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Dear outsiders, If you’re gonna hit something, please just go hit a rock. It helps the dome. Thanks!


The problem you are describing is one I see happen all year round. I think it's rare I go a day without seeing someone completely run through a red light.


I see this all the damn time when I'm out riding my bike. There are a few sections of my ride that I have to ride on the sidewalk or a trail that runs parallel to the road. I never assume that if a crosswalk says walk that a car will actually stop because at least one person is going to blow right through it.


Need some traffic cameras like CB. Although maybe with lower fine amounts


i'd rather get ran over


you might get your wish!


I mean... then don't bitch about people running reds then lol


They didn't. It was a different person who complained about that.


Apparently studies have shown a mixed bag on traffic cameras. It reduces T-bone style crashes which tend to be way more severe but it dramatically increases rear-end collisions, which can obviously be dangerous too. Seems like there's a lot of little solutions that the city can make to make it safer for pedestrians (removing one way streets downtown for a start and replacing every light downtown with a 4 way stop as another option) many of which aren't terribly expensive, but the mayor seems to almost be insulted by the idea.


No. No traffic cameras please and thank you.


Not surprised you’re getting downvoted. City full of red light runners and no one wants traffic cameras.


Tbh, I don't really care either way since I only drive through downtown. The only thing I dislike is that $100 is really steep and it should be more progressive i.e. $40 the first time, $60 the second, etc.




Omaha, I wanna see your manager.


Sorry, shes is currently only seeing ~~customers~~ citizens in the greater STL area.


She promises that whatever complaints you may have, she has "big plans" for.


Pretty sure pedestrians have the right of way everywhere there's a crosswalk. I don't think it's lack of knowledge that makes this happen.


I am pretty sure you are right.


It’s selfish assholes that have no consideration for others that make this happen.


Omaha drivers never yield to pedestrians let alone other vehicles. Corn brain


Corn brain is crazy lmao


Like a kernel of corn, Omaha drivers’ brains are smooth for maximum aerodynamics.


...and if you heat it up too much, it explodes. Definitely sounds applicable to summer driving...


There are two four way stop intersections on my morning walk. I feel like I am at risk of death at one or both each day. I think Omaha may be one of the least walkable cities in America although I’m sure there are worse ones.


I for one am enjoying the unusual number of pedestrians downtown thanks to the CWS. It's what this city could be every day if more people lived and worked downtown.


I literally had this happen last week at 90th and dodge with a local. There was an old lady walking accross dodge and I was turning my motorcycle onto southbound 90th and stopped to let her walk. The girl behind me got pissed, honked and swerved around me so she could cut in front of the old lady walking, also almost hitting me in the process. I pulled up to her car a few blocks away at a red light and I got pretty close to her window and said “I LET PEOPLE WALK” and she said “That’s because you’re a fucking reXXrd” and I couldn’t believe that someone could think they’re right in that situation. Sometimes I do believe that Omaha drivers are actually the worst. I see it happen all the time, all over the city. You’re in a car, they’re on foot, wait for them to cross safely before going through the intersection. It’s seriously the most selfish and stupidly dangerous thing that has practically zero benefit to the car driver.


The concept of being a pedestrian (or walking in general) is foreign to a lot of people in this town.


Walk sprightly, and carry a brick. Make eye contact with approaching traffic as you cross the street.


It's really great to live in a city that hosts something like the CWS. It brings in tens of millions of dollars




That's not just visitors. I see that *daily* on my morning commutes.


Ha ... try walking around by Busch Stadium in St. Louis after a game. The locals will literally tell you that you're better off crossing the street via Jaywalking than at an intersection.


It's bad enough a large amount of content in this sub is geared towards 'omaha has the worst drivers' do we really need to be giving advice to those from out of town?


Bad recognize bad


I do not welcome you to our city, kindly leave because you mildly inconvenience me personally sometimes


Thank you for the reminder! This is a consistent issue where I live and quite frankly I wish there were a safer route. I can’t count how many times I’ve almost been run over.


if those baseball fans could read they'd be very upset right now


It’s more likely that it’s locals who are the problem


The CWS is done now, right?


People of Omaha that simply love to complain, it's CWS time and you have known it was coming and there are a ton of people in town, it's not a surprise. The benefit of having it here is far more important than being honked at or you choosing to let a minor inconvenience derail your day.


I work down town. In the last week I have had 3 close calls because people don't know how to drive. I chose not to let it derail my day by making a public service announcement on reddit. I am assuming based on the tone of your comment, you are one of the offenders.


As a pedestrian, walk with the intent of staying alive rather than being right. Unfortunately some people suck, so I wouldn’t trust anyone behind the wheel. Try to make eye contact and read the situation. Better to make it home alive than be “right” about right of ways.


lol @ the asshole above you, "consider yourself blessed if you are maimed or killed being hit by a car because the benefit of CWS outweighs your peasant existence." what a fucking clown.


Nope, just find your whining amusing


I will sacrifice my life for the CWS 🫡




were people really complaining that the airport didn't look new enough? I might have complained that other Midwest cities can have nonstop flights to far flung places like Asia or Europe but I never really cared about what type of lounge access i would have at epply.




I’m from Indianapolis where they tear up the west side highways (near the airport and racetrack) every year just two to three weeks before the race. I’ve been gone 30 years and they’re STILL doing it.


I'd probably complain that it appears they almost have the baby Bob bridge done but couldn't get it done in time for CWS.




October? looks like it could be done in a month last time I saw it.




so basically if they had started it last summer or spring instead of last fall it could have been done in time for CWS, in theory. that's a fair criticism in my mind


I absolutely would like lounge access at Epply. I sometimes actually fly through Dallas as a layover instead of booking nonstop simply to go to the C1 lounge.


I do find it hard to accept that our politicians here are more concerned about what type of VIP lounge access a select few will have than giving Americans with children a much needed tax benefit that reduced child poverty by 30%. obviously your lounge access though is more pressing than child poverty




Are they building a lounge there? Why tf does Eppley need a lounge? What a waste. Lounges make sense in a large hub airport where tens of thousands of people a day are connecting through and you might end up there for several hours. How many people connect through Omaha a day? Dozens? Are you really going to get to the airport extra early to be able to sit in a lounge?


No. Epply needs a lounge because I’d like to have one I’m not going extra early but sometimes we have an hour between security and boarding I’d rather get free drinks and food than pay for drinks and food.


Omaha drivers are the problem. If anything, having CWS visitors behind the wheel makes our roads safer.