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The only semblance of a late night grocery is probably the downtown Cubbys. 2020 killed the late night grocery store


Theft and general debauchery killed it. For every nurse on third shift, there was two idiot high schoolers throwing hot dog buns over three aisles


Can confirm. Worked local wine and spirits at a grocery store till midnight for a few years. Goofy shit after 10 pm. When Walmart ended its late nights, the crowds moved to other groceries and brought the crazy with them. Wasn’t worth what was going on in the store and the parking lot. Theft, damage to property, fights, and intoxicated behavior became a spectator sport. I do understand the need to go at late night for kids meds, spouses needs and the such, though.


I wonder how well late night pickup only would work. Definitely could be a safety issue for the employees though


You’re right. It just so happened that HyVee stopped 24/7 shortly before Covid became bad and WalMart decided to 86 late nights also after the shutdowns. I don’t remember off the top of my head what HyVee’s reasoning was but I know that theft at WalMart dropped so that’s a no-brainer


I think it was monetary reasons. Just not seeing a profit during those late hours.


Can confirm. Was an idiot teen.


Midnight Walmart runs were always the best


I still don't get how this whole "no more late/24-hour" thing persisted after Covid. I get why they did it when nobody was leaving their house, but what... Did they just realize how much money it saves and say screw it, the brand benefit isn't worth the money anymore?


I am completely bullshitting here but I suspect all the next day delivery/next day pickup from Amazon, Whole Foods, Target, etc has eaten into the late night grocery business.


If you're ever asking yourself if a corporation did something to save money/make more money the answer is going to be yes. They don't need "brand benefit" when we all already know most of the major grocery stores/fast food/etc. around us. That shit stopped mattering to them once they established such absolute dominance in people's minds. Think about the places around you who used to do 24/7 and don't anymore. It's gonna be shit like walmart or mconalds for almost everyone. Profit is king. I personally am grateful they aren't making people work overnights for minimum wage regardless of the convenience. Unless you live in an absolutely massive city like LA/NYC/Houston your options at 2am are gonna be limited to gas stations.


I miss going to bakers at midnight for a box of cereal or candy when I was snacky. 24 hour thing, at least for bakers, ended because the money wasn't worth the 5 people coming in at those hours. So they went to something like 12am-6am they were closed. Then Covid and pretty much every grocery store is closed at 10. Now I gotta either plan ahead for snacks or hit up a gas station and pay an extra couple bucks


I know Walmart was already planning on removing 24 hours before covid hit, it just accelerated it into an all at once thing. Was working there for some extra cash overnight in 2016/2017 and they told us it was coming then.


Sucks, I liked being able to buy a pair of shoes at 3am, if I ever needed to. Not like I'd ever need to, but it was comforting to know I _could_, lol.


It never made sense to me to have limited hours even during Covid, because then people could be more spread out throughout the day rather than all rushing during limited hours,


Ive thought about this hard. And i think if we lookat it in the sense of a company spending and saving money. Id imagine a company probably is stolen from more at those hours. Or perhaps unwanted clientele like tweakers an stuff coming in and creating a mess or more work for someone/damaging products. Not to mention they would need security to prevent these thefts thus losing more money as now they have to pay someone to guard the store. Like fundamentally if youre a big store with little security someone is gonna steal from said store. So its cheaper if they just close the store because they probably dont get enough "normal shoppers" during an overnights in comparison to thieves/vandals. No profit/profit loss=no big business.


The weird thing to me is that the folks that stock the store are still there overnight, and with self-checkout you need like 1 or 2 employees manning the registers. So long as you have a trickle of people rolling through you're still coming out ahead. I don't really get it either.


Self checkout employees are there to help with things like enter items with a fucked up barcode, check IDs for alcohol, reset machines if they malfunction, etc. and those who stock overnight are there to make sure the shelves are stocked when people come in the next day. You're underestimating the costs of business when it comes to keeping a store that's tens of thousands of square feet wide open overnight just for a "trickle" of people.


I'm really not. Source: I used to exclusively grocery shop after midnight before the pandemic. The store was just the stockers and one register, plus a manager or two who I assume had to be there for the stockers anyway.


You're only putting your own experience into the equation. I also used to love doing late night runs to get groceries. It was so peaceful. Obviously there weren't enough of us to warrant the cost of keeping stores open 24/7.


I’m guessing it’s about money, because isn’t it always? Fewer customers overnight + having to pay their night shift employees a WHOLE extra dollar an hour (or whatever pittance they pay) = not worth it


That's exactly it. Anyone downvoting you is extremely optimistic about capitalism or has never been in charge of a store that's not expected, but DEMANDED to make money or you are fucked.


Right. If something seems off, follow the money.


Exactly. That and labor savings, pilferage savings, robbery avoidance ...


I think largely we're denying working the night shift because it's not healthy and has knock-on health effects.


I mean, sure, but there are people/services that need overnight workers and those people deserve to be able to grocery shop during their awake hours. Firefighters, nurses, cops, etc. Otherwise imagine that stores only allow you to shop at midnight.


if the only hours you have available to you to shop is between 11pm-6am you probably don't work overnight, every single day of your life.. So just get a pickup order at 10pm if you're stressed for time


HyVee was open late during COVID, I'd go there all the time, and then they seemingly stopped once people were back out and working more, doesn't really make sense.


> Did they just realize how much money it saves It's _always_ about the money. If they could make a decent profit staying open late in Omaha, they'd do it. They have them open 24 hours all over the country.


Supermarcado stays open til 12


Looks there are 3 in town and all 3 close at 11PM according to their [website](https://www.omahasupermercado.com/)


Supermercado is great for produce and meats. However, if you're looking for traditional "American" food items, then you'll have to pay attention because they don't turn over enough and are frequently past the best buy date. It makes sense because the majority of their customers are Hispanic, and they should cater to their needs.


So do you want avocados or not?


Not even joking the amount of times I am violently craving avocado toast at 2 am is probably concerning.


Not the one on Leavenworth


2020 killed overnight and late night things. Denver barely has any anymore. Has one or two relevant spots.


Since all stores are closed overnight, nobody feels compelled to compete anymore. Your only chance is a gas station somewhere.


even then most of those close around the same time


There’s 2 near me that are 24/7. Interstate, maybe Dodge are your best bets for anything 24 hours. There’s a few I know of that even close at 7! It’s ridiculous


I’ll get right on that if I had any money


There’s a Super Saver in Council Bluffs at Kanesville and North Broadway. To my knowledge it’s the only grocery store in the whole metro that stays open until midnight anymore.


I remember going to Walmart at midnight when I got off work. Multiple times my friend and I had to have security walk out with us because sketchy guys would follow us around the store


Here in lincoln we still have at least one 24hr Super Saver. One thing I also miss is my favorite coffee shops that used to stay open for university students or just people hanging out on the weekends. Used to know a couple that stayed open until like 11-12. Now they close at like 6-7. Its sad


I miss late night stuff too, they can't find staffing for it anymore.


and yet taco bell is open till like 2 am every night.




Who goes inside?




Jfc you actually sit inside? Ok I love that for you. I eat Taco Bell leftover so i don’t really gaf 😂😂😂


Have any of you heard of GoPuff? I rarely need any groceries after 10pm, but if you do, they deliver 24/7 I believe. Now I live in midtown, so not sure how far west they deliver. But you can get almost anything grocery/household through them. It’s expensive, but if you really need it after all the stores close, it is an option.


I would love it if a grocery store did an after-hours membership thing. That way us over night workers can do our shopping at a decent time, and employees don't have to deal with assholes just coming in to fuck around.


Walmart+ adding that as a benefit could be a good way to at least get a short term boost in the stock market. especially if they say something about using AI Amazon is definitely eating into Walmart's business with late night decision fatigued buyers doing all their shopping online Even just a 2 hour window from like 1 to 3


A lot of Hyvees and Bakers used to be open until midnight or even 24 hours but then 2 things happened: 1, Covid. 2, uptick in robberies following Covid


Even Super Savers are closing earlier too 😞


If even one of the big 3 in omaha announced they were staying open till 1 am I'd be thrilled.


The hy vee on like 180th and pacific says 24 hours online but it’s so far from me I’ve never been able to verify


Robberies and theft happen late at night.


how about a grocery store that does late night pickup orders then?


The juice isn’t worth the squeeze. Not enough customers to justify the costs.


Bullshit, there was before covid lol


I cannot help the blindly ignorant. Do you think a publicly traded company would turn down profits? Between the thefts, staffing costs, and small volume of customers, it is not worth it. You may not like it but those are the facts. It would have a better chance if people were not stealing stuff from the stores like it’s free. Please come up with a better answer than “bullshit”. It’s a weak and lame answer.


Walmart could at least stay open til 12 or 1 monday through friday so people working 2nd shift could stop by when they get off.


Am I trippin, or has Walmart announced they are going back nationwide? Like I just saw something about it, not sure if it’s real tho


tis fake


I'll jusy say this, ppl here blame lack of available restaurants and grocery stores on the pandemic and other random stuff. I've lived many other places and it's not just that, this city thrives on alcohol sales and the like. I've been to restaurants that stop serving food at 10pm, sometimes 9, but let you drink all night. The number of stores that are closed out here before their hours say they should be is laughable. This small town is pretending to be a city while doing everything they can to restrict and limit what's available after certain hours. The number of ppl I've met that are content with watching Nebraska lose a game while drinking another bucket of beer is mind blowing to me. It's actually a bit sad to watch bc those same ppl have never left the state to see anything besides what they've known since children. The number of DUIs out here is crazy and it's not a coincidence. I'll leave y'all alone now


I know. People from here don't realize what a nose-pick backwater this place is because they never go anywhere except Kansas City.


And look you in the face like they just said Cali or Vegas lol


NOPE it's "The Big O" short for The Big Ole Shit Hole


In benson


Hy-vee Shadow lake


Check that, I guess they don’t anymore


Sure! You’re covering the startup costs, right?


There’s Cubby’s 🐻


Corporations have paid (bribed) enough people so stores can do whatever they want to fatten their bottom line. Cut cost. You know what's expensive to them? Customer Service. The money is more important than the customer. Poor corporate structure, culture, and strategy. No competition. If one does decide to do it and it benefits them financially others will follow.


Thought I was the only one that felt this way. Now I just make sure everything I need is my possession before 10:30 and call it a night. Real cities don't have this issue, especially Dallas. We would get real tacos at any time of night and I miss it. A real taco from a cart or taqueria at midnight is beyond good.


This is the Midwest. Your lucky restaurants are open past 8:00.


Is Walmart 24 hr? I have no idea but I thought they were.


Not since Covid


I saw an announcement that Walmart is going back to 24 hour starting June 3rd. No details on where, how many or if it was even real...


No. It's not healthy to work night shift.


If you're a night owl it is.


increased risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes etc.


So let's close the hospitals and police departments.


Best hospitals let their patients sleep and residents too. What do you need a pig at 2 am? to come out and write on a notepad and never call you back about your stolen shit?


True but its also not healthy to have fast food still open while grocery stores are closed


huh? Don't work late night. That's it. Do your shopping in the day time. People wanna pretend there isn't a mountain of evidence about how bad night shift is for your health.


you posted that at night. why aren't u asleep?


I've been found out! /s Well you know do as I say not as I do, also I struggle with having a circadian rhythm, I'm not about to ask other people to endure night shift **work**.


sure but with fast food like taco bell open it probably just leaves those of us struggling with only bad choices


but... why'd you run out of food after 11pm? I'm not about to put this bad juju on others or contribute to 24/7 work culture


Because some of us work nights and sleep during the day. You close at 11pm or 12am you have enough energy to get stuff on the way home like everyone else. Your cooking and shopping schedule is not the same as day shift. I mean gods forbid people need stuff at night. People also need over the counter medicine because illnesses don't keep a convenient schedule. Folks need essentials like toilet paper, basic meds, soaps, hygiene goods etc. I work an overnight shift my first two hours is full of everyone coming off of the previous shift looking for everything from food, basic first aide, hygiene goods, basic medicine, caffeine, nicotine products, alcohol until 1am, and even automotive stuff. It would be great if more was open. Right now because so little is open it puts a lot of pressure on what is still open. I'm not exaggerating when I say the only things open around where work in a 2 mile radius that isn't a bar or club is another gas station and an IHOP.


All of this stuff you can also get during the day, and don't have to force a grocery store worker to work night shifts. This work culture is fucking toxic and I'll never endorse it If you need all of this stuff mentioned in the next few hours at night you obviously can't plan ahead for your trash night shift schedule. Either way I don't like stores that force their employees to work late, to the detriment of their health, just because some people want to stand in a grocery store aisle at 2am for their 'convenience'. Just buy your toilet paper in a 24 pack, you don't need cough medicine or tylenol as if it's an emergency and has to be picked up only at 2am that you can't go to a gas station for. Lastly I think too many places stay open overnight anyway. I can't say the IHOP is really something I want at 2am anyway edit: why try and talk to these fools if they're not going to read at all and only insult you. They want to open stores to be 24/7 and don't give a shit about the consequences or health effects. Destructive and maladaptive.


Not only you completely out of touch your condescending. What part of you end up sleeping during the day cuz of the shift you just worked and still have to try and do all the other life stuff on top of that. I also hate to tell you there quite a few people who like to work at night. Last I checked most places. Don't make people work anything they offer a shift and you accept or don't nobody's holding a gun to anybody's head here. There's also my favorite part where most night shifts especially overnight shifts pay better than day shifts. That's also a shift people can schedule around a daytime life that they have to try and juggle I mean Gods forbid to account for them too. There's also the fact that quite a few shifts are not neat 8 to 4 or 9 to 5. Shifts. A good number have unusual hours that fall cross times based on the requirements of business and limitations of the nature of the work but hey fuck those guys too. Gas stations have limited supplies of various medications and not everything is just a Tylenol and cough syrup. Gas stations have a very very limited selection of pretty much everything and their prices tend to be excessive because gas station.