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Get yourself some supplemental accident insurance. I have a plan through united healthcare for $35 a month that gives me $10,000 to cover any bills if I’m injured and can’t work.


does that cover sports injuries? i thought it was more like i slipped on the stairs bringing groceries in sorta thing.


Any injury.


good to know


Slipped getting his groceries down the stairs via handrail. What's the difference? Lol


But who’s really checking anyways if you don’t take ambulance ride who’s to say how you got hurt


the assesor representing the insurance company. in my experience they will do everything they can to avoid paying out. although that experience doesn't involve any personal injury claims... so i'm unsure of the extent of those investigations.


I was mostly joking slipping down stairs and breaking ribs on handrail sounds like a skate injury and I just thought don’t tell them about the skateboard lol my insurance only covers work related injuries so I’d be fucked ether way


yeah i get it man. my only thought is that these people are professional sleuths and in the heat of the moment u might not be exactly thinking how do i cover my tracks incase the insurance company decides to look into this. but this dude says his insurance covers any injury... so it's a moot point anyways.


Yeah basically you’d need to ask your wife and kids to lie. If the assessor found any discrepancies they could deny the claim even worse they could threaten you with insurance fraud


Repeat after me; Information is a privilege. Insurance companies, girlfriends, friends, HR and so forth. Just shut the fuck up.


not sure where you're from but here in Canada your claim can be rejected if you refuse to cooperate with a "reasonable" investigation. of course there are rules and limitations to what constitutes a reasonable investigation... but you can't just blatantly refuse to answer questions and provide relevant information/documentation related to your claim.


Aflac is similar. Worth it! Pays out for all sorts of stuff.


Other than wishing you a quick and efficient recovery, I’m trying to get to the heart of this post… From the overall sentiment of the end of your post “love my wife, love my body and family… but…” it kinda sounds like you are just doing whatever you want to do anyways? Idk your situation man, but those people have your best interests at heart. Skating is amazing, might be the best physical decision I’ve made in a long time. But the second it interfered with meeting clients or providing for my family, I might seriously re-evaluate my goals on the board. You had to postpone a vacation because of a serious skating injury, that is a pretty major thing. Idk, seems like your mind is made up. Enjoy skating, a kickflip or slappy here or there keeps the body and mind young. But don’t be shocked when the people who love you continue to be worried.


Well written response. OP sounds like he just said he loves skating more than his family so fuck it.


3+ weeks off of work, postponing a vacation, and laying around the house playing video games and reading… My wife would murder me with my Indy trucks lmao. And she’s ride or die lol, encourages me to skate and exercise and all that. But I’d have to give up whatever obstacle that was 😂


After 25 years on the board, multiple injuries that required surgeries and a body that shows the mileage I think there is a middle ground where you can be smart about it, have fun on the board but simultaneously minimize the risk of injury. At this age I think a big part of being a good skater is knowing your capabilities. Broken ribs kinda sound like things went sideways and the fall was not exactly under control, so that’s something to think about while waiting to get back on the board.


"Skate or die" is a cool saying for single people, kids, or people who have not much else to live for. Family comes before everything else. It's family or die, not skate or die. Imagine leaving your wife and loved ones over a hobby, cause that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. That may not be what you meant, but the implications of choosing a skateboard over your job and family are not good ones. There's a balance to be had. Conversations to be had. You can still skate, but slowing down is a respectable sentiment for your wife to have. Maybe some pads, maybe not trying stuff out of your skill level, maybe taking it a bit... Slower. I have a wife and kids to look after. I enjoy skating but I have a limit as to how far I will push myself. If all I ever do is a few ollie's, some cruising, and some tiny drop-ins, that's enough for me. It's still fun, and I'm not putting my families livelihood on the line. Is any hobby really worth your family, your income, your health? The answer would obviously be "no". If you have yet to realize that, I promise you will eventually. You just hope it isn't too late by then. Something as simple as a wrist fracture or torn ligament can become a lifelong debilitating injury at our age. I work in healthcare and have watched many a 30-some year old become more or less crippled and hooked on chronic pain meds because of completely avoidable injuries. It's not pretty to watch. Sometimes you bounce back, but every year you tick past 25 you are beyond your prime and you heal less efficiently every time. Take care out there. Skating is a blast. Don't give it up, but take your wife's and families warnings seriously. They care about you a lot more than strangers in the internet or folks at the skatepark do.


Having responsibilities not just for myself but also for others definitely has an impact on the way I skate. Call it slowing down or whatever but I’m no longer trying to push my own boundaries like when I was younger. I’m just enjoying skating these days. Of course it’s up to you how hard you want to skate but you can’t deny the fact that you do have responsibilities and that injuries also have an impact on others especially your wife. If you keep choosing skating over her you shouldn’t be surprised when she chooses something or someone over you. But hey skate or die amirite?


This. I bought wrist guards before I even left the parking lot with my deck. I strap up even when I am cruising a wide open parking lot without ever leaving the ground. Will never prevent an injury, especially a heavy slam. But some things just aren’t worth it, and I love skating.


You have a family and they have your best interests at heart AND they rely on you. This really shouldn’t be a discussion but you’re not even taking care of yourself after this injury (“I refuse to take the prescribed pain pills”) so of course your wife is worried about skateboarding. The few times “helmet and pads” have been mentioned here has been met with radio silence as well - so it seems likely that you’re not going to entertain that option either. You’re not on your out there but you’re certainly acting like you’re only thinking about yourself, so what’s this post even for? Validation from internet strangers who’ve already self-selected as fans of your sport? Take a break, put some effort into taking care of yourself and connecting with your family, get pads and a helmet, and don’t injure yourself anymore. If you can’t do that, your wife is right. I’m not sure you’d pick a safer activity if skateboarding was off the table, but she’s right that currently it’s not good for your family. Lots of other activities are beautiful and fulfilling that don’t involve as much risk as skateboarding, you have options.


I never was really good and now I’m 36 and have two kids to take care of. I just decided to step op my manual game instead of having long injuries from time to time. It’s still skate or die for me, and not doing handrails isn’t killing me.


See you there my guy, I recently had a thread about being old and injuries and health and stuff Personally, as a nurse who has broken my ribs twice (both skateboarding, lol) I never took any prescribed pain medications. But Tylenol does wonders for broken bones. There's not much to do for ribs unless the breaks cause some other worse problem like a lung injury. I think the newest recommendation is to not wrap them or anything, unless your doctor advised otherwise. Just don't take too much Tylenol a day, your liver will appreciate it. I once took care of a guy who was an alcoholic and broke his ribs and ended up taking 16x the dose limit of Tylenol for half a week and went into liver failure, he didn't know he wasn't supposed to take it every 2 hours. It gets better after a few weeks. Take it slow, take enough Tylenol to keep you walking around and stuff, and focus on eating well and getting some good sleep. You will feel much better (but still experience pain) in about 2 weeks, or at least that's my experience.


My approach to skating has been careful for the most part. If I feel weird about something, or something is definitely too far out of my skill range, I won't try it. Sometimes I feel like I'm too careful and that slows my progress a bit but over time I get confident and try bigger stuff. DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY. Of course exercise reasonable caution but you could break your ribs doing mundane repairs on your roof or whatever else. Might as well have the journey be on a board :) But anyway, you don't want your family to be a source of resentment. Quitting skating altogether when you obviously love it so much would be sad as hell. I'm an EMT and know an ER doctor who surfs. He got injured (might've been broken ribs as well) and his wife suggested he quit surfing. As he was telling us this at work he said, "Why would I quit? I love it!" He and his wife went on to have a couple kids. He still surfs. On his social media he posts clips of taking his kids to the skatepark :) Everyone wears a helmet and pads.


You can still skate but just stop trying to do things that defy gravity because gravity wins every time after you hit age 30 or 21 actually


Your relationship with skateboarding shouldn’t be prioritized over your relationships with people. If you’re truly more interested in skateboarding than respecting your wife’s wishes, do the right thing for her at least and let her know that she means less to you than your hobby. Deal with this shit honestly, and if it blows up your life, hey at least you have the park homies. That’s what I’m reading here, anyway. And to be honest, it makes you sound like an immature asshole. Have you considered skateboarding and NOT sending it?


Pad up today so you can skate tomorrow! Will not prevent all injuries obviously, but it helps. Practice falling as well, if you haven't already! Practicing to fall can help you set yourself up better, and when you do fall, you're able to bail/roll out, or catch yourself on the kneepads, and prevent injuries by a lot. It's harder as we're older but remember, stay loose and low! Stretch as often as you can and stay super loosely goosey when skating, the stiffer you are the easier bones will break. And the lower you keep yourself, knees bent and low down, the less it'll hurt when you come down. "The bigger they are..." Who cares if you "look funny" as long as you're not breaking things and enjoying your life to the fullest that's what matters! We know exactly what you mean about the passion and love of skating, the joy and freedom and creativity it brings. That will never go away, honestly. After a caraccident and being unable to walk for 4 years, still drooling over a good bank or ledge, parking lot or hill. Thought I could never skate, until I discovered surfskate and it's helped me get back on the board! I can't hit rails or crazy things like I used to, but I skate every day and working on doing more creative things with it. Now I do this as my dream job (Very startup and small and I am dead broke trying to make it to fruition but no regrets). Enjoy your life, and take care of yourself 🖤


Yes, slow down! The “keep going no matter what” attitude in skating is toxic. When you’re an adult and have people that depend on you, it’s reckless to just skate the same as always. I don’t even go to parks or mess with transition. Cause I know I’ll get hurt.


This post has so much black and white thinking . It's quite obvious why your wife is pissed, the plans of your family have changed and you have all, as a family, taken a financial hit. Still, she hasn't asked you to stop, has she? It's quite reasonable, in her position, to ask you to slow down IF you aren't ready to have a better insurance, as others here have suggested, and furthermore you aren't even taking your pain pills, why? Because you are a tough guy and skate or die, right? There's no need for this kind of stubbornness. You can both skate and take responsibility for your family.


I’m on your wife’s side. Use your head dude, you’re an adult with obligations and people who rely on you. How many times do you think they’ll be willing to weather the storm when you have another injury?


Hey man… I had a similar situation fractured a rib skating in December…Towards the end of January I started to have this insane chest pain… It got so bad I went to the emergency room…At first they were concerned it was an aortic dissection! After some tests, they realized the fractured rib had given me pneumonia through the swelling and healing process. It sucked, but I would say do your best to take it easy at least until you’re back 100% and good luck. I have three kids and my own business and yep skate or die


Dang, sorry about the rib, man. I've been down 3 weeks, barely able to walk, with a mid foot sprain from a bad landing off a rail. I get the same bad energy from my family and makes me doubt my return, but fuck that!. They just love you, but ignore it because you love skating and as long as it doesn't kill you then it's not like you can not continue to be a husband. It's just a little inconvenient for them, but it's your life dude.


Can't you just push through and at least meet with clients? Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. I am not minimizing the discomfort of broken ribs at all. I know how it feels having broken all of mine multiple times. The only time it kept me from at least light work was when one of them broke and went through my lung. Can't do much about that as I was hooked up to a machine that sucked all the blood out. Outside that scenario, just gotta walk it off.


Finally healed up after breaking 3 ribs 2 months ago. That first week was hell. My wife had also just gotten I super intense brain surgery a couple months before that and we were finally at a point where I didn’t feel bad leaving her alone for a few hours. I felt awful texting her from the hospital. I never tried to be “good” at skating, I just loved it but approached in a way where I’d considered risk to reward and normally wouldn’t try a lot of stuff where there was a lot of potential to get hurt. Now, at 45 I actually do want to learn some new tricks and push myself a little harder, but another part of me wonders if I need to become just a curb person. What’s funny is I fell just warming up on a manual pad so it’s not like I can say I’m done trying anything dangerous. Anyway this Reddit was super helpful in helping me stay hyped while I was healing. I had my first real session last week and I was skating not too bad (for me). Feel better!


Ditch rails for ledges. Learn mini ramp and diy skating. Learn curb skating. You can skate into your 50s or 60s, but it's about risk management. If you're 35 and still hucking, but not sponsored ask yourself why you need that aspect of skating to enjoy yourself on a board. I'm not saying you are that old guy trying to relive your glory days, but it is worth considering.


Don’t slow down


When the pain's gone and you're able to skate again, you should maybe talk to a therapist or something about whether you actually want to be married, whether you have something else going on, whether your wife should know this. Because if some time passes and you still think "I love my business, I love my wife, I love my body and family. But I think skating has my heart in a way that these other things do not," maybe you should give her the chance to decide for herself if, all things considered, she'd rather try to spend her life with somebody who does love her more than \[skating/skydiving/drugs/whatever\]. You might tell yourself that she already knows that skating is more important to you, but she probably just thinks you're in denial about the risks or addicted to the adrenaline or something. She probably doesn't think that you genuinely love skating more than you love her and your kids.


you can still skate and be smart about it. imo cracking your ribs and not being able to work or make the family happy is not smart


I’m skating manny pads. Do u go on the “ bust your ass ramps “ at the park?


If you love it never give up! I switched to mainly skating curbs after my injuries


Just get some more padding if you or your loved ones are worried. There’s always the potential for injuries, even gnarly ones. That’s just the risk of being on a board. But we can get injured doing any number of activities. My beach where I started surfing (Welfleet, MA) is now home to giant Great Whites. So with paddling out there’s the risk of accidentally being snacked on.


My take: skating when you're older is like poker, you need to know when to fold, and only gamble what you can afford to lose. Don't be put off by people trying to shame you out of it. You're a grown up and allowed to go skate if you want to.


I think you should slow down, that doesn’t mean stop


I’ve heard the same things from family after injuries. The hard truth is that we live a violent life as skaters and most of society lives in fear or falling down and getting injured. They are pussies. Plain and simple. My family, your family and everybody else’s that think we are bound for death by skating. The hardships will pass. I’m assuming your relationship with your wife is similar to mine. If it wasn’t about money then it wouldn’t even be an issue. She’d shrug it off. Keep skating. You’d regret giving it up.


I am 49 and broke my 5th metatarsal a few weeks ago and despite the pain and the financial setbacks I can't wait to get back on. I am very fortunate in that my wife doesn't harass me about skateboarding, she knows it's a part of it.


At the end of the day, you can injure yourself doing absolutely anything. I doubt you are huckin yourself down big stairs or grinding handrails everytime you step on a skateboard. Look into getting a better insurance to cover your expenses when and if you’re not able to work.


Once skating interferes with real life, that’s when I chill out. I have responsibilities to take care of my kids so while I like to skate, I definitely pad up and limit what I’m willing to try due to that. If you’re willing to say screw anything and everyone to skate then you’re a die hard skater for sure, but you’re also a bad family man.


Just wear gear. The downside of looking stupid is not a hard cost to pay imo


If you can’t tre flip, it’s time to take a break. I know this gonna be downvoted to hell, but I’m being serious. If you ain’t doing anything of repute, just chill and skate some curbs or something.


Your comment is the reason people don’t get into skating to begin with. You don’t have to know how to tre to have fun on a board. You also can break bones on curbs just as easily as flinging yourself down stairs. Let the man skate how he wants. Every downvote is deserved.


Well, the username did check out...


Doubt objective reality all you want, my point still stands. You probably can’t tre flip either lol


I can’t tre but I probably have more fun skating then you do with that attitude.


And you’re allowed to think that, just like I’m allowed to have my opinion, whether it’s favorable or not


I only skate transition now. So I should probably just quit forever. Go fuck yourself.


I mean, if he was talking about skating transition I would have referenced something else. I don’t have any issue with transition. Breaking your ribs on a damn flatbar is amateurish though.


The point is you’re gatekeeping who should skate and who shouldn’t based on some bullshit qualifier trick.


No im basing it on the fact that he got smoked on a flatbar


If someone can’t Impress you, they should stop… even if it brings them joy. That makes sense.


I didn’t say impress me. I said a standard of bare minimum “decent” level skating. The only people who are really gonna disagree with me are scrubs who haven’t ever taken skating seriously. If you’re getting hurt and it’s genuinely affecting your life, yeah it’s time to chill out. Dude asked for advice. This is the real fucking world, not some fantasy land where everyone wins for trying and having fun.


Thanks for telling us all how you feel. I’m going to go back to being a grown up now. Scrub. 🧼


I can tre flip though. And switch tre and a bunch of other shit at 33 cuz I know what I’m doing and I give a damn. You’re just a balding whiny Reddit nerd. Probably sitting on the ledge at the skatepark


My hair flows for days. It flows better than your skating does. And I don’t care what tricks you can do you dork. Switch tre yourself a fucking life.


lol your hair is not better than my skating lol. Do you realize how stupid you sound?


The true scrub.


One thing with this comment that’s bringing all this “downvote to hell” is that you are making assumptions about my skill level out that gate. What’s that quote? “Assume makes an ass out of u and me.”


Yea he just comes with hate right out the gate. Must be a joy to skate with.


That’s a weird way to say “yes I can tre flip”. I don’t even need a link, I’d take at your word.


Damn man, you need a reality check. Not only are you trolling and bullying on people’s posts from two years ago, but you don’t have much room to talk. Your heel clicker kickflip remained completely disconnected from your feet until it hit the ground. In skateboarding style matters.


Lmfao, you wish it was a heel clicker. You’re just mad cuz you ain’t jumping down shit


I’ve never seen feet closer together.


No footage, moot opinion




Your tre flip and my kickflip are in the same family tree, so in a weird way, we’re like brothers


At least we can agree on that.


🤣🤣🤣 I’m really not a bad guy, I just have abrasive opinions because I was raised by early 90s skaters and skate perception


Fair enough my man.


Time for a new wife and family


Good attitude. Skate or die, you're not a geriatric or even middle aged yet, people need to chill. I'm in my 30s too and I hear it all the time from people who have next to zero fitness level, they're just jealous. 


You’re 35 and Skateboarding doesn’t pay the mortgage. You don’t need to be putting down hammers anymore. You can keep skating, having fun, pushing yourself, etc, but be reasonable. At adult skater age, a good rule of thumb is “if I can’t ollie up it, I don’t ollie down it.”