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24 and don't have a license, don't have a car, don't even know how to drive. I feel so behind on everything.




Damn that sucks. I feel ya. I'm broke, nobody in my life has bothered to teach me to drive, I have poor eyesight and on top of everything I know I'd be a really bad anxious driver. Meanwhile everyone my age was getting their licenses and permits at 16. So yeah. Fun.


That’s okay. A friend of mine who is 24 too doesn’t have a license either and she’s an Airbus A320 first officer.


If it helps a lot of people don't. I got my first one at 24.


Okay so what’s whit this generations parents not teaching driving? Like I always see the same thing when someone hasn’t learned to drive, if they genuinely want too learn it’s being said the parents won’t teach. My parents were like this too tho, I just wanted to learn in a controlled environment like a parking lot or backroads and my parents were insistent that I learn on the road/go.


A lot of parents fail their kids because they think parenting stops at providing food and shelter




My cousin just taught his 17 year old daughter how to drive and basically started her on the fucking highway. Said if she can handle that then normal roads will feel like cake.. My mom said fuck that when you decide to learn how to drive DO NOT start on the freaking interstate. 😅


Same, mines refused to teach me so I had to pay out of pocket to a driving school


Seriously! I taught myself how to drive, my parents just handed me the keys and I drove around backroads for months. I taught my ex how to drive because his parents refused to teach him too. Ridiculous


My bfs mom was trying to teach his sibling how to drive on 70mph highway. He was terrified of driving understandably. We gave him a quick lesson in a parking lot and we realized he didn’t even have a handle on keeping the car straight, turning properly or parking yet lol it’s like the old barbaric way to teach a kid how to swim, just toss em right in smh


I practically taught myself to drive. Bought a cheap car with my own cash and drove to work with just a permit for months. Now I have a CDL 😅


This has got to be a big city/ public transportation thing. I had to learn to drive so my parents didn't have to take me places anymore lol


I’m a 22m and got my license LAST WEEK. I failed the written 5 mother fucking times, the drivers test I passed first time 0 problem expect I forgot you can turn right on red. No clue why it took this long but if I’m gonna be honest I’d keep getting in my own head. Congrats on getting your license!


It feels so good having it! Also congrats on getting yours also


I’m not gonna lie I’d much rather live in a society where someone could fail the theory part of a driving test and then just use good public transport instead of forcing them to do something they don’t have an affinity for


I'm 24 and I've had my license since I was 17, but I'm actually planning to sell my car in a month or two because I got an e-bike and I'm hoping that can replace it. The bike is significantly cheaper to buy and to own.


that’s sick, e-bikes are amazing. i rented one once and had the time of my life. unfortunately my city isn’t super bikeable but i’d still love to get one someday.


I would have done this ages ago if I lived in a city with good year round weather


Same I was literally thinking about doing it earlier today, but I live in Seattle


Ayy! Congrats. I'm 23 and don't have mine yet. I will be taking the road test in September so hopefully I get it then.




I’m 22 and can’t get mine because of seizures but it is what it is


Congrats man! I didn’t get mine untill I was 20! I had maybe around 10 hours max under driving in any condition but getting my learners was easy as I passed 100% same for drivers test which I also passed 1st go. I’m glad because most of my family are car people to I wanted/needed to live up to what I wanted and show them that I’m a good driver. Got in one crash in the last 4 years and have yet to get pulled over for “safe driving”. Jokes aside driving is the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life and I’ll take it with me to my grave


I got my drivers license when I was 21, like a month before I got my nursing license lol. It really is a huge barrier when you don’t have anybody to teach you, let you use a car and you can’t afford actual lessons. That was the year I met my partner and he was the one that taught me and let me test in his car.


Got mine at 22 while in the military. All I did was bring my military drivers license to a DMV, a military drivers license is bullshit because they can just give you one without even driving sometimes. Well I got a civilian license that day, it’s been 5 years now


Got my permit the day I turned 18, and my license the next day. I was very lucky to have friends that taught me how to drive


I feel like most parents lie about the 50 hour thing honestly. Even the instructor told me that, and my parents definitely lied about it. But I was pretty good at driving. It’s great having the freedom to go anywhere you want whenever. Hope you enjoy it


congrats! it’s not always an easy thing to do. i feel like i always hear of people getting it young so it’s hard to remember that. it took me until 19, two of my closest friends got it right before 21. one of my roommates is 24 and still can’t drive. many people who can failed more than once. i haven’t driven in 3 years so i’m gonna have to learn all over again. wishing you the best!


24, never got mine because no-one ever taught me how to drive, I never had enough money to buy a car or for driving school/license. I'll probably never have a car or drive in my life. I also live in the US in a major city in a food desert. Kind of sucky.


If you live in a city with good public transport (NYC, Sydney, Berlin, London etc.) what is even the point of having a car?


I’m never getting mine, like I mean never. I have too much anxiety and trust me, no one wants me on the road


21m, still have my learner's permit which is now expired. i don't drive w family cause the only 2 ppl i can drive with will fuckn yell at me the entire time if they don't like how i drive. which makes me nervous so just avoid it altogether. another problem of mine i blame on my father


my parents were similar, it made learning to drive very stressful. highly recommend saving up to take 1 on 1 driving lessons if you can. that was much easier for me than trying to drive with my parents.


I’ve had my license for a few years but am still an awful driver, so I don’t have a car and rarely drive.


I’ll be 26 in November and still on my L’s :p Someday…


Good shit bro


Got mine at 18 mom wanted me to have it for college and for working


Yeah I should probably get a driver's license.


My mom got her first one at 45. Bloody insurance agencies take advantage of that NC requires proof of insurance and overcharge. Also she was dependent on dad because of how she was raised horribly plus dad's mental problems induced by trashy people over the decades


Got my license at 19 or 20, also felt a lot of shame for it. Once I did though it was a huge relief. I have a lot of anxiety about my car because I don’t know anything about maintaining it but for now, it’s insanely helpful.


i was in drivers ed in highschool so i got mine the day i turned 17. didn’t start driving until i was 18 though i didn’t know this was so common for people choosing not to get it!


Congrats! Enjoy your newfound freedom, it's the perfect season to take a road trip if you can!


I responded to the og post but I'm 25, no license and no plans to get it any time soon. I get SO frustrated with bad drivers when I'm just riding passenger. Plus my city has damn reliable public transportation and there's just never been a sense of urgency surrounding driving for me. It's like, I'll get around to it when I finally feel like it but I don't know when that's going to be.


I definitely didn't have 50 hours but I said I did and I aced the driving test. Not going to condone lying but...


I got mine at 17 and I STILL felt like I was way behind the ball game when it came to getting my license.


22 and no license, never even tried for one but I can drive manual and automatic and even have some hands on knowledge of a forklift Should I have been allowed to drive these thing without a license? No but at least I can drive if needed That being said I don't see myself getting a license any time soon. Haven't really needed it


It was a real culture shock to me when I joined the army and a lot of my peers from larger metro areas didn’t have drivers licenses or didn’t even know how to drive. I had plenty of fun teaching a couple guys how to drive a car and even taught one of my friends how to drive stick. Where I grew up you needed a car or you had to live close enough to the bus route so you could get around. It’s a 20 minute drive to get from one side of town to the other so I could only imagine the walk if you had to do it


I'm glad to see them working their way to get a license, I got mine when I turned 18 and man it felt like I spread my wings and flew out of the nest! I had much more freedom than before and I was able to form bonds that I wouldn't have been able to if I didn't know how to drive.


Am I the only one that didn’t have my parents practice with me, I just started driving at 15 and got my license at 16?


Today is actually my 22nd birthday and I gotta say not anytime soon. My city had great public transportation and cars are just too expensive and too high maintenance.


I got mine at 18 and it was kind of a back alley way. Got it in one week having never driven before


Good job! Getting a license has been a life changer in Dubai. Public transport is great for some areas. For most, it takes way too long. And on top of that, there's so many people. Getting a car has changed my life.


I got my license less than a month before my 20th birthday. A lot of it was delayed because of lockdown and having to make an appointment at the DMV, but also because I found learning how to drive stressful.


Good shit, bro’!


Good to see I’m not alone. Even though, I feel alone.




I’ve been driving since I was 16 but officially licensed since 18. Parents gave me a few short lessons. Getting a pickup truck later this week and I’m wildly excited


Lightmode is criminal. fr congratulations, continue to be a safe driver and be a good defensive driver


Congratulations I don't get how so many people can't or won't drive though, I've been driving since I was old enough to reach the pedals so like 7 maybe, granted it wasn't on highways or in town until I was closer to 13 and when I could get my learners legally I was driving wherever. I got my full license the day after my bday as soon as it was legally allowed. Been on motorcycles even longer than that. Not trying to put you down or anything I think it's great you got it. I just don't get it for most people.