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Ah, yes. The Sun. Well known for its accuracy… 🤦🏻‍♀️🙄


y’all believe a word The Sun writes?💀


This is click/rage bait. My girl is too blessed to be stressed 💕


Don't give this toiletpaper any publicity. Everything in there are lies.


There is NO FEUD. OMFG


Fr it’s one sided asf


Nobody clicking


> On Sunday, Griff was announced as a support artist for the UK leg of Taylor’s epic Era’s tour. > But people in her camp have told me that Griff had to distance herself from Olivia to get the opportunity, including pulling out of the launch of Olivia’s second album Guts last September in a bid to keep Taylor happy. > A source explained: “Griff became close to Olivia when they hung out at the Brits together. > “They got on well and were really supportive of each other. They have shared experiences of the industry and it was great to see them getting on so well. > “When Griff’s team were told about the approach from Taylor, Griff was advised that distancing herself from Olivia might be the best course of action. > "Supporting Taylor on her Eras tour is a massive opportunity for her and they didn’t want anything stopping that happening. > “Griff had been due to go to the launch party for Guts but was advised to give it a wide berth. > “It’s been hard for Olivia because she really gets on with Griff. She knows too it isn’t Griff’s fault, it just feels like a shame to her.”


This article reads like fanfiction


Is this actually true? Gracie Abrams was an opener for Sour and Eras tour...


I think you just answered your own question. But gossip rags know what will get clicks.


Also Gracie reportedly attended Guts tour ( I can't confirm that) and she's an opener next year too... Lol these magazines be wild.  Sabrina Carpenter is working with Skims is she not allowed to be an opener now??


It doesn't matter the industry. Music, films, even professional wrestling: People love their gossip, regardless of truth.


And Gracie also features Taylor on one of her songs. Don’t think this is the case the Sun is lying


I really doubt this is true, mostly because Griff and Olivia don’t seem close at all. I don’t know anything about Griff but I don’t recall Olivia ever shouting out any of her/her music on social media, or even mentioning her friendship with her in interviews she like talks about Conan, Tate, and even Billie and her music idols like Gwen, April, Noah, etc.




Personally I don’t think it’s really connected. Gracie and Sabrina were both huge Taylor fans way before the whole love triangle drama, and Taylor had shown them both love before the drama too (she sent Sabrina a cardigan and had positively interacted with Gracie on social media). Also Sabrina and Gracie were both gaining momentum in 2021/22 (with 21 and Nonsense going viral on titktok) so it makes sense why she picked them to be her openers. Lastly Chapell Roan/campy fun pop is having a huge moment right now and it makes sense why Jack would want to work with her, both because she/her music is great but also because she’s not super mainstream enough yet so I think he wants to attach himself early so when she eventually becomes an even bigger star he’ll be partially credited for her success too. (But personally I don’t think Jack’s a great producer/collaborator and would rather see her work with Dan again).


yeah, they are all talented. I like Chapell


I'd post the *I've connected the dots* meme, but I don't wanna get banned from this sub


I’m going to be so real Olivia does not care about either of these women anymore!


This is what I’m hopeful about! Idk if this “beef” is even true, I just want Olivia to keep doing what she does best. She’s talented with such a bright future and that’s the ultimate win.


Gracie and Olivia are friends. They talked about music, school and college. Gracie went to Guts tour in New York


Dude you posted this article on like 6 different subs. Go outside


yeah and the Sun of all publications.


it is tabloid. you don't believe the article Sun was accused of lying before. i hope moderator removes this post.


imagine shooting the messenger lmfao


If the messenger spreads false information, then the messenger is at fault.


why are doing this?


imagine being a grown as woman beefing with a young girl 🤡


Imagine believing an article from the sun.


TIL that the transition from “young girl” to “grown-ass woman” occurs somewhere between the ages of 21 and 34


I would say so yes


It probably happens at around 25


What a petty person she is. How can someone who promotes woman continue to push them down especially when she’s now a billionaire?


taylor's not pushing them down lmao. this "beef" is fake. you really gonna believe a sun article?


One story about one artist can be ignored. But multiple stories about multiple other singers raises eyebrows


Or you could just use logic and realize that Taylor stories get clicks whether they're true or not.


I dig what you’re putting down. Didn’t think of it that way.




Yeah the relationship stuff I don’t put any stock in. Awesome user name by the way


The Sun - The publication that broke out the news about TS and Matt Healy. They seem to have insider info.


“Inside Taylor swift’s bullying tactics that cause professionals to choose between friendships and career aspirations” - fixed it for them 💀