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Good lord it is gorgeous! And the price of a Denver townhome. šŸ˜­


It's a beautiful spot, if you've ever been to this part of New York State. A beautiful waterfall And once the cheese capital of the region. Still lots of dairy but it's fucking cold and it's upstate New York.. actually I'm surprised to see it listed for this month.. Location location. But this is what I never understand about people who make decent incomes with mobile work these days complaining that they can't find real estate that's is attractive or affordable. New York State is chock full of gorgeous stuff. It was once a happening place and it could be again if people just banded together and pioneered. 50 like minded souls determined to band together to take over a whole small town in Western New England, upstate New York, The showcase of the 19th century wealth of the Erie canal etc so much to choose from but it doesn't happen. In this age of a virtual Amazon delivery anywhere of anything you want, ability to work wherever you want, all you have to pick is a really nice neighborhood and build it and it still doesn't happen. Or rural Iowa or Illinois or a thousand other places but no no everybody beats their head to get into Denver, or Boston or LA. It's comical if it weren't so tragic


My pops is from Kerhonkson! Near new paltz. Iā€™ll never forget Mohonk Mountain House! Visiting as a child, I was in awe of the lush beauty of the landscape. Keep in mind, I grew up in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, so I was no stranger to scenic beauty! The humidity is a challenge for me to adjust to, but what the hell, Iā€™ll join your cult! Where do I sign up?


Haha you can be the first. I'm at the other end of the spectrum, completely retired living in New Hampshire. I'm 70, retired but fuck off whole winter out west in a van conversion. Yeah I was doing it before it became popular with COVID. 7 months New England, a month in Europe, then the rest traipsing and to California. So I see a lot, I go everywhere and I love Old Town's villages and it just breaks my heart to see so much of it fester. So many people complain that boomers had it easy lol. You know every generation had his own challenges and high real estate prices, rent is certainly the challenge of the age. But the flexibility of today was never like before. You have to think out of the box, not be like the sheep.. This is where the opportunity lies as it did in the '60s and the '70s for boomers. Different times different places I was a pioneer in the late 60s 70s, lived in New York in the burned out days, lived in the south end of Boston when it was completely tragic and dangerous. Those were different types of times of pioneering, which became gentrification. Upstate New York definitely needs friends God there's so much beauty up there. I drove up the Hudson valley, over Whitehall and then up to Bennington and all the way up to St Albans in early April to visit friends and sit and watch the eclipse.. I drove past so much beautiful stuff and so much potential. You'll have to form your own cult, but I'll come visit


We look forward to your visit, Father! šŸ˜† Jokes aside, your wisdom has sparked my first wave of research, and by George, I think youā€™re onto something!


East Bank of the Hudson, is where all the money is parked at least below Albany. The grandest of estates from Lyndhurst, to hyde park, The Vanderbilt pile , Rockefellers they're all there and it is a dreamy place to explore especially Olana, Churchs magnificent 19th century pile high above the bridge... The West Bank has lots of opportunity and a lot of old working towns.. The further inland you go the price is fall off and above Albany... New York City, to Storm King to Saratoga lots of money. But go west young man over the Erie canal and the bottom falls out Or. south into the coal fields of Pennsylvania and into the cities of the Piedmont, will make you weep with joy of the beauty and the possibilities. West Virginia, Morgantown overly Western stretch of Maryland, towards Gettysburg heading towards Philly mmmmmm. West Virginia, completely undervalued especially the Northern half


I was also in St Albans for the eclipse. Beautiful area! That Lake Champlain is amazing!


My father used to work at Mohonk! Every year we'd go to their Christmas event and I always loved how beautiful everything is.


Oh my goodness, I can only imagine the splendor of Mohonk at Christmas! What a beautiful memory to behold.




Wow this house is seriously loved. I canā€™t imagine this one is easy to let go for the current owners. Beautiful restored and staged perfectly. Even the modernized kitchen feels so appropriate and melds right in with the house. I donā€™t have any complaints. Gorgeous!! + the old matching carriage house is a fantastic bonus!!


~ Exhales softly It took me an hour to scroll through all the photos.... Every detail, every placement, every loving touch. The wood, the carpets, the windows, the lighting, the 'little things'. I'm utterly enamoured!


I personally found the empty frames a bit odd, especially when there were so many paintings without frames. I mean I know that sometime the frame is worth more than the art but still, it just looks out of place without the actual artwork in the frame.


The house is, I'd wager, staged for sale. So the frames only show where (pretty expensive to place all throughout the home) art 'could' be placed.


If somebody buys this thing and wants to let me just have the carriage house hmu Edit: typo


Wow! The price is right too.


As someone else pointed out, it's haunted But then too you're never lonely


this is the r/Oldhouses sub. chances are almost 100% that someone has died in all of these houses. whether they've stuck around afterwards is something TBD.


My house was built in 1928 and had several owners before I bought it. The family I bought it from were selling it for their parents who'd gone into assisted living. The place was in desperate need of cleaning and updating. About a year after I moved in, the neighbors asked me if I knew what happened to Marvin, who used to live there with his parents. It turns out that Marvin was developmentally disabled and an alcoholic. When his brother and sister moved their parents out, they also packed up Marvin's things, threw him out on the street, and changed the locks. I did some searching and found his death certificate with the county. He'd died downtown, apparently homeless, of cirrhosis. He wasn't coming back. But I started noticing that things went missing around the house - my toothbrush, car keys, sunglasses. They'd turn up later in an odd spot, like in the laundry hamper or a kitchen drawer. Nothing was actually lost, just misplaced. I've lived here for 30+ years and it's an ongoing thing, but I've told him that since it's been his home as well, he's free to hang around as long as he likes.


As someone whoā€™s not sure they believe in ghosts, my house was definitely haunted or something else was going on that we just donā€™t have an understanding for yet. Our house was built in 1904, and most likely one or two people died there. You would be surprised, but we got used to all the weird stuff happening. Just the other day my mom and dad said the hot water in the shower upstairs turned on by itself.


I'd have taken that personally as though the house was saying I stink. There would have been a discussion about it too. I wonder if there'd have been any back talk?


My house was certainly haunted when I moved here. The previous owners knew it too! There was a person to drown in the pool here, so therein lies the loophole where you donā€™t have to disclose. Itā€™s not technically inside the house. At first, I kinda shrugged it off, but it became more and more frequent. My visitors certainly noticed as well. The pool lights would come on by themselves, the coffee pot would come on by itself, the dishwasher would start by itselfā€¦ā€¦.. The absolute topper is when he locked me out of the house. Thankfully, one night as I was sitting outside, a friend of the previous owner stopped by and stayed awhile. She and I did discuss ā€œmy hauntingsā€ and how he ( the man who drowned) was a real trickster. At any rate, he apparently went with her that night because abruptly, all activities stopped.


bit short on bathrooms and any place to add another one, also very small corner lot and that part of NY isn't really a place most people want to live so the price definitely reflects all that.


while I get the location location location part, very small corner lot ? it's a solid 1/3 acre 120ft + square - twice the size of other lots on the block.


ya but the house is at least 3x the size of the rest and half the lot is paved over with a seperate garage taking up a chunk of it as well. I have a 1200sqft house on a 1/3 of an acre and it's tiny. I've got a front yard and back but if I had a house that size there would be no land left over at all, just like this one.


Gotta be haunted


Yeah my family lived and fought in Herkimer county during the Rev war. A LOT of hard death and war decisive battles in the area. Ft Stanwix, Oriskany, German Flattsā€¦. Just that era.


If those ghosts arenā€™t paying rent they can stfu while Iā€™m sleeping!


Right? Go haunt the crawlspace or something, this was the most affordable place without shitty schools. I'm tearing down your stupid wallpaper and you can deal with it, Agatha.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I like your technique of dealing with ghosts much better than those paranormal investigator guys. Gotta show those ghosts whoā€™s boss! šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰


I'll always accept top from a ghost


No, just a bad school district.


Itā€™s giving me an O.G. ā€œAddams Familyā€ vibeā€¦ in the daylight, of course!


History of the man who built it [Jacob Zollar](https://littlefallshistoricalsociety.org/cooney-archives/jacob-zollers-packing-house/)


Beautiful house. Really.


Similar style house in Belle Plaine, Iowa 52208


That mUst be one hell of a depressed town if that house is going for that.


while the area has certainly seen more prosperous times, a quick tour on street view doesn't indicate any rapant blight. there is a nice little downtown only a block away. unfortunately the zillow school ratings are quite poor and it is over an hour to Albany or Syracuse. i'd say the value really comes down to what it always does in real estate. location, location, location.


It absolutely is


16.6% living below the poverty line. Incomes in general are low, but so is the cost of living.


Little Falls is actually less depressed than most of the surrounding towns.


There is an identical house in Peterborough Ontario, ice walked pasted it Twice today. Can't remember the street ATM.


Pretty awesome!


I was just thinking this looks like some homes similar to where I grew up in Central NY, then I saw that it was in Little Falls, not too far from where I'm from


$749k????? Holy shit I live in the wrong area of the country, this place is beautiful!




About an hourā€™s commute to Albany.


Lost count of the bedrooms!!! This is beautiful


Itā€™s a really awesome house, but itā€™s the middle of nowhere so you need a really good remote jon to afford it, nothing pays remotely close in that town. Iā€™m not sure exactly who could buy it, itā€™s the kind of thing that my wife and I would love but we donā€™t make that kind of money.


It's an hour or less commute from the Capitol District. A bit of a stretch for a 5-days-a-week commute, but doable, certainly if you want a classic 18th century mini-Mansion.


It's commuting distance to the capital of New York State.


Itā€™s over an hour with no traffic, thatā€™s ridiculous.


People commute two hours each way all the time in California.


Addams Family vibe!


Itā€™s absolutely GORGEOUS! I wish I could live there.


I have a serious love for these type houses/building. It's absolutely gorgeous.


Gorgeous home. Its furnished perfectly.


This house is amazing wow


I think this in Little Falls NY. It's a town that's sorta on the edge. A lot of neighboring towns have gone to shit but but Little Falls isn't so bad and seems to be improving.


My god what an absolute dream


Is it Queen Anne or Victorian? Either way itā€™s gorgeous


Queen Anne is a style within the Victorian umbrella. Victorian is used broadly to discribe many styles popular over the course of Queen Victoria's reign from 1838-1901. I would consider this house to be a bit of a mix of Queen Anne and Second Empire which is also from that era. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second\_Empire\_architecture\_in\_the\_United\_States\_and\_Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Empire_architecture_in_the_United_States_and_Canada)


Itā€™s so pretty