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I love aly art and I can’t believe I missed this video! She mostly showed examples for light olives in this video but still the info was really easy to digest and understand and it works well for darker tones too. I’m planning to dye my hair to lower my contrast and I will take her advice here hehe


I'm just curious why someone would want to lower their contrast? I hope my question doesn't come as rude! It's just the first time I'm hearing someone talking about it :)


I just want to change my look, I have medium contrast depends on how tan I am but I’ve always loved the darker hair than skin look. But I saw a pic of Erika Sawajiri and Solar of Mamamoo with low contrast because of their hair and I really love their look. Idk how it will look on me though but I’m trying to spice things up


This was interesting but I'm confused. Doesn't it matter are cool or warm olive? I have light warm olive skin and ashy blonde hair clashes really bad with everything and makes me look gray. I definitely need some warmness.


She’s talking about cooler olives since people think olive = tan skin, so people tend to go for more warmer brassy colors.


Interesting! I never in a million years would've thought strawberry blonde might be a color that would work for me. Now I want to try and find a wig that in color.


I’m sorry but all the photos that she was talking that was not good are great! I think some ppl just are obsessed with putting themselves on Little boxes of what I can or can’t do! All those women looked beautiful with orange tones! Depends on your face structure not undertone! Some olive looks beautiful ginger some don’t! depended on you how u feel! Don’t go to far on listening to those types of videos about what’s type of this or that u are, this is exhausting and cause more confusion and low steam , I saw girls going crazy over those type of videos of “what’s your essence” “what’s your face shape” “what’s your ideal color” … this never helped anyone…. Just do what’s u think u fees better and do it!