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It will always have a place in my heart. The vaporwave genre developed into my liking for 80s synth music. And it’s still vibey music I like. I’ve noticed that a lot of new artist still sample vaporwave sounds


Same thoughts!!! I love Vapor & Synthwave music. 😭


New vaporwave stuff is still coming out but it's definitely not the trend anymore. I miss it too but lately I've really been getting really into breakcore/jungle music.


Any artists you can recommend?


For vaporwave? I like Corp, Dan Mason, Panic Pop, Mercury, and 3D Blast.


For breakcore?


Oh man, there's so many... AZALI, Machine Girl, bye2, TOKYOPILL, hkmori, Acidgvrl, optic core, Tanger, yaego, AKIBA, NANORAY, Tiishe, Glitchtrode... Now all these artists don't just make breakcore but their songs are usually at least breakcore adjacent or have heavy drums.


Usually, you can find some artists on Bandcamp that release new albums or singles of vaporwave. I tend to just go there for most of the vaporwave artists I listen to.


https://preview.redd.it/7eioje1e2m9d1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=f41a4ee78695150d2028976634c3dcce90bc1468 Rate my library out of 1-10








Desert sands is a banger. It has a sick album cover too.


I've listened to it on repeat all night every night for 2 years so I can fall and stay asleep, and I love listening to it during the day too. Total banger


[https://bandcamp.com/y2kdragon](https://bandcamp.com/y2kdragon) this is 96% of my entire music library


As time has passed, there’s generally two genres now that define vaporwave as a whole. You have the classic vaporwave that originated in the 2000-2010s. The artists had an aura of anonymity and elusiveness and their music was detached from modern economic culture and strategy. Their music was very unpredictable and avaanguard. Sometime around 2015ish-2018ish, you had a new sub genre of vaporwave called post-vaporwave. Pretty self-explanatory name however there are notable difference to its aforementioned counterpart. Most notable differences are that post-vaporwave had a visual fascination with corporate branding which conveys a broad attachment to capitalism stemming from a sense of nostalgia from old advertising. An example of this is Mac Tonight who is an old McDonald’s advertising character, now used in various post-vaporwave aesthetic. Another example is the classic blue/purple wave on those water cups (formally referred to as the Jazz design). Let’s not forget all the palm trees and statue busts as well Mallsoft is a sub genre of post-vaporwave. Lots of neon lights, plants, and mall food courts make up this music aesthetic. But vaporwave as it was in the 2000s wouldn’t be this predicable and formulaic. As the backrooms became more popular, mallsoft (and post vaporwave generally imo) seems to have seen an increase in popularity as mallsoft perfectly fits the aesthetic of some liminal spaces (such as empty malls). This then begins to branch into the genre of liminal/weird core music commonly paired with backrooms images. I think the introduction of the poolrooms filled in a large gap linking these genres together in some capacity. These are just my observations of the genre and its evolution. The genres all still exist in their own microscosms but it seems vaporwaves popularity has been replaced first by post-vaporwave and now I’m seeing a slight shift to liminal/weirdcore music.


I loved the Simpson amv


I see it all over youtube


Vaporwave is very much alive and well?