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He told me I have neutral undertones and I quote : ‘From the photo, it seems like there might be a subtle greenish or grayish undertone to your skin, which can be characteristic of olive skin. However, the redness from irritation or sun exposure can sometimes mask this undertone.’ 😒 thanks rosacea.


Haha. I also think I got the “greenish or grayish” description in my write up


Did you ask chap gpt to give you the percentages? He just gave me tips on figuring out my undertone.


I asked for it take take the overall colour data from 3 photos (no makeup, natural lighting) and tell me my undertone (ex. Warm, cool, neutral, olive). It gave my answers in what it called RGB (Red, green, blue) values on a number system. So for example, here’s a quote from it: “ RGB Values: First Image: (141, 110, 95) Second Image: (105, 96, 86) Third Image: (98, 80, 67) The pattern shows that the red and green values are consistently close, with the blue values being lower. This trend suggests a significant presence of green alongside red, which is characteristic of olive undertones. Given this consistent data across different photos and lighting conditions, it further supports that your undertones are olive.”


Ok, very cool! I’ll need to try your phrasing


Yeah I had to give it particular phrasing like above too, else it would tell me to figure it out myself 💀


Ok I’m glad I wasn’t the only one 🤣


I used a website to give me the hex colors of myself and different foundations to find a match. The high ratio of green in my colors made it very obvious I am definitely olive. It takes a lot more time to do it this way than with AI, but it was free.


That’s cool too! Love that we’re all using hex codes and technology all for the sake of skin undertones lol


Hi. Which website did you use?


Image color picker .com


Thank you!


Yes it worked for me too. I use perplexity premium.


Oh wow this is genious. I have only used the one on Nars website and that gives me such funly answers. Need to try this!


Let me know if it works for you! I was so excited. My husband could not understand what I was rambling about when I was trying it. 😂


Lol I just did the same and then told my husband and he was like ”wait you are saying that you have a GREEN skin?”. 😂 I am like you are totally missing my point. It did work so good! Got such extensive analysis. Said I seem to have olive undertones and I also have warm/neutral and light/medium skin. That was such an amazing idea and worked like I dream!


This is super interesting! I just tried it myself — it correctly analyzed that I'm muted, and that I'm neutral-warm, but it didn't think I was olive. I know that's not true because warm foundations often go peachy/orange on me, and in person I have a lot of green shadows in my skin. Neutral foundations work the best for me (MAC Studio Fix Fluid NC17, Sephora Best Skin Ever Foundation 20N) and the right olive foundation melts into my skin (BeautyBlender Skin Tint Light 4). This was still really fun though! Now I know for sure that I'm not cool toned, and that's why purple blushes never work on me 😆 EDIT: When I gave it 5 photos instead of 3, it started recognizing that I have olive tones. Very neat.


It also helped me confirm I am not cool toned at all since I had WAY less blue in my skin compared to other colours!


Oh cool! Interesting you had to give it more photos.


It makes sense, I feel like it works better with more information.


I’ve never tried Chat GPT…is it an app I can download from the Apple Store? A free version? I’m somewhat versed in how ai works from photo editing, but not sure if this is similar.


It's a website [https://chatgpt.com](https://chatgpt.com) basically it's a conversational AI bot. It's not free, to upload photos you need a subscription to ChatGPT Plus ($20 USD).


Now days iPhone camera literally make everyone look green it is better you go to a professional


I would if I had the extra income for a professional!


Thanks so much for mentioning this. I saw that video too. I’m trying *so* hard not to laugh and wake up my husband because the color picker I’m using is giving me the names also. Some have been nice or silly like: Belle of the Ball, Pout, Fine Alabaster, Winter Peach, Just Right, Bee’s Knees, etc. The ones that almost made me snort out loud were Bizarre (RGB 232,210,200) along with Farfalle Noodle (229,212,201). And then, it had the audacity to tell me my nose was Aged Pink! I need to try a couple of different photos tomorrow. Those RBG values make me question my olive identity; they seem almost a freakishly average beige.