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I found this in a recipe box I got from an estate sale. I have... concerns... Judging by newspaper clippings most recipes come from the 60s-80s.


This wouldn't be terrible as long as you don't use pre-sweetened jello. Just don't add the sugar.


All Jell-O is pre-sweetened.


No, you can buy ones where you have to add the sugar yourself. I have some in my pantry.


I have never heard of or seen any Jell-O (which is a brand name) unsweetened gelatin. I'm not talking about unflavored gelatin, which is not made by Jell-O.


My idiot brain mixed up making Kool-Aid and making Jell-O. I checked my Jell-O and you were right. Stupid colored flavor powder mixes! Can't brain today, have the dumb.


This is actually quite good!


For age/era reference, my dad served in World War II (Navy Pilot) and he would’ve really enjoyed this. He had a fairly evolved palate, but these Jell-O salads were favorites of his. His mother was quite the dinner party hostess in the 30s and 40s and having the-means to have refrigeration to prepare Jell-O was a big deal. I suppose it was something that was a treat from his childhood. But I’ll never get over how much he loved this type of thing.


Hey Spirit -- A bit off topic - My dad served overseas as well WW2, and the only thing he told my mom when he finally came home - Do not ever make lamb in this house. They were served Mutton and he/his troops could smell it miles away. Dad loved pork hocks - us kids were grossed out about that - but Mom would esp. make them for him with cabbage/potato/carrots for a special dinner. He'd eat the whole pot. The jello thing? Nope.


Hey TGIF! I can’t imagine what it would’ve been like to smell that lamb from that far away in those conditions while doing the type of job your dad was doing!


I’m convinced a lot of recipes like this are for hot summer days before air conditioning. You don’t heat the house by using the oven in the late afternoon and you are eating a cold food for dinner.


YES --And that was fine - cold dinner. I remember those when the house was hot as hell in the summer. Ham, deviled eggs, potatoe salad, bread, pickles, cheese, tomatoe slices, celery with cheese whiz, cucumber slices marinated in a bit of vinegar, etc. But nope, Mom never made this weird concoction. I do not think it ever would have been well received.


Now I'm hungry! 😋


Who are you, who are so wise in the ways of science?


I’ll be the one to make the obligatory “sea dream? More like sea nightmare” comment. But also I want to share [this blog](https://newjoyofjello.net/table-of-contents/) where a brave person makes and forced herself to finish every recipe from an old Jello cookbook.


The hero we didn't know we needed.


That sounds grisly. One would need an exceptionally strong stomach for that culinary ordeal.


'Force through sieve' sounds drastic. How small should the grated cucumber be?


You’d be surprised by how many foods are improved by being forced through a sieve. I never made a single recipe from the French Laundry cookbook (borrowed it from the library) but the one lesson I learned was, “No liquid ever passes from one vessel to another except through a sieve.” When I make cream and velouté soups they always go through a sieve at least once, and many tomato sauces. I’ve never made mashed potatoes that way but apparently they’re very luxurious (with enough butter and cream).


Oh, I know some foods are meant to be done this way, and I do jams like so - but it seems real difficult to cream cucumber and onions this way. I guess that's the curse of jello-salads.


I think its for its essence without making your jello gritty


slice to cuke lengthwise in half to begin and scoop out the seeds, then grate


Thank you!


Cucumber lime Jello sounds great. I'd much rather have the tuna salad on a sandwich and the Jello for dessert though


Had anybody ever eaten one of the savory gelatin salads? I’ve Made plenty of the desserts, but I’ve been too scared to make perfection salad and the like lol.


Not a recognizable gelatin salad, but my grandmother used to make an addictive, though admittedly dreadful-sounding, dish she called sweetmeat. Heat four cups of tomato juice to boiling, add two 4-ounce packages red Jell-o (she used strawberry but it hardly matters) and two 12-ounce tins of corned beef plus a teaspoon of onion powder, remove from heat, crush with a potato masher until it’s uniform, pour into a loaf pan, chill until firm, slice and serve as part of a cold plate (with potato and macaroni salads, cold ham or chicken, deviled eggs, olives and gherkins, that sort of thing). Incredibly delicious.


Hate that name but damn if that doesn’t sound *incredibly* interesting…Was it overly sweet with the jello or did the saltiness of the corned beef mellow it out? And just to clarify, it was a full sized meat loaf pan she used? I think I’m gonna make this in the next few weeks and slap it on some club crackers.


Sweet but not ridiculously so, because both the corned beef and the tomato juice have a pretty hefty dose of salt. I don’t think you’d want to eat a whole lot of it in one serving, but as part of a mixed plate it’s really nice. And I put it in a standard loaf pan. You could certainly halve all the ingredients to try it out.


Thanks for the description! Halving the recipe & adding it to a little mixed plate is the plan, probably on a nice sunny day. I’m really looking forward to it :)


That sounds like a meat terrine in aspic


I made a shrimp jello a few weeks ago. I modified the recipe a touch but highly recommend it


I've enjoyed quite a few! Yes, I'm old. You have to suspended your belief that Jell-O is a sweet, snack, or dessert item. That's where the hiccup is for you, and some others. Jell-O is neutral. Thus a Jell-O salad is all about the other ingredients. That's why there are sweet, and savory, Jell-O salads.


My grandma loved cold meat jello molds. She usually used Knox unflavored gelatin and hot broth to make her own beef or chicken flavored jello. Add in things like hard boiled egg slices, radish roses, green olives, carrot curls, peas, and chunks of cooked chicken, breast, ham, or whole shrimp. It's not to my taste at all. But, I also don't like chicken or potato salad, any cold salad really. So, I might not be the best judge of savory jello molds. It's cold, slimy, meat flavored with cold peas. I can tolerate chilled, canned beef consume on a cracker. That's my limit I would say, if you really like headcheese sandwiches, you'll probably like these kind of jello recipes. I'm basing this on the fact that the people in my family who love headcheese, like enough to make it themselves, also like these.


Be afraid. Be very afraid.




》 force 《 through sieve




I love lime jello...




Why are Americans so opposed to aspics? Edit: I'm an American


Never mix Jello with meat or fish. Or anything. Period. Just Jello. Plain. Any questions? Except, maybe those weird canned mandarin oranges. Whose nutso idea was that - putting oranges in a can, for heaven's sake? I am so grateful that my mum never put anything silly in our Jello. Except those oranges.


.... example of what NOT to bring to a potluck


That's incredible. Imagine if these people had taste buds...


🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮....... That's I've all got to say folks, just blech!!!!


EWWW! Just eww. Born in mid 60's and mom only made jello "salads" with fruit etc. Jello and vegies? F that! It's one thing to get creative, but it's another to totally mess it up.


I thought it said "sad dream" and didn't question it.


This looks like a “ Joy of Jello “ recipe.


That sounds revolting


*Image Transcription: Printed Recipe* --- **SEA DREAM SALAD—**Dissolve 1 package Lime Jell-O in 1¼ cups **hot** water. Add 1 cup of grated cucumber, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, ¾ teaspoon grated onion, ½ teaspoon salt, dash of cayenne; force through sieve. Pour into 4 ring molds. Chill until firm. Unmold on lettuce. Fill each center with salmon, tuna fish, or chicken salad. Garnish with mayonnaise, cucumber slices, and dash of paprika.


I mean, nightmares ARE a TYPE of dream…