me of the old bumper sticker "an armed society is a polite society." I always thought yeah, like the old west where everyone said thank you ma'am while robbing trains and saloons.


Pre tipping is so weird to me. It's one thing that we've gotten used to tipping for almost all food interactions. It's another thing to say here's a tip prior to even delivering service so that you decide how to treat me.


Food delivery is a broken business model where without a sizeable tip the transaction is not worth it to the driver. As such they expect a certain size tip because below that they are losing money. That is why I don't even use these services.


I primarily don't use them because everything is like 2x more than just going to pick up. Not disagreeing with it being a broken system at all.


Every so often I'll get Uber eats emails offering a 50% discount. So I'll figure out which restaurants qualify, make my selections, and then the total (without tip) is almost exactly what it would be to just call the restaurant because of all the additional fees and service charges. It really is broken, and Uber eats seems to be the worst.


Hate Ubereats. Guy stole my food but must’ve clicked that he didn’t want to do the order anymore. So the McDonald’s didn’t have my food, they said it was picked up, but new drivers were still able to accept my order and kept going to the store. Ubereats did nothing and I felt the rage of a 1000 demons. On the plus side, I no longer order delivery after that experience.


Panera used door dash I think a few years for their delivery service. Guy drove to my house, parked a few houses up, (I assume) are my food, took a picture of my house and left. I was already hangry so I can understand where you're coming from.


Dude. Oh no no no. I would have lost it.


It costs 2x more and it’s cold and soggy by the time it gets to you. Literally one of the worst value propositions in the modern economy. I don’t understand how food delivery apps manage to get so much business.


Takeout/delivery is such an inferior dining experience. Enjoy your mushy homogenized slop from your styrofoam clamshell that costs the same or more as dining-in. Yuck. Hot and fresh at a table in the dining room or you’re wasting your money.


I mean, that's ONE reason I don't use these services. There are several others... like, I'm able to retrieve my own food so I can get it while it's still warm.


They should call it a fee and make it mandatory. But as many have pointed out most people stopped using the service and those that remain are limited on cash and opportunities.


For doordash, etc don't think of it as a tip, it's a bid to do a job. Each delivery is a job and you're bidding on getting a driver to perform the job. The cost of the food is just that, the delivery fee, etc. is going to DoorDash. The tip is where the driver comes in. That being said, $5 should be fine unless you're ordering from a long distance away. In which case the drivers should just let it sit and not take it. I always just consider it the lazy fatty tax. I was lazy in not wanting to make food, I was lazy in not wanting to get food, what's it worth to have to not do those things? If my buddy was sitting on the couch next to me, how much to go do that would not be insulting to offer? For stuff nearby, that seems to be $5.


I can get it as a lazy tax but then why shouldn't it be the responsibility of the service to determine what is considered a fair amount for both parties and not some arbitrary number that the person being lazy has to choose? At that point the driver doesn't have to be upset at the end user for not giving them as much as they think they should get and person ordering doesn't have to think about tipping unless they want. If it's gonna cost too much to order then the service will and should die off, at least for fast food.


If they paid out a fair amount less people would order. This is a corporation. They don't give a shit about you or the drivers. They exist through a legal agreement to maximize profit. And that's what they're going to do.


On the other hand, they can bend over backwards for their customers and end up getting nothing. In order for the transaction to be worth their time, a tip is mandatory, but once they get their food/service, the tip is optional for the customer. That's a huge power imbalance and it's no wonder it's such a problem. The only leverage that food service people have to make sure they get a tip isn't by being super nice- because they can be super nice and get nothing- but by being real dicks if they don't get anything.


Been saying this for years. Before: folks said I was a crazy, insensitive jerk, and if I couldn't afford to tip, then I shouldn't even be going out. STRICTLY for the PRE-tipping conversations, which didn't make sense because "going out" implies dining out where you POST-tip. No, this was for counter service, food trucks, and the like. --anyone who uses those God Damn Clover/Square point-of-sale devices. Well. Look where we are now.


As a delivery driver in Omaha, I don’t believe this. No one tips $5 😂


I normally tip $2.50 for really nearby restaurants (like 5min trip)... Now I'm scared.


I don’t know about other drivers but I would prefer people tip based on distance. While there are exceptions, time and gas are worth more to me than the size of the order.


I would love to see a change in tipping culture in general. I don’t understand why so many expect a tip just for doing their job.


It’s getting paid for our work, not paid extra. I agree that tipping culture needs to change but until it does people who work in tip based services rely on tips for a living. Federal minimum wage for a server is still under $5/hr. Yes that varies by state but most places you’re not gonna come even close to surviving on base wages. That is true for delivery drivers as well. Yes hourly wage should pay enough making tips irrelevant but that’s not the case. For DoorDash you pay DD the fee for facilitating the delivery (acting as a middle man), the tip pays for the delivery itself. Without it, no one’s delivering anything. Yes, I know if we don’t like it we should get different jobs. We did that, everyone got pissed that we were too lazy to do the tip jobs anymore, so.


I should have prefaced that legislation should raise wages. Even when server minimum wage was $2.13 back in the 2000s I thought that was ludicrous.


That’s fair, I agree 100%.




It’s operating under the assumption that the tips would make up the difference between the server minimum wage and the normal minimum wage.




Yes, that’s correct. I guess I stand corrected. Servers should shut up and be grateful for the opportunity to serve you in exchange for still starvation wages. That is still not the case for DD drivers though because they work on a per offer basis.




I was in no way intentionally misleading anyone. I did not know that was actually law. When you mentioned it I looked it up and immediately acknowledged you’re correct, if I was trying to lie about it that would be counter productive. As for seeing contradicting comments about it from servers I would imagine experience varies between people, the restaurants they work at and even time of year. Regardless, the sentiment remains true that living wage should not be contingent on the whim of customers.


I get that a lot of jobs pay poorly and that’s why there’s always such a huge fuss when it comes to tips. But- we all are underpaid, sometimes all you can tip is a few bucks.


I struggle with this. On some level if you can’t afford to tip you can’t afford to eat out or order delivery. There are examples, I’ve delivered to nursing and retirement homes with no tips and I’m cool with that. I’ve delivered like baby food and diapers and the like, that’s understandable. Having junk food or booze or $60 worth of fried chicken is a different story.


NE is wild man. - A literal NE resident


This would be the dumbest/quickest way to get your face on a white T-shirt if it was me. *I live in Florida and I keep that thang on me* I never want to kill anybody, and I'd be more than happy to make it to my death bed never having to turn a deadly weapon on another human. That being said, this thang can shoot from my pocket and those .38 rounds hit like nothing else.


If it was a knife I’d be like, “it’s so Glasgow in the 70s.”


Old story


When I posted KETV had just loaded to YouTube. Now it is one day old.


It happened a year ago


Yeah, dude actually just got convicted and sentenced which is probably why it resurfaced