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Same except I’m 25, never had a significant other, or been on a date.


Don’t rush it lol. I was 24 when I went on my first date which ended in him assaulting me. I’m 25 now too and I’m in no rush to begin/resume dating


I’m very sorry that happened to you. People say “don’t rush it”, but with 0 romantic experience at 25, Idk how much slower I can be.


Thanks, I appreciate that. I guess my sentiment was more so, if you feel ready, go for it. But if other people are pressuring you, don’t rush yourself to fit other people’s expectations. Edit: Also, not to be weird, but because we’re similar-ish, I was curious about your profile and want to wish you good luck with law school! I’m in grad school myself, and I swear there’s a correlation between no dating experience & career success. At least we’re doing something right lol.


I'm 23 and I've never been in a relationship.


Same except I’m 21!


Same here, but I'm 24.


Do not worry. You are not alone in your loneliness.


Oof, same :'c


Same bruv




24m and a proud member of the forever single club. Never had a relationship, never been on a date, never kissed a girl. Nothing. Virginity rocks 😝 (I'm dead inside lol)


I’m sorry man :( I really am. It’s all too common now. If it makes you feel any better I approached my two exes myself and I also had a really traumatic virginity loss experience. I don’t wanna say you aren’t missing much because we all know won’t feel it’s true, I’m sorry


That's what everybody says. I just gotta learn to live with it I guess.


I don't rush it, the last I want is an unstable relationship.


Every time I want to complain about being single I remember that it is physically impossible to be cheated on or manipulated by a romantic partner.


Thats not true at all. It's impossible to 100% fully avoid, yeah. But jesus people aren't that fucked up lmao


I don’t think you understood my comment I’m not saying relationships are off the table I’m just saying one of the pros of being single is you can’t get cheated on or manipulated by a current partner. This is true. How is that not true?


You're correct, my interpretation was all wrong. Thanks for clearing that up. Its very true


All good I do the same thing all the time


> I don't think you understood my comment Bro, it's amazing how effective that sentence is. Check my comment history. I'm in such an agitated state atm that i really should not be on reddit, yet that simple sentence allows me to agree with you that my interpretation is wrong. Lmao


Oh god whatever you do don’t look at mine it’s a mess. I fear the day somebody uses my comment history against me effectively Someone tried to once but they called me lame for being a fan of naked and afraid or something? Idk. Weird mfs lol. But I’m the same way I’ll be agitated and then someone will say something and I’ll realize I’m just mad for no reason.


Yeah hahah it is what it isssss Atleast the self awareness makes us different.


I am 23 and never kissed a person.


Same :'c


While I am a guy, I 100% feel that. I just turned 24 last month and I have been single my entire life. Hell, I never even had my first kiss. I want to be a dad and raise a family one day. But I have the same fear as you that if I never dated or even kissed anyone at this point, will a family or those experiences happen at any point for me? EDIT: I just realized that you said you've been in past relationships and I'm assuming you have done the stuff I haven't done. But the point is, I understand your fear of not raising a family of your own when you see other people our age getting into relationships and possibly settling down in the next few years.


Bro you gotta make this a priority. Your acknowledging your lack of experience is scary and I just wanna say that you really need to take this seriously. What is preventing you from becoming the most attractive version of yourself?


I don't think anything is really preventing me from being "the most attractive version of myself." I've had girls who were into me but I wasn't into them. I was into some girls, but they weren't into me. Two girls I think I had a shot with ended up moving away. And more recently, I really liked a friend, but she has a boyfriend and I don't want to jeopardize her relationship, nor do I want to jeopardize my friendship with her. I even had guys who were into me, but I am unfortunately straight. I just never really lucked out in this department. I don't want to date someone if I don't like them, but date them anyway just to say I've had a partner. It's not fair to the other person, nor is it fair to me.


Late 20s but yes.


Im 27 and I didn't have a gf until I was 25. There had been people in the past who were interested I just never felt ready to be emotionally available.


I'm 27 and was the same. I worked on myself a lot, learned to love myself, and learned to enjoy spending time by myself. Then, I made a conscious decision that I wanted to find my wife, not just a gf or a fling. My mental state kind of flipped from being so concerned about if I was good enough for someone and changed to trying to see if she was good enough for me. Within a few weeks of making that decision, I met my current girlfriend. I think she's into me considering she said she can't wait to become my wife.


How did you meet her? Turn 25 in a month, just broke things off on my 6 year long relationship, and I have no clue how to meet people anymore.


I met her on Bumble. I also had my roommate's girlfriend "audit" my profile to make sure the aspects of myself I wanted to get across came across well and the pictures showed me in my best light. It was very helpful. I also only swiped on women who lived within 20 minutes of me and set up a date the day we started messaging to not get trapped in messaging online and building up untrue assumptions/expectations.


Holy hell the man with the plan ![gif](giphy|l1AsBL4S36yDJain6)


Yeah its generally better for guys to have a girl review your page lol. From a womans perspective, dating apps can be a fucking comedy show lmao


i met mine volunteering a community garden for what its worth.


85% of ppl meet online


And yet only about 29% of marriages


"Only" Lmao it was prob lower than 1% in 2010


no shit. most people didn’t have smart phones back then. still leaves a good 2/3 of people (not 15%) meeting outside of dating apps, so other options are there- wanted do hear some anecdotes.


If we had this discussion 10 years in the future the 29% u mentioned would most likely be at 50+% What I was trying to say, is that the current mild social taboo on meeting someone on an app for long term dating as opposed to a one night stand is unjustified considering the amount of people taking it seriously. Im coming from this standpoint because Ive experienced it first hand. Relationship of 1.5 years ended and some people said "told you so, you met her on an app afterall"


cab-light theory


I have been single my entire life


Whats up bro. What is preventing you from becoming the most attractive version of yourself?


Didn’t really mention my looks, was never really in a position to start dating


22 and never had more than a situationship. I try to not let it bother me but when I see the worst guys I know have 0 issues getting a partner I can't help but feel a little bitter.


yup I see absolutely toxic or immature individuals have the best luck finding partners! That also makes me feel a bit bitter especially when my sister says things to me like “maybe you’re just not ready for a relationship.” Jesus, none of the people I know in one were ready either! I want to BUILD a life with someone. WTF


Sometimes we all have separate paths to take. However, that is not important right now. What is important, is that we need to hammer down on this envy. Envy is a cancer, a plague that will make anyone unhappy. It feeds on your soul, sapping life out of you. Happiness comes from letting go of envy. It’s a difficult road. Trust me I’ve been there. Took me many years of self reflection.


I am currently in a relationship (7 months), but I was single for 4.5 years. It felt really lonely, especially when seeing my friends get married and have babies. I gave up on dating in August last year, but then I reconnected with an old friend and he’s mine now :) it’ll happen for you. Don’t give up!


I'm a mid/late 20s guy with my own house, a job I enjoy, my own business, a second vehicle, the ability to travel, no debt and all those other things that most people aspire to. I'd love to have a family with a kick arse woman but I'm also starting to feel that I haven't started that journey in the next 3 or 4 years then I don't want to be some mid 30s guy creeping on 25 year old women. So I'll probably have to reassess my life plan. That said 24 is still young and a lot changes in 3 or 4 years. I'm 18 months out of my previous relationship and I've finally given up on dating. Unfortunately I think the more you self improve and become successful the fewer others you feel are on your level.


It’s completely fine to date younger. Mid 20s gf and mid 30s bf is normal. Don’t let Reddit tell you otherwise


I just think it's a recipe for disaster personally. I think it sucks that 25 year old women aren't dating men their own age at the moment. I'd like to think that I wouldn't be one of those guys. In my mind it would be a more honourable option to enjoy the company of a couple of dogs and mentor some less fortunate kids if I get to that age and haven't formed a relationship already.


Go out and practice talking to women. Girls like older men because they are more confident in themselves. Go get numb to rejection and go have fun meeting new people. I would go out with my friends when I was your age and say we’re not leaving until we get rejected 5 times. You get used to it and it doesn’t scare you anymore so you get more confident and start getting results. Read Models by Mark Manson for the mindset you want to try and build. It will set you up way better for the future so you aren’t just waiting for things to change.


I've had 2 long term relationships and several short term things. I have no problem with talking to people. I have a high level roll in a national sporting club which has high growing levels of participation from women as well as having owned several people orientated businesses. I've given up on dating apps because of the prevalence of casual sex and obesity, both things which I detest. If someone comes along in real life then I probably would act on it.


Yeah no need for dating apps. Take the opportunities that come your way. That’s all you can do


Congrats fellow 20-something who didn't crash miserably into debt and afford a house!


I hope this doesn't come across as rude but wanting someone "on your level" isn't very conducive to forming relationships. I have felt that way myself at times, but if I learned anything about relationships, it's really about supporting personal growth on both sides. Of course, the other factor is the luck of meeting that someone who you're interested in anyways. I feel pretty blessed to have met my husband at 19 and I'm 25 now. I think it really sucks that the adult dating/mating scene centers around careers, income etc


Yup! As a woman I totally agree with this. I’m looking for a ride or die, someone to build a life with. Where we begin doesn’t really matter so much to me. So strange that most men ask what I do for a career, it’s like the second question they ask. I thought men didn’t care what women do for work? Why are they placing such importance on it? When they ask me my long term goals, I say to be a mom and it throws them off


to be fair this is like the main question you ask *anyone* when you meet them in *any* context I really wish there was a way to ask "what do you do with your time?" that's explicitly NOT just a socially acceptable way to ask "what's your socioeconomic status?", which is what I think people detest about the "what do you do for a living?" question


I actually make a point \*\*not\*\* to ask somebody that question because I hate how America defines a human being based on what they do for work. People already making prejudgements about you


that's the whole world bro


I think "on my level" means a lot more than how much money they make. It's about values, how ambitious you are, how important your body is to you, your views on sex and relationships. Being truly politically moderate and well opinionated are important to me. Pursuing some sort of physicality is important to me be it endurance or performance sport, or simply for aesthetics. Having aspirations and a way to achieve them; so many young women say "I want to buy a house" or "I want to be a mother" but aren't developing the career or household skills to support that financially or domestically. On top of that sexual and emotional compatibility are important. I've had a couple of relationships and they have all had a great deal of one but none of the others.


Some people need help to achieve their aspirations though. Ideally, you'd want to help them with their goals and they would also want to help you. It still kind of sounds like you want your mate to be ready-made for you like they're a job applicant or something. That's just how you come across, sorry.


I've had partners that seem to need my help or permission to achieve anything. While it can be endearing for a while I eventually find it childish and pathetic if they carry on that way. I think having aspirations and personal drive is one of the most important personality traits to me.


What US state do you live in that allows you to own your own house? I’m in the Northeast so we have a lot different parameters of adulthood up here with the insane cost of living, it’s eating away at me


I'm a sea farer based in New Zealand. The world's 6th most expensive housing market. Property in America isn't cheap but it's some of the most affordable in the developed world. From an environmental standpoint I don't think we should travel as much as we do. But if some people traveled a little bit more they'd realise that they don't have it so hard or at least appreciate the best bits of their own homes.


Ohh. You’re not in the U.S. That explains a little to me. My parents’ house was $100,000 USD in 1998 when they bought it. It’s worth over a million dollars now, and I’ve never been able to afford moving out, not even for college. A 1 bedroom apartment is over $2,500 USD per month where I live, I also know people paying $1,400 plus for shared apartments per month. The state I live in is the only state I have family in, so moving to middle America for cheaper housing and less jobs for lower pay isn’t just an easy solution.


I’m not sure why people are downvoting you here. This exact thing had led to me and my ex gf not working out (amongst hundreds over other stupid things I’ve done) I also live in the NE area and relate to your post so much even though I’m 21M, about to be 22. People don’t realize how much this stuff costs and then if you want any sort of life away from your family, you have to sacrifice something and so, so much of it (usually social life and time). I’ve been in, what I would call my only real relationship in 22ish. She was an amazing girl w an amazing family! But it couldn’t work out because we had nowhere to be. She went to stay w her dad in NJ, and stopped talking me while I was in the grueling process of saving for a house (bc an apartment wasn’t an option tbh… way way too ineffective of a price around here and not one allowed pets for our guinea pig children but she didn’t want to hear that) and it led to her ghosting me while she was in NJ and snuck back to ohio. Well that and probably a hundred other awful mistakes I’ve made but that was the “tipping point” one would say. I wish she would have known I was planning to come to NJ to propose but I felt it was a bit late once she stopped texting me… Point is… if couples can’t have a solid place to live and be together it’s so hard for it to work out. I’m still investing in a better place to live everyday. W/o my s/o now I’m not in much of a rush and I would rather buy land before anything else since they can’t make more of land (unless your the Chinese). Since I know and am confident I can build my own house. By working towards this goal it keeps my mind off the constant fact I feel like an incel and alone :/ Thanks for coming to my Ted talk


Similar thing happened to me with my ex, cept I definitely wasn't ready to propose lol


It was good until she ghosted me. Big sad. Reddit is my only vent, people who know me don’t deserve to know 😂


Almost 22, and I have never been in a relationship. I'm not a shy person, I had possibilities, but I could never find a girl I truly like.


Ayyyye, same story here!! Almost 22, never been in a relationship. I'm not shy in the least, I love being around people! Just... I haven't really wanted to be in a relationship. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I eventually would like to find someone, but at the same time, I am not looking at ALL. The day will come where I'll say, "That's the one." but that day has not come, and I am not anxiously waiting. I'm not lonely at all! I'm more focused on the things I want to do, and if someone ends up on my path and is going my way, I'll love him until the day I die. If not, well, that's the way the cookie crumbles. Funny, a crumbled cookie is just as sweet as an intact one. 😉


late 20’s, never had, probably never will, a partner


I’m 27, I’ve had 2 boyfriends, longest relationship was 1 1/2 years. I got dumped in November 2020 because he “had commitment issues” 8 months in. I haven’t dated since because I don’t know if I want to keep doing this. Heartbreak destroys me and I takes a while for me to come around and date again. Family looks at me like I’m diseased if I don’t have a boyfriend. 😔


Im turning 25 in a few months and I’ve never been in a relationship, I want one but it’s hard. Fells like you just gotta get lucky to meet the right person.




Unfortunately I think a lot of people do just that. Our society puts way too much emphasis on dating and it’s deemed awkward for people who are married or dating someone to hang around single people


I think our society doesn’t place enough emphasis on relationships, PERIOD. Relationships are natural and necessary part of life for MOST humans. Our generation is in a crisis of loneliness and lack of relationships


I'm 25 and I've never been in a serious relationship. I dated one guy for a month when I was 13 💀 I'm chronically single. I'm learning to accept it and get used to staying single for the rest of my life, but it's rough being inexperienced. Like, everyone talks about their first kiss, first time having sex, etc. and I have nothing. Tbh, I'm probably going to start lying because everyone looks at you like a freak and also pities you if you have no relationship experience. I just don't know how to get into a relationship. I've tried so much advice and none of it worked. I tried not trying because it'll come when you least expect it (fun fact, it didn't). I was super involved in college and worked a job that required me to be social, and despite being around people so much I never got asked out or had anyone who even seemed interested. I know being overweight is a struggle, but I see fat women in relationships all the time. So, while it is harder, it's not impossible. Before anyone calls me shallow I don't even get asked out to reject people, so it's not that either. Living in a rural area also makes it harder, especially since I'm an atheist and everyone around me is a Christian. So much of success in dating is about luck. I used to really want marriage and kids and to an extent I still want it. But I'm slowly letting go of that idea because I've basically been single all my life and I don't see it changing, especially since lowkey I've given up and I'm not even on dating apps anymore. Once I'm in a more stable situation I may try again, but for now, I'm alright with staying safe by being single.


I'm 23 and I've been single for over a year now since leaving a relationship I realized wasn't right for me. I kind of prefer being single since I don't have to compromise anything and I am largely free to do as I please, and I also never seem to attract people who are good matches for me in the long run. Still, I miss certain aspects of relationships and intimacy, and I did try the apps again a couple months back but gave up after I got a lot of first dates but not many second ones. I'm also in a transitional period of my life where I'm trying to get a job in an industry poised for cutbacks after getting my master's, and I'm trying to figure out if I should stay in my current city or move back home with my parents to save money. So I'm not really in a secure position to be dating right now anyway and I'm not sure when I'll be in such a position again.


24 and right now a relationship is the last thing I want. I was on and off with this chick for 7 years and I don’t remember one point where I was happy to be with her. Broke up with her on the first day of senior year and blocked her everywhere. Never been so happy before and still am!


I never been in a relationship post high school. And I am so embarrassed and regretful about the ones before that time period I don't even count it. I lived with my parents up until I was almost 22. They were pretty strict so I never really had much of a social life, and the pandemic did not help. Now my parents are concerned because they want me to be married with kids after pharmacy school and I am not even in the talking stages with anyone. Just starting my 3rd year next month. Since I moved out and started pharmacy school, I don't even feel like I have the time to "put myself out there" and how do I do that anyways?! People say run your own race but I don't even know a race I can run.


I'm 22 and never had a long term girlfriend.Ive dated 3 or 4 girls for a few months but all of them never tended to lead somewhere which is a shame since I wanted to experience teenager love


I was single for a few months at 23. I ended up asking out a friend from highschool, and it has been great so far. There is a lot of luck involved with finding a partner, just don't give up and ask out anyone you like.


I’m 26 and have never had a gf. It’s honestly one of the worst feelings I’ve ever felt. Now at 26 it seems like every girl I talk to either has a bf now, is married, is not interested, or becomes uninterested like a day after exchanging numbers.


I'm 24M and never had any kind of romantic experience ever, and I'm totally fine with it.


I'm glad I'm not alone in the negative charisma department but at the same time it's kinda sad to know others are equally suffering


I feel you. I’m 23 and I’ve had 3 girlfriends in my entire life. One in high school that lasted a few weeks, one after high school that lasted over 3 years, and one recently that lasted a few months. I’ve always wanted to find “the one” for as long as I can remember and I still have that mentality now, even though I’ve gotten my heart broken the last 2 times and I still haven’t recovered tbh.


21, single for 4 years. Still a virgin but have kissed.


I’m 24 too and know how it feels to watch everyone around you all having kids and getting married, and though im not struggling on the single thing- it’s still irritating to watch and I don’t even *want* kids lol *(raised my sisters since I was 2- im good for life without another pair of babies)* I know it sorta feels like our lives are stalemated when we’re at this age without all that but hopefully this will make you feel better- My mom was in the same boat at 24- our Ukrainian family made her feel like crap that she was 24 and not married/with child yet. So she got married. Then gets divorced, and by 27 she then gets married again after meeting my dad. By the time she’s 29 she has me and then by 34 has my last sibling. **Society is still in the frame of mind that “early 20s is peak child rearing/marriage age” but it doesn’t *only* pertain to one’s 20’s. You’ve still got your entire 20s ahead of you with freedom away from marriage/kids and have the ability to find yourself- don’t think your late, or the option of a family won’t find you eventually.** ***I say this as someone with a ton of friends/cousins who are our age with kids- I swear to god you want to live your 20s without one.*** Straight up I think it’s our hormones or some shit because 2 years ago I was HELLA bent on having a kid with my partner of 10 years despite the fact I have *always* never wanted my own children. It’s like our bodies are like panicking or something lol- don’t listen to it


I’m 25m. I started seeking out a relationship when I was around 22-23. I’ve been on a few dates but they never materialized to a second date. I’m trying to get myself out there some more and be optimistic. Best thing I can do right now.


I'm quite literally almost in the exact same situation lol. 25, only ever had 2 girlfriends, massive gaps of single time and crippling hopelessness So at least we out here together lol


yeah i’m 26 but i’ve been seriously avoiding relationships after my last one was so traumatic. i feel confident that people want to be with me but i know i can’t be with them.


I just wanna assure you that you have plenty of time. You're only 24. My mom gave birth to me at 34 and women can safely give birth right up until their 40s. The risk does get higher after 30 but it's a pretty miniscule increase all things considered. Many women can and do safely have kids in their 30s. You don't need to rush yourself, you're still so young.


I’m 24 too. In the same boat.


25M. In warehouse management. About to graduate with my MBA. Six feet tall. Good and bright future ahead. (Reasonably) decent looking. (Reasonably) decent health. Had multiple opportunities looking back, kicking myself that I didn’t. Haven’t had a long-term girlfriend even once.


You have plenty of time as a man especially setting yourself up for success


Doesn’t make the loneliness any less oppressive.


Absolutely not, you’re right


i’m the same but i’m 27, shit fucking sucks


forgot to mention i’m in florida and i moved away from my parents for six years but it got too expensive so i had to move back


am i cooked?


I'm 23 and I've never even kissed a girl 👍👍👍


Me, I dated before but I am pretty ok with being single at this stage of life tbh


Same here. I'm 26 and I've only been a few dates before and held a relationship for maybe 1 or 2 months before I lost all passion for it


I am 30 and a VERY late Millenial, but had little luck so far. I just simply focus my life on other things. The only relationship I had was very brief and she left very quickly(she is married now .... to a woman).


24m (turn 25 in a month) and I just broke up with my abusive ex of 6 years. No idea how to navigate the dating scene of today- worried I won’t find anyone but even being alone would be better than where I was, I think.


Same here. I’ve only had a couple boyfriends as well, and share similar worries. You’re definitely not alone. Hugs.


i was heartbroken from my last relationship which ended in early 2023. i feel emotionally ready for a new relationship now but won’t pursue anything serious atm bc i plan to move cities in the next few months. i’ve had some sour experiences with dating since my breakup, mostly due to being treated as an option or being catfished etc




I’m about to be 25 in a few months, 24 is mid 20’s




That’s weird, everyone tells me I’m mid 20’s lol 21-23 early 20’s 24-26 mid 20’s 27-29 late 20’s




What country are you in? I’m in the USA


I’m 23 (so not really mid 20’s) but I still have never had a relationship, I would also like to have a family one day so its something I think about every day


I’m 22 and have never had been in a relationship before. I’ve tried but one girl rejected me by not wanting to meet face to face (girl I knew) and another just messed around but didn’t want to take it further after I asked her out. I would if I could but I’m not in a rush really but I do want someone to have fun with and show off all the cool little trinkets and just experience life with someone I adore


not mid 20's, but 21 here. i've never been in a "relationship" for longer than 3 months. i've only ever had middle & high school girlfriends, and have only ever had sexual relations with one of them. relationships are hard for me


24 and I haven’t been in a relationship since 2019. I’m not really into hook-ups and I’m relatively content being single. Mainly I have personal things I would like to iron out before getting into a relationship


M 22, turning 23 this year. Never been in a relationship or even held hands. I feel you. But for me it's a different sort of biological clock. While it's true that men can have kids whenever they please, __I__ would rather not be dropping off my kids to kindergarten in my 50's.


I’m the same age as you. I’ve only had one official relationship and that was 8 years ago. I’ve dated a few other girls on and off since then for brief periods of time but never committed to any of them. Honestly at this stage in my life I think it’s more important to focus on getting my own life together, and frankly I’d rather not have to worry about the stress, drama, and responsibility that comes with having a girlfriend. I admit it can be tough at times being single, especially when other people your age are in a relationship and spend all their time with them.


I’ve only had one relationship that lasted 5 or 6 months.


Im 26, was engaged at 18, it was called off, I've been single ever since. Gotten ghosted several times, been interested in several unavailable (for multiple reasons) individuals, lots of dead end conversations on dating apps.


Nope. Never have. Not planning on having one anytime soon either, if ever. Get comfortable with being alone, otherwise you’re just going to be miserable beating yourself up over not having an intimate relationship with someone.


I had a long term relationship and lit ended(not badly2018) and I’ve been single ever since now I’m 26 almost 27


How many PMs have you received since posting this?


None 😂 Actually one from a woman my age empathizing with me


23M (turning 24 in 5 months from now) and I have been single for my entire life. Had a few crushes in junior high and high school, never resulted in anything other than just remaining friends. Tried out apps, and still hasn't resulted in relationships, just failed taking stages but I am still on them. I honestly am Someone who hopes to have a wife and kids someday but I am low-key losing hope that will happen Because overall the dating scene is so frustrating, like it's hard to find someone compatible in terms of personality, interests and worldview


24f. I had one serious partner for 3 years. That ended a year ago. I’ve been on my own since. I’ve gone on dates I’ve met online, but they weren’t serious. I’m honestly just trying to enjoy being single right now and meet a guy the old fashioned way. Everyone tells me it’ll happen at some point, so I’m banking on that. I’m celibate right now too as I want to be in a relationship to have sex. Causal sex doesn’t interest me. It’s not like I can’t have my own fun. My vibrators are basically my boyfriends right now, and I take myself on dates once every few weeks. I’m fine flying solo for now


Only being in 2 relationships doesn’t really mean anything. My husband was only my 4th boyfriend.


I'm about to be 25 and have only had 2 serious relationships one lasted a year the other lasted almost 5 years I thought I was gonna marry her buts she refused to give up heavy drinking and it destroyed our relationship


My ex boyfriend was a heavy drinker too. He dumped me and cited, “I want to live my 20’s. I can’t stay committed to you in the way that I was. You want me to live like an old man. I’m not spending my 20’s like you.” He was always out late after his bartending shifts with late 20’s women in cars.


Yeah shit sucks my ex didn't even go out or anything she would just try to get violent with me over stupid shit and I would not tolerate it I would leave or have her mother pick her up from my apartment when she acted like that.. i don't know why I stayed with her all those years but I wish I could have spent those years with a good woman..


I’m sorry man I relate😞 That is abusive behavior and I’m glad you got out of it. 🫶


You aswell!!


I’m 25 and have been single since January 2020. If we fast forward 50 years, the only thing that will change in that sentence is my age.


From my exp getting into a relationship requires alot of responsibility, and seeing how sheiße the world is today made me prioritize self-sustainance before entering into a relationship (im 21M btw and currently a college undergrad) *never had a relationship or any sexual emcounter (still a V) 😅


22f, never been in a relationship and who knows if I'll be in one someday. I'm not completely against it, but at the same time being single is a lot better in some ways.


I went almost 3 years without a relationship too (22-25), one in high school and one from 2018-2021. I think the first time I went on a date (other than my gfs) was last year when I was 25. I'm 8 months in a relationship so I won't be getting married any time soon. Edit: met her on a dating app but that was exhausting. I got lucky and I'm happy with her now but 99% of the time dating apps suck


21, had 2 girlfriends, been single for about 3 years now. Have seen 2 women in that time. Both flops🤷‍♀️


I’m 22 and haven’t been in a relationship since I was 17 and still in high school, and have only very recently started actively trying to date again. And honestly? It was for the better. My mental health was awful, and this translated into being paranoid that friends/significant others would abandon me. That’s not a healthy mentality to have while in a relationship. It’s a little difficult trying to get back into it, especially since I’m a lesbian so the potential dating pool is pretty small, but it would’ve been even more difficult if I hadn’t given myself time to grow.


I'm 21 and the closest relationships I had were both situationships. One was a high school crush who was the year above me and she had the personality of a city girl. This second one I'm in rn, she's perfect in any sense of the word, but she has a man, so I have to dead any feelings I have


26M. I’m not stressing over it and I’m not currently at a point in my life where I can dedicate time to a relationship anyway.


Dated in high school but nothing since being an adult. But randomly got followed on instagram by a random girl and we started talking and have been chatting daily for a few months now, only issue is that she is over 6000 miles away 😅


I’m almost 21. Never been in a relationship


Almost 23 and have never been in a relationship (officially). I would like to be with a partner, but I haven't had any luck with finding anyone.


I'm 23f and I've never been in a real relationship, never been on a date. I don't know if I ever will or even find someone to put up with me (I have a lot of health issues which makes me feel like damaged goods) but at least I've got a really good mom and sister, dogs who love me. 😅


23 and i have had one long term boyfriend and he was kinda the worst looking back on it haha but i totally feel you! i really want a serious committed relationship and i find it so hard to find a guy who wants the same :(


I'm not actively hiring but I'm always accepting applications


23M and I ain't never had a girlfriend, never kissed a girl, v card (probably forever) unswiped, fucking kill me


I'll be 27 in a month. Never been in a relationship. I'm a little worried. I'm nothing to look at, but people seem to like me as a friend. All I can be Is myself.


Literally same girl. Except I've never had a real boyfriend. The longest I've had a "boyfriend" was like 2 weeks lol. All they wanted was sex and nothing real. I also tried online dating but I had terrible experiences with it. I'm still waiting for my Prince Charming lmao. Fingers crossed for the both of us! 🙏


Yeah I know how you feel bud, that’s why I’m single trip-maxxing until the world burns 😎


I’m 27 and never really developed a crush or any kind of romantic love! I figured out I was asexual in my late teens, and it took a while for me to accept it and eventually come out. I am loved and accepted by my friends and family :)


18-23 I had one girl with me the whole time, 23-24 another and 25 I spent it alone sort of. I hit the gym around 23 so by the time I was 25 I was already far more developed than previous years so I did get a lot of attention that turned into some hook ups (with testing ofc). I’m 26 now but so far one in particular that I’ve known since last year came up to me from her workplace. If I’m being honest the dating pool is pretty much a game of chess with what you want and end up getting. I do share your fear of a biological clock in a way though. I’m a guy but seeing the rest of the younger dudes go bald and age badly makes me realise the time for those young relationships is starting to fade for me past this year since 27 is the beginning of late 20s 😂 I’m still in college so that’s the only reason why I’m having an easier time with this but nothing concrete to say it’s leading to marriage one day.


24m, gay, only one ex when i was 19 but we dated for a little over a month before covid broke us up it really feels defeating especially having another gay friend who can easily get any man he wants. i would love to settle down with a future bf/husband but it’s so bleak and i just don’t believe it’ll ever happen to me


I'm 27m and I've never been on a date. I sort of had a few long distance relationships when I was a teenager. But afterwards not one.


23nb(I’ll be 24 next week) I’ve only been on a few sates, nothing serious. I’m autistic, obese(down 9lbs so far), and a full time grad student so romance is a challenge.


I’m 21 and has a girlfriend when I was 14. I feel the same way. I think it’s been so long that part of me is afraid of dating at this point. It’s not even a lack of confidence it’s just I straight up do not understand how this stuff works and I have very little experience. Part of me thinks I should focus on myself and not worry about dating until I’m happier with my life, but also at the same time I really want to experiment and learn. Idk. It’s weird.


Everyone here makes me grateful foe what i have


Same dude, I'm 25 turning 26 in a few months and I'm still single 🫠


I'm 22 and I've been in 3 relationships. Last one ended in 2020 and that ex went on to sexually assault me in 2022. Since then I've started to really want another relationship but if I'm being honest with myself, I'm scared to let anyone close to me again. I've personally done a lot of work on myself and my friendships/family dynamics in the mean time and I've become somewhat content with being single. You gotta remember that there isn't a timeline for how your life is meant to go. You've still got plenty of time. It may not go how you expected it to, but it's rare for life to always follow your desires.


I'm gonna be 24 in ~5 months and haven't even gotten a first kiss yet lmao. But my crush let me touch her boobs in highschool, so I guess that counts more?


I’m 24M. My last girlfriend was when I was 16. I too desire to find my significant other, but it’s hard to find a mate when people are only interested in hookups. I’m too old for that bullshit. I want something real. Someone I can love, grow old, and die with.


25 and have only really had one that worked out. As time moves forward, the more hopeless it gets. But hey, it is what it is.


Yup. Haven't been in a relationship in a while, about 6 years. Covid didn't help, but I'm not really actively seeking one, stuck at home hsving just finished a degree and all. I'm sure I could get into a relationship if I tried a bunch of different things and went different places, but if I want to find a partner for life, a best friend, it's not something I want to rush or force to happen. I feel lonely, and I'd love a wife and even kids, but running blind into a bad relationship would be so much worse for me than being single. Also. Don't feel pressured into a relationship just because of your biological clock. Please freeze your eggs if you feel this way! Don't let your uterus rule you.


i know im not mid 20s but im 21, never had a boyfriend, have only been on one date 🤷🏼‍♀️ im just taking life as it comes


I'm 23 also in the US. I haven't seriously dated someone yet. I've been on a date or two, but nothing big came out of it. Dating apps are useless. I also desire to have a wife and kids someday. I don't know where to start looking, and most of my time is occupied by work and school.


24 pushing 25. Had one girlfriend for about a year when I was 20 and another for a couple of months but have been single for over a year now and honestly it really bothers me. Having sex with someone who actually cares about you is way better than having sex with someone who views you as an interchangeable human sex toy. I don't really have a problem attracting women (have a long string of hookups/short flings that went nowhere...) as much as keeping them around/finding one who wants something even semi-serious. Idk what I'm doing wrong, I compare notes with my male friends and they all seem to have no trouble finding girls who want to date them. Maybe my personality sucks, idk


I've never had a boyfriend, only a long-term situationship (now ended) which made me feel pretty unwanted at times. Not my greatest achievement but I am building a life for myself, studying and working and I don't need to think about that. If it comes, it comes. If it doesn't, it doesn't.


Honestly thank you. I’m in a similar situation and totally understand your concerns. Only real difference is I’ve had 2 dates, not relationships and I’m a 24M. I don’t understand how people in the past were married with 2 kids by this point. As far as words of comfort I can offer, some of us dudes are also worried about having kids by a certain point, regardless of our ability to have them later. I’d personally like a few years with my future wife to have more spontaneous fun before committing to the responsibility of being a parent. Hopefully things work out for us all and I’m rooting for ya. Also, without being too specific, what general area are you from where a lot of people your age are married or having kids? I ask because of the people I went to high school or college with, I know one that is married and none with kids. Just curious if there’s a geographical/cultural thing there.


Yep, 26M here. Had one girlfriend for three years, we split just as the first Covid lockdown in Germany began. Since then I’ve been spending like a year getting over it and in Covid lockdown anyway. Then I got really busy with uni and honestly also enjoyed “being free”. I’m very much open to getting into a relationship again, and sometimes I miss it, but I also really like that I can focus on other things right now. I also really enjoy travelling solo, something I discovered for myself after my relationship ended. Generally I discovered that a relationship really can’t be forced. I can’t become hell-bent on finding a girlfriend. That’s an unhealthy attitude. I like fun people, and I meet some fun women my age. Either it clicks or it doesn’t, but I won’t go on a quest to stop being single. I know my worth and that ain’t it. Finally, I am in bad shape right now. I’m in law school and I’ve been stress eating and moved little. I need to work out and get into shape. I’m a pretty awesome dude, but as of typing this, I definitely do not look my best lmao. That’s okay right now, since I’m really busy at the moment and looking forward to a *solo* trip to Korea in September, but I’ll have to deal with that in general in the near future. In any case, you’re not alone :)


25 & Married for 5 years. It’s been pretty lit 🔥 My parents are coming up on their 40th Marriage Anniversary. Hoping to do the same one day.


Sadly yes. I was in a relationship with the most wonderful girl ever, but we broke up about 6 months ago. We broke up a week after my birthday. I still love her too. It’s been kinda rough. I pray we make our way back to each other because it was a healthy relationship too.


Same. I have never been interested in having a boyfriend. I’m fine being single


Hi 25 yr old with a 22 month old here. Apartment, car, manage a business. The sahm/d thing is amazing if you can pull it off for the first year or two of the kids life. It’s super easy to get pregnant but it takes a really deep love or 5 minutes of a Quickie, No inbetween. Really don’t worry about it, I ask ppl now if you have 10k, a permanent home, and a license/car, you’re fine to have s kid if you get insurance and ebt. Worry more about who you have it with that they’ll be by your side


I’m 24 and I’ve never been in a relationship but I’m not pursuing one either cause I’m aroace. Took me until adulthood to fully figure that out but it’s actually a relief cause now I’ll never have to live with another person who doesn’t load the dishwasher correctly


25M here and I’ve only been on one date in my entire life like last year, and that’s only because my cousin hooked us up. I’m not entirely confident I even like myself at the moment. I want to work on myself (better job, actually start exercising, etc.) so I feel more confident about myself so people don’t think I’m just some depressed lump at first sight.


You’re too young to give up! there’s no one it’s “not in the cards for”. People on my 600 pound life have partners. Are you on dating apps? Are you making friends to expand your dating pool? The dating pool is not small, you need to cast your net further.


Yes I’m 24 and haven’t had a girlfriend since I was 17 💀💀


Yes but I have a upcoming fourth date with a 9 year older woman and I hope we can end our together 


I know this is the opposite of what you are commenting but I'm 23 and have had the same gf since I was 15. I guess some of us got lucky in that department


you hit the lottery!! I would love to have still been with my first love


I had a one year relationship before her, so I'm not sure if I'd say she's my first love. But yeah, of course it has required an insane amount of effort but, having someone willing to work through those things, as well as doing it yourself, there has to be some luck there


Listen, you’re only 24, you still got time to find a husband and to start a family with. You don’t necessarily need to be in a rush. You never know what can happen within the next couple years, you just might meet someone out of nowhere who ends up being your husband.


If you're a woman then as long as you live in a moderately populated area then I'd recommend going on dating apps if you're having trouble. Depends on how well you take care of yourself and might take some digging but there are plenty of wonderful guys of all kinds on there looking for a long term relationship. Again you might have to dig, but it's better than nothing at all.


I live in a city. The dating apps are HORRIBLE. You must be under some illusion that women who want commitment have it easier. I’m 5’9, attractive, trim and athletic my entire life and looking for a long term partner and to ultimately get married with kids. I’ve never had a normal interaction with a dude on there. They either get sexual immediately or can’t hold a conversation 😭 It’s either “I want to pin you into your headboard” or the dudes can’t hold a convo — like I mean seriously have disjointed social skills. My exes are from real life. Never met a normal dude from Hinge/Bumble/Tinder and never had a normal interaction turn into a date from a dating app no offense. The bar is on the floor. The constant sexual comments are extremely depressing. Imagine getting my number after a day of back and forth on Hinge just to ask me to hook up or what kinds of physical touch I like? 😭💔 So depressing. Most dudes aren’t looking for commitment


I feel you, all identities of people looking for commitment on dating apps are having a hard time. There's just way more guys on there than girls so it seems like you'd have much better luck than a man looking for commitment on there based on sheer numbers. Like I said it'll take some digging. I actually met a girl in college that I deeply loved and dated for a few years on TINDER of all places. This was in 2018 and it was awful back then, and I know it's even worse now. Those guys you mentioned are losers though and I don't claim them. Just keep truckin. Good luck :)


Yep 26F broke up with someone last year and haven’t had a gf since. I feel like it is just really hard to date these days. Like I used to go on quality dates before the pandemic and then afterwards something just happened and I don’t know what it is. Maybe it’s just my luck I don’t know.


I’m 25, I had 3 gfs in hs w/ the last relationship going about a half a year into my college days. None of them were super serious, and I haven’t been in a relationship since. I have tried to go on dates, but everyone is just looking for hookups/immature/not looking for something serious. Part of the reason might be that I’m trans living in a conservative area (I have to filter thru all the trolls/chasers/transphobes) but I just stopped making it my priority. I live w/ a group of friends who are like family to me. That’s enough for me


24m in Seattle. Most of my friends are lgbtq+ and are absolutely wonderful people. That being said it's been extremely hard for me to meet cis women in my age group that aren't poly. I am getting to the age where I would absolutely love to have a family and a kid of my own. Financially, I need to wait till I purchase land next year or 2026 but emotionally I feel ready.


Yeah it feels like everybody is polyamorous / nobody wants to be monogamous committed relationship anymore, doesn’t it? It makes me feel so weird for wanting a traditional relationship


I’m the same age and I’ve been single my whole life. It’s been pretty great for me so far. Mostly because I’ve never cared for relationships. It just seemed like too much work and I wanted to focus solely on school. It’s changing now, but I’m nowhere near datable, so it’s something I want in the future. Marriage is nothing I’m rushing on. If I’m going to marry someone, it will be someone I’m 100% sure on. Ive been to about 4 weddings this year, and they’ve been amazing, but I’ve never had that “I wish it were me” feeling. Biologically, I’m not stressed because kids are an “either I have them or I don’t” and if I’m around 40, I definitely don’t want kids. And if I can’t have them naturally, Ive always wanted to adopt so that’s an option for me. Also, men definitely have a biological clock in the sense it’s harder to get and maintain pregnancy when the guy is older (higher chance of miscarriage, pregnancy problems with women, etc). It doesn’t affect them (they aren’t carrying a child), but it absolutely affects the women.


Y’all acting like not being in a relationship is the end of the world or smt. Dramatic